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- "Unknown to the people, unknown to the world, we become shadows to combat evil. Windy-Ninja Squadron Hurricaneger! Uh, On~ Stage~! (人も知らず、世も知らず、影となりて悪を討つ。忍風戦隊ハリケンジャー!あ、参~上~! Hito mo shirazu, yo mo shirazu, kage to narite Aku o utsu. Ninpū Sentai Harikenjā! A, San~jō~!)"
- ―Hurricanegers announcing their arrival[src]
- "Say, bye-bye! (せい、バイバイ Sei, Baibai!)"
- ―Hurricanegers announcing their victory against a Jakanja[src]
The Hurricanegers are the 26th Super Sentai. They are a ninja team initially composed of the Hurricane-trio, formed nearly after the Gaorangers defeated Senki. They were later joined by the Gouraigers duo to form the core team, and the lone Shurikenger to form the full main team.
to be added

Hurricanegers, Gouraigers and Shurikenger as team
Less than 20 years before the main series events (after 1982), Kota's parents died in a car accident. He and his sister ended up in a orphanage. 12 years before the main series events (1990), Kota accidently injured his sister giving him the will to become a rehabilitation pedotherapist.
Hurricanegers Debut
They made their debut as ninjas in 2001. They are recruited by the Hayate-Way Ninja Academy in order to eventually become the Hurricanegers. Yosuke, Nanami and Kota are recruited as Hayate ninjas. The entrance exam was to retrieve some object on the top of a moutain by climbing it. However Nanami injured herself during the exam. She has been helped by Yosuke and Kota, but she didn't pass the exam. The trio would became close friends.

The Hurricanegers rollcalling for the first time.
They become the Hurricanegers in 2002. After the destruction of their school and the extermination of the other students, despite being the three worst ninja apprentices of the Hayate-Way, they are left alone, so they try to defend the Earth against the imminent invasion of the Space Ninja Group Jakanja, by becoming the legendary Hurricanegers. The future Additional Rangers, the Lightning Speed Gouraiger, are watching them beating their first enemy, the Barrier Ninja Kekkaibo. TV STORY-Scroll 1: Wind and Ninjas
The Ikazuchi school was anihilated at the same time as the Hayate school. Ikkou and Isshu being the survivors found the Gourai Changers and became the Gouraigers, they began their quest to find a mysterious artefact.

The Shinobi Machines deployed for the first time.
Yosuke is worried about the lack of seriousness of his comrades who seem more concerned by their civilian jobs than by their mission. However the city is attacked by the Magnet Ninja Jishakkumo. The main mecha of the team are revealed to the Hurricanegers during their fight against this new enemy. These are Hurricane Hawk, Hurricane Dolphin and Hurricane Lion. Together, they form the Ninpu Gattai Senpuujin, their main giant robot. Senpuujin made it to his first fight, with the help of the Karakuri Ball, Sword Slasher, making the Hurricanegers counting on him for gigantic threats. TV STORY-Scroll 2: The Giant and Gadgets
Jakanja's Plans

Nanami singing.
As she believes her dream of becoming a song star is about to come true, Nanami finds herself trapped in another dimension, created by the Copy Ninja Kurrisotsubo. A double of herself so takes her place, which will lead to a splendid confrontation between the two. After the Jakanja is beaten, they fight a gigantic version of it. This time, the Ninpu Gattai Senpuujin uses the new Hurrier Mode to beat the villain. TV STORY-Scroll 3: An Impostor and 60 Seconds

Kota telling his story to his teammates.
While the Hurricanegers face the Excavation Ninja Mogudrago, who gives up the fight, Kota is blamed by Yosuke for his bad plans. He after learns that his sister Meiko, whom he has just found after having been separated from her during his ninja training, intends to leave Japan to join a humanitarian mission in Africa. Kota reveals that his parents died in a car accident when he was a kid, and so he lives with his sister since then. One day he hurt his sister so bad she had to go to hospital, and rehabilitated. That's why Kota works as a rehabilitative therapist. Mogudrago comes back, he's easily beaten because Kota understands how he works, and the Senpuujin Harrier Mode with the new Karakuri Ball, Goat Crusher, is used to beat the giant Jakanja. TV STORY-Scroll 4: The Tunnel and Siblings

Yosuke's punching-ball with Mugensai's photograph.
The Magerappas are planting some weird bulbs, and are took in the act by the Hurricanegers. The Jakanjas flee and the Hurricangers bring the planted dirt to Oboro. Mugensai instructs them to work in a public bathhouse without explaining the reasons, then Yosuke is frustrated because he doesn't consider this as a ninja job, and because his master, considered a mere hamster, is overpowering him. Enraged, Yosuke tries to beat Mugensai, but without success. Being reordered to go to the bathhouse, since a ninja never disobey his master, Yosuke doesn't give up and find training material in order to be able to beat Mugensai. However the plant from earlier, that is used to drain Earth's energy, grew in a row and began to attack Nanami and Kota. Yosuke comes and helps the Hurricanegers beat Poison Flower Ninja Hanasakkadoushi, using Senpuujin's new technique: Wheel Crash. Yosuke then apologises for his insolent behaviour. TV STORY-Scroll 5: The Master and The Bath

