Icon-gogofiveThis article is about a Ranger in Kyukyu Sentai GoGoFive.

―GoBlue's roll call[src]

Nagare Tatsumi (巽 ナガレ(流水) Tatsumi Nagare)/GoBlue (ゴーブルー Gō Burū) is the second son of the Tatsumi Family, and belongs to the Capital Fire Department's Chemical Extinguishing Team. He is also the second-in-command to Matoi Tatsumi.



Nagare is always looking out for his younger brother, Daimon Tatsumi, even though most of the time Daimon does not listen to him and gets in trouble for it.

Nagare was once put on suspension because Daimon got injured, even though it was not his fault that his younger thick headed brother did not listen to him when he told Daimon to wait for the others before rushing into a fight. Nagare still felt responsible because he is the oldest. It was always that way between the two. Even when they were younger, Daimon would get hurt because he did not listen or do something stupid and poor Nagare would get blamed for not taking care of his younger brother.

Although he might get yelled at by his older brother at times he never talks back to him like Shou Tatsumi does. Nagare is very protective of his family, he would sacrifice himself to save the Tatsumi family and the team.

He usually is the intellectual one of the group, Nagare does not rush into a fight without researching what he is fighting first, once he figures it out he heads full force into battle. Developed fire extinguishant in his department, as well as the human-sized robot Big Douser. He is 23 years old. (24 years old as of Timeranger vs. GogoFive and as of the Great Legend War, he is 35)

Timeranger vs. GoGoFive[]

To be added Movieicon MOVIE STORY-Mirai Sentai Timeranger vs. GoGoFive

Gaoranger vs. Super Sentai[]

GoBlue is among the Sentai warriors seen in clips when Gouki (GingaBlue) lectured Sotaro Ushigome (GaoBlack) about the past Sentai strong warriors, humbly claiming to not be nearly as strong as they are. Movieicon MOVIE STORY-Hyakuju Sentai Gaoranger vs. Super Sentai

Super Sentai Versus Series Theater[]

Nagare's appearances in the "Versus Series", Kyukyu Sentai GoGoFive vs. Gingaman and Mirai Sentai Timeranger vs. GoGoFive, are featured in the Super Sentai Versus Series Theater, hosted by the heroes of Tensou Sentai Goseiger. Hyde (Gosei Blue) also dresses as Nagare in the GoGoFive cosplay.


Legend War[]

Years later, Nagare fought alongside not only his own team, but every single Sentai Ranger in existence, against the Empire of Zangyack when it attacked the Earth in the Great Legend War. After fighting against hundreds of Gormin and their Sugormin commanders. Kaijou noticed the fleet moving towards them, he gathered all the Rangers together and gave them the order to sacrifice their powers to wipe out the first invasion's armada. The GoBlue powers are later used by Joe Gibken via the Ranger Keys. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 1: The Space Pirates Appear Movieicon MOVIE STORY-Gokaiger Goseiger Super Sentai 199 Hero Great Battle

Farewell Space Pirates[]

After the defeat of Ackdos Gill, Captain Marvelous returned all the Ranger Keys to the former Sentai heroes. It is assumed Nagare received his key alongside his younger brother Shou, allowing for them to utilize their abilities once again. Tvicon TV STORY-Final Ep.: Farewell Space Pirates

Super Hero Taisen[]

Dimensional wall - Gingaman, Megaranger, Gaoranger, Timeranger, GoGo-V

GoGoFive, alongside the Gingamen, Megarangers, Gaorangers, and Timerangers, emerge through a dimensional wallIcon-crosswiki.

Nagare, alongside his team, among the majority of the Super Sentai heroes, was caught up in the "Super Hero Taisen" incident which eventually resulted in the Super Sentai teams and Kamen RidersIcon-crosswiki joining forces to defeat both Dai-Zangyack and Dai-Shocker. Movieicon MOVIE STORY-Kamen Rider × Super Sentai: Super Hero Taisen

Zyuohger vs. Ninninger[]

All 40 Super Sentais

The first 38 Sentai projected into Wild Tousai Shuriken King.

GoBlue appeared with his team among the first 38 Super Sentai whom collectively empowered Wild Tousai Shuriken King in its fight against the titanic Gillmarda, granting the Ninningers and Zyuohgers the power to perform the Zyuoh Ninnin Super Sentai Burst which destroyed Gillmarda with the combined power of all 40 Super Sentai. Movieicon MOVIE STORY-Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger vs. Ninninger: Message from the Future from Super Sentai

Super Sentai Strongest Battle[]

Nagare joined the Super Sentai Strongest Battle as a member of Scientist Team. It’s unknown whether he participated in any of the matches, but his team lost the competition either in the first round against the Extra Warrior Team offscreen or won against them and lost in the second round against Gilded Team offscreen.


