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The Mystic Ruins is an Adventure Field that appears in Sonic Adventure and its enhanced port Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut. It takes place across the jungle swamp lands of the same name, which is the ancient homeland of the Knuckles Clan. The Mystic Ruins can be accessed with a watermill raft/ramp on the Egg Carrier and the train station in Station Square. From this Adventure Field, a number of Action Stages and events can be reached.

The epicenter of Perfect Chaos' attack millennia ago, the Mystic Ruins is all that is left of the Knuckles Clan civilization. In present-day, Angel Island once crashed on the shoreline next to Mystic Ruins; but it floated away again after the Master Emerald was restored. Sonic the Hedgehog and co. also made several trips through this area to halt Chaos' return to power.


Mystic Ruins main map

Map of Mystic Ruins: (A) Station Area, (B) Angel Island, (C) Jungle Area.[1]

Like the other Adventure Fields in Sonic Adventure, the Mystic Ruins is comprised of a number of distinct areas and a Chao Garden.

Area A - Station Area[]

Mystic Ruins Station Area

Map of the Station Area: (1) Mystic Ruins Station, (2) Boat Dock, (3) Angel Island, (4) Jungle-Bound Trolley Car, (5) Windy Valley, (6) Eastern Cave, (7) Chao Garden Bound Trolley Car, (8) Tails' Workshop, (9) Sea.[2]

The Mystic Ruins Station Area,[3] also known as the Station Area,[1] is a large grassy plateau with some buildings, a train station, and trees. It connects to Station Square, Mystic Ruins Jungle, and Mystic Ruins Angel Island. One side leads to a steep cliff in front of the ocean, and on the other side is a mountain range with various caves. A hill with a large cliff above the sea is located in the eastern part. Several human archaeologists show up here, whom the player can talk to. Mystic Ruins Station Area includes the following points of interest:

  • Station:[3] Also known as the Mystic Ruins Station,[2] this is a railway station. It consists of a tall wooden building built to serve the archaeological sites, and has stairs that lead to a stone bridge connecting to the station. Connected to the station are also some solid train tracks that divide the Mystic Ruins Station Area into two parts. The tracks themselves run from the station and into a mountain tunnel. There is also a train here that can take the player to Station Square. Below the station is the Boat Dock, which can accessed by a ladder at the station.
  • Boat Dock:[2] A wooden platform below the station on the coast that offers a rental raft. After the Egg Carrier has crashed into the Sea, the player will be able to use the raft at the Boat Dock to go there. The Boat Dock itself is accessible via a ladder from the station.
  • West Cave:[3] Also known as Angel Island,[2] it is a cave located west of the station that serves as an entrance to Mystic Ruins Angel Island. At the beginning of the game, its passage will be unavailable to all playable character characters due to a cave in. For some though, West Cave will not available at all during their playthroughs. During specific moments of the game however, some of the rock covering the entrance to West Cave will be blown off the walls and reveal said entrance. Inside West Cave, the player can climb up to the grotto by using the rock fragments lying at the entrance as stairs. At the end of it is a upward wind tunnel that will take the player to Mystic Ruins Angel Island.
  • Truck:[3] Also known as the Jungle-Bound Trolley Car,[2] it is a trolley on some railroad tracks on the left side of the Waterfall in the northwestern corner of the Mystic Ruins Station Area. Once the player gets onboard the trolley, it will close up and enter a mine tunnel ahead of it that leads to the Mystic Ruins Jungle Area.
  • Waterfall:[3] A grassy hill with a small lake inside a recess in said hill that is being fed water by a waterfall flowing down from a cliff above. The Waterfall's lake has different depths, depending on where one is standing. The lake is also surrounded by a sandy beach. The lake at the bottom of the Waterfall is being drained by a small river channel enclosed by wooding on top that leads underground, and ends at the main cliff of the Mystic Ruins Station Area where it flows into the Sea in the form of another waterfall. Notably, on the right side of the Waterfall is a stone block that can be pushed. This will cause another stone structure, on which a silver Chao Egg is attached to, to slide out from behind the Waterfall. The Chao Egg itself will then be pushed into the lake and head downstream until it reaches the shore of the lake. The player can then pick up this Chao Egg and take it with them. To exit the Waterfall's area, the player can use three protruding rock ledges on the southern wall in the hill's recess.
  • Windy Cave:[3] Also known as Windy Valley,[2] this is a narrow cave located northeast of the station, just southeast of the Waterfall. The entrance to Windy Valley can be found there.
  • East Cave:[3] A hidden cave located just north of Tails' Work Shop. After passing through the entrance tunnel, the player will enter a large room.
    • Eastern Cave:[2] A side grotto on the left side of the large room in East Cave. Here, Knuckles can find the Shovel Claw Level Up Item. A Kiki also appears in this grotto, locked in a cage with searchlights. Inside this grotto is also a specially marked area where the player can dig up the Monkey Detonation Switch, which is needed to destroy the Kiki in this grotto.
    • Truck:[3] Also known as the Chao Garden Bound Trolley Car,[2] it is a trolley on some railroad tracks on the right side of the large room in East Cave. Once the player gets onboard the trolley, it will close up and enter a mine tunnel ahead of it that leads to the Mystic Ruins Garden.
  • Tails' Work Shop:[3] Also formatted Tails' Workshop,[2] it is a two-story cliff to the right side of the station. The player can scale this cliff using the stairs here. The cliff itself is quite wide and surrounded by fences on the side of them that face the Sea. The player can also climb the stairs on the long side of the cliff where Tails's Work Shop begins. The work shop itself is a small, two-story house on top of the cliffs with a pressure pump on the side. The player can enter the work shop through its upper balcony and the door on the ground floor towards the hangar. In front of the workshop, leading towards the Sea, is also a long biplane runway with palm trees on the sides. There is also rock shelf to the left of the work shop. The player can fly there to collect an Emblem. The workshop is apparently connected to a cave beneath the house, where Tails works on his Tornado 2.
  • Sea:[2] Covering the south side of the Mystic Ruins Station Area, the Sea is a vast expanse of ocean. It is where the Egg Carrier will crash, and it is from there the player can enter the Egg Carrier using the Boat Dock.

Area B - Angel Island[]

Mystic Ruins Angel Island

Map of Angel Island: (1) Station Area Entrance, (2) Ice Cap, (3) Emerald Altar.[4]

Mystic Ruins Angel Island,[5] also known as simply Angel Island,[1] lies within the borders of Angel Island. It connects to Mystic Ruins Station Area. After Angel Island crashes near Mystic Ruins, most characters can access this area through the West Cave in the Station Area. The main area is a long tunnel that leads to the large mountainside area where the Master Emerald's altar can be found. Mystic Ruins Angel Island includes the following points of interest:

