The Loud House Encyclopedia
The Loud House Encyclopedia

List of sixth grade students of Royal Woods Middle School.


Amelia is a minor character in The Loud House who made her first appearance in "Broadcast Blues".


Amelia is a thin girl with dark skin and short curly black hair. She wears a turquoise shirt, yellow pants, and dark pink sneakers.


Broadcast Blues[]

The Taunting Hour[]

All the Rage[]

Scoop Snoop[]


Andrew is a minor character in The Loud House, who made his first appearance in "Lincoln Loud: Girl Guru".


Andrew first appears in "Lincoln Loud: Girl Guru", as one of the boys seeking advice about girls from Lincoln. He was planning on hanging out with Jordan, and wanted it to go well. He then asks Lincoln what girls think are fun, and Lincoln answered that they think Dutch ovens are fun, much to Andrew's disbelief. He later gives Jordan a Dutch oven, only to infuriate her, and this leads her to chase him down to give him a wedgie. In the end, he throws a pie to Lincoln.

In "Frame on You", Boy Jordan mentions that he and Andrew wore cat costumes to the school dance. Since then, Andrew is always seen still wearing his cat costume and often acts like a cat.


Andrew is a slender-fit boy with curly red hair, fair skin, and freckles. He wears a red t-shirt (green in one episode), with a yellow sphere and a black zigzag line on it, blue jeans, and black shoes.


  • "Pasture Bedtime" reveals that he used to wear braces, and he threw a party celebrating their removal some time ago.


Lincoln Loud: Girl Guru[]

Dance, Dance Resolution[]

Making the Grade[]

Frog Wild[]

Out of the Picture[]

Teachers' Union[]

Deal Me Out[]


What Wood Lincoln Do?[]

Pasture Bedtime[]

Absent Minded[]

Antiqued Off[]

Brave the Last Dance[]


Frame on You[]

The Hurt Lockers[]

Too Cool for School[]

Steeling Thunder[]

Behind the Scenes[]



Artie Dombrowski[]

Artie Dombrowski[1] is a minor character in The Loud House, who made his first appearance in "Making the Case".


He first appeared in "Making the Case" as Lincoln's rival in a karate tournament.

In "Overnight Success", when Lincoln has a falling out with Clyde, while Liam and Chad have run away, he decides to invite Artie over to spite him. He lies to Artie about him being his first choice for a sleepover guest, but it was pretty obvious he wasn't since he already crossed Liam and Chad off a list he had for potential guests, and they ran away from his sisters. Before they can do anything, Lucy tells them that she needs a volunteer to act as a body for a practice funeral, and asks Artie how he handles enclosed spaces. Artie may be claustrophobic because Lucy wanted his assistance for the practice, and the mere mention of enclosed spaces causes him to run away.

In "Hoppily Ever After" from There Will Be More Chaos, Artie is over at the Loud House playing video games with Lincoln and Clyde. Just as he has to leave for a bathroom break, Lisa accidentally causes an explosion due to her experiments, and when the smoke clears, he is promptly chased out of the house by Lola, who has mistaken him for a prince after kissing Lana's frog Hops.

In the chapter book Campaign Chaos!, it is revealed that Artie is president of the Royal Woods chapter of the official Boyz Will Be Boyz fan club, and he considers voting Chandler for school treasurer due to his promises of bringing the band to perform at the school if he wins the election. It is also revealed that he has an older brother who attends Royal Woods High School.


Artie is a svelte (slender and elegant) boy with a brunette pixie cut. In his first appearance, he wears a yellow sweatshirt with a horizontal stripe on the center, blue jeans, and white sneakers with red stripes. In later episodes, he instead wears a red sweater with a single stripe on it.


Making the Case[]

Overnight Success[]

Lincoln Loud: Girl Guru[]

Dance, Dance Resolution[]

Intern for the Worse[]

Making the Grade[]

Out of the Picture[]

Mall of Duty[]

Pasture Bedtime[]

Click "expand" for full gallery

Shop Girl[]

Absent Minded[]

The Write Stuff[]

Community Disservice[]

Hurl, Interrupted[]

Food Courting[]

Behind the Scenes[]



Boy Jordan[]

Not to be confused with Girl Jordan.