GoGoFive Sentai Gear

GoBlue in Zenkaiger

A manifestation of GoBlue alongside his team was summoned by Juran through the GoGoFive Sentai Gear which allowed the Zenkaiger to use the GoGoFive's rescue skills to save Flint from a burning warehouse. Tvicon TV STORY-No. 36-kai! The Surprisingly Shocking Great Kidnapping!


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GoBlue (Transparent helmet)

Powers and Abilities[]


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Villain Groups[]

Saima Family[]
Londerz Family[]
Space Empire Zangyack[]


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Behind the Scenes[]



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Legend Sentai Devices[]

GoBlue Ranger Key

The GoBlue Ranger Key.

The GoBlue Ranger Key (ゴーブルーレンジャーキー Gō Burū Renjā Kī) is Nagare Tatsumi's personal Ranger Key and what became of his powers after he along with the rest of the 34 Super Sentai sacrificed their powers to end the Great Legend War.

This key along with the majority of the Ranger Keys were collected by the Red Pirates and later used by the Gokaigers. The GoBlue Ranger Key was mainly used by Joe Gibken (Gokai Blue), who used it to fight as GoBlue.

The GoGoFive keys, along with all the Ranger Keys of the first 33 Super Sentai, were briefly taken by the Black Cross King and turned into Ranger puppets that were fought by the Gokaigers and the Goseigers. Splitting up, the puppet GoBlue was defeated as part of a group of surviving Blue warrior keys by Gokai Blue and Super Gosei Blue. Movieicon MOVIE STORY-Gokaiger Goseiger Super Sentai 199 Hero Great Battle

After Zangyack were finally defeated, the Gokaigers gave the Ranger Keys back to their rightful owners. Nagare received his key and became GoBlue once more. Tvicon TV STORY-Final Ep.: Farewell Space Pirates


ASDB-GoGoFive Avataro Gear

GoGoFive Avataro Gear

The GoGoFve Avataro Gear allows any of the Core Donbrothers to transform into their respective GoGoFive Counterpart. It an be used by Shinichi Saruhara to transform into GoBlue.


  • Nagare's birthday is on April 5th.[1][2]


Super Sentai Battle: Dice-O[]

GoBlue (Dice-O)

GoBlue as depicted in Super Sentai Battle: Dice-O.

  • Profile
Nagare Tatsumi/GoBlue: to be added

Super Sentai Battle Base[]

GoBlue is among the vast pantheon of Rangers which are available in the mobile game Super Sentai Battle Base.

Super Sentai Legend Wars[]

Kyukyu Sentai GoGoFive in Super Sentai Legacy Wars

GoGoFive as seen in Super Sentai Legend Wars.

GoBlue appears with his team among all Sentai in the mobile game Super Sentai Legend Wars.

See Also[]

External Links[]


  1. Televi Kun DX. (2000). KyuKyu Sentai GoGoFive: Complete Works. p. 12-13 ISBN 978-4091014726.
  2. Kodansha. (2018). Kodansha Series MOOK Super Sentai Official Mook: 20th Century. 1999. GoGoFive. p. 10-11. ISBN 978-4065096116


