
An amorphous solid. Possibly Orokin technology.
—In-Game Description

Morphics Morphics are a rare resource that can be found on Mercury, Mars, Phobos, Europa, and Pluto. It is usually found in quantities of 1. Morphics can also be aquired from certain Assassination targets.

Farming Locations[]

These are based on opinions and may not be 100% true. These should be viewed as advice for finding the resource until better facts are proven.

Target Planet Name Type Level Tile Set
IconGrineerB Mars Hellas Exterminate 8 - 10 Grineer Settlement
IconCorpusB Mars Gradivus Sabotage 9 - 11 Corpus Ship
IconGrineerB Mars Augustus Excavation 9 - 14 Grineer Settlement
IconGrineerB Mars Olympus Disruption 15 - 20 Grineer Settlement
IconGrineerOrCorpus Mars Tyana Pass Mirror Defense 25 - 30 Grineer Settlement
LechKril sigil b Mars War Assassination 11 - 13 Grineer Settlement
NefAnyo sigil b Phobos Iliad Assassination 13 - 15 Corpus Ship
IconInfestedB Mars Wahiba Survival (Dark Sector) 10 - 20 Corpus Ship
IconInfestedB Phobos Zeugma Survival (Dark Sector) 15 - 25 Grineer Asteroid
IconInfestedB Mercury Lares Defense 6 - 11 Grineer Asteroid
IconInfestedB Mars Kadesh Defense (Dark Sector) 10 - 20 Grineer Settlement

Drop Locations[]

Mission Drop Tables

Mission Type Source Rotations
Drop Table
Chance[1] Quantity[2] Avg. per roll[3] Star Chart Nodes
Annihilation Annihilation (Conclave) B 0.25% 1 0.0025
Cephalon Capture Cephalon Capture (Conclave) B 0.25% 1 0.0025
Cetus Bounty Cetus Bounty Lvl 5-15 Final Stage B 8.33% 2 0.1666
Cetus Bounty Cetus Bounty Lvl 5-15 Final Stage A 8.33% 2 0.1666
Lunaro Lunaro (Conclave) B 0.25% 1 0.0025
Sabotage Tier 1 Reactor Sabotage C 5.5% 2 0.11
Sabotage Tier 1 Reactor Sabotage C 15.1% 1 0.151
Team Annihilation Team Annihilation (Conclave) B 0.25% 1 0.0025
Weekly Conclave Challenge Reward Weekly Conclave Challenge Reward B 12.5% 10 1.25

Complete all weekly Conclave challenges to get this reward in your in-game inbox:

  • Match Won: Win 6 matches of any game type.
  • Match Complete: Complete 20 matches of any game type.
  • Conditioning: Complete 10 Daily Challenges.

Enemy Drop Tables

Enemy Drop Table Chance[4] Item Chance[5] Chance[6] Expected Kills[7] Quantity[8] Avg. per roll attempt[9]

Sourced from the official drop table repository. See Module:DropTables/data to edit on the wiki.

Blueprints Requiring Morphics[]