  • West Cave:[5] A long tunnel leading to the main part of Mystic Ruins Angel Island. The player starts here when they enter this Adventure Field. At the other end of the tunnel is an exit to the outer part of Mystic Ruins Angel Island which runs along a mountainside with some rocks and trees on it. It is also surrounded by a low wall on the left side. For some of the playable characters however, the exit from West Cave will be closed by a stone doorway.
    • Station Area Entrance:[4] Located in the deepest part of the West Cave, it is a rocky hole that the playable character can jump into. Doing so will take the player to the West Cave in the Mystic Ruins Station Area.
  • Ice Cave:[5] Also known as the Ice Cap,[4] it is an ice cave accessible through an entrance on the right-sided cave wall of West Cave. It is blocked by an icy door that can be opened by inserting the Ice Stone in the socket there. There is a fairly large, unfrozen lake in the middle of this cave, and on the other side is a ladder leading to Icecap. Also, on the left, in front of the lake, Big can collect the Life Belt Level Up Item.
  • Watch Ape:[5] A Kiki locked in a cage with searchlights that is located on the mountainside on the right side of the path after exiting the West Cave. This Kiki guards the entrance that leads to Red Mountain. This entrance is located along the mountainside on the right and goes through a small gate and into a narrow canyon. However, the gate is kept locked by the encaged Kiki. Each playable character must destroy the Kiki in order to open the gate, but they each have a different way of destroy it. In addition, on a flat rock nearby is Sonic's Ancient Light Level Up Item.
  • Altar of Emerald:[5] Also known as the Emerald Altar,[4] it is a ruined stone altar located on a floating landmass on the opposite side of the Adventure Field's mountain range. A old wooden bridge without barriers on the sides leads here from the mainland. On the floating island are ruins surrounding the remnants of the Altar of Emerald, which is now broken and worn down due to extreme age, as well as a fragment of the former stone bridge connecting to the altar. At the top of the altar is the Master Emerald, which in Knuckles' story may be either destroyed, lacking a few pieces, or fully assembled. Only by flying or using the bridge can the Altar of Emerald be reached.

Area C - Jungle Area[]

Mystic Ruins Jungle Area

Map of the Jungle: (1) Station Area Entrance, (2) Sand Hill, (3) Pyramid, (4) Big's House, (5) Location of the Final Egg.[6]

The Mystic Ruins Jungle Area,[7] also known as the Jungle,[1] is a maze-like area of lush, thick jungle surrounded on one side by a high mountain range. It is connected Mystic Ruins Station Area. Several human archaeologists are lost there, wandering among the trees, and can be talked to. The jungle itself is a labyrinth of various corridors. Rivers flow through the jungle in some places and fallen trees sometimes appear. The Mystic Ruins Jungle Area includes the following points of interest:

  • Station Area Entrance:[6] A stone outcrop with a trolley on some railroad tracks leading into a tunnel in the mountainside. It serves as the entrance point to the Mystic Ruins Jungle Area. The player can get there via the Truck next to the Waterfall in the Mystic Ruins Station Area, and can be used to return to the aforementioned area as well. When arriving there, the player will be standing on the stone outcrop from where one can see the entire Mystic Ruins Jungle Area. To get down from there, the player can either jump down or use the ladder on the edge.
  • Sand Hill:[6] A hidden sand cave located against the mountain wall in the western side of the Mystic Ruins Jungle. It serves as the entrance to Sand Hill. The entrance will initially be covered with sand. Tails, however, can unlock this cave if he flies up the the ledge above and presses the Switch up there that will suck up the sand.
  • Ancient ruins:[7] Also known as the Pyramid,[6] it is an ancient ruin located in the center of the Mystic Ruins Jungle Area. It is designed like a Mayan-based pyramid with stone walls around it that are arranged in a square formation. In the center of it lies the Shrine of Knuckles's race. The main entrance to the shrine is a corridor whose entrance is shaped like a serpent's head, and can be accessed via some stairs. Two statues appear next to these stairs, one of which is movable and the other of which is largely damaged. The temple also has a back entrance. Both these entrances lead into Lost World. The front passage is open only to Sonic. Knuckles, on the other hand, must enter Lost World through the shrine's back entrance. To do this, he has to place the gold statue and silver statue, on their pedestals at the back of shrine.
  • Big's House:[7][6] A wooden cabin where Big the Cat and Froggy live. The cabin is built in a shallow lake that is being fed by several small rivers. It is mostly made of wood, but is also covered in leaves in some places. There is also a wooden bed in the center, under which the Power Rod Level Up Item can be found. To collect it, Big has to lift his bed, thereby allowing him to go underneath it and collect the Power Rod. On the way to Big's House, along the eastern wall, the player will also find an Emblem. In addition, on one of the side corridors, following the second passage on the left from Big's House, the player can find one of the Lure Level Up Items for Big. Above Big's House is also a long rock ledge adjoined to the top. There, Knuckles can find his Fighting Gloves Level Up Item.
  • Location of Final Egg Entrance:[6] Dr. Robotnik's hidden base in the back of the Mystic Ruins Jungle Area, at the northern cliff's edge. Not all the characters in the game can go in there, and some do not get to see the base at all in their playthrough. Here, a metal bridge leads to the base. After getting inside, the player will enter a two-story mechanical room. Two capsules appear here. One of them holds Metal Sonic and in the other is another robot resembling Sonic. There is also a workbench here where Robotnik created his E-100 Series of robots. As this location's name implies, it holds the entrance to the Final Egg. There are two entrances to this Action Stage on the first floor. The first one can only be used by E-102 Gamma and looks like an ordinary door. Sonic and Amy however, must use an alternate route. These characters must use a locked door that is connected to six buttons on the ground. The player has to press them in the correct order so that all six buttons are lit simultaneously. Some buttons disable others however, and must be taken into account. Once all buttons are lit, the door to the Final Egg will open. There are also stairs here leading to the lower floor. The exit door from Final Egg appears here, which only shows up for Amy when she has completed the Final Egg. In other storylines, these doors do not normally open. The lower floor in the location of the Final Egg Entrance is mostly empty and there are only a few stoves against the walls.

Mystic Ruins Temple[]

The Mystic Ruins Temple[8] is an Adventure Field that only appears in Tikal's visions and cannot be re-entered once Tikal's vision ends. It is connected to the Shrine of the Master Emerald. Being Aztec or Mayan in appearance, the Mystic Ruins Temple encompasses a great village where the Knuckles Clan live. The area is cubic in shape and surrounded by a great village wall, with the "back" of the village facing the great jungle that would later become the swampy jungle in the present. There are as well various wells, chimneys that emit smoke, and block-shaped stone houses attached to the walls. There are also various echidna clansmen on the streets of the village that the player can talk to. In the western part of the village, Tails can find the Rhythm Badge Level Up Item. Also, in the southern part of this area, the player can enter the Shrine of the Master Emerald through an ornate door. The Mystic Ruins Temple includes the following points of interest:

  • Shrine of Knuckles's race:[9] A richly decorated echidna shrine located in the center of the Mystic Ruins Temple area. It is the same building seen in the Mystic Ruins Jungle Area, but in pristine condition. It is pyramid-like in shape and has a tall stone staircase leading into a doorway at the top that is shaped like a serpent's head.

Shrine of the Master Emerald[]

The Shrine of the Master Emerald[10] is an Adventure Field that only appears in Tikal's visions and cannot be re-entered once Tikal's vision ends. It is connected to the Mystic Ruins Temple. It is a mountainous land that would later break away from the Mystic Ruins and become Angel Island. It can be accessed through the tunnel in the mountainside in the southern end of this area. This tunnel also connects to the Mystic Ruins Temple. The Shrine of the Master Emerald features a stone bridge in front of the entrance point to this area that leads across a river. The Shrine of the Master Emerald includes the following points of interest:

  • The Altar of Emerald:[11] A sacred altar guarded by Chaos and inhabited by the Chao it protects. Water flows through the altar and the seven Chaos Emeralds are placed on top of each of the pillars surrounding it. At the top of the central part of the altar is the Master Emerald, which resides under a stone roof.


