Icon-turboranger This article is about a Ranger in Kousoku Sentai Turboranger.

"Blue Turbo!"
―Blue Turbo's roll call[src]

Youhei Hama (浜 洋平 Hama Yōhei) is a student at Musashino Academy High School. He can tranform into Blue Turbo, or BlueTurbo[1][2] (ブルーターボ Burū Tābo) of the Turborangers.



A swimmer and high diver. He is very good at aquatic battle. He is prone to chasing girls. He once befriended a Bohma named Rin (Bell Chime Bohma), whose people were oppressed by the evil Jarmin and caught inside a series of bells. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 27: Girl Bohma Rin

In one episode, he was poisoned by Poison Bohma on his neck forcing Haruna to pretend herself to betray her comrades by aiding the Bohmas just to find the antidote to cure his poison. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 20: Bohma Tribe Haruna

Gaoranger vs. Super Sentai[]

Blue Turbo is among the Sentai warriors seen in clips when Daimon Tatsumi (GoYellow) lectured Kai Samezu (GaoBlue) about the past Sentai technical warriors and their fighting spirit. Movieicon MOVIE STORY-Hyakuju Sentai Gaoranger vs. Super Sentai


Legend War[]

Years later, Youhei fought alongside not only his own team, but every single Sentai Ranger in existence, against the Empire of Zangyack when it attacked the Earth in the Great Legend War. After fighting against hundreds of Gormin and their Sugormin commanders, Akarenger noticed the fleet moving towards them. He gathered all the Rangers together and gave them the order to sacrifice their powers to wipe out the first invasion's armada. The Blue Turbo powers are later used by Joe Gibken via the Ranger Keys. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 1: The Space Pirates Appear Movieicon MOVIE STORY-Gokaiger Goseiger Super Sentai 199 Hero Great Battle

Farewell Space Pirates[]

After the Gokaigers defeated the Zangyack, Marvelous returned the Ranger Keys to their original owners. It is assumed Youhei and his team have their powers back. Tvicon TV STORY-Final Ep.: Farewell Space Pirates

Super Hero Taisen[]

Dimensional wall - Flashman, Changeman, Bioman, Dynaman, Turboranger

The Turborangers, alongside the Flashmen, Changemen, Biomen, and Dynamen, emerge through a dimensional wallIcon-crosswiki.

Youhei, alongside his team, among the majority of the Super Sentai heroes, was caught up in the "Super Hero Taisen" incident which eventually resulted in the Super Sentai teams and Kamen Riders joining forces to defeat both Dai-Zangyack and Dai-Shocker. Movieicon MOVIE STORY-Kamen Rider × Super Sentai: Super Hero Taisen

Zyuohger vs. Ninninger[]

All 40 Super Sentais

The first 38 Sentai projected into Wild Tousai Shuriken King.

Blue Turbo appeared with his team among the first 38 Super Sentai whom collectively empowered Wild Tousai Shuriken King in its fight against the titanic Gillmarda, granting the Ninningers and Zyuohgers the power to perform the Zyuoh Ninnin Super Sentai Burst which destroyed Gillmarda with the combined power of all 40 Super Sentai. Movieicon MOVIE STORY-Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger vs. Ninninger: Message from the Future from Super Sentai

Super Sentai Strongest Battle[]

Youhei joined the Super Sentai Strongest Battle as a member of Gunman Team. It’s unknown whether he participated in any of the matches, but his team was eliminated either after losing the second round against the Brain Team or the third round against the Swordsman Team.


Turboranger Sentai Gear

Turboranger in Zenkaiger

A manifestation of Blue Turbo alongside his team were summoned three times by Zenkaizer through the Turboranger Sentai Gear to help the Zenkaigers and people trapped inside Snail World's Slow Point Field. Tvicon TV STORY-No. 12-kai! Slow Snail, Hard Shell!


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Blue Turbo[]


Blue Turbo

Powers and Abilities[]


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Blue Turbo powerless


The Turborangers are prone to having their powers taken away by the Bohma or running out of the fairy power empowering them; when they do, their entire suit outside their helmet visor becomes a pure white in color. This can be restored to the proper suit by restoring the fairy magic within them, generally through the power of their own youth.