Nanami confronting Frabeejo and Wendine.
While she completes a quest to validate her training as a ninja, Nanami finds herself facing Wendine and Frabeejo who want to confront her in the part of a competition between them. Manmaruba is predicting that two colored warriors will join the order of the Darkness Seven Spears. Oboro explains that Nanami is passing the exam to Yosuke and Kota, who are acknowledging Mugensai's education method. Meanwhile, The discord-ridden ninja, Severing Ninja Shiransu, is cutting social links between people. Yosuke and Kota are called to fight the Jakanja. Frabeejo and Wendine retires, letting Nanami join her team. She used now the new Karakuri Ball, Tortoise Hammer, invocated by the scroll she found in her exam, to beat the giant Jakanja. TV STORY-Scroll 6: Scissors and Girl Ninjas
Gouraigers Involvement

The Gouraigers presenting to the Hurricanegers.
The Hurricanegers are proving that they've grown up and became stronger. They are however opposed to the Dimensional Ninja Futabutabou, a ninja mastering the opening of portals from one place to another, who teleports people randomly. Manmaruba's prediction is getting true as both Gouraigers are presenting to Jakanja. Disappointed by the fact that Jakanja aren't accepting humans, they leave the headquarters. When Hurricanegers are giving the finishing blow, the Gouraigers who were contemptuously watching the fight, present themselves as the Ikazuchi-Way School elites and finally begin the first confrontation between both ninja schools. When about to finish the Hurricanegers, Wendine use her spell to make Futabutabou giant. The Gouraigers retire but keep observing. Focusing on their main fight, the Hurricanegers use the Shinobi Machines to fight the Jakanja. Senpuujin beats the giant and Gouraigers reveal their true appearance, to the main trio, as they leave the place. TV STORY-Scroll 7: Thunder and Ninjas
Hayate and Ikazuchi's rivalry

The Gouraigers ready to beat a Jakanja.
After their confrontation against the Gouraigers, the Hurricanegers are discussing about them, where they learn more about the reasons for the rivalry between the Hayate and Ikazuchi schools. Oboro's staff are making noise with a cup-and-ball, that is annoying Oboro. The Jakanja are sending Water Absorbing Ninja Gamajakushi, a ninja who wants to drain the planet's water resources. When the Hurricanegers begin their fight, the Gouraigers beat the Jakanja because the thing that they're looking for in their quest needs water to exist. Transformed into a giant, the Jakanja is beaten by Senpuujin with combined Karakuri Balls, Goat Crusher and Tortoise Hammer into Goat Hammer, the idea being given by Oboro's sight of the cup-and-ball from earlier. After the fight, Yosuke ask the Gouraigers if they want to join forces, what they reply no, because of their hatred against Hayate School. Since Tau Zant acknowledges that the Jakanja lack knowledge about the mysterious thing that the Gouraigers are looking for. The Gouraigers finally join the Jakanja because of common goal. TV STORY-Scroll 8: Hayate and Ikazuchi (Wind and Thunder)

The Gouraigers facing the Hurricanegers.
Gouraigers discuss with Jakanja how to proceed for their plans. The Hurricanegers and the Hinatas wonder what Gouraigers and Jakanja are looking for, while playing cards. Nanami and Kota then have to go to work. Mugensai watches TV where it is told that people are disappearing (due to Propagation Ninja Kuttukuhoushi's doing) and Yosuke decides to look after the Gouraigers in order to convince them to join the Hurricanegers. Isshuu beats Yosuke, in his KuwagaRaiger form, but since he didn't come for fighting, Yosuke isn't using his HurricaneRed form. He is left alone at the bottom of the valley. As Kota and Nanami fights the Jakanja, the Gouraigers come to beat them in order to protect the Jakanja who needs to sing a spell. Dominating them, even with Yosuke incoming, the Jakanja dies of old age since he's a cicada like monster, and cicadas have very short lifespans. The plan failed and the Gouraigers leave the place. TV STORY-Scroll 9: The Thunder Brothers and The Hourglass