During the Chaos incident, a group of archaeologists were sent to Mystic Ruins to seek out the Shrine of Knuckles's race, although it is revealed by talking to one of the group that the first group sent into the jungle had become lost, and plans were being made to send in a second team.

Sonic the Hedgehog[]

After meeting up with Tails in Station Square, Sonic comes with Tails to his workshop in Mystic Ruins to see a project of his. Upon arriving at Tails' Work Shop, Dr. Robotnik appears in his Eggmobile. After Sonic and Robotnik has exchanged some banter, the latter declares that he will have all seven Chaos Emeralds, including the one Tails has. When Sonic refuses to comply though, Robotnik decides to take it the hard way with his Egg Hornet. Sonic, however, is able to defeat Robotnik's machine. Regardless, even with his Eggmobile having crashed, Robotnik is able to steal Tails' Chaos Emerald using his Eggmobile's mechanical arm. Robotnik then calls forth Chaos, whom Sonic recognizes from Station Station. Robotnik proceeds to feed Chaos the Chaos Emerald, transforming it into Chaos 1. Stoked about his own success, Robotnik gloats about his plan to make Chaos, who serves him, invincible with all seven Chaos Emeralds and use it to destroy Station Square, which will allow Robotnik to build Robotnikland upon the city's ruins. Robotnik then uses a flash grenade to escape with Chaos. With Sonic and Tails in agreement that they cannot let Robotnik get away with this, they decide to hunt down the Chaos Emeralds first in order to keep Chaos from transforming further.

SA1 - Chaos 4 2 (no border)

Sonic and Tails facing Chaos 4, from the 2010 remaster of Sonic Adventure.

Starting out in Mystic Ruins, Sonic and Tails work their way into Windy Valley, where they find the blue Chaos Emerald. Making a return to Mystic Ruins afterwards, they head for Station Square next. Sonic and Tails soon after return though to find another Chaos Emerald. Making it inside the parameters of Angel Island after it had crash landed near Mystic Ruins, Sonic and Tails find a way into Icecap, where they find the green Chaos Emerald. When they return to Mystic Ruins however, Sonic is attacked by Knuckles, whom demands the Emeralds they have. Refusing the order, Sonic fights Knuckles until he drops both Chaos Emeralds during a collision with Knuckles. Robotnik then shows up in the Eggmobile and snatches both Chaos Emeralds with a tractor beam. As Robotnik gloats to Knuckles about how he helped him get the Chaos Emeralds, Sonic realizes that Robotnik had tricked Knuckles once more. After Sonic chides Knuckles though, Robotnik calls forth Chaos 2 and transforms it into Chaos 4 with the Chaos Emeralds. After Sonic defeats Chaos 4, Robotnik unveils his Egg Carrier and as it appears above the Mystic Ruins, the doctor proceeds to escape to it using a tractor beam and flies away in it. With Knuckles having unfinished business to attend to, Sonic and Tails part ways with Knuckles and head to Tails' Work Shop, where Tails preps the Tornado, which Sonic and Tails use to go after the Egg Carrier.

When Amy and Birdie later gets kidnapped by E-100 ZERO, Sonic follows the robot to Mystic Ruins. Just as he has ZERO cornered however, the Egg Carrier appears and picks up ZERO, Amy and Birdie with a tractor beam. Pursing the Egg Carrier from there, Sonic follows it through the Mystic Ruins, all the way to Red Mountain.

SA1 - Sonic finds Lost World

Sonic finds the Ancient ruins in the Mystic Ruins' jungle, from the 2010 remaster of Sonic Adventure.

Sonic soon after falls into Mystic Ruins' jungle after following Robotnik off the Egg Carrier. There, he notices the Ancient ruins shaking, before spotting an orb of light head inside the ruins' shrine. Believing the light is trying to show him something, Sonic heads into the shrine, entering Lost World. In the center of the ruins, Sonic is lead to a mural depicting Perfect Chaos. Upon looking at it however, Sonic suddenly finds himself 3,000 years in the past of the Mystic Ruins, where he sees the Altar of Emerald on fire. Upon closer inspection, Sonic finds unconscious Chao and Tikal lamenting what has happened. As Tikal heads for the Master Emerald however, Sonic's vision ends and he finds himself outside in the present-day Mystic Ruins. No sooner, Sonic sees Robotnik fly by in his Eggmobile, and Sonic pursues him to the Final Egg in Mystic Ruins. After later defeating Robotnik, Sonic makes his way back to Mystic Ruins as Robotnik escapes in his Eggmobile, where he reunites with Tails.

Miles "Tails" Prower[]


Tails facing the Egg Hornet, from Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut.

As Tails brings Sonic to his work shop in the Mystic Ruins in order to show him what he has been working on, the duo gets interrupted by the arrival of Dr. Robotnik in his Eggmobile. As the three of them get reacquainted, Robotnik demands silence as he announces that he has a master plan in the works and warns Tails and Sonic to stay out his way. The doctor then demands that Tails hands over his Chaos Emerald, but when that does not work, Robotnik tries to take it the hard way with his Egg Hornet. Although Tails is able to defeat the Egg Hornet and make Robotnik crash in his Eggmobile, he still loses his Chaos Emerald when Robotnik snags it using his Eggmobile's mechanical arm, just as he was bringing it to Sonic. Robotnik then has Chaos, a monster that Sonic recognizes, come forth, and feeds it the Chaos Emerald, making it transform into Chaos 1. Stoked about his success, Robotnik gloats to Sonic about his plan to turn Chaos into an invincible monster with all seven Chaos Emeralds, and then use it to turn Station Square into rubble so he can build Robotnikland on top of it. Determined to find more Chaos Emeralds now, Robotnik uses as flash grenade to escape with Chaos 1. As Sonic and Tails then come to the agreement that Chaos must be stopped before it can evolve any further, Tails comes up with a plan of action: finding and securing the Chaos Emeralds before Robotnik can get his hands on them.

As the first step on their new mission, Tails and Sonic head into Windy Valley from the Mystic Ruins, where they are able to find a Chaos Emerald. The two of them then leave the Mystic Ruins for Station Square in order to look for the next Emerald there. However, Tails and Sonic soon after return to the Mystic Ruins to look for another Chaos Emerald. Making their way onto Angel Island, which happened to rest on the Mystic Ruins' coastline, the pair are able to find a way into Icecap where they find the next Chaos Emerald. As they return to Mystic Ruins however, they pair meet Knuckles, who begins to attack Tails and demanding that they hand over the Emeralds they have. When Tails refuses however, he begins to fight Knuckles. As they collide during their fight however, Tails drops his two Chaos Emeralds. Robotnik then shows up in the Eggmobile and snatches both Chaos Emeralds with a tractor beam. As Robotnik gloats to Knuckles about how he helped him get the Chaos Emeralds, Tails and Sonic realize that Knuckles has been tricked by Robotnik again. Robotnik then summons Chaos 2 and give his Chaos Emeralds to it, thereby transforming it into Chaos 4. Though Tails is able to defeat Chaos 4 in a fight, Robotnik unveils his Egg Carrier as it appears above Mystic Ruins, Robotnik proceeds to escape to his Egg Carrier using a tractor beam and flies away in it. With Knuckles having unfinished business to attend to, Tails and Sonic part ways with Knuckles and head to Tails' Work Shop, where Tails preps the Tornado, which he and Sonic use to go after the Egg Carrier.