Powers and Abilities[]


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Villain Groups[]

Hundred Bohma Tribes[]
Space Empire Zangyack[]


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Behind the Scenes[]


  • Youhei Hama is portrayed by Keiya Asakura (朝倉 圭矢 Asakura Keiya). As Blue Turbo, his suit actor was Shōji Hachisuka (蜂須賀 昭二 Hachisuka Shōji).
  • In the Philippine dub, he is renamed as Ian and he was voiced by Lloyd Navera.
  • In the Korean dub of Turboranger entitled Turbo Guerilla, which aired in South Korea, his name is renamed Cho Jun-ho (조준호?) while he keeps his Ranger designation.


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  • His surname can be translated to "Beach" and his given name can be translated as "Peaceful Ocean", as his color is associated with the element of Water.
  • The "ou" in his given name is the Kanji for his Color.
  • His Phillipine dub name, Ian is a name of Scottish Gaelic origin, which is derived from the Hebrew given name יוֹחָנָן‎ (Yohanan, Yôḥānān) and corresponds to the English name John. The spelling Ian is an Anglicization of the Scottish Gaelic forename Iain.[3]

Legend Sentai Devices[]

Blue Turbo Ranger Key

The Blue Turbo Ranger Key.

The Blue Turbo [Citation needed]from 16 April 2023 (UTC), or Blueturbo[1][2] Ranger Key (ブルーターボレンジャ���キー Burū Tābo Renjā Kī) is Youhei Hama's personal Ranger Key and what became of his powers after he along with the rest of the 34 Super Sentai sacrificed their powers to end the Great Legend War.

This key along with the majority of the Ranger Keys were collected by the Red Pirates and later used by the Gokaigers. The Blue Turbo Ranger Key was mainly used by Joe Gibken (Gokai Blue), who used it to fight as Blue Turbo.

The Turboranger Keys, along with all the Ranger Keys of the first 33 Super Sentai, were briefly taken by the Black Cross King and turned into Ranger puppets that were fought by the Gokaigers and the Goseigers. The puppet Turborangers fired their V Turbo Bazooka alongside the Changemen, Flashmen, Maskmen, and Livemen, only to be swiftly defeated by the individual finisher attacks of the Gokaigers and Goseigers as they emerged from the resulting fireball. Movieicon MOVIE STORY-Gokaiger Goseiger Super Sentai 199 Hero Great Battle

After Zangyack were finally defeated, the Gokaigers gave the Ranger Keys back to their rightful owners. It is presumed that Youhei received his key and became Blue Turbo once more. Tvicon TV STORY-Final Ep.: Farewell Space Pirates

ASDB-Turboranger Avataro Gear

Turboranger Avataro Gear

The Turboranger Avataro Gear allows any of the Core Donbrothers to transform into their respective Turboranger counterpart. It can be used by Shinichi Saruhara to transform into Blue Turbo.


  • Youhei appeared on Twitter after the final Gokaiger episode, Farewell Space Pirates, alongside fellow Turboranger Riki Honoo to give a farewell to the Gokaiger even though he did not appear in the final episode.
  • When he transforms into Blue Turbo in the Philippine Dub, he calls this as Turbo Blue.


Super Sentai Battle: Dice-O[]

Blue Turbo (Dice-O)

Blue Turbo as depicted in Super Sentai Battle: Dice-O.

  • Profile
Youhei Hama/Blue Turbo: to be added

Super Sentai Battle Base[]

Blue Turbo is among the vast pantheon of Rangers which are available in the mobile game Super Sentai Battle Base.

Super Sentai Legend Wars[]

Kousoku Sentai Turboranger in Super Sentai Legacy Wars

Turboranger as seen in Super Sentai Legend Wars.

Blue Turbo appears with his team among all Sentai in the mobile game Super Sentai Legend Wars.

See Also[]

  • Justin Stewart - The first Blue Ranger of an Automobile-Themed Ranger Team.

External Links[]


