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Station Square (ステーションスクエア,Sutēshon Sukuea?) is a location that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It is a heavily populated city famous for its many attractions including an amusement park, a hotel/restaurant, and a casino district. A train station in the city allows travel to the Mystic Ruins.
In recent times, Station Square became one of the major sites of the Chaosincident, where it was flooded and heavily damaged after a massive attack from Perfect Chaos. It has seemingly been rebuilt since then.[1]
Station Square is a massive urban area with many of tall skyscrapers. The city is also situated a coastline and has access to the sea, as well as a wide expanse of beaches. The city also has various districts, including a downtown and casino district. Some districts of the city feature twisting elevated highways, while some focus on maritime entertainment. The city also boasts a large amount of resorts and hotels, resulting in it being a tourist hotspot.
For an unknown period of time, Amy Rose lived in her own apartment in downtown Station Square, but her monotone lifestyle in the city would bore her.[2]
In Sonic Adventure, Sonic arrived in Station Square, just as Chaos attacked City Hall. The Station Square Police Department tried to stop Chaos, but their weapons proved ineffective against the creature. Fortunately, Sonic came to the rescue and defeated Chaos, who escaped into the city's sewers. Unbeknownst to Sonic however, his clash had been observed by Dr. Robotnik from one of the nearby rooftops. The next day, many new people appeared in Station Square; Knuckles had come in search of the Master Emerald's shards, some of which he eventually found in Speed Highway and Casinopolis; Big came to the city looking for Froggy, whom he would search for in the city's sewers and Twinkle Park; and Tails crashed his new biplane in Emerald Coast. Spotting Tails' crash landing, Sonic went to help him. After they both met, the two of them went to the Mystic Ruins. When they later returned, they found the white Chaos Emerald in Casinopolis, only to lose it to Robotnik when he ambushed them with some sleeping gas. With Sonic and Tails asleep, Robotnik went to Station Square's Hotel to meet with Chaos, whom he was planning to use to destroy Station Square with. When he spotted the doctor holding what he thought was a Master Emerald shard however, Knuckles followed him, only to end up battling Chaos 2. After defeating the creature though, Knuckles was tricked by Robotnik into thinking that Sonic was looking for the Master Emerald's shards as well. In the meantime, Sonic and Tails woke up and quickly returned to the Mystic Ruins in search of another Chaos Emerald.
During the following evening, Sonic landed on the coast of Station Square after the Tornado was shot down by the Egg Carrier. In the meantime, Amy was leaving a store in Station Square when she noticed the Egg Carrier flying over the city, causing unease among the residents. Meanwhile, a Flicky with a locket fell from the ship and landed on Amy, who attempted to save this Flicky from E-100 ZERO, who had been sent to Station Square to retrieve the Flicky. Amy eventually managed to lose ZERO, before meeting up with Sonic, hoping to get him to protect the Flicky, whom she nicknamed Birdie. Due to circumstances, Amy went with Sonic into Twinkle Park, where ZERO tried to intercept them. Though Amy managed to lose ZERO, she also lost Sonic. Soon after though, ZERO caught Amy just outside Twinkle Park. In the meantime, Sonic had searched for Amy on Speed Highway during the night, but without finding her. As a new day dawned however, Sonic saw ZERO take Amy to the Mystic Ruins. While Sonic gave chase, Big and E-102 Gamma made their way to Station Square. Big in particular was still looking for Froggy, who had escaped to Emerald Coast. There, Big managed to fish Froggy out of the sea, only for Gamma to quickly kidnap Froggy and return to the Egg Carrier with him. After the Egg Carrier later began to crash, Tails and Amy returned to Station Square. There, Amy decided to help birdie find his family, who had been kidnapped by Robotnik. In the meantime, Tails noticed the Eggmobile crash in the city, with the doctor onboard it. Frustrated by his defeat, Robotnik decided to destroy Station Square with a missile instead. He thus launched a menacing missile that was fired into Station Square. However, the missile turned out to be a dud, prompting the doctor to head out to detonate it manually. Though he made his way to Speed Highway, Tails caught up with him and got to the missile first and disarmed it, thus saving Station Square. However, Robotnik would not give up. As such, he decided to crush Tails and the residents with his Egg Walker. However, Tails managed to defeat his enemy's mech. Afterward, the citizens thanked Tails for saving Station Square.