SA1 - Tails red Chaos Emerald (no border)

Tails finding a Chaos Emerald in the Mystic Ruins jungle, from the 2010 remaster of Sonic Adventure.

Unfortunately, the Tornado is shot down by the Egg Carrier, and Tails lands in the Mystic Ruins, unconscious. There, he dreams about the first time he met Sonic. As he wakes up in the middle of the night, feeling nostalgic, Tails realizes that Sonic is not here, but hopes that he is alright. Having seen that the Tornado is not powerful enough to stand up to the Egg Carrier either, Tails goes in search of another Chaos Emerald in order to finish his Tornado 2 biplane, which can surely get him to the Egg Carrier. His search takes him to the Mystic Ruins' jungle, where he finds a Chaos Emerald, only for Froggy to jump in and nab it. Tails proceeds to follow Froggy into Sand Hill, where he manages to catch him. Upon doing so however, Tikal's spirit form appears and shows him a vision of the Mystic Ruins' past. In that vision, Tails meets Tikal who tells him of an old mantra that her grandmother passed onto her. Tails then wakes up from his vision the Mystic Ruins' station area, with Froggy in hand. However, he gets scared and drops Froggy when he sees Big the Cat coming running towards him, only to fall down Though Froggy escapes, with Big following him in hot pursuit, Tails still has the Chaos Emerald. As such, he hurries to his work shop, where he puts the finishing touches to his Chaos Emerald-powered Tornado 2 biplane and takes off in it to find Sonic. Some time after, Tails returns to the Mystic Ruins where he meets up with Sonic and celebrates his own bravery after saving Station Square from Robotnik's missile attack.

Knuckles the Echidna[]

After Dr. Robotnik shatters the Master Emerald to free Chaos from it, Angel Island loses its means of keeping itself afloat in the sky, and so falls from the sky, eventually landing on the coastline of the Mystic Ruins.


Knuckles attacking Sonic in the Mystic Ruins, from Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut.

While out collecting the Master Emerald's shards, Knuckles is given a vision of the Mystic Ruins' past by Tikal's spirit. As he looks around the Mystic Ruins Temple, he sees an argument between Tikal and her father, Pachacamac, where Tikal tries to convince his greedy father to abandon his plans to steal the seven Chaos Emeralds and his warmongering all together, but to no avail. Immediately after, Knuckles' vision ends. Knuckles soon after returns to the Mystic Ruins, from where he makes his way back to Angel Island and into Red Mountain, where he finds three more shards of the Master Emerald. Returning to the Mystic Ruins' station area afterwards, Knuckles sees Sonic and Tails nearby. Spotting what appears to a piece of the Master Emerald in Sonic's hands, Knuckles recalls that Robotnik told him that Sonic is hunting the Master Emerald's shards too. Convinced that Robotnik was right and that Sonic has no right to it, Knuckles promptly attacks Sonic and demands that he hands over the Emerald. When Sonic refuses however, they have a fight. During their clash though, Knuckles and Sonic knock each other down, causing Sonic to drop two Chaos Emeralds. Robotnik then shows up in the Eggmobile and snatches both Chaos Emeralds with a tractor beam. As Knuckles sees that they are not the shards of the Master Emerald, he is treated to an explanation from Robotnik, provoking an argument between Knuckles and Sonic over who had been tricked by Robotnik. Regardless, Robotnik calls in Chaos 2 and transform it into Chaos 4 with the two Chaos Emeralds. Undeterred, Knuckles fights Chaos 4 and wins. Despite this, Robotnik unveils his Egg Carrier as it appears above Mystic Ruins. Robotnik then proceeds to escape to his Egg Carrier using a tractor beam and flies away in it. Since he still has things to take care of however, Knuckles tells Sonic and Tails to ahead without him when they decide to go after Robotnik in the Tornado.

Resuming his search for the Master Emerald's shards, Knuckles heads into the Mystic Ruins' jungle. There, he finds a way into Lost World, where he finds three more Emerald Shards. Upon doing so, however, Tikal treats him to another vision of the Mystic Ruins' past. In that vision, he finds himself at the Shrine of the Master Emerald, where he sees Tikal's fruitless attempt to convince Chaos and its Chao to leave the Altar of Emerald before her father attacks it. As the vision fades, Knuckles finds himself back at the present-day Altar of Emerald. There, he tries putting the Master Emerald together, only to see that it is still missing a few pieces. Fortunately, the Master Emerald shows an image of the Egg Carrier, which Knuckles believes is a sign that the remaining Emerald Shards are there. As Knuckles wonders where he can find Robotnik's base however, he sees E-102 Gamma land nearby. Recognizing it as one of Robotnik's robots, Knuckles decides to follow Gamma, believing he can lead him to Robotnik.


Knuckles finds the Location of the Final Egg, from Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut.

Tailing Gamma, Knuckles eventually finds himself at the entrance to the Final Egg in the Mystic Ruins' jungle. From there, Knuckles boards the Egg Carrier just before it takes off. After finding the last shard however, Knuckles is taken into the past of the Mystic Ruins by Tikal once more. There, he finds himself at the Altar of Emerald, which has been set on fire. Knuckles also finds an injured Tikal who explains vaguely how her father attacked the altar. As Tikal heads for the Master Emerald however, Knuckles' vision ends. Later, Knuckles returns to Angel Island with the remaining shards and six Chaos Emeralds. After he has fully repaired the Master Emerald, Angel Island rises into the sky again, and Knuckles is able to resume his duty as the Master Emerald's guardian.

Amy Rose[]

SA1 - Amy sees Tikal Chao vision

Amy in the past of the Mystic Ruins, from the 2010 remaster of Sonic Adventure.

While working on escaping the Egg Carrier, Amy was given a vision of the Mystic Ruins' past by Tikal's spirit. Finding herself at the Shrine of the Master Emerald, Amy witnessed Tikal's first meeting with the native Chao and Chaos, just has her vision ended.

Not long after, Amy came to the Mystic Ruins in search of Birdie's family. Her search took her into the Mystic Ruins' jungle, where she found the entrance to the Final Egg. Despite searching the Final Egg though, Amy and Birdie found no trace of the latter's family. However, Amy then realized that since Birdie escaped from the Egg Carrier earlier, perhaps birdie's family was there. As such, Amy and Birdie headed to the crashed Egg Carrier from the Mystic Ruins.

Big the Cat[]


Froggy leaves Big's house in the Mystic Ruins, from Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut.

One faithful night in the Mystic Ruins' jungle, a light in the sky falls into the jungle, shaking the area. Meanwhile, Big and Froggy are sleeping in Big's House. Froggy, however, is awoken by the tremors, and leaves Big's House to investigate. Just outside Big's House, however, Froggy discovers a moving pool of water that suddenly leaps into his mouth. At the same time, Big wakes up and spots Froggy. To his mild surprise, Big notices that Froggy has grown a tail. Froggy then turns around and, upon spotting the yellow Chaos Emerald in Big's House, jumps into the house and swallows the Emerald. As Big complains that Froggy has swallowed his "lucky charm", Froggy hops away, much to Big's worry, as he cannot understand what has gotten into his old friend. Sensing that something is wrong, Big hurries out to find Froggy.

