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Hijack an enemy transport and escort it to extraction. Guard the vehicle from enemies as it moves along a path.
In order to make the target move, Tenno must stand next to the cart and use energy from their shields to power it. As the shields drain, the cart will move along the path towards extraction. The more Tenno giving shield power, the faster the transport moves. The transport will lose health over time, so speed is critical to ensuring success.
—In-Game Description

Hijack is a Mission type where players must take control of a large, mobile objective and safely lead it to extraction.


Players must find a room which will hold the objective, a Fomorian Power Core in Grineer missions and a Cargo Rover in Corpus missions. Once found, players must activate a console to release the objective, which will travel a preset path to extraction. The objective will siphon power from a player's Shields in order to move, stopping when no shields are available, either when the players' shields are fully drained or when no players are close enough to the objective to siphon power. If it doesn't move after a set duration, the objective will gradually move backwards.

As the objective moves along, enemies will try to destroy it before it reaches extraction. Though the objective is durable with 10,000 health, it gradually loses health at a rate of 10 points per second. Coupled with incoming enemy fire the objective can easily be destroyed without player intervention.

Upon successfully escorting the objective to the extraction point, the player's Landing Craft will collect the objective and carry it away, completing the mission.

Nightmare Mode[]

Nightmare Mode variants of Grineer Shipyard Hijack missions, in addition to imposing up to two modifiers, feature the following mechanics:

  • Doors on the Fomorian Power Core's path no longer open automatically—each door must first be unlocked by hacking a nearby console.
  • Prox Mines are now present on the rail—these must be removed by force in order to prevent them from dealing heavy damage to the core.


Planet Mission Name Faction Credit Reward Addtional Credit Reward Wiki's DropTableAlias Level Tileset
Ceres Ludi Grineer 2,400 0 15 - 17 Grineer Shipyard
Europa Sorath Corpus 2,800 0 19 - 21 Corpus Ice Planet
Sedna Marid Grineer 4,300 0 34 - 38 Grineer Shipyard
There are a total of 3 Hijack Missions


  • Shield siphoning bypasses the protection from Overguard or NezhaIcon272 Nezha's WardingHalo130xWhite Warding Halo, draining shields directly without affecting them in any way.
  • Grineer Hijack missions have an additional obstacle in the form of Blast Doors, which will stop the objective momentarily as the doors open. Although the objective will not drain shields in this period, enemies can close in on the objective while it is vulnerable.
  • Objectives in Hijack Sorties will generate a Nullifier field around them, preventing the use of abilities close to the objective.
  • It is possible to get on the objective with careful maneuvering and "ride" it to extraction, eliminating the need to move along with the objective as well as constantly powering it until shields are drained. This is more easily done on Corpus Hijack missions due to the objective being a ground-based rover instead a core suspended from a rail.
  • Each player will see their own Landing Craft during the extraction screen.
  • The objective drains 4 points of shields/health (see below) every second in order to move.
  • As InarosIcon272 Inaros, KullervoIcon272 Kullervo, and NidusIcon272 Nidus have no shields, the objective will instead drain their health in order to move.
    • In Nidus's case, his innate health regeneration is not interrupted by the objective's health drain, and will generally counteract any health loss from the Objective.
  • If YareliIcon272 Yareli is riding Merulina130xWhite Merulina, the objective will take Merulina's health first, with no drain on Yareli's shields. Due to Merulina's high health, it's unlikely that she'll even need to be resummoned before the end of the mission.
  • If the objective receives full power continuously, it will reach extraction in 180 seconds, not including unavoidable delays due to Blast Doors on the path.
    • Without any unavoidable delays (i.e. on Corpus Hijack missions), the objective will have at most 8200 health at extraction if it is not healed on the way.
  • Standard Hijack missions do not grant any additional affinity, credits or Mission Rewards for completing the objective.