The Gouraigers using their mecha.
The Hurricanegers go to the Ikazuchi Valley, to try to convince the Gouraigers to ally with them against Jakanja. Yosuke told that there was no trap the day he came, but indeed traps were installed meantime making the team slow. As they finally arrive at the place Yosuke got defeated, they find themselves confronted with Thurgain and Frabeejo, but are soon interrupted by the Gouraigers who beat the Hurricanegers easily with the Bari Thunders, and their Shinobi Machines, Gourai Beetle and Gourai Stag. Both form the Ikazuchi Gattai Gouraijin, but things gor even worse when Oboro gave the Hurricanegers a new Karakuri Ball, the Plant Axe, the Gouraigers steal it from them inflicting a stinging defeat to the three Hayate ninja. TV STORY-Scroll 10: The Thunder God and The Destroyed Valley
TV STORY-Scroll 11: The Dream Eater and Starting Anew
TV STORY-Scroll 12: A Steel Frame and Father & Daughter
TV STORY-Scroll 13: Whiskers and The Engagement Ring
TV STORY-Scroll 14: The Crybaby and Candies
TV STORY-Scroll 15: Megatagame and Contest
TV STORY-Scroll 16: The Mist and The Prophecy Device
TV STORY-Scroll 17: The Darkness and Battle Island
TV STORY-Scroll 18: A Father and The Bonds of Brothers
TV STORY-Scroll 19: The Big Box and the Wind-Thunder Giant
TV STORY-Scroll 20: The Punch and The Rival
TV STORY-Scroll 21: Masks and Riddles
TV STORY-Scroll 22: Wings and Ninjas
TV STORY-Scroll 23: Cologne and the Great Detective
TV STORY-Scroll 24: Taiko and Lightning
TV STORY-Scroll 25: Ghost and Schoolgirl
TV STORY-Ninpu Sentai Hurricaneger: Shushuuto the Movie
TV STORY-Scroll 26: The Bow & Arrow and Sea Bathing
TV STORY-Scroll 27: Skewers and Zero Gravity
TV STORY-Scroll 28: Hurrier and Counterattack
TV STORY-Scroll 29: Lingering Summer Heat and The Stamp
TV STORY-Scroll 30: Idols and Friendship
Hurricaneger vs. Gaoranger
TV STORY-Ninpu Sentai Hurricaneger vs. Gaoranger
TV STORY-Scroll 31: Meteors and The Three Wolves
TV STORY-Scroll 32: The Grim Reaper and the Final Secret
TV STORY-Scroll 33: Mammoth and Six People
TV STORY-Scroll 34: The Mushroom and 100 Points
TV STORY-Scroll 35: The Sparkle and The Shamisen
TV STORY-Scroll 36: Rings and Revenge
TV STORY-Scroll 37: The Third Spear and The Great Escape
TV STORY-Scroll 38: The Demon Sword and Balloons
TV STORY-Scroll 39: The Seventh Spear and the The Mysterious Stone
TV STORY-Scroll 40: The Decoy and Ninja Law
TV STORY-Scroll 41: The Medal and Comedians
TV STORY-Scroll 42: Armor and The Raging Arrow
TV STORY-Scroll 43: Super Fusion and The Big Clash
TV STORY-Scroll 44: Gozen and The Misfortune Fan Beast
TV STORY-Scroll 45: The Refuge and Spring Cleaning
TV STORY-Scroll 46: The New Year's Meal and The Three Giants
TV STORY-Scroll 47: The Seal and Galactic Unification
TV STORY-Scroll 48: The Trap and Eternal Life
TV STORY-Scroll 49: The Mission and The Galactic Ninja
TV STORY-Scroll 50: Darkness and A New World
TV STORY-Final Scroll: Wind, Water, and Earth
Abaranger vs. Hurricanger

Team up with the Abarangers.
Senpuujin and Gouraijin attack the city. They are met by the Abarangers and their Dinos as Abaren'Oh and MaxRyuuOh. The Abarangers win, and the pilots of the other mecha reveal themselves to be Windenu and Frabeejo of the Space Ninja Group Jakanja. Yosuke as HurricaneRed, arrives and attacks the Jakanja, but the reveal that they have the Evolian Dino seal. They smash it, releasing Evil Ninja Iga. Kota and Ikkou arrive to help Yosuke as The Jakanja retreat. At the curry house, the Rangers argue until Oboro and Hinata arrive. The Rangers go searching for Iga and are attacked by three of his clones. Nanami and Isshu return to fight as the others are attacked by Iga as well. Yosuke and Ryoga defeat Iga's clone, as do the others. The real Iga is joined by Mikoto and the Evolian. The Abarangers and Hurricanegers transform and fight AbareKiller, Iga and the Evolian, eventually destroying Iga with Gorai Senpuujin and Abaren'Oh after a battle with Killer'Oh. Revolver Mammoth and Shurikenger return to help as well. The Abarangers and Hurricanegers bid farewell and go their separate ways again. TV STORY-Bakuryu Sentai Abaranger vs. Hurricaneger

HurricaneRed fighting alongside NinjaRed in the Legend War.