Jordan (nicknamed "Boy Jordan" to distinguish from Girl Jordan) is a minor character in The Loud House who made his first appearance in "Lincoln Loud: Girl Guru".


Boy Jordan has blond hair styled into a faux hawk. He wears a blue polo shirt, navy blue pants, and white sneakers with red stripes.

In "Exchange of Heart", Boy Jordan was redesigned to have dot eyes and short light brown hair. He wears a red long-sleeved shirt with black checkers, blue jeans and white sneakers with two black stripes.



Lincoln Loud: Girl Guru[]

The Waiting Game[]

Dance, Dance Resolution[]

The Old and the Restless[]

Back in Black[]

Kick the Bucket List[]

Back Out There[]

Mall of Duty[]

White Hare[]

Net Gains[]

Exchange of Heart[]

Community Disservice[]

Brave the Last Dance[]

Room and Hoard[]


Cow Pie Kid[]

Runaway McBride[]

Frame on You[]

Steeling Thunder[]




Chad is a minor character in The Loud House, who made his first appearance in "Overnight Success".


In "Overnight Success", after Lincoln has a falling out with Clyde, and Liam runs away, he decides to invite Chad over to spite Clyde. However, when the two are watching "King of the Rings", Lisa sneaks up behind him to study his brain waves. This frightens him, and runs away in fear.

He later makes other cameo appearances in "Lincoln Loud: Girl Guru", "Dance, Dance Resolution", "The Price of Admission", "Mall of Duty", "Shop Girl", "Absent Minded", "How the Best Was Won", and "Frame on You".


Chad is a lanky, brunette boy who wears a dark red vest over a yellow checkered long sleeve collar shirt, blue jeans, and white sneakers.


  • Chad is named after one of Chris Savino's brothers.
  • As revealed in "Frame on You", Chad has a sensitive nose. He may vomit when exposed to stinky scents.
  • "Loud Spies" reveals that Girl Jordan sends him love letters anonymously.


Overnight Success[]

Lincoln Loud: Girl Guru[]

The Price of Admission[]

Mall of Duty[]

Shop Girl[]

Absent Minded[]

How the Best Was Won[]

Frame on You[]



Chloe is a minor character in The Loud House who made her first appearance in "Brave the Last Dance".


Not much is known about her. She is an elementary school (later middle school) student in Royal Woods.

In "Brave the Last Dance", Chloe witnessed Clyde asking Emma for Valentine's Day and getting rejected. After this Chloe decided to ask Clyde for Valentine's Day. They both danced together at the school ball.

In "Electshunned", Chloe saw Rita driving Leni during her mayoral election campaign.

In "Double Trouble", she was seen looking at Meryl and Cheryl's ice cream tower.

In "Hunn-cut Gems" she and another student waving at Liam as he walks by.

In "Riddle School" she is seen running with other students after they ate spicy spaghetti.

In "Steeling Thunder" she and the other students cheer at Lincoln when he enters Mr. Bohofhner's classroom.


Not much is currently known about her.


Chloe is a thin girl with light skin, long brunette hair, and two pairs of eyelashes. She wears a light purple beret, a t-shirt in horizontal black and white stripes, a pink overall dress, black and white striped socks, and purple shoes.


Brave the Last Dance[]

Click "expand" for full gallery


Double Trouble[]

Hunn-cut Gems[]

Riddle School[]

Steeling Thunder[]




Cristina is a minor character in The Loud House, who made her first appearance in "Making the Case".


Cristina seems to be an acquaintance of Lincoln, and attends the same school (later Royal Woods Middle School) and formerly the same class as him. She has not had any speaking roles yet.