  • It is recommended to equip Mod TT 20px Fast Deflection and/or Mod TT 20px Fortitude to shorten shield regeneration time.
  • Possibly the worst frame to bring to a solo Hijack mission is GrendelIcon272 Grendel(GrendelPrimeIcon272 Prime) as he possesses very little shields (25-75 for Grendel depending on Rank, and 95 for Grendel Prime) and so will push the Objective a very short distance before having to regenerate.
  • Polarize130xWhite Polarize and Blessing130xWhite Blessing can be used to replenish players' shields quickly, not only providing more shields to power the objective but also increasing the players' survivability. Squad Shield Restores can also be used for the same purpose.
  • A Raksa Kubrow's Mod TT 20px Protect mod, along with the Mod TT 20px Guardian mod for Robotic Companions will also help players regenerate shields on a personal level.
    • Mod TT 20px Shield Charger can be used to periodically restore the shields of the companion's owner along with any nearby allies.
  • HarrowIcon272 Harrow is recommended for this mission type, as his increased Overshield capacity, as well as Condemn130xWhite Condemn generating shields for every enemy hit, allows him to stay near the Objective for longer periods.
  • HildrynIcon272 Hildryn is also an ideal choice for this mission type due to her massive shield capacity as well as the ability to regenerate shields using Pillage130xWhite Pillage, allowing her to singlehandedly power the objective.
  • CalibanIcon Caliban's LethalProgeny130xWhite Lethal Progeny can be used to restore allied shields and keep the objective powered, while all Sentient summons will teleport close to Caliban if they get too far away. The Summulyst in particular can draw fire away from the objective through its Choralyst minions.
  • StyanaxIcon272 Styanax can cast RallyPoint130xWhite Rally Point on his team so that kills constantly restore shields, allowing him and his team to maintain the objective as it moves along.
  • Sources of Overguard, either through abilities (IronSkin130xWhite Iron Skin, RecompenseIcon Recompense, LightVerse130xWhite Light Verse), augments (Mod TT 20px Icy Avalanche, Mod TT 20px Intrepid Stand), or SecondaryFortifier Secondary Fortifier are recommended as they can take damage in lieu of shields or health.
    • NezhaIcon272 Nezha's Mod TT 20px Safeguard augment can be used for a similar purpose, though some damage will bypass the extra protection.
  • Through the Helminth, players can swap out one of their Warframe's abilities for Condemn130xWhite Condemn, Pillage130xWhite Pillage, or RebuildShields130xWhite Rebuild Shields, allowing some form of shield restoration if they're willing to sacrifice an ability slot.
  • NidusIcon272 Nidus's innate passive health regeneration will surpass the objective's health drain rate, allowing him to still regenerate health while staying near the objective.
  • Mods from the Augur Mod Set can help generate shields as well, while Mod TT 20px Brief Respite provides this effect for the entire squad.


  • Hijack was introduced in Update 12.4 (2014-03-05) during the Tethra's Doom event, and made a permanent mission type in Update 13.0 (2014-04-09).
  • Up until Update 15.6 (2014-12-11), which introduced a Corpus variant of the Hijack mission type on Europa, Ceres was the only planet that hosted this mission type.
  • This is the second mission type where the traditional extraction animation is not used, the first being Defense.
  • A possible predecessor of this mission type was Escort, which was first mentioned in Livestream 11 alongside Survival. In the proposed mission type players would have to escort a robotic proxy of The Lotus throughout the map. There is a key difference between Escort and Hijack however; In Escort, staying close to the proxy would give players temporary buffs, Whereas in Hijack, the defense objective drains the players' shields instead in order to move.
  • An altered version of Grineer Shipyard Hijack, with a guaranteed appearance of The Grustrag Three, was featured during the second stage of both versions of The Law of Retribution.


Patch History[]

Update 31.1 (2022-02-09)

  • Fixed Hijack Rover health drain being displayed as -10s instead of -10.

Update 31.0 (2021-12-15)

  • Fixed Steel Path Hijack escort object having normal level Health.
  • Fixed enemies struggling to target the Hijack escort target.

Hotfix 27.3.8 (2020-04-02)

  • Fixed broken/missing UI for Clients in Hijack missions.

Hotfix 27.2.2 (2020-03-06)

  • Fixed rare script crash that would break your Hijack mission if the objective is destroyed at the very last moment before extraction.
  • Fixed 1:60 chance your Hijack mission would break if you let the Objective get destroyed.
  • Fixed a script crash that could occur with Hijack missions under heavy lag.

Hotfix 27.2.1 (2020-03-05)

  • Fixed numerous bugs for Clients joining Hijack missions in progress.
  • Fixed several harmless script crashes that would occur during a Host migration in Hijack missions.

Update 13.0 (2014-04-09)

Update 12.4 (2014-03-05)

See also[]