Not long after, Station Square was hit by a catastrophic flood caused by Perfect Chaos, who destroyed much of the city and left the remains flooded by water. Robotnik soon arrived in the Egg Carrier 2 to settle his score with Chaos, but the creature quickly shot the Egg Carrier 2 down. After Sonic had arrived on the scene, Tikal appeared in Station Square, voicing her intentions to seal Chaos back inside the Master Emerald. Sonic, however, noted that this would not quell the anger compelling Chaos to destroy the world. Chaos soon after scattered the Chaos Emeralds across Station Square, having seemingly stripped them of their power. However, Tails, Knuckles, Amy and Big found the Chaos Emeralds and gave them to Sonic. Using the power of positive feelings, Sonic summoned the positive energies of the Chaos Emeralds to transform into Super Sonic. Sonic proceeded to defeat Perfect Chaos, neutralizing his anger in the process. Afterward, with assurance from the appearance of the Chao he had protected, Chaos left with Tikal in peace. Immediately after, Sonic spotted Robotnik departing from Station Square, prompting Sonic to head out himself in search of new adventures.
Sonic Adventure 2[]
In Sonic Adventure 2, it was revealed that Tails had been rewarded with a Chaos Emerald during a ceremony held at Station Square's City Hall in recognition of his heroic deed when he saved the city from Eggman's missile during the Chaosincident.
Speed Highway would be the fourth area Classic and Modern Sonic would travel to when trying to escape White Space. By speeding through Speed Highway, the Sonics were able to fix space, thereby restoring Speed Highway from its lifeless state. Not long after, Modern Sonic went back in time to when Station Square was still being attacked by Perfect Chaos. There, Sonic managed to defeat the deity on his own.
When the Time Eater later got destroyed, Station Square's pieces in White Space were seemingly returned to their rightful places in the timeline.
In Otherworld Comedy, Eggman finds the last Phantom Ruby prototype that he forgot to discard during the events of Sonic Forces and modified it. After that, Eggman use his power to rewrite reality the way he seen fit. Because of this, the modified prototype created several new worlds, known as Otherworlds, one of which turned Station Square into an "Egg Field", and which also change the memory of everyone who was inside them. However, Sonic and his friends were able to get out of them with the help of Chaos Emeralds. After that, they head to the "Egg Field", where by working together and turning Sonic into Super Sonic, they destroy the device that directed the energy of the modified prototype. However, after that, Eggman uses a modified prototype to transform into Super Eggman and engages in battle with Super Sonic. During the battle, Super Eggman turns the Egg Field's skyscrapers into copies of Perfect Chaos and creates new Otherworlds, but Super Sonic uses the light of his aura to destroy them all. In the end, Super Eggman creates an Otherworld similar to Green Hills in an attempt to force Super Sonic to retreat, but he destroys the world and forms an Arrow of Light, which destroys the modified prototype, and at the same time all the remaining Otherworlds.
Other game appearances[]
Sonic Pinball Party[]
In Sonic Pinball Party, Dr. Eggman was up to his old tricks in Station Square's Casinopolis, which numerous Animals would visit, only to be kidnapped by Eggman and transformed into his robotic slaves. In addition, the doctor managed to brainwash Tails and Amy into serving him. To save his friends, Sonic took part in Eggman's pinball tournament: the Egg Cup Tournament. During the tournament, Sonic went up against his brainwashed friends, whom Eggman forced to compete against Sonic, and old rivals like Knuckles and Metal Sonic. In the end though, Sonic won the tournament, defeated Eggman, and thwarted the evil doctor's plans.
In Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood, Station Square appeared as a part Blue Ridge Zone. However, it bears no resemblance to the one seen in Sonic Adventure, meaning it may be a different place, a new part of the city, or the city rebuilt after its destruction at the hands of Perfect Chaos. However, Knuckles remarks to the team that they should be careful as they do not know much about this place, which would suggest either that this iteration of Station Square is an entirely different location, or that it has changed beyond recognition since their last time being there.
The residents of Station Square are a diverse bunch, although their names are generally not revealed. Station Square's status as a booming city and a major tourist attraction has kept the residents happy for the most part, though just like other places it is not without problems.
Mayor of Station Square
Station Square Central Station railroad workers
Newsstand saleswoman
Hotel manager
Burger Shop guy
Girl with crush on Burger Shop guy
Girl waiting for her father
Cheating boyfriend
Cheated on girlfriend 1
Cheated on girlfriend 2
Compulsive gambler and compulsive gambler's son
Vanity shop owner
The twins
Mayor of Station Square – The Mayor of Station Square finds running the city from City Hall to be a tough job. But the Mayor does listen to its citizens, only to complain about all the hard work he has to do later.