She first appears in "Making the Case", when Lincoln wanted to apologize to his sisters for posting his video of them displaying their most embarrassing secrets and moments, by making an even more embarrassing video about himself, one of the things he did was put a photo of Cristina over Lucy's bust of Edwin, and pretended that they were a couple, speaking romantically to it, and attempting to kiss it. When Cristina saw this, she was rather uncomfortable about it, and as Lincoln explains, switched classes, presumably to avoid making any further contact with him.

In "The Green House", she makes a cameo at the beginning of the episode fawning over the picture of the polar bear alongside her classmates.

Cristina later makes a cameo in "For Bros About to Rock", where Luna notices her, and thinks she's perfect for Lincoln. Lincoln doesn't make any comments about it (only getting angry at Luna for her meddling), and Cristina just disappears from the scene later.

She makes a cameo at a Dairyland queue in "Kick the Bucket List".


Cristina wears a navy blue blouse with a matching colored skirt, white socks worn high, blue shoes, and an orange headband. She has very curly reddish-brown hair, and wears orange earrings.


  • In "The Green House", she can be seen moved to the picture of the polar bear with the rest of Mrs. Johnson's class, despite that at the end of "Making the Case", Lincoln said she switched classes after she saw his video.
  • She makes a small appearance in Loud and Proud, as a member of the school's glee club in the comic Stage Fright.


Making the Case[]

The Green House[]

For Bros About to Rock[]

Kick the Bucket List[]



Dirk is a minor character in The Loud House, who made his first appearance in "Broadcast Blues".


He is a dark-skinned teenager with black hair with a brown outline. He wears a green shirt with dark blue jeans.


Broadcast Blues[]

Frame on You[]

The Taunting Hour[]

Musical Chairs[]


Emma is a minor character in The Loud House, who made her first appearance in "Brave the Last Dance".


Not much known about her past yet. In "Grub Snub" she looks at Gus as he puts his head in his ice bar.

In "Broadcast Blues", she turns out to be in same class as Lincoln, Chandler and Girl Jordan. She enjoyed watching Anchor News in middle school.

In "Riddle School" she's seen drinking milk try to cool down her mouth from the spicy spaghetti


She's a nice girl, who likes Clyde, but only as a friend. Nevertheless, she's on very good terms with him, and felt guilty about turning him down and hurting his feelings. She's quite good at art.


Emma is a dark-skinned slim girl with light brunette hair worn up in a large ponytail. She wears a cyan t-shirt with a pink cat logo, black trousers, white socks, and pink training shoes.


Is this Emma?


Brave the Last Dance[]

Click "expand" for full gallery

Zach Attack[]

Grub Snub[]

Broadcast Blues[]

Save the Last Pants[]

Hunn-cut Gems[]

Riddle School[]

Steeling Thunder[]




Flat Tire[]

Flat Tire is a minor character in The Loud House, who made his first appearance in "Hand-Me-Downer".


Flat Tire is a member of the local bicycle gang. He initially calls Lincoln's hand-me-down bike "lame" in the episode "Hand-Me-Downer".

He reappears in "Lincoln Loud: Girl Guru", as one of the boys seeking advice about girls from Lincoln in order to impress a girl named Mollie. Lincoln then suggests that Flat Tire should take Mollie to a funeral, seeing how Lucy likes them. Later, he tries to ask Mollie out, and the latter ends up rejecting him out of disgust. Flat Tire then glares at Lincoln for suggesting that he should take Mollie to a funeral. In the end, he throw a pie to Lincoln.

He makes a cameo in "The Price of Admission" with Papa Wheelie and Rusty Spokes, going to see The Harvester.

In "Racing Hearts", he is at the dance studio with his partner, Penelope, while participating in the Royal Woods Astonishing Quest.


Flat Tire has fair skin, freckles, and light brown hair which overlaps his eyes. He wears a yellow t-shirt, blue pants, a purple bicycle helmet, with a star symbol on the front, and white sneakers with gray stripes. Similar to Lucy, her bunny counterpart Bella and Lucy's male counterpart Lars, his eyes are entirely concealed by his hair and helmet.


  • This character's real name was never revealed. His nickname is a reference to a deflated bicycle tire since the episode he first appeared in is about bicycles.



