Official wiki

If there are new discoveries to make or ancient tools of war yet to be excavated, the Grineer want to be there first — at the frontier of space exploration. Always seeking the upper-hand against their foes, they have numerous deployments that border the known reaches of our solar system, poised to enter brave new territory and unexplored space on command.
—Sedna Fragment

Sedna is a dwarf planet where the IconGrineerOn Grineer are the controlling faction.

Sedna becomes accessible by defeating the Specter in the Sedna Junction on Pluto after completing the required tasks.

The Assassination Target on this dwarf planet is Kela De Thaym, who is located in the mission node Merrow and where the blueprints for the parts of the SarynIcon272 Saryn Warframe can be obtained. Uniquely, in order to access the Kela De Thaym boss battle, players must accumulate sufficient Judgement Points by playing the various Arena missions on Sedna. As of Update 20.0 (2017-03-24), 25 Judgement Points are required to access the boss battle, with 12 being expended each time a player is successful in defeating Kela De Thaym.

Sedna does not currently have a Tenno Relay.


Invasion Missions: The Corpus will appear as a "Sideable or Opposing" faction while the Infested will always appear as an "Opposing" faction during Invasion missions.

Spy Missions: Special enemy variants have a chance of spawning during Spy missions.

Survival Missions: The following lists below do not apply to Survival missions.

IconCorpusOn Corpus IconGrineerOn Grineer Infestation w Infested


Target Name Type Level Credit Reward Additional Credit Reward Tile Set Mastery EXP Internal Name Hidden Node
IconGrineerB Naga Rescue 30 - 34 3,900 0 Grineer Galleon 177 SolNode189
IconGrineerB Berehynia Interception 30 - 40 3,900 0 Grineer Shipyard 50 SolNode185
IconGrineerB Selkie Survival 30 - 40 3,900 0 Grineer Asteroid 177 SolNode187
IconGrineerB Hydron Defense 30 - 40 3,900 0 Grineer Galleon 177 SolNode195
IconGrineerB Rusalka Sabotage 32 - 36 4,100 0 Grineer Galleon 177 SolNode184
IconGrineerB Adaro Exterminate 32 - 36 4,100 0 Grineer Asteroid 177 SolNode181
IconGrineerB Kappa Disruption 34 - 38 4,300 0 Grineer Galleon 177 SolNode177
IconGrineerB Marid Hijack 34 - 38 4,300 0 Grineer Shipyard 177 SolNode191
IconGrineerB Charybdis Mobile Defense 34 - 38 4,300 0 Grineer Galleon 177 SolNode196
KelaDeThaym sigil b Merrow Assassination 35 - 40 4,400 0 Grineer Asteroid 100 SolNode193
IconGrineerB Kelpie Spy 35 - 40 4,400 0 Grineer Galleon 177 SolNode188
IconInfestedB Amarna Survival (Dark Sector) 35 - 45 4,400 16,000 Grineer Galleon 0 ClanNode14
IconInfestedB Sangeru Defense (Dark Sector) 35 - 45 4,400 16,000 Grineer Asteroid 0 ClanNode15
IconGrineerB Nakki Arena 40 - 40 4,900 0 Grineer Shipyard 177 SolNode190
IconGrineerB Yam Arena 60 - 60 6,900 0 Grineer Sealab 177 SolNode199
IconGrineerB Vodyanoi Arena 85 - 85 9,400 0 Grineer Sealab 177 SolNode183


  • Due to Sedna being the second planet to feature the Grineer Shipyard tileset, it is also the only planet besides Ceres where Grineer Drudge non-combatants can be encountered. These are non-hostile until they are attacked and damaged, in which case they will attack with their various tools.
  • Due to the Grineer Shipyard tileset, this is also the second location beside Ceres where Guardsmen and their Eximus variant, the Prosecutors can be found.
  • When Sangeru is under the control of a Kuva Lich, the units that spawn are the usually Sealab-exclusive Drekar units rather than baseline Grineer.



Patch History[]

Update 36.0 (2024-06-18)

  • Fixed camera pulling way above Sedna when selecting it in the Star Chart.

Update 30.2 (2021-05-12)

  • Swapped game modes of Kelpie and Kappa nodes on Sedna: Disruption <-> Spy. This moves Disruption off the main path forward to aid in New Player Experience.

Update 29.5 (2020-11-19)

  • Various fixes to lighting issues in Sedna skyboxes.

Update 27.2 (2020-03-05)

  • Optimized Hydron, Sedna to improve performance.

Update 25.7 (2019-08-29)

  • Kelpie is now a Disruption node.
  • Moved Sabotage from Kelpie to Rusalka to replace Capture