Big's search for Froggy eventually takes him to the Mystic Ruins Station Area. From there, he makes his way into Angel Island's territory and finds a way into Icecap, where he finds Froggy, only to lose him once more. Following Froggy's trail from there, Big returns to the Mystic Ruins and makes his way back to the Mystic Ruins Station Area in the middle of the night. There, he finds Froggy in the hands of Tails, whom he thinks is holding Froggy against his will. Big promptly runs at Tails, only to trip and fall in front of him. This causes Tails to drop Froggy, who hops over Big and runs away again, much to Big's disappointment. Despite this, Big continues onward, following Froggy to Station Square.


Big and Froggy back home in the Mystic Ruins, from Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut.

When Big later finds Froggy onboard the Egg Carrier, he is taken into the past by Tikal. Finding himself at a past version of the Shrine of the Master Emerald, Big bears witness to Tikal being allowed passage into the Altar of Emerald by Chaos, who has come to trust her. There, Tikal finds the Master Emerald, and after spotting the seven Chaos Emeralds surrounding it, she understands the function of the Master Emerald from her grandmother's old mantra. Immediately after however, Big is take back to the present. Soon after, Big is able to return to the Mystic Ruins' jungle with Froggy, who has returned to normal, where the two of them resume their happy and peaceful lifestyle.

E-102 Gamma[]


Gamma in the Final Egg base in the Mystic Ruins with Dr. Robotnik, from Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut.

Coming online inside the Final Egg base in Mystic Ruins, E-102 Gamma is met by his creator, Dr. Robotnik, who introduces himself to him and tells Gamma that he is the second model in his E-100 Series of robots. With the introductions out the way, Robotnik orders Gamma to obey only him from now on. Gamma then follows Robotnik to the entrance to the Final Egg. There, Robotnik orders Gamma to go for a test run at the shooting range inside the Final Egg, just like his "big brother", E-101 Beta, is currently doing. While Robotnik notes to Gamma that he may not be as advanced as Beta, he malevolently believes that he will do just fine. Complying to Robotnik's orders, Gamma heads into the Final Egg, where he passes his test by shooting down a Sonic Doll. Upon Gamma's return, the robot finds Robotnik, who commends him for his efforts despite not believing that he had what it took. Robotnik then has Gamma get ready for another test. Demanding that he pays attention, Robotnik tells Gamma that the Egg Carrier needs a solid crew, and as such summons Beta to have them battle each other to see who gets to stay onboard. Although Robotnik puts his money on Beta, Gamma is able to defeat Beta after a grueling battle. Pleasantly surprised by Gamma's victory, Robotnik acknowledges that he had seen Gamma's potential and thus permits him to serve onboard the Egg Carrier. However, when Beta shows interest in coming along, Robotnik gives Beta special permission to come along, noting that they can always use a "spare set of parts".

As Gamma completes his first mission by finding and securing Froggy, he is taken into the past of the Mystic Ruins by Tikal's spirit. Finding himself in front of the Shrine of the Master Emerald, Gamma is unable to identify his location, and so heads to the Altar of Emerald. There, he finds some Chao singing in Chaos' presence. He also meets Tikal, who tells him about Chaos and its Chao, and about how her distant father plans to take the Altar of Emerald for himself. Immediately after though, Gamma is sent back to the present.


Gamma landing in the Mystic Ruins Station Area, from Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut.

After escaping the crashing Egg Carrier and making his way into the Mystic Ruins Station Area, Gamma has gotten a new perspective on life. Having recognized Dr. Robotnik for the fiend that he is, Gamma deletes him from his Master registration as he lands in the Mystic Ruins, before setting out to save his other friends in the E-Series. Finding a way into Windy Valley, Gamma locates E-103 Delta there and "rescues" him by destroying him and freeing the Parrot powering him. After that, Gamma returns to the Mystic Ruins and makes his way into Red Mountain on Angel Island. There, he finds E-104 Epsilon and destroys him too, freeing the Robin powering him as well. Upon returning to Angel Island however, Gamma realizes he does not know the location of E-105 Zeta or E-101 Beta. Upon searching his memories however, Gamma speculates that they may be onboard the Egg Carrier, and so hurries out to the crashed vessel from the Mystic Ruins.

Super Sonic[]

As night falls in the Mystic Ruins' jungle, the Tornado 2 and its Chaos Emerald has come to rest near Big's House. Meanwhile, Angel Island once again falls from the sky and lands on the coast of the Mystic Ruins.

During the next day, Robotnik is flying through the Mystic Ruins' jungle in his Eggmobile. Though angry about Sonic and how he always foils his plans, Robotnik muses that he cannot stop him this time in spite of everything. Immediately after though, Robotnik runs into Chaos. Not long after, back on Angel Island, Knuckles is stumped about why Angel Island has fallen despite the Master Emerald being back where it belongs. As it dawns on him that it might have something to do with the six Chaos Emeralds he has brought with him to Angel Island, Knuckles decides to take them to Sonic for his advice. As he turns around though, Knuckles spots Robotnik nearby, lying on the ground. Hurrying over to Robotnik, Knuckles hears him mumble something about Chaos, who appears nearby.

Meanwhile, back in the Station Area of the Mystic Ruins, Sonic is resting up and thinking about taking another vacation after having taught Robotnik his lesson. No sooner though, Tails shows up. Sonic asks him if he has found the Tornado 2, but instead, Tails tells him about Angel Island's fall, much to Sonic's surprise. Regardless, Tails insists that they hurry and check it out. Making their way onto Angel Island's Altar of Emerald, Sonic and Tails finds Knuckles and Robotnik on the ground, with the latter revealing to Sonic that Chaos is still alive and has stolen his Chaos Emeralds. While Sonic is shocked, Robotnik gets up and leaves in his Eggmobile to get payback on Chaos. Afterwards, Knuckles warns Sonic that Chaos cannot get the last Chaos Emerald, or they will be done for. As Sonic assures him that he and Tails are on it though, Tikal's spirit form appears and takes Sonic into the past again. Finding himself at the Shrine of the Master Emerald, Sonic heads to the Altar of Emerald, which has been set on fire. Here, he sees Tikal and the native Chao make a stand against Pachacamac and his men from the Knuckles Clan. Despite Tikal pleading her people to not take the Emeralds, Pachacamac has his men trample over Tikal and the Chao. As they make their way into the Altar of Emerald however, Chaos appears before the echidnas and starts harnessing the seven Chaos Emeralds' power, creating a bright flash that envelops the frighten members of the Knuckles Clan. Afterwards, Sonic hurries to the altar to check on Tikal, who gets up and, after seeing the destruction around her, heads to the Master Emerald in the altar. There, she uses her prayer to tap into the Master Emerald's power in order to stop Chaos' rampage, causing a bright flash to engulf the scene.

As the light dies down, Sonic finds himself back in the present, where Tails explains that he conked out for a while. Tails then reveals that Knuckles has already left, and that they should head out and find the last Chaos Emerald, which Tails thinks should still be in the Tornado 2. With Sonic telling Tails to lead the way, the two find the Tornado 2 in the Mystic Ruins' jungle, with its Chaos Emerald still onboard it. As they head towards the biplane however, Chaos emerges in a pillar of water and takes the Emerald before disappearing, leaving Tails clueless about what to do now.