Lincoln Loud: Girl Guru[]

The Price of Admission[]

Intern for the Worse[]

Racing Hearts[]




Gabby is a minor character in The Loud House, who made her first appearance in "Crimes of Fashion".


She was initially thought as a suspect due to her quickly taking a scarf. It was found out she had so many scarves already and was going to pay for it with her card.


Gabby has light tan skin, three pairs of eyelashes, and short dark brown hair, with a side swept bang and yellow headband.

She wears a yellow long-sleeved shirt over a white shirt showing cuffs, white collar, and a white shirt underneath and a navy blue skirt. She also wears long white socks and black leather Mary Jane shoes.


  • She lent her gym goggles to Lincoln at some point, causing him to initially doubt that she could be the culprit.


Crimes of Fashion[]


Hassan is a minor character in The Loud House, who made his first appearance in "Tails of Woe". He is a paraplegic boy who is one of Lincoln's classmates.


Hassan first appeared in "Tails of Woe" when Stella and the gang asked him about the Rat Beast. He said he caught a glimpse of it while Principal Huggins was chewing him out.


Hassan is a young boy with brown skin, short black hair, eyebags and a mole on his right cheek. He moves by his dark blue wheelchair. He wears a purple shirt with a green and yellow stripes, and a white collar and cuffs, light blue jeans and red shoes.


  • Hassan is the second permanently disabled character to appear in the show, the first being CJ.
  • His name means "handsome, good, benefactor" in Arabic.


Tails of Woe[]

Friends in Dry Places[]


Joy is a minor character in The Loud House, who made her first appearance in "Lincoln Loud: Girl Guru".


Joy first appears in "Lincoln Loud: Girl Guru", she own a cookie stand and later where Papa Wheelie tries to impress her by putting a frog in her pants. This only angers her and prompts her to chase him down, alongside her friends, to beat him up. She then appears with Kat, walking down the hallway planning to beat up Lincoln and Clyde the next time they see them. In the end, she get a justice with a pie to Lincoln.


Joy is a short, dark skinned girl. She has black hair, with some strands of her hair tied into two pigtails. She wears a lavender long sleeved shirt, with a purple necktie, a dark purple skirt, lavender socks, and purple slip-on shoes.


  • She is named after former executive assistant Joy Adams.


Lincoln Loud: Girl Guru[]

Dance, Dance Resolution[]

Study Muffin[]

11 Louds a Leapin'[]

Back in Black[]

Making the Grade[]

Frog Wild[]

Out of the Picture[]

Back Out There[]

Mall of Duty[]

Snow Way Out[]

Teachers' Union[]

Pasture Bedtime[]

What Wood Lincoln Do?[]

Absent Minded[]

Be Stella My Heart[]

Predict Ability[]

Community Disservice[]

Sister Act[]

Season's Cheatings[]

No Bus No Fuss[]


She's All Bat[]

Behind the Scenes[]




Kat is a minor character in The Loud House, who made her first appearance in "Lincoln Loud: Girl Guru".


Kat first appears in "Lincoln Loud: Girl Guru", where she makes a brief appearance with Zach. She came to dislike him after his science experiment burnt off her hair braids. Her with Joy wished to make justice into Lincoln and Clyde in the end she throw a pie in Lincoln.


Kat is a tall, slim girl with pale skin and waist-long black hair. Her hair used to have braids, but they were never shown due to Zach burning them off off-screen in Lincoln Loud: Girl Guru. She wears a red shirt under a darker red collar shirt, a dark gray skirt with tan polka dots, long white socks, and red heeled shoes.


  • She is named and modeled after character designer Kat Ketchum.


Lincoln Loud: Girl Guru[]

The Waiting Game[]

Dance, Dance Resolution[]

Mall of Duty[]

Roadie to Nowhere[]

Pasture Bedtime[]

Shop Girl[]

Absent Minded[]

Be Stella My Heart[]

The Loud House Movie[]

Behind the scenes[]




For Lynn Sr.'s brother, see Lance Loud.