The Hurricanegers fighting alongside the Kakurangers with the Gouraigers and Shurikenger in the Legend War.
Years later, the Space Empire Zangyack invaded Earth. This threat was so great that all of the first 34 Super Sentai, including the Hurricanegers, with the Gouraigers and Shurikenger, were needed to oppose them. The 34 Sentai put up a valiant fight against the ground forces, but when the Zangyack fleet itself attacked them, Akarenger told everyone to combine their powers and save the Earth. This destroyed the Zangyack fleet and resulted in the loss of their powers, which resurfaced as Ranger Keys, that were dispersed throughout the universe. The keys were collected by AkaRed, and later utilized by the 35th Super Sentai, the Gokaigers, a group of five people from different planets who came to Earth in search of the Greatest Treasure in the Universe. TV STORY-Ep. 1: The Space Pirates Appear
TV STORY-Gokaiger Goseiger Super Sentai 199 Hero Great Battle
The Hurricanegers discovered the appearance of Satarakura Jr. and Sandaaru Jr., the sons of two Jakanja members they fought. The first three Gokaigers: Gokai Red, Gokai Blue, and Gokai Yellow, fought against these space ninjas but were defeated and taken to another dimension. Gokai Silver managed to defeat Sandaaru Jr. in GoZyuJin, with assistance from Fuuraimaru. As Fuuraimaru left, the Hurricanegers appeared to aid Gokai Green and Gokai Pink against the Magerappa. Gai identified the trio, who explained only their Greater Power can stop Satarakura Jr. and save everyone. Having no trust in pirates, the Hurricanegers demanded their Ranger Keys. Gai defended his crew, explaining that the Ranger Keys would not be on Earth if not for Captain Marvelous, and that demanding for their return is not right. TV STORY-Ep. 25: Pirates and Ninjas
Though Gai defended the pirates from the ninjas' criticism with intent not to hand over the Hurricaneger Keys, Doc and Ahim gave the keys to the trio in hopes of saving their shipmates and the people that have changed into chestnuts. Yosuke did not guarantee the Keys' return, but Ahim assured them that her crew will take them back by force if necessary. Regaining their powers, the Hurricanegers used their Ninpou to enter the pocket dimension of Boki Space; but no sooner are they gone, the three Gokaigers found themselves under attack by a Gormin platoon under Barizorg and Insarn who are ordered to deal with the pirates until Satakura Jr. returns. Within Boki Space, Captain Marvelous, Joe and Luka find themselves as contestants in Satarakura Jr.'s game show, where they must answer his questions correctly so he can say, "Ping-Pong!" to release them. However, the game was fixed with no correct answers and the penalties become more dangerous with every incorrect answer.
Finding the three pirates and confused by their refusal to answer the questions, the Hurricanegers barged in to attack Satarakura Jr. However, the attack only prompted the Space Ninja to reveal the bag of chestnuts strapped to an explosive before having the defeated Hurricanegers chained up along with the captive Gokaigers. After Captain Marvelous clarified why he and his two crew mates are not answering, somewhat winning their respect, the Hurricanegers decided to pull a risky move by offering all the Super Sentai greater powers to Satakura Jr. if he answered their three questions. Accepting the challenge, Satakura Jr. got the first two right before being tricked via the third question into saying, "Ping-Pong!" Once released, the Hurricanegers manage to recovered the chestnuts and leave the Space Ninja with the bomb as it exploded and negated Boki Space. Once back in the real world, the Gokaigers regrouped as they transformed alongside the Hurricanegers before battling the Zangyack. Seeing their part of the mission fulfilled, Barizorg and Insarn retreated before the two Super Sentai teams use the Gokai Super Ninpou Hurricane Scramble attack to defeat Satarakura Jr., restoring his victims to normal. When Satarakura Jr. was enlarged, the Hurricanegers handed their Ranger Keys back to the Gokaigers as they used GokaiOh and GoZyuJin to fight the Space Ninja. Gaining the Hurricanegers' greater power, the Gokaigers summoned Fūraimaru, who combines with GokaiOh to become Hurricane GokaiOh before destroying Satarakura Jr. with the Gokai Fūrai Attack. Back aboard the Gokai Galleon, as everyone got along, Captain Marvelous told Yosuke that he likes Earth and appreciated the fact that the Greatest Treasure in the Universe was on the planet. On Gai's suggestion, the Gokai Galleon Crew and Hurricanegers then have their picture taken. TV STORY-Ep. 26: Shushuuto The Special
After the Gokaigers finally defeated Zangyack, they returned the Ranger Keys before they left Earth to find the second Greatest Treasure in the Universe. It is presumed the Hurricanegers, along with the Gouraigers and Shurikenger, have their powers back. TV STORY-Final Ep.: Farewell Space Pirates
Super Hero Taisen

The Hurricanegers, alongside the Abarangers, Boukengers, Magirangers, and Dekarangers, emerge through a dimensional wall.
The Hurricaneger trio, among the majority of the Super Sentai heroes, were caught up in the "Super Hero Taisen" incident. They were presumably sent to the dimensional rift, under the pretense of being defeated, by Kamen Rider Decade
while he was apparently hunting the Sentai teams. When his and Captain Marvelous' ruse was revealed, the Hurricanegers appeared with the other Super Sentai through the dimensional wall
, they then fought alongside all the other Sentai teams and Kamen Riders
against the alliance of Dai-Shocker
and Dai-Zangyack.
TV STORY-Kamen Rider × Super Sentai: Super Hero Taisen

Six official Sentai.
The Hurricaneger trio later appeared with the Gouraigers and Shurikenger, as part of the six official Sentai, transforming into their Ludicrous Power which combined with the others to form the Ludicrous Cannon Bazooka, which the Akibarangers used to destroy Kameari Alpaca. TV STORY-Ep. 10: Delusional Pillow Talk
Super Hero Taisen Z