The Mystic Ruins is an open world divided into a number of sections that the player is free to explore at their leisure. Its primary purpose is to serve as a hub world from where the player can reach the different Action Stages, Sub Games, Character Conflicts and boss fights in each storyline, as well as the Mystic Ruins Garden. However, within the different storylines of the games, some sections of the Mystic Ruins may be inaccessible until the player reaches a certain point in their respective stories. In other cases, some sections may be closed off for the entirety of their storylines.

Found around the Mystic Ruins are non-playable characters (NPCs) that the player can interact with in order to get background information about the surroundings, hints about the gameplay, or just regular daily chat. Sometimes, there are also Hint Orbs in the Mystic Ruins for aiding the player if they are stuck.

In terms of active gameplay, the playable characters have access to all of their abilities and movements in the Mystic Ruins, meaning they are free to act as if this Adventure Field is an Action Stage. However, the Mystic Ruins Adventure Field is almost devoid of gameplay elements like gimmicks, obstacles and enemies. It also does not rely on the Ring-based damage mechanics or life system, as it is nearly impossible to lose a try here. Still, there are a few gameplay elements for the player to use. Most notable are the Key Stones that will appear around the Mystic Ruins and its neighboring Adventure Fields. These objects add a degree of puzzle solving to the gameplay, and are needed to open entrances to the different Action Stages around the Mystic Ruins. By bringing these Key Stones to their matching pedestal somewhere in the Mystic Ruins, they can open up a path to an Action Stage. However, the Key Stones will only appear when the time comes to enter said Action Stages in their storylines. Other levels, such as the Sand Hill Sub Game, can be accessed after pressing a special switch. Also, a number of Level Up Items can be found around the Mystic Ruins. Some of them are optional, while others must be collected in order to progress with the storylines. There may also be interactable objects in the field that the player can use in order to reveal items, like Chao Eggs. Notable interactable objects in Knuckles' storyline in particular are mounts that can be dug into in order to reveal items like Rings, Key Stones and Monkey Detonation Switches. There are also a few Emblems hidden in different places around the Mystic Ruins.

A notable instance of enemies in the Mystic Ruins are Kikis, which have been encaged in metal cages at different, yet consistent, spots around the Mystic Ruins. These Badniks serve to keep iron gates in place that keep the player from progressing with the gameplay. The only way to raise these iron gates is to destroy the respective Kiki guarding them. However, they can only be destroyed in certain ways, depending on the playable character; Sonic has to use the Light Speed Attack on them; Knuckles must place a Monkey Destruction Switch close to them; and Gamma must shoot them with his Homing Missile Launch.

At various points throughout the storylines in the Mystic Ruins, a cutscene will automatically be triggered whenever the player approaches a certain spot in the field. These spots are often marked by the presence of important story characters there, like another playable character or a boss.


Sonic the Hedgehog[]

Objective-wise, the player first has to travel to the Mystic Ruins after completing Emerald Coast. Upon arriving in the Mystic Ruins Station Area, the player will find themselves at the Station. From there, leave the Station and lead towards the rock plateau on the west side of Tails's Work Shop via the staircase on the northern side of said plateau. Upon arriving there, a cutscene will play before the player begins the Egg Hornet boss fight. After defeating the Egg Hornet, another cutscene will play. After that, the player will find Sonic standing on the plateau. From here, head to Tails's Work Shop. There, they will find the Wind Stone in front of the entrance to Tails' Work Shop. Pick it up, and head into Windy Cave in the Mystic Ruins Station Area. At the end of this tunnel is a pedestal for the Wind Stone. Placing the Wind Stone next to this pedestal will make the Wind Stone float into the air and insert itself into its pedestal. This will unblock the barricade sealing up the upward winds in Windy Cave. The player must then jump into these winds to be taken into Windy Valley. After clearing Windy Valley, Sonic will land back in Windy Cave. From there, leave Windy Cave and head to the Station. There, take the train to Station Square.

When returning to the Mystic Ruins Station Area with the Ice Stone, the blocked entrance to West Cave will be blown open. After that, head into West Cave and ride the wind tunnel inside it up to the Mystic Ruins Angel Island. There, the player will appear in front of the Station Area Entrance. Head down the tunnel inside the West Cave from here, until a sealed ice blue doorway appears on the right. Set then the Ice Stone next to the pedestal at this doorway to unlock it and head into Ice Cave. Here, the player will find a ladder inside another cave on the opposite side of the Ice Cave's pond. Climb this ladder to enter Icecap. After clearing Icecap, Sonic will appear in Ice Cave again. From there, return to the West Cave and take the Station Area Entrance back to the Mystic Ruin Station Area's West Cave. Upon arriving there, head towards the Waterfall. This will trigger a cutscene, before the player faces Knuckles in a Character Conflict. After clearing it, another cutscene will play, which will be followed by the boss fight with Chaos 4. After defeating Chaos 4, another cutscene will play. Following that, the player will find themself near the Waterfall. The player then has to head to Tails' Work Shop. Upon arriving at its front entrance, another cutscene is triggered, which transitions into the Sky Chase Act 1 Sub Game.

When returning to the Mystic Ruins Station Area via the train from Station Square after clearing Speed Highway, another cutscene will play. After that, head into West Cave and ride the wind tunnel up to the Mystic Ruins Angel Island. Once in the West Cave, follow it until Sonic heads through an open doorway and arrives on the outside. From there, head towards the flat stone platform south of the the Watch Ape outpost to pick up the Ancient Light Level Up Item. With that upgrade, head to the Warp Ape outpost and use the Light Speed Attack to destroy the Kiki inside the cage there. This will open the nearby gate, which the player must enter to play through Red Mountain.

After defeating Chaos 6 onboard the Egg Carrier, the player will find themselves in the Mystic Ruins Jungle where another cutscene will play upon their arrival. From there, head into the front passage at the top of the Ancient ruins in order to enter Lost World. After clearing it, the player will automatically be transported to the Shrine of the Master Emerald. Head towards the Altar of Emerald from there to trigger another cutscene, which will lead to the player's return to the Mystic Ruins Jungle Area. Now at the Ancient ruins, head to the Location of Final Egg Entrance. Proceed in there to enter the Final Egg base. Once inside, head to the opposite side of the room on the top floor where there is an entrance with six buttons in front of it. To open the door here, the player must make all the buttons light up by stepping on them in the right order. Though there are may ways to do this, one way includes pressing the lower left button, then the lower right, then the middle right, and finally the middle left. Once the door is open, head into it to enter Final Egg.

Miles "Tails" Prower[]

Objective-wise, the player is obligated to head to the Mystic Ruins Station Area shortly after beginning the game in Station Square. Upon arriving at the Station when traveling there from Station Square, the player has to leave the Station and lead towards the rock plateau on the west side of Tails' Work Shop. Upon arriving there, a cutscene will play before the player begins the Egg Hornet boss fight. After defeating the Egg Hornet, another cutscene will play. After that, the player will find Tails standing on the plateau. From there, head to Tails's Work Shop. There, in front of the staircase to the workshop's entrance is the Wind Stone. Pick it up, and head into Windy Cave in the Mystic Ruins Station Area. At the end of this tunnel is a pedestal for the Wind Stone. Placing the Wind Stone next to this pedestal will make the Wind Stone float into the air and insert itself into its pedestal. This will unblock the barricade sealing up the upward winds in Windy Cave. The player must then jump into these winds to be taken into Windy Valley. After clearing Windy Valley, Tails will land back in Windy Cave. From there, leave Windy Cave and head to the Station. There, take the train to Station Square.