Lance is a minor character in The Loud House, who made his first appearance in "Making the Grade".


Lance first appears in "Making the Case", where he was laughing at Lincoln's video of his sisters doing embarrassing things.

He reappears in "The Green House", where he was mad at Lincoln for not going green. He also appeared in Lincoln's basement to play a video game with him, Clyde and another classmate. After Lincoln gets scolded by his sisters for being a hypocrite they tell him that they cannot be seen with him since he is going to lose the challenge for their class.

In "Along Came a Sister", he (along with the rest of his class) volunteer to look after Frances during the weekend.


Lance has dirty blonde hair, and freckles. He wears a red-and-white striped T-shirt, blue jeans, and white sneakers with blue stripes.


Making the Case[]

The Green House[]

Along Came a Sister[]

Lincoln Loud: Girl Guru[]

Dance, Dance Resolution[]

Study Muffin[]

Making the Grade[]

Kick the Bucket List[]

Out of the Picture[]

Net Gains[]

Teachers' Union[]

Deal Me Out[]

Pasture Bedtime[]

Absent Minded[]

Be Stella My Heart[]

Hurl, Interrupted[]

She's All Bat[]

The Loudly Bones[]

Haunted House Call[]

The Taunting Hour[]

Hunn-cut Gems[]

Behind the Scenes[]




"Mollie" redirects here. For the librarian, see Molly Wetta.

Mollie is a minor character in The Loud House, who made her first appearance in "Lincoln Loud: Girl Guru".


Mollie first appears in "Lincoln Loud: Girl Guru" where Flat Tire asks her out. She accepts his offer at first, but then rejects after learning that they would go to a funeral. This causes her to change seats and call Flat Tire a "morbid weirdo". In the end, she throw a pie in Lincoln.

She makes a silent cameo in The Loud House Movie, where she is seen in the background with two babies, when young Lynn Sr. was dancing. This is an error, since she technically shouldn't be born at that point in time.


She has brown hair, with one of her sideburns partially covering up one of her eyes, thin eyebrows, 3 pairs of eyelashes, and buckteeth. She wears a pink shirt, purple blazer, red skirt in a vertical striped pattern, purple stockings, and brown boots.



Lincoln Loud: Girl Guru[]

The Waiting Game[]

Dance, Dance Resolution[]

Intern for the Worse[]

Back in Black[]

Making the Grade[]

Frog Wild[]


Mall of Duty[]

Roadie to Nowhere[]

Teachers' Union[]

Deal Me Out[]

Pasture Bedtime[]

Shop Girl[]

What Wood Lincoln Do?[]

Absent Minded[]

Be Stella My Heart[]

Antiqued Off[]

Tails of Woe[]

Community Disservice[]

Brave the Last Dance[]

Senior Moment[]

Coupe Dreams[]


Hurl, Interrupted[]

In the Mick of Time[]

Stressed for the Part[]

Haunted House Call[]

All the Rage[]

Force of Habits[]

From Brad to Worse[]

Pet Project[]

The Loud House Movie[]

Behind the Scenes[]





Paige is a minor character in The Loud House who made her first appearance in "L is for Love".


She makes her first appearance in "L is for Love", where she is first shown in a flashback winking and giving a thumbs up at Lincoln, when he won a table hockey game in the arcade. She is later shown playing Dance Battle, unaware of Lincoln trying to get her attention. Later, Lincoln slips a love letter into her backpack.

She makes a cameo in "Brave the Last Dance", in which she is first seen witnessing Emma turning down Clyde asking her to the school's Valentine's Day dance, and later seen at the dance itself.

In "Frame on You", she's interviewed by Stella if she saw Rusty throw the stinkbomb at the dance. She confessed that she and Cristina were singing "Oh Girl" by "Boyz will be Boyz".


Paige has light fair skin with light orange hair and three sets of eyelashes. She wears a light yellow tank top, rolled-up blue jeans, light yellow sandals, and black bracelets on her wrists.