DenziRed, Red Hawk, and HurricaneRed as seen in Super Hero Taisen Z.
HurricaneRed, with fellow Red heroes DenziRed and Red Hawk, was part of a force of Sentai and Rider reinforcements led by Akarenger and Kamen Rider #1 that came to assist the Sentai and Riders of recent years who were overwhelmed by the revived monster army of the Space Crime Syndicate Madou
. The combined forces of superheroes were able to turn the tide against the Madou army. They lined up and used their various finisher attacks to destroy the revived monsters.
After Demon King Psycho was destroyed and the battle was finally over, HurricaneRed appeared standing on a cliff with all the other heroes who appeared to help, to say goodbye to the heroes of recent years before taking their leave.
TV STORY-Kamen Rider × Super Sentai × Space Sheriff: Super Hero Taisen Z
10 Years After
10 years after they defeated the Jakanja (and 2 years after the meeting with the Gokaigers), Yosuke was in a training trip, where he found Tenkai, a young lost boy. He decided to make him a ninja, since he has no place to go. Soon, numerous ninja incidents happened all around the world, that were the acting of Yosuke as HurricaneDark.
Kota now have children and works as a salaryman, and was at Nanami's place during the movie events. While the latter was taking a shower, she was attacked by an unkown monster who wanted her Shinobi Medal. It was the Zero Spear, Bat Zhe Rumba who attempts to gather the Shinobi Medals in order to revive the Evil Will, which blood was flowing in Tenkai's veins. When Yosuke was found by his fellow Hurricanegers, he told them that the fight against Jakanja was all a mistake and runs away.
to be completed
TV STORY-Ninpu Sentai Hurricaneger: 10 YEARS AFTER

HurricaneRed in Ninninger.
Yosuke, alongside Sasuke, was hired as temporary teachers of the 2015 Super Sentai, Ninninger. They demonstrated their special Ninjutsu abilities and ordered the Ninningers to train with it but none of them were able to, including Takaharu. When Youkai Nekomata rises, the two Sentai Red mentors tied Takaharu and lead the rest of the Ninningers against Nekomata. Before it was about to go to 10 years in the past, Takaharu jumped along into the time door to pursue him. Sasuke and Yosuke watched in regret as they weren't able to change Takaharu's fate from being killed in the past. But once Nekomata returned, Takaharu revealed himself, surviving his demise with the substitution technique taught by Yosuke. The Sentai Reds and Ninningers managed to finish Nekomata, gaining his purified Sealing Shuriken and received two new Nin Shurikens when Sasuke and Yosuke acknowledge their effort. While pursuing Kyuemon, he revealed what Nekomata gave him was not the End Shuriken, but rather NinjaRed's signature Shuriken as he threw it away in disgust and summoned Giant Yokai Gashadokuro to take care of them. While the Ninningers piloting Shurikenjin, NinjaRed ordered AkaNinger to use their Nin Shurikens which he put to use as they finished off Gashadokuro. While they returned home, NinjaRed and HurricaneRed reunited with Akarenger when Yoshitaka Igasaki requested them to watch his grandchildren as they agreed. TV STORY-Shinobi 7: Spring Ninja Festival!
The Space Pirates Return

The Gokaigers made use of the Ranger Keys in their fight with the Zyuohgers and Bangray.
Evidently, the Hurricanegers loaned their Ranger Keys - at the request of Gai Ikari - to the Gokaigers whom had temporarily returned to Earth to find and bestow the Great King's Credential to the Zyuohgers. TV STORY-Ep. 28: The Space Pirates Return Their powers were returned when the Gokaigers left for space once more having achieved their quest.
TV STORY-Ep. 29: The Monarch of the Monarchs
Zyuohger vs. Ninninger

The 38 Reds appear before the Ninningers and Zyuohgers.
HurricaneRed appeared as part of a conference of the first 38 Reds whom addressed the Ninningers and Zyuohgers. TV STORY-Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger vs. Ninninger: Message from the Future from Super Sentai
Chou Super Hero Taisen
Iterations of the Ninpu Sentai Hurricaneger existed within the Game World among a countless complement of recreated Sentai and Rider characters; HurricaneBlue participated in the Chou Super Hero Taisen
tournament as part of Team Woman
TV STORY-Kamen Rider × Super Sentai: Chou Super Hero Taisen

Hurricaneger in Zenkaiger
A manifestation of the Hurricanegers was summoned by Zenkaizer through the Hurricaneger Sentai Gear which allowed Zenkaizer, Juran, and Gaon to use the Hurricanegers Dance of Shadows attack. TV STORY-No. 2-kai! The Gao Beast is Troublesome!

A copy of Hurricane Yellow was summoned by Hakaizer through the Zenryoku Hakai Gun to help fight the Zenkaigers. TV STORY-No. 30-kai! Is the Machine Next Door Persimmon-Eating Destruction?!