Upon getting the Ice Stone in Station Square, head to the Mystic Ruins Station Area. Upon arriving at the Station, the blocked entrance to West Cave will be blown open. As such, head into West Cave and ride the wind tunnel inside it up to the Mystic Ruins Angel Island. There, the player will appear in front of the Station Area Entrance. Head down the tunnel inside the West Cave from here, until a sealed ice blue doorway appears on the right. Set then the Ice Stone next to the pedestal at this doorway to unlock it and head into Ice Cave. Here, the player will find a ladder inside another cave on the opposite side of the Ice Cave's pond. Climb this ladder to enter Icecap. After clearing Icecap, Tails will appear in Ice Cave again. From there, return to the West Cave and take the Station Area Entrance back to the Mystic Ruin Station Area's West Cave. Upon arriving there, head towards the Waterfall. This will trigger a cutscene, before the player faces Knuckles in a Character Conflict. After clearing it, another cutscene will play, which will be followed by the boss fight with Chaos 4. After defeating Chaos 4, another cutscene will play. Following that, the player will find themself near the Waterfall. The player then has to head to Tails' Work Shop. Upon arriving at its front entrance, another cutscene is triggered, which transitions into the Sky Chase Act 1 Sub Game.

After another cutscene has played, the player will find themselves back in the Mystic Ruins Station Area, in front of the Waterfall. From here, head to the Truck on the left side of the Waterfall and use it to enter the Mystic Ruins Jungle Area. Upon arriving at the Station Area Entrance in this area, head towards Sand Hill to trigger another cutscene. Once the cutscene is over, head into the Sand Hill's cave. Inside it, the player will find a blocked entrance. To open it, get up on the ledge above the entrance and get up on the rock pedestal there in order to make it slide down. With the entrance below now open, head into it to play the Sand Hill Sub Game. Upon clearing it, a new cutscene will play. Once it is done, the player will find themselves in the Mystic Ruins Temple. From there, head up the stairs on the left side of where Tails is standing and head north from there, past the square platforms, to reach the Rhythm Badge. After acquiring this Level Up Item, head to the front of the Shrine of Knuckles' race where Tikal is standing. This will trigger another cutscene that will transition into the Mystic Ruins Station Area. There, there will be another cutscene. Once it has played, the player will find themselves in front of this Adventure Field's rock plateau. From here, head to Tails' Work Shop. Upon approaching the entrance to the workshop, a new cutscene will play that leads into Sky Chase Act 2 Sub Game.

Knuckles the Echidna[]

After clearing Casino Park, a cutscene will play that will transition into the Mystic Ruins Temple. Upon arriving there, get to the opposite side of the Shrine of Knuckles' race from where Knuckles is standing, and head towards Tikal and Pachacamac, who will be standing just down the road. This will trigger a cutscene that will take the player out of the Mystic Ruins Temple.

After clearing the Chaos 2 boss fight, two cutscenes will follow it that will transition the player into the Mystic Ruins Station Area. With Knuckles having been put just east of the Station, head into the East Cave from there. Once inside it, go into the Eastern Cave. Upon entering it however, the entrance to the Eastern Cave will be sealed with an iron gate, trapping Knuckles inside it. To get out of there, pick up the Shovel Claws just ahead of the entrance. With this Level Up Item now in Knuckles' possession, go into the room that hosts the mound with green leaves around it and an Robotnik Empire decal icon bouncing up and down above it. Use Dig here to dig up the Monkey Detonation Switch. Afterward, pick up this device and place it directly below the encaged Kiki in this grotto. This will destroy the Kiki and open up for the entrance out of the Eastern Cave. With Knuckles now freed, pick up the Monkey Destruction Switch again and head into the West Cave. There, ride the winds inside up to the Mystic Ruins Angel Island. Upon arriving at the Station Area Entrance, follow the West Cave that Knuckles is currently in until he arrives on the outside. Head then to the Watch Ape in this area, and place the Monkey Destruction Switch directly below the encaged Kiki there to destroy it. This will open the entrance to Red Mountain, which the player then has to head into.

After clearing Red Mountain, Knuckles will be deposited at its entrance in the Mystic Ruins Angel Island. From there, head back into the West Cave and follow it back to the Station Area Entrance. Use that to return to the Mystic Ruins Station Area. Once in this area, head towards Sonic and Tails in front of the Waterfall. This will trigger another cutscene that transitions into a Character Conflict with Sonic. After clearing it, a new cutscene is played, which will lead into the boss fight with Chaos 4. After clearing that boss, another cutscene will play. Once it is finished, Knuckles will find himself in front of the Waterfall. From there, take the Truck on the left side of the Waterfall and use it to enter the Mystic Ruins Jungle Area.

Upon arriving at the Station Area Entrance, the player will find a gold statue in front of them. Pick it up and head to the backside of the Ancient ruins. On that side of the ruins, the player will find a silver pedestal on the left and a gold pedestal on the right. Place the gold statue near the gold pedestal, and the statue will insert itself. After that, head towards the path on the western side of the Ancient ruins and follow it southward until a path into a clearing appears on the left. Inside this clearing is a small ruin with transparent yellow rings moving up and down above it. Dig into this ruin at the center of it to find the silver statue. Pick up this statue and take it back to the backside of the Ancient ruins. There, place it next to the silver pedestal to insert it. With the two statues now in place, it will open the entrance to Lost World in-between them. Head into this entrance to play this Action Stage.

After clearing Lost World, the player will be taken to the Shrine of the Master Emerald. From there, head into the Altar of Emerald to trigger a cutscene. Once it has played, the player will be taken to the Altar of Emerald on the Mystic Ruins Angel Island where another cutscene will automatically play. After that cutscene is over, Knuckles find himself in front of the wooden bridge to the Altar of Emerald. From there, head into the West Cave and follow it to the Station Area Entrance. Use that path to enter the Mystic Ruins Station Area, and use the Truck near the Waterfall to enter the Mystic Ruins Jungle Area again. From there, head towards the Location of Final Egg Entrance to trigger a cutscene that will transition the player onto the Egg Carrier.

After clearing Sky Deck, the player will be taken to the Shrine of the Master Emerald again. Like before, head towards the Altar of Emerald to trigger a new cutscene. Once it is over, the player will find themselves back on the Egg Carrier.

Amy Rose[]

After clearing Hot Shelter, a cutscene will automatically play that will take the player to the Mystic Ruins Temple. From here, go through the gate behind that lies behind Amy when starting out in this area. This take the player into a tunnel that leads out to the Shrine of the Master Emerald. Once out in the open, head towards the Altar of Emerald. There, a cutscene will be triggered that will take the player back to the Egg Carrier.