L is for Love[]

Brave the Last Dance[]

Frame on You[]




Penelope is a minor character in The Loud House, who made her first appearance in "Making the Case".


Penelope first appeared in "Making the Case", but for a while she only appeared as a background character, and never spoke.


She has poofy reddish and brownish hair, glasses, buck teeth, pale skin, and freckles around her face. She wears a pink sweater with a light green alien on it, dark teal skirt, lavender socks, and brown shoes.


  • According to Clyde, Penelope takes banjo lessons.
  • Even though she wears glasses, she has visible eyelashes. While most often, female characters who wear glasses have no eyelashes to speak of. She, along with Monica from "Cheater by the Dozen", are an exception.
  • The alien logo on her sweater is identical to the one on Tad's shirt.
  • She appears to be missing her canines, as when she smiles in "Shell Shock", there are holes where her canines would normally be.
  • According to "Out of the Picture", she is a member of the chess club, since she is seen in the group photo for the chess club.
  • Her appearance is similar to that of Laird.


Making the Case[]

The Green House[]

Along Came a Sister[]

Lincoln Loud: Girl Guru[]

Study Muffin[]

Shell Shock[]

Out of the Picture[]

Teachers' Union[]

Pasture Bedtime[]

Absent Minded[]

Be Stella My Heart[]

Racing Hearts[]

Behind the Scenes[]




This article is about the student of Royal Woods Middle School. For the student of Cesar Chavez Academy, see Rachel (The Casagrandes).

Rachel is a minor character in The Loud House who made her first appearance in "How the Best Was Won".


Rachel is a thin light-skinned girl with a mole on each side of her face, two pairs of eyelashes and waist-length black hair styled in a hime cut. She wears golden triangular earrings, mint-green short-sleeved shirt, grey jeans and white shoes. She also has a pink backpack.


In "How the Best Was Won" Rachel turned out to be Girl Jordan's best friend. She like other students watched Lincoln and Clyde competing with Rusty and Zach for title of the best friend. In the end Rachel and Girl Jordan won the title.

In "The Taunting Hour" Rachel and other kids (among them Lance, Amelia and Dirk) were observing Lincoln dancing in game in Gus' pizza arcade. She saw Chandler heckling Lincoln, but it didn't affect him at all much to Rachel's surprise.


  • Her Polish name is Rysia, short from Ryszarda (eng. Richardis).


How the Best Was Won[]

The Taunting Hour[]

Lynn and Order[]

Papa Wheelie[]

Papa Wheelie is a minor character in The Loud House, who made his first appearance in "Hand-Me-Downer".


Papa Wheelie is the leader of a local bicycle gang. He was temporarily replaced as leader by Lincoln when he and Clyde joined the gang in "Hand-Me-Downer", and again by Lynn when she joined the gang and replaced Lincoln and Clyde.

In "Lincoln Loud: Girl Guru" he get a frog to "Joy" and he is chase by her and his friend for lynch him and in the end he throw a pie to Lincoln.


Papa Wheelie is a short overweight boy with light fair skin and brown hair. He normally wears a red and orange bicycle helmet, blue jeans, a brown belt with a gray buckle, a red and white striped shirt, and white shoes with red stripes on the side.


  • His nickname is a pun on the phrase "pop a wheelie" (which refers to a type of cycling stunt).



Out on a Limo[]

Lincoln Loud: Girl Guru[]

Dance, Dance Resolution[]

The Price of Admission[]

Making the Grade[]

Frog Wild[]

Mall of Duty[]

Teachers' Union[]

What Wood Lincoln Do?[]

Absent Minded[]

Hurl, Interrupted[]

Stressed for the Part[]

Force of Habits[]




Richie is a minor character in The Loud House, who made his first appearance in "Jeers for Fears".


Richie is a small and thin boy, with tan skin. He has dark black sideways hair with two strands of hair sticking up, and black thin eyebrows. He wears a blue hoodie, brown cargo shorts, white socks, and blue cleats.