Icon-gogofive Kyukyu Sentai GoGoFive
Matoi Tatsumi - Nagare Tatsumi - Shou Tatsumi - Daimon Tatsumi - Matsuri Tatsumi
Professor Mondo Tatsumi - Analyse Robo Mint - Ritsuko Tatsumi - Kyoko Hayase - Kenji Inui - Zeek - Reiji
Legend Sentai: Ryoma - Hayate - Gouki - Hikaru - Saya - Hyuga - Tatsuya Asami - Yuri - Ayase - Domon - Sion - Naoto Takizawa - Kakeru Shishi - Gaku Washio - Kai Samezu - Sotaro Ushigome - Sae Taiga - Tsukumaro Ogami - Captain Marvelous - Joe Gibken - Luka Millfy - Don Dogoier - Ahim de Famille - Gai Ikari
Transformation Devices
GoGo Brace - Zeek Crystal
Five Laser - V-Lancer - Go Blaster - Life Bird (Claw Anchor - Build Discharger - Wing Spreader - Beak Driller - Tail Injector) - Zeek Shot - Zeek Sword - Zeek Blaster
V-Mode Brace - Rescue Ropes
Mecha and Robos
Red Ladder - Blue Thrower - Green Hover - Yellow Armor - Pink Aider
GoLiner 1 - GoLiner 2 - GoLiner 3 - GoLiner 4 - GoLiner 5 - Max Liner/Max Shuttle - Red Mars 1 - Blue Mars 2 - Green Mars 3 - Yellow Mars 4 - Pink Mars 5
Giant Robos:
Kinkyu Gattai Victory Robo - Renketsu Gattai Grand Liner - LinerBoy - Ryusei Gattai Victory Mars - Max Victory Robo Black Version
Saima Family
Leader: Grand Witch Grandiene
Saima Siblings: Dark King Zylpheeza - Beast Baron Cobolda - Evil Spirit Princess Denus - Infant Demon Drop (Dragon Dark King Salamandes) - Darkness King Gill
Others: Spell-Master Pierre - Juuma King Golomois
Saima Beasts:
Earth: Magma Golem - Quakeross - Moleghoul - Juuki - Ganemuuja - Zombeast - Doguru - Godai - Spartan - Hirugemuuja
Air: Tornedeus - Raima - Chanbaano - Cyber Gildo - Garaga - Spiderus - Halleluyan - Garaburia
Water: Gasgail - Jeeruda - Vampaira - Demos - Zairen - Deathmine - Thanatos - Gabara
Fire: Solgoil - Hellgerus - Buroogen - Death Stag - Papetongu - Vacuuma - Baira - Hagakuren - Lizardes - Bahamuu
Hades Dread Knights: Zoodo - Guuru - Jiin - Chimera
Other Saima Beasts: Infernal Dark Hell Beast - Spiritworld Guard Saima Chaos - Big Douser
Grunts: Familiars Imps - Grim Reapers
Blue Rangers
Main Series
Akira ShinmeiRyu HigashiKyosuke ShidaDaigoro OumeKinya SamejimaSaburo AoyamaYosuke ShimaRyuuta NanbaraYuma OzoraBunAkiraMegumi MisakiYouhei HamaKen HoshikawaAko HayasakaDanShojiSaizoYuji MitaNaoki DomonShun NamikiGoukiNagare TatsumiAyaseKai SamezuNanami NonoYukito SanjoHouji TomasuUrara OzuSouta MogamiRetsu FukamiRenn KosakaRyunosuke IkenamiHydeJoe GibkenRyuji IwasakiNobuharu UdoHaru TokashikiYakumo KatoSelaGaruToma YoimachiMeltoShiguru OshikiriVroonShinichi SaruharaYanma GastIshiro MeitaRikuo Byakuya
Mitsuki AoyagiLuna IwashimizuSechang KimYusuke Takigawa
Secondary Rangers
DanRayKannaNinjamanGunmazinSignalmanIsshu KasumiRamirezYuko FukuiKotaro SakumaShiraiSonoi
Misc. Rangers
EAGLE agentDummy Dia JackDeathdark BlueKenichi YamadaGinga BlueShadow Blue SwallowGolemPrevious TenmaRangerCopy TenmaRangerShoji's grandsonFlower Ninja AyameZoku BlueNeziBlueCopy TimeBlueCopyBlueShade GaoBlueWendineFake HurricaneBlueFake KuwagaRaigerAyameganezumiEvil MagiBlueVrilEvil Bouken BlueKarthRyuzaburo IkenamiRyuji IwasakiFerocious Knight DDai-kunNobuta-sanAmi-neesan
Power Sets
Main Series
AorengerDia JackBattle FranceDenziBlueVulSharkGoggleBlueDynaBlueBlue3ChangePegasusBlue FlashBlue MaskBlue DolphinBlue TurboFiveBlueBlue SwallowBirdmanTriceraRangerTenmaRangerNinjaBlueOhBlueBlue RacerMegaBlueGingaBlueGoBlueTimeBlueGaoBlueHurricaneBlueKuwagaRaigerAbareBlueDekaBlueMagiBlueBouken BlueGekiBlueGo-On BlueShinken BlueGosei BlueGokai BlueBlue BusterBlue GorillaKyoryu BlueKyoryu CyanDeathryugerKyoryu NavyToQ 2gouAoNingerZyuoh SharkOokami BlueKoguma SkyblueLupin BlueRyusoul BlueKiramai BlueZenkai VroonSaru BrotherTombo OhgerBun BlueGozyuLeon
AkibaBlueBrave Blue DinoAoHero