When later returning to Station Square, the player is automatically taken to the Mystic Ruins Station Area. Upon arriving at the Station, head towards the Truck on the left side of the Waterfall and use it to enter the Mastic Ruins Jungle Area. Once at the Station Area Entrance, head towards the Location of Final Egg Entrance. There a brief cutscene will play. Once it is over, head inside the entrance. Now inside the Final Egg base, head to the opposite side of the room on the top floor where there is an entrance with six buttons in front of it. To open the door here, the player must make all the buttons light up by stepping on them in the right order. Though there are may ways to do this, one way includes pressing the upper right button, the middle left button, the lower left button, the bottom left button, the middle right button, the lower right button, and finally the upper right button. From there, head into the opened doorway to play the Final Egg. After clearing it, the player will appear on the lower floor of the Final Egg base. After a brief cutscene, lead up the stairs on the left to reach the Final Egg base's upper floor and head back to the Mystic Ruins Jungle Area through the base's entrance. From there, head back to the Station Area Entrance and use the Truck there to go back to the Mystic Ruins Station Area. From there, the player has to return to the Egg Carrier. The fastest way from here is to head to the area's Boat Dock and take the raft there to the Egg Carrier.

Big the Cat[]

After finding the Ice Stone in Station Square, head to the Mystic Ruins Station Area from there. Upon arriving at the Station, head into the West Cave and ride the upward wind tunnel up to the Mystic Ruins Angel Island. Upon finding themselves at the Station Area Entrance, follow the West Cave until a sealed ice blue doorway appears on the right. Set then the Ice Stone next to the pedestal at this doorway to unlock it and head into Ice Cave. Here, the player will find the Life Belt Level Up Item right next to the Ice Cave's pound. They will also find a ladder inside another cave on the opposite side of said pond. Climb this ladder after getting the Life Belt to enter Icecap. After clearing this Action Stage, Big will be returned to the Ice Cave. From here, return to West Cave and follow it back to the Station Area Entrance. Use it to re-enter the Mystic Ruins Station Area. Right after using this entrance, a cutscene will play. After that, the player has to go to the Station and take the train there back to Station Square.

After clearing Hot Shelter, another cutscene will play. After it, the player will find themselves at the Shrine of the Master Emerald. From there, head towards Tikal in the Altar of Emerald to trigger another cutscene. After that, the player will find themselves back on the Egg Carrier.

E-102 Gamma[]

Staring out in the Mystic Ruins Jungle Area's Final Egg base, the player will be treated to a cutscene when beginning the story. From there, head towards Dr. Robotnik on the left side of where Gamma is standing after the cutscene has ended. After that, another cutscene will play, which will lead into the Final Egg. Once that Action Stage has been completed, Gamma will be returned to the Final Egg base. From there, head down to the lower floor of the base and approach Robotnik in order to trigger another cutscene. This will lead to a boss fight with E-101 Beta. After clearing this fight, another cutscene will play, which will take the player out of this Adventure Field.

After clearing Emerald Coast, Gamma will be taken to the Shrine of the Master Emerald. After the cutscene there has played, head to the Altar of Emerald to trigger another cutscene, which will lead to Gamma being taken to the Egg Carrier.

Later, after clearing the Character Conflict with Sonic onboard the Egg Carrier, Gamma will take himself to the Mystic Ruins Station Area. After its introduction cutscene has played, head to Tails' Work Shop. There, the player will find the Wind Stone in front of the entrance to Tails's Work Shop. Pick it up, then head into Windy Cave in the Mystic Ruins Station Area. At the end of this tunnel is a pedestal for the Wind Stone. Placing the Wind Stone next to this pedestal will make the Wind Stone float into the air and insert itself into its pedestal. This will unblock the barricade sealing up the upward winds in Windy Cave. The player must then jump into these winds to be taken into Windy Valley. After clearing Windy Valley, the blocked entrance to West Cave will be blown open. From there, head into West Cave and ride the wind tunnel inside it up to the Mystic Ruins Angel Island. There, the player will appear in front of the Station Area Entrance. Head down the tunnel inside the West Cave from here until Gamma comes out into the open. From here, head to the area's Watch Ape and destroy the encaged Kiki there. This will unlock the nearby iron gate entrance, which Gamma has to enter to play Red Mountain.

After clearing this Action Stage, Gamma will be returned to the entrance to Red Mountain. From here, return to West Cave and follow it back to the Station Area Entrance. Use it to re-enter the Mystic Ruins Station Area. From there, the player has to return to the Egg Carrier. The fastest way from here is to head to the area's Boat Dock and take the raft there to the Egg Carrier.

Super Sonic[]

After the story's introduction cutscenes have played, the player takes control of Sonic in the Mystic Ruins Station Area. From there, head into the West Cave and ride the wind tunnel there up to the Mystic Ruins Angel Island. Upon finding themselves at the Station Area Entrance, follow the West Cave until Sonic exits from it and comes out into the open. From there<, head to the front of the Altar of Emerald. There, a cutscene will be triggered. which will eventually to Sonic being taken to the Shrine of the Master Emerald. From there, head towards the Altar of Emerald to make another series of cutscenes play. After those are over, head towards Tikal in front of the Altar of Emerald to trigger another cutscene. After it has played, head into the Altar of Emerald's main center. There, a cutscene will be triggered that will transition the player back to the Mystic Ruins Angel Island. From there, head back into West Cave and use the Station Area Entrance to return to the Mystic Ruins Station Area. Then, upon arriving in the area's West Cave, head towards the Truck on the left side of the Waterfall and use it to reach the Mystic Ruins Jungle Area. Upon entering this area, the player will be treated to another series of cutscenes that lead to the final boss.


  • If the temple in the center of the jungle area is approached from outside its render distance at high enough speed, one can see the stone sphere on the left side transforms into a statue of an Echidna whenever it is loaded. The sphere on the right is broken, so its ability to transform if any is unknown.
  • Robotnik's Hidden Base in the Jungle Area only spawns for those meant to explore it, meaning it will not appear in Big or Tails' story modes.
    • Knuckles is an exception to this rule. Although the entrance to Robotnik's base appears due to being part of a cutscene, the entrance door will not open for Knuckles, leaving the base inaccessible.


Concept artwork[]









Name Artist(s) Length Music track
"Mystic Ruin" Fumie Kumatani 2:26

See also[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Sonic Adventure Online. Map: Mystic Ruins. Sonic Team. Archived from the original on 25 May 2016. Retrieved on 19 July 2016.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 Sonic Adventure Online. Map: Mystic Ruins. Sonic Team. Archived from the original on 25 May 2016. Retrieved on 19 July 2016.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 Map of the Mystic Ruins Station Area, Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Sonic Adventure Online. Map: Mystic Ruins. Sonic Team. Archived from the original on 25 May 2016. Retrieved on 20 July 2016.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Map of the Mystic Ruins Angel Island, Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 Sonic Adventure Online. Map: Mystic Ruins. Sonic Team. Archived from the original on 25 May 2016. Retrieved on 20 July 2016.
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Map of the Mystic Ruins Jungle Area, Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut.
  8. Stratton, Bryan (17 June 2003). "Knuckles The Echidna's Adventure Fields and Action Stages". Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut: Prima's Official Strategy Guide. Prima Games. p. 76. ISBN 978-0761542865.
  9. Map of the Mystic Ruins Temple, Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut.
  10. Stratton, Bryan (17 June 2003). "Knuckles The Echidna's Adventure Fields and Action Stages". Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut: Prima's Official Strategy Guide. Prima Games. p. 77. ISBN 978-0761542865.
  11. Map of the Shrine of the Master Emerald, Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut.

Main article · Scripts (Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Big, Gamma, Super Sonic) · Story Screens (Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Big, Gamma) · Credits · Glitches · Beta elements · Gallery · Pre-releases (Limited Edition, DX Demo Version) · Re-releases (DX, 2010)