Jeers for Fears[]

Wheel and Deal[]

Friends in Dry Places[]

Zach Attack[]

Grub Snub[]


Sadie is a minor character in The Loud House who made her first appearance in the "Lincoln Loud: Girl Guru".


Sadie first appears in "Lincoln Loud: Girl Guru", when Rusty asks her if she wants to go to the movies with him, while dressed up as a knight, and riding a horse. His attempt to ask her out goes awry when he loses control of White Lighting and crashes along with Sadie after grabbing her hand. This results in both of them getting injured. In the end, she throw a pie to Lincoln.


Sadie has long brunette hair, and light fair skin. She wears a pink turtleneck sweater, blue jeans, and white sneakers.



Lincoln Loud: Girl Guru[]

Pasture Bedtime[]

Antiqued Off[]




Sophia is a minor character in The Loud House who made her first appearance in "Lynn and Order".


Sophia is light skin girl with brown hair. She wears a purple sweater, white socks, purple Mary Jane shoes and glasses.


Lynn and Order[]

Too Cool for School[]

Steeling Thunder[]

Bluebell Brunette[]

The Bluebell Brunette is an unnamed, and recurring background minor character in The Loud House. She made her first appearance in "Patching Things Up", she is the only member of the Bluebell scouts with brown hair, and she is friends with two unnamed bluebell scout characters.

In "Kick the Bucket List", she is shown eating french fries alone at Gus' Games and Grub, when she is given a pizza box with Lincoln's face on it from Clyde, in which she was confused.

In "Pasture Bedtime", she is one of the guests attending Girl Jordan's pool party.


She has short, brunette hair with a blue headband. She wears a purple sleeveless shirt, with a pattern going through it, a blue skirt, and purple slip-on shoes.


Patching Things Up[]

Kick the Bucket List[]

Out of the Picture[]

Net Gains[]

Pasture Bedtime[]

Absent Minded[]

Brave the Last Dance[]

Grub Snub[]

She's All Bat[]

Behind the Scenes[]



Karate Girl[]

The Karate Girl is an unnamed minor character in The Loud House, who made her first appearace in "Back Out There".


She made her first appearance in "Back Out There", where she was shown doing karate, which, according to Clyde, has a similar personality to Ronnie Anne, because they both love karate. Later, Clyde wanted Lincoln to spend time with her, because it will remind him of Ronnie Anne. But when he entered the dojo, the girl thought he wanted to spar with her and attacked him without warning.


She is a fit girl, with light tan skin, a blackish brunette ponytail as big as her head and three pairs of eyelashes. She wears golden pearl earrings and a white karate gi.

In "Pasture Bedtime", she wears a blue tank top and has a butterfly tattoo on her left wrist.


Back Out There[]

Pasture Bedtime[]

Liam's Girlfriend[]

Liam's Girlfriend is an unnamed girl who Liam dated in "Lincoln Loud: Girl Guru".

In the episode, Liam had a crush on her and wanted to impress her. Lincoln suggested chocolate, since all of his sisters liked that, and it worked which led to Lincoln temporarily becoming a "girl guru" where his advice did not work with his fellow students or Coach Pacowski.

By the time of "Dance, Dance Resolution", they seem to have broken up as Liam is dateless again.


She is a lanky Caucasian girl, with straight blonde hair that goes down to her mid-back. She wears a black T-shirt, purple pants, black slip-on shoes, and glasses.

She appears to have been modeled after Karla Sakas Shropshire.

Lynn's friend[]

Lynn's Friend is a minor character and one of Lynn's friends that first appeared in the episode "Overnight Success".


Lynn's Friend first appears in the episode "Overnight Success", where she was a part of Lynn's sleepover. She was jumping on the couch while Lynn was dribbling her soccer ball.

She appeared as a cameo in "Lincoln Loud: Girl Guru" where she was looking at Lincoln when Mrs. Johnson said that Lincoln giving advice as "The Girl Guru" was a great idea.

She appeared as a cameo once again in "Mall of Duty" where she was waiting for Rip Hardcore to sign her autograph.