  1. 1.0 1.1

    Official Mook

  2. 2.0 2.1
    Blueturbo 2


  3. Ian at the Wikipedia


Icon-turboranger Kousoku Sentai Turboranger
Riki Honoo - Daichi Yamagata - Youhei Hama - Shunsuke Hino - Haruna Morikawa
Temporary Turborangers: Kenichi Yamada
Turbo Brace - Turbo Laser - GT Sword - T Hammer - J Gun - B Bowgun - W Stick - V Turbo Bazooka - Mach Turbos - Turbo Attacker
Dr. Dazai - Fairy Seelon - Saint Beast Lakia - Misa Yamaguchi - Battle Fever - Denzimen - Sun Vulcan - Goggle-V - Dynamen - Bioman - Changemen - Flashmen - Maskmen - Livemen - Gokaigers
Mecha and Robos
Turbo GT - Turbo Truck - Turbo Jeep - Turbo Buggy - Turbo Wagon - Rugger Fighter - Turbo Builder
Turbo Robo - Turbo Rugger - Super Turbo Robo - Super Turbobuilder
Hundred Bohma Tribes
Great Bohma Emperor Lagorn - Bohma Doctor Lehda - Dark Bohma Zimba - Princess Bohma Jarmin - Rage Flying Bohma Zulten - Ular Soldiers (Ular Captain Wu - Ular Captain Lar)
Wandering Bohma: Wandering Bohma Yamimaru - Wandering Bohma Kirika - Bohma Bat Dragras
Bohma Beasts
Stone Bohma - Twisted Bohma - Dango Bohma - Evil God Bohma - Evil God Bohma Junior - Minokasa Bohma - Licking Bohma - Great Jaw Bohma - Mansion Bohma - Possession Bohma - Oni Bohma - Ular Bohma - Ruffian Bohma - Sigh Bohma - Dogu Bohma - Darumaotoshi Bohma - Lump Bohma - Muddled Bohma - Fossil Bohma - Heinous Bohma (Hyōma & Enma) - Poison Bohma - Sumo Bohma - Racer Bohma - Ghost Bohma - Palm Tree Bohma - Inugami Bohma - Immortality Bohma - Bell Chime Bohma - Kuroko Bohma - Super-Majin Bohma - Amulet Bohma - Mirror Bohma - Noppera Bohma - Grueling Bohma - Reaper Bohma - Memory Bohma - Zulten Metal Type - Hell Painting Bohma - Picture Book Bohma - Actor Bohma - Devil Bohma - Gunman Bohma - Armor Bohma - Seal Bohma - One-Eyed Bohma - Dragra Bohma - Masked Devil Bohma - Gum-Gum Bohma - Dark Spider Boma - Sealing Bohma
Blue Rangers
Main Series
Akira ShinmeiRyu HigashiKyosuke ShidaDaigoro OumeKinya SamejimaSaburo AoyamaYosuke ShimaRyuuta NanbaraYuma OzoraBunAkiraMegumi MisakiYouhei HamaKen HoshikawaAko HayasakaDanShojiSaizoYuji MitaNaoki DomonShun NamikiGoukiNagare TatsumiAyaseKai SamezuNanami NonoYukito SanjoHouji TomasuUrara OzuSouta MogamiRetsu FukamiRenn KosakaRyunosuke IkenamiHydeJoe GibkenRyuji IwasakiNobuharu UdoHaru TokashikiYakumo KatoSelaGaruToma YoimachiMeltoShiguru OshikiriVroonShinichi SaruharaYanma GastIshiro MeitaRikuo Byakuya
Mitsuki AoyagiLuna IwashimizuSechang KimYusuke Takigawa
Secondary Rangers
DanRayKannaNinjamanGunmazinSignalmanIsshu KasumiRamirezYuko FukuiKotaro SakumaShiraiSonoi
Misc. Rangers
EAGLE agentDummy Dia JackDeathdark BlueKenichi YamadaGinga BlueShadow Blue SwallowGolemPrevious TenmaRangerCopy TenmaRangerShoji's grandsonFlower Ninja AyameZoku BlueNeziBlueCopy TimeBlueCopyBlueShade GaoBlueWendineFake HurricaneBlueFake KuwagaRaigerAyameganezumiEvil MagiBlueVrilEvil Bouken BlueKarthRyuzaburo IkenamiRyuji IwasakiFerocious Knight DDai-kunNobuta-sanAmi-neesan
Power Sets
Main Series
AorengerDia JackBattle FranceDenziBlueVulSharkGoggleBlueDynaBlueBlue3ChangePegasusBlue FlashBlue MaskBlue DolphinBlue TurboFiveBlueBlue SwallowBirdmanTriceraRangerTenmaRangerNinjaBlueOhBlueBlue RacerMegaBlueGingaBlueGoBlueTimeBlueGaoBlueHurricaneBlueKuwagaRaigerAbareBlueDekaBlueMagiBlueBouken BlueGekiBlueGo-On BlueShinken BlueGosei BlueGokai BlueBlue BusterBlue GorillaKyoryu BlueKyoryu CyanDeathryugerKyoryu NavyToQ 2gouAoNingerZyuoh SharkOokami BlueKoguma SkyblueLupin BlueRyusoul BlueKiramai BlueZenkai VroonSaru BrotherTombo OhgerBun BlueGozyuLeon
AkibaBlueBrave Blue DinoAoHero