A copy of HurricaneRed was summoned by Zenkaizer through the Zenryoku Zenkai Cannon to help fight Shougatsu World. TV STORY-No. 39-kai! Infinite Happy Birthdays!
Hurricaneger with Donbrothers
HurricaneRed | Yosuke Shiina |
HurricaneDark | |
HurricaneBlue | Nanami Nono |
HurricaneYellow | Kota Bito |
Extra Members
Oedo HurricaneRed | Younosuke |
Transformation Devices
- Hurricane Gyro ◆◆◆
- Gourai Changer ◆◆
- Shuriken Ball ◆
Multi-Use Devices
- Shinobi Medals ◆◆◆◆◆◆
- 10 Year Reunion Final Gadget ◆◆◆◆◆◆
- Super Dino Victory (with Abarangers) ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆
Special Weapons
- Hurricane Wingers ◆◆◆
- Bari Thunders ◆◆
Karakuri Giants/Shinobi Machines System
- Legend:◆ piloted mecha, ❖ aux mecha, ➲ carrier mecha, ◇ combo-assist mecha; see Style Guide for rules on icon colors
- Revolver Tenrai Senpuujin ◆◆◆◆◆◇◆➲
- 1. Sword Slasher
- Karakuri Ball Combo Hammer Crusher
- 2. Goat Crusher
- 3. Tortoise Hammer
- 4. Plant Axe
- Karakuri Ball Combo Gatling Attacker
- 5. Gatling Leo
- 6. Squid Attacker
- Karakuri Warrior Fūraimaru
- 7. Furai Head
- 8. Furai Knuckle
- 9. Karakuri Mantle
- 10. Spin Bee
- 11. Kabuto Spear
- 12. Catch Spider
- 13. Karakuri Stamp
- 14. Pitatto Hitode
- Tri-Condor
- 15. Tri Tsuno
- 16. Tri Kanmuri
- 17. Tri Tsume
Additional Formations
- Senpuujin Sword Slasher
- Senpuujin Goat Crusher
- Senpuujin Tortoise Hammer
- Senpuujin Goat Hammer
- Senpuujin Gatling Leo
- Senpuujin Squid Attacker
- Senpuujin Gatling Attacker
- Senpuujin Karakuri Mantle
- Senpuujin Karakuri Stamp
- Senpuujin Pitatto Hitode
Alternate Formations
Gourai Senpuujin
- Gourai Senpuujin Sword Slasher Goat Hammer
- Hyakujuu Gattai Gourai Senpuujin Sword and Shield ◆◆◆◆◆◆❖◇
- Tenkuu Busou Tenkuu Gourai Senpuujin ◆◆◆◆◆◇◆
- Revolver Gourai Senpuujin ◆◆◆◆◆◇➲
Behind the Scenes
to be added
to be added
to be added
Legend Sentai Devices
- "Hurricaneger!"
- ―Mobilates' Gokai Change announcement[src]
The Ninpu Sentai Hurricaneger's Ranger Keys (
Any of these keys allow a Gokaiger to assume the form of any of the Hurricanegers or summon Fuuraimaru and combine with GokaiOh to form Hurricane GokaiOh.
- HurricaneRed's Ranger Key (ハリケンレッドのレンジャーキー Hariken Reddo no Renjā Kī)
- HurricaneBlue's Ranger Key (ハリケンブルーのレンジャーキー Hariken Burū no Renjā Kī)
- HurricaneYellow's Ranger Key (ハリケンイエローのレンジャーキー Hariken Ierō no Renjā Kī)
- HurricaneDark's Ranger Key (ハリケンダークのレンジャーキー Hariken Dāku no Renjā Kī)

Hurricaneger Ressha
The Legend Sentai Ressha (レジェンド戦隊レッシャー Rejendo Sentai Ressha) are Ressha based on the mecha, specifically those belonging to the Red heroes, of the ToQgers' preceding Super Sentai teams. They can form a unique combination of ToQ-Oh reminiscent of past Sentai Robos by switching with Red Ressha. The ToQ Changer toy is shown to have sounds for Legend Ressha of all 37 previous Sentai.
The Hurricaneger Ressha (ハリケンジャーレッシャー Harikenjā Ressha) appears as an SG Ressha. The actual ToQ Ressha is likely based off of HurricaneRed's personal mecha Hurricane Hawk; should it replace Red Ressha in ToQ-Oh, it would most likely form ToQ-Oh Senpuujin.

The Hurricaneger Shuriken
- "Hurricaneger!"
- ―Ninja Ichibantou technique announcement[src]

The HurricangerSoul (ハリケンジャーソウル HarikenjāSōru) as yet only exists as an unused sound in the Ryusoulgers' Ryusoul Ken.[1][2]
- "26 Ban!"
- ―Sentai Gear equipping announcement after turning the handle
- "Baban! Baban! Baban! Baban! Ba-Ba-Ba-Ban! Hurricaneger!"
- ―Past Sentai ability announcement
The Hurricaneger Gear (ハリケンジャーギア Harikenjā Gia) is one of many Sentai Gears used by the Zenkaigers to battle the Kikaitopia Dynasty Tojitendo.
- Geartlinger:
- Activate's HurricaneRed's Super Ninpou Sky Dash attack.
- Activate the Super Ninpou: Shadow Dance Attack.
- Geardalinger: Summons the Shuriken's Bat and activates the Miracle Thousand Knock attack.
- "26 Ban!"
- ―Sentai Gear equipping announcement after turning the handle
- "Hurricaneger!"
- ―Past Sentai summoning announcement
The Dark Hurricaneger Gear (ハリケンジャーギア Harikenjā Gia) is one of many Dark Sentai Gears used by Stacaesar.
- Hero Side:
- Stacaesar: Summons copies of the Hurricanegers.
- Stacaesar Kyouka: to be added
- Kikai Side: Summons a copy of Senpuujin.