She appeared as a cameo once again in "Rita Her Rights" where she was at the front of the middle school when Lynn got a banana peel by accident.


She has long brunette hair, and freckles. She wears a purple jersey and shorts, a backwards yellow cap, high gray socks, and black shoes with white stripes similar to Lynn's.


Overnight Success[]

Lincoln Loud: Girl Guru[]

Mall of Duty[]

Rita Her Rights[]

Unnamed Girl[]

The Unnamed Girl is a minor character in The Loud House, who made her first appearance in "Making the Case.


She first appears in "Making the Case", where she was laughing at Lincoln's video of his sisters doing embarrassing things. She has made several non-speaking cameos throughout the series.


She is a dark skinned girl with dark purple-brown hair, and two lower pigtails. She wears a blue t-shirt with a yellow flower on it, a dark blue checkered skirt, light blue socks, and white shoes.

Unnamed Boy 1[]

The Unnamed Boy is a unnamed minor character in The Loud House, who made his first appearance in "Save the Date".


He is shaved around the head with a black faux hawk, a thick black unibrow, and has braces on his teeth. He wears a red hoodie, blue jeans, and white shoes with green stripes.


  • Both Guy Zeidman (Hebrew) and Jan BarwiÅ„ski (Poland), also voiced Chandler.
  • He appeared in "Pasture Bedtime" as one of the guests at Girl Jordan’s pool party.

Unnamed Boy 2[]

The Unnamed Boy is one of Lincoln's schoolmates, who first appeared in the episode "Save the Date".


He is an overweight boy with dark blond standing hair (light red in "All the Rage". He wears a yellow t-shirt with a light cyan circle, a green short-sleeved shirt, brown shorts, and brown sandals.


He appears in "Save the Date", when Lincoln finds a sloppy joe in his pants at lunch, with a note from Ronnie Anne. He and the others mock Lincoln, and later appears at Jean Juan's French Mex Buffet.

Unnamed Boy 3[]

The Unnamed Boy is one of Lincoln's schoolmates, who first appeared in the episode "Save the Date".


He is a short bald boy. He wears a turquoise shirt, brown cargo shorts, white shoes, and a backwards navy blue cap.


He appears in "Save the Date", when Lincoln finds a sloppy joe in his pants at lunch, with a note from Ronnie Anne. He and the others mock Lincoln, and later appears at Jean Juan's French Mex Buffet.

He appeared again in "Absent Minded" listening to the intercom.

Unnamed Boy 4[]

The Unnamed Boy is a minor character, and Lincoln's classmate, who first appeared in the episode "Save the Date".


He appears in "Save the Date", when Lincoln finds a sloppy joe in his pants at lunch, with a note from Ronnie Anne. He and the others mock Lincoln, and later appears at Jean Juan's French Mex Buffet.

He appears again in "Dance Dance Resolution" at the Sadie Hawkins Dance.


He is a tan-skinned boy with dark brown hair. He wears white pearl earrings, a yellow t-shirt with a white long sleeved shirt underneath it, dark blue pants, and white shoes with green laces.

Unnamed Boy 5[]

Unnamed Boy 5 is one of Lincoln's schoolmates, who first appeared in the episode "Overnight Success".

He appears in the episode "Puns and Buns", looking at the blue mohawk man.


He is a tall boy with red hair, a green t-shirt with a zig-zag stripe, freckles, white skin, white shoes and jeans.


  • He appeared in "Pasture Bedtime" as one of the guests at Girl Jordan’s pool party.

Unnamed Boy 6[]

The Unnamed Boy 6 is a minor character in The Loud House, who first appeared in "Making the Case".

Unnamed Boy 7[]

Unnamed Boy 7 is a minor character in The Loud House who first appeared in "Making the Case".


He first appears in "Making the Case", where he was laughing at Lincoln’s video of his sisters doing embarrassing things.

He reappears again in "The Green House" where he was mad at Lincoln for not going on the green.


He is a white boy with black hair with white lens, similar to Clyde’s. He wears a blue polo t-shirt, brown pants and white shoes.