Click to view the Blueprints requiring Morphics
Blueprint Type Quantity
Air Support Charges x10 Gear 1
Akzani Akzani Secondary 2
Anku Anku Melee 4
Anspatha Brace Amp 10
Ascaris Negator Quest 1
AshIcon272 Ash Chassis Component 1
AshIcon272 Ash Systems Component 1
AtlasIcon272 Atlas Systems Component 5
Atterax Desert-Camo Skin Cosmetic 3
Attica Attica Primary 2 (1)
AuroxiumAlloy Auroxium Alloy x20 Resource 5
Azima Azima Secondary 4
BansheeIcon272 Banshee Chassis Component 1
Banshee PrimeIcon272 Banshee Prime Chassis Component 10
BansheeIcon272 Banshee Systems Component 1 (1)
Baza Baza Primary (5)
Bishamo Pauldrons Cosmetic 10
Blazing Step Ephemera Cosmetic 100
Boar Boar Primary 6
Boot Trophy Decoration 5
BrokenScepter Broken Scepter Melee 2
Burston Burston Primary 1
Burston Solstice Skin Cosmetic 3
CetiLacera Ceti Lacera Melee 15
Clan Key Key 1
Clapkra Brace Amp 10
Corinth Solstice Skin Cosmetic 3
Crewmen's Boot Trophy Decoration 5
Cronus Cronus Melee 1
Cryophon Ship Turret (1)
Cryophon Mk I Ship Turret (1)
Cryophon Mk II Ship Turret (1)
Cuthol Trophy Decoration 5
Despair Despair Secondary 10
Drakgoon Drakgoon Primary 5
Dread Dread Primary 6
DualEther Dual Ether Melee 3
DualHeatSwords Dual Heat Swords Melee 2
DualSkana Dual Skana Melee 2
DualZoren Dual Zoren Melee 4
Dual Zoren Dagger-Axe Skin Cosmetic 1
Elytron Harness Component 1
Elytron Systems Component 5
EmberIcon272 Ember Chassis Component 1
Ember PrimeIcon272 Ember Prime Chassis Component 3
Ember PrimeIcon272 Ember Prime Systems Component 1
EmberIcon272 Ember Systems Component 1
Endura Endura Melee (5)
EquinoxIcon272 Equinox Night Aspect Chassis Component 1
EquinoxIcon272 Equinox Night Aspect Systems Component 1
EquinoxPrimeIcon Equinox Prime Chassis Component 10
EtherDaggers Ether Daggers Melee 5
EtherReaper Ether Reaper Melee 10
EtherSword Ether Sword Melee 4
ExcaliburIcon272 Excalibur Chassis Component 1
Excalibur Mordred Helmet Cosmetic 2
ExcaliburIcon272 Excalibur Systems Component 1
Exergis Shock-Camo Skin Cosmetic 3
Falcor Shock-Camo Skin Cosmetic 3
Fang Fang Melee 1
Forma Forma Enhancement 1
FrostIcon272 Frost Chassis Component 1
Frost PrimeIcon272 Frost Prime Chassis Component 1
Frost PrimeIcon272 Frost Prime Systems Component 1
FrostIcon272 Frost Systems Component 1
Galatine Solstice Skin Cosmetic 3
GaraIcon272 Gara Systems Component 2
Glaive Glaive Melee 10
Glappid Trophy Decoration 5
Gorgon Gorgon Primary 5
GrendelIcon272 Grendel Systems Component 10
Grinlok Desert-Camo Skin Cosmetic 3
Grustrag Bolt Release Item 1
Guandao Guandao Melee (5)
Guandao Solstice Skin Cosmetic 3
Guandao Synoid Skin Cosmetic 3
Gunsen Gunsen Melee (10)
Hate Hate Melee 10
Hek Desert-Camo Skin Cosmetic 3
Heliocor Heliocor Melee 1
HespazymAlloy Hespazym Alloy x20 Resource 2
Hikou Hikou Secondary 5
Hydroid Ketos Helmet Cosmetic 2
Ignis Solstice Skin Cosmetic 3
Imperator Imperator Arch-Gun 2
InarosPrimeIcon272 Inaros Prime Chassis Component 8
IvaraIcon272 Ivara Chassis Component 5
Ivara PrimeIcon272 Ivara Prime Systems Component 9
JawSword Jaw Sword Melee 1
Karak Desert-Camo Skin Cosmetic 3
Kestrel Kestrel Melee 8
Kogake Kogake Melee 3
Krohkur Krohkur Melee 8
Kunai Kunai Secondary 5
Lacera Lacera Melee 2 (1)
Lambeo Model MOA 2
Landing Craft Foundry Segment Orbiter Segment (2)
Latron Latron Primary 5
Lecta Lecta Melee 2
Lenz Solstice Skin Cosmetic 3
Limbo PrimeIcon272 Limbo Prime Chassis Component 6
LimboIcon272 Limbo Systems Component 3
Loc-Pin Gear (1)
LokiIcon272 Loki Chassis Component 1
LokiIcon272 Loki Systems Component 1
MagIcon272 Mag Chassis Component 1
Mag PrimeIcon272 Mag Prime Chassis Component 3
Mag PrimeIcon272 Mag Prime Systems Component 1
MagIcon272 Mag Systems Component 1
Mandachord Component 3
Mantis Fuselage Component 10
Marelok Desert-Camo Skin Cosmetic 3
MesaIcon272 Mesa Chassis Component 1
MesaPrimeIcon272 Mesa Prime Systems Component 5
Mirage PrimeIcon272 Mirage Prime Chassis Component 20
Murkray Trophy Decoration 5
NekrosIcon272 Nekros Chassis Component 1
Nekros PrimeIcon272 Nekros Prime Chassis Component 3
NekrosIcon272 Nekros Systems Component 1
NezhaIcon272 Nezha Chassis Component 2