Hurricaneger Avataro Gear
- "Yo~! Don! Don! Don! Donburako! Hurricaneger!"
- ―Equipping announcement while spinning the gear in the Donblaster[src]
- "Hey yo! Ninpu Sentai!"
- ―へいよっ! 忍風戦隊![src]
- "Parry Time! (air horns) Hurricaneger!"
- ―Finisher activation announcement in the Donblaster[src]
- "Hissatsu Ōgi! Legend Zan!"
- ―Donblaster-scanned Zanglassword finisher announcement[src]
- "Hiden Ōgi! Legend Zan!"
- ―Tiguardora-scanned Zanglassword finisher announcement[src]
- "Dora Dora Dora Do-Do-Do-Do-Dora! Legend Sentai!"
- ―Equipping announcement while spinning the gear in the Tiguardora[src]
- "Netsuretsu Kangei! Legend Sentai! Sheishei! (熱烈歓迎! レジェンド戦隊! 謝謝! Netsuretsu Kangei! Rejendo Sentai! Sheishei!)"
- ―Activation announcement in the Tiguardora[src]
- "Parry Time! (Chinese music) Legend Sentai!"
- ―Finisher activation announcement in the Tiguardora[src]
- "Dragon Ōgi! Legend Tsuki! Ah-tatatatatata!"
- ―Tiguardora-scanned finisher announcement in the Ryuko no Geki in Spear Mode[src]
- "Tiger Ōgi! Legend Giri! Howattah!"
- ―Tiguardora-scanned finisher announcement in the Ryuko no Geki in Axe Mode[src]
- "Donbura Ōgi! Legend Tsuki! Ah-tatatatatata!"
- ―Donblaster-scanned finisher announcement in the Ryuko no Geki in Spear Mode[src]
- "Donbura Ōgi! Legend Giri! Howattah!"
- ―Donblaster-scanned finisher announcement in the Ryuko no Geki in Axe Mode[src]
- "Yo~! Don! Don! Don! Donburako! Hurricaneger! Festival Time!"
- ―Omikoshi Phoenix-equipped Avataro Gear equipping announcement while spinning the gear[src]
- "(traditional music remix) Kiwami! Super Sentai! (
極 ! スーパー戦隊 ! Kiwami! Sūpā Sentai!)" - ―Activation announcement in the Donblaster with the Omikoshi Phoenix[src]
- "Chou! Festival Time! Seiya! Seiya! Seiya, Seiya, Seiya, Seiya!"
- ―Finisher standby announcement in the Donblaster with the Omikoshi Phoenix[src]
- "LegenDonburako! (レジェンドンブラコ! RejenDonburako!)"
- ―Finisher announcement in the Donblaster with the Omikoshi Phoenix[src]
- Hurricaneger Avataro Gear (ハリケンジャーアバタロウギア Harikenjā Abatarō Gia) - Allows a Donbrother to assume the form of one of the Hurricanegers. Dropped from Ninpuki after its defeat.

