- For other uses, see plants.
Plants are living organisms that belong to the Plantae kingdom. They obtain most of their energy from sunlight in a process called photosynthesis. However, not all plants absorb energy via photosynthesis. They are the protagonists of Plants vs. Zombies 2 and the player's main defense against the undead assailants.
As of the 12.0.1 update, there is a grand total of 202 plants, 133 of which are premium plants and among the premium plants, 22 of them cost real money, 13 of them cost gems. Out of the remaining plants, 85 can be unlocked with seed packets, 13 can be unlocked with mints, and one of them is only available via Zen Garden.
List of plants
- Note: The stats shown below only applies to Level 1.
Description: Peashooters are your first line of defense. They shoot peas at attacking zombies. |
Price: Starting Player's House - Day 1 |
Plant Food effect: Shoots a barrage of fast peas. |
Peashooter |
Sun cost: 100 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Sunflowers are essential for you to produce extra sun. Try planting as many as you can! |
Price: Beating Player's House - Day 1 or