NezhaPrimeIcon272 Nezha Prime Chassis Component 8
NezhaIcon272 Nezha Systems Component 1
NidusIcon272 Nidus Systems Component 14
Nightfall Apothic Gear 2
Norg Trophy Decoration 5
NovaIcon272 Nova Chassis Component 1
Nova PrimeIcon272 Nova Prime Chassis Component 1
Nova PrimeIcon272 Nova Prime Systems Component 1
NovaIcon272 Nova Systems Component 1
Nukor Nukor Secondary 2 (2)
Nychus Model MOA 2
NyxIcon272 Nyx Chassis Component 1
NyxIcon272 Nyx Systems Component 1
OctaviaPrimeIcon64 Octavia Prime Chassis Component 8
OctaviaIcon272 Octavia Systems Component 20
Odonata Harness Component 1
Odonata Prime Harness Component 1
Odonata Systems Component 1
Oloro Model MOA 2
OrokinCatalyst Orokin Catalyst Enhancement 1
OrokinReactor Orokin Reactor Enhancement 1
Orthos Orthos Melee 4
Para Model MOA 2
Paris Paris Primary 3
Plinx Shock-Camo Skin Cosmetic 3
ProteaIcon272 Protea Chassis Component 12
Pyrana Synoid Skin Cosmetic 3
RevenantIcon272 Revenant Chassis Component 3
RhinoIcon272 Rhino Chassis Component 1
RhinoIcon272 Rhino Neuroptics Component 1
Rhino PrimeIcon272 Rhino Prime Chassis Component 3
Rhino PrimeIcon272 Rhino Prime Systems Component 1
RhinoIcon272 Rhino Systems Component 1
Rubico Synoid Skin Cosmetic 3
SarynIcon272 Saryn Chassis Component 1
SarynIcon272 Saryn Systems Component 1
Scindo Dagger-Axe Skin Cosmetic 1
Scindo Solstice Skin Cosmetic 3
Scourge Scourge Primary (3)
Sepulcrum Sepulcrum Barrel Component 5
SevagothIcon272 Sevagoth Chassis Component 8
Shaku Shaku Melee 10
Sigma&Octantis Sigma & Octantis Melee 4
Sigma Reactor Mk I Ship Component (1)
Sigma Reactor Mk II Ship Component (1)
Skana Skana Melee 3
Snipetron Snipetron Primary 5
Soma Soma Primary 7
Sunrise Apothic Gear 2
Sybaris Sybaris Primary 2 (1)
Synthula Synthula Resource 1
Tatsu Solstice Skin Cosmetic 3
Tenora Tenora Primary (25)
TitaniaPrimeIcon272 Titania Prime Chassis Component 8
Tonbo Tonbo Melee (1)
Tonkor Desert-Camo Skin Cosmetic 3
TrinityIcon272 Trinity Chassis Component 1
TrinityIcon272 Trinity Systems Component 1
Twilight Apothic Gear 2
ValkyrIcon272 Valkyr Chassis Component 1
Valkyr PrimeIcon272 Valkyr Prime Chassis Component 3
ValkyrIcon272 Valkyr Systems Component 1
VaubanIcon272 Vauban Chassis Component 1
VaubanIcon272 Vauban Systems Component 1
Veldt Veldt Primary 10
Viper Viper Secondary 1
Voidrig Capsule Component 3
VoltIcon272 Volt Chassis Component 1
VoltIcon272 Volt Systems Component 1 (1)
Vulkar Vulkar Primary 5
Wolf Hood Cosmetic 2
WukongIcon272 Wukong Chassis Component 1
Wukong PrimeIcon272 Wukong Prime Systems Component 7
WukongIcon272 Wukong Systems Component (1)
Zenistar Zenistar Melee 4
Zenith Zenith Primary 4
ZephyrIcon272 Zephyr Systems Component (1)
Zymos Zymos Receiver Component 5
Aegrit Aegrit Secondary 2
CitrineIcon272 Citrine Systems Component 2
GyreIcon272 Gyre Chassis Component 8
YareliIcon272 Yareli Chassis Component (1)
Total 767 (+72)
Research Ghost Clan x1   Shadow Clan x3   Storm Clan x10   Mountain Clan x30   Moon Clan x100

Last updated: Update 30.0 (2021-04-13)


By purchasing this item you can directly exchange Platinum64 10 for 1 Morphics.
—In-Game Description

Beginning in Update 9.0 (2013-07-13) materials could be purchased directly from the market for PlatinumLarge Platinum.


  • Although labeled as rare, the drop rate of Morphics is rather high, making it one of the easiest rare components to obtain.


  • In mathematics and computer science, a morphic word is an infinite sequence of symbols which is constructed from a particular class of endomorphism of a free monoid.
  • Judging by its amorphous property, Morphics could be composed of a nickel-titanium alloy.
  1. Chance to roll item within drop table
  2. Amount rewarded on successful roll
  3. (Quantity × Chance)
  4. Chance to roll drop table
  5. Chance to roll item within drop table
  6. (Drop Table Chance × Item Chance)
  7. (1 / Chance), see WARFRAME Wiki:Expected & Nearly Guaranteed Numbers for more details
  8. Amount rewarded on successful roll
  9. (Quantity × Chance), average item quantity on a roll attempt (successful or not)