Station Square Police Department (S.S.P.D.) – The Station Square Police Department patrol the city quite diligently. However, the police are ill-equipped to handle a monstrous threat such as Chaos or Dr. Robotnik.
Station Square Central Station railroad workers – The railroad workers are responsible for the train operation at Station Square Central Station. They used to work long hours for not enough pay until they went on strike. Though the strike made it difficult for Sonic and friends from their various endeavors, it did get the railroad workers the fairness they wanted.
Mr. Know-It-All – "Mr. Know-It-All" is an annoying kid who "knows it all". After giving tips, Mr. Know-It-All often says something smug.
Newsstand saleswoman – The newsstand saleswoman is always the first to get the news in Station Square. She also commutes on the train, so when the railroad workers went on strike, the newsstand saleswoman was stuck in the city.
Hotel manager – The hotel manager takes care of the hotel with the penthouse restaurant next to the Station Square Central Station. The manager likes Chao.
Cyber Net Inc. building owner – The owner of Cyber Net Inc., the nicest skyscraper in Station Square. He freaks out when Robotnik damages his building.
Burger Shop guy – The Burger Shop guy is a man who works in the Burger Shop in Station Square. He has a strange feeling that he is being watched but can never figure out why. The Burger Shop guy also gets the creeps from some girl who always hangs around his shop.
Girl with a crush on Burger Shop guy – A shy girl with a crush on the Burger Shop guy. She cannot muster the courage to confess her feelings to him so she just hangs around the shop staring at him. Sometimes she gets the strength to actually go into the shop, but winds up standing around for a while before just ordering a burger. In the end, the girl actually gets a job next to him.
Girl waiting for her father – A little girl who stands in front of the Station Square Central train station everyday waiting for her father to return from a Mystic Ruins excavation.
Cheating boyfriend – A guy who is high dates and always thinks he is in love. He often says stupid things in his proclamations of love and cannot understand why it is wrong to love more than one woman.
Cheated on girlfriend 1 – The cheating boyfriend's first girlfriend. When she found out about him dating another woman, she got very angry with him.
Cheated on girlfriend 2 – The cheating boyfriend's second girlfriend. When she found out about him dating another woman, she got very angry with him.
Compulsive gambler – A mother who goes out gambling at Station Square's Casinopolis every night and cannot stop herself. The compulsive gambler eventually realizes she does not spend enough time with her son.
Compulsive gambler's son – The son of the compulsive gambler. He is deeply bothered by how his mother abandons him every night to go to the Station Square's Casinopolis and sometimes cries. She eventually realizes the harm she causes to him.
Vanity shop owner – The owner of a vanity shop near City Hall. He hates when people use the back door to enter his store.
The twins - A pair of blonde girls on vacation in Station Square. They claim that despite their similar appearance they have two totally different personalities. During the daytime, the girls can usually be found at the pool, and at night they will be at the casino or Twinkle Park. They leave Station Square once the Egg Carrier crashes.
Mystic Ruins excavation party – Upon hearing that the ruins of an ancient civilization were in the Mystic Ruins jungle, the excavation party set out to search for them. The new guy in the group does not get to go very far but the group winds up losing two parties in the jungle for a while and still never find the ruins.
In the Sonic X anime series and its comic series published by Archie Comics, Station Square was a city in the United States, and home to several humans, including Christopher Thorndyke and his family. It was also where Sonic and the others from his world were sent to after Chaos Control sent them to Earth. Over time, Dr. Eggman mounted several attacks on the city with his robots, but the heroes foiled their nemesis' plans every time. Eventually though, they and the doctor had to leave Station Square to return back to their world.
Following the Super Genesis Wave, Station Square and its history was changed to be almost indistinguishable from its video game incarnation. During the Shattered World Crisis, its proximity to a fault line from the planet's break-up left it flooded and heavily damaged, leading to several evacuation efforts from the Freedom Fighters and GUN.
↑"AMY" (in Japanese). ソニックアドベンチャー オペレーションガイド. SoftBank. January 1999. p. 102. ISBN 978-4757203006. "今はステーションスクエアのダウンタウンで、アパートを借りて一人暮らしをしている。 [She currently lives alone in a rented apartment in downtown Station Square.]"