Gokaiger as Hurricaneger, Gouraiger, & Shurikenger
Gokaiger/Hurricaneger Gokai Change
HurricaneRed | Captain Marvelous |
HurricaneBlue | Joe Gibken (male version) |
HurricaneYellow | Luka Millfy (female version) |
HurricaneDark | Miscellaneous |
Donbrothers/Hurricaneger Avatar Change
HurricaneRed | Taro Momoi |
HurricaneBlue | Shinichi Saruhara |
HurricaneYellow | Haruka Kitou |
- The Hurricangers share the similar colours and motifs of their predecessors, Choju Sentai Liveman; that the core teams share their animal motifs with each other and two additional members later join each team.
- Their surnames form the word "shinobi" as an acrostic:
- Shiina
- Nono
- Bitou
- Their catchphrase when finishing an enemy, "Say bye bye" is a play on the word "Punishment" (成敗 Seibai).
Ninpu Sentai Hurricaneger
- Scroll 1: Wind and Ninja
- Scroll 2: Giant and Karakuri
- Scroll 3: An Impostor and 60 Seconds
- Scroll 4: Tunnel and Siblings
- Scroll 5: The Chief and the Bath
- Scroll 6: Scissors and Kunoichi
- Scroll 7: Thunder and Ninja
- Scroll 8: Wind and Thunder
- Scroll 9: Thunder Brothers and the Hourglass
- Scroll 10: The Thunder God and the Destroyed Valley
- Scroll 11: Dream Feast and Starting Anew
- Scroll 12: Steel Frame and Father & Daughter
- Scroll 13: Moustache and Engagement Ring
- Scroll 14: Crybaby and Candy
- Scroll 15: Giant Water Bug and Contest
- Scroll 16: Mist and Prediction Device
- Scroll 17: Darkness and the Island of Fights to the Death
- Scroll 18: Father and Brotherly Bonds
- Scroll 19: The Big Box and the Wind-Thunder Giant
- Scroll 20: Punch and Rival
- Scroll 21: Masks and Riddles
- Scroll 22: Wings and Ninja
- Scroll 23: Cologne and the Great Detective
- Scroll 24: Taiko and Lightning
- Scroll 25: Monster and Schoolgirl
- Ninpu Sentai Hurricaneger: Shushuuto the Movie
- Scroll 26: Bow & Arrow and Sea Bathing
- Scroll 27: Kushiyaki and Zero Gravity
- Scroll 28: Hurrier and Counterattack
- Scroll 29: Lingering Summer Heat and Stamp
- Scroll 30: Idol and Friendship
Ninpu Sentai Hurricaneger vs. Gaoranger
- Scroll 31: Meteor and Three Wolves
- Scroll 32: The Grim Reaper and the Final Secret
- Scroll 33: Mammoth and Six People
- Scroll 34: Mushrooms and 100 Points
- Scroll 35: Sparkle and Shamisen
- Scroll 36: Ring and Revenge
- Scroll 37: The Third Spear and the Great Escape
- Scroll 38: Demon Sword and Balloons
- Scroll 39: The Seventh Spear and the Mysterious Stone
- Scroll 40: Decoy and Ninja Law
- Scroll 41: Medal and Comedian
- Scroll 42: Armor and Angry Arrow
- Scroll 43: Super Fusion and Big Clash
- Scroll 44: Your Majesty and the Evil Fan Beast
- Scroll 45: Refuge and Spring Cleaning
- Scroll 46: New Year's Meal and Three Giants
- Scroll 47: Seal and Space Unification
- Scroll 48: Trap and Eternal Life
- Scroll 49: Mission and the Heavenly Ninja
- Scroll 50: Darkness and a New World
- Final Scroll: Wind, Water, and Earth
Bakuryu Sentai Abaranger vs. Hurricaneger
Tokuso Sentai Dekaranger vs. Abaranger (Fake only)
GoGo Sentai Boukenger vs. Super Sentai
Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger
- Ep. 1: The Space Pirates Appear
- Ep. 2: The Worth of This Planet (Gokai Change only)
- Ep. 12: The Guaranteed Showy Samurai (Gokai Change only)
- Ep. 15: A Privateer Appears (Ranger Key Clones only)
Gokaiger Goseiger Super Sentai 199 Hero Great Battle
- Ep. 21: The Adventurer Heart (Gokai Change only)
- Ep. 24: Foolish Earthlings (Gokai Change only)
- Ep. 25: Pirates and Ninjas
- Ep. 26: Shushuuto The Special
- Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger: Let's Do This Goldenly! Roughly! 36 Round Gokai Change!! (Gokai Change only)
- Ep. 41: Something I Don't Want to Lose (Gokai Change only)
- Ep. 43: To the Legendary Hero (Gokai Change only)
- Ep. 44: A Lovely Christmas Eve (Gokai Change only)
Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger vs. Uchuu Keiji Gavan: The Movie (Gokai Change only)
- Ep. 47: The Limits of Betrayal (Gokai Change only)
- Final Ep.: Farewell Space Pirates (Gokai Change only)
Kamen Rider × Super Sentai: Super Hero Taisen
Kamen Rider × Super Sentai × Space Sheriff: Super Hero Taisen Z
Ninpu Sentai Hurricaneger: 10 YEARS AFTER
Shuriken Sentai Ninninger
- Shinobi 6: Tengu's Spiriting Away (represented by HurricaneRed)
- Shinobi 7: Spring Ninja Festival! (represented by Yosuke Shiina)
- Shinobi 24: It's Summer! The Chilling Arrival of Western Yokai! (Nin Shuriken only)
- Shinobi 41: The Five Games of the Kibaoni Party! (Nin Shuriken only)
- Come Back! Shuriken Sentai Ninninger: Ninnin Girls vs. Boys FINAL WARS (Nin Shuriken only)
Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger
Kamen Rider × Super Sentai: Chou Super Hero Taisen (Game World
Hero Mama League (represented by Nanami Nono)
4 Week Continuous Special Super Sentai Strongest Battle!!
Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger
- No. 2-kai! The Gao Beast is Troublesome!
Kamen Rider Saber + Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger: Superhero Senki
(represented by HurricaneRed)
- No. 30-kai! Is the Machine Next Door Persimmon-Eating Destruction?! (represented by Hurricane Yellow)
- No. 39-kai! Infinite Happy Birthdays! (represented by HurricaneRed)
Ninpu Sentai Hurricaneger with Donbrothers
Ninpu Sentai Hurricaneger Degozaru! Shushuuto 20th Anniversary
Super Sentai Battle: Dice-O
The Hurricanegers are among all the Sentai teams which appear in the arcade game Super Sentai Battle: Dice-O
Super Sentai Battle Base
The Hurricanegers are among all the Sentai teams which appear in the mobile game Super Sentai Battle Base.
Super Sentai Legend Wars

Hurricaneger as seen in Super Sentai Legend Wars.
See Also
- Wind Rangers - Power Rangers counterpart in Ninja Storm. See comparison page. (3-man team)
- Ninja Storm Rangers - Power Rangers counterpart in Ninja Storm. See comparison page. (full team)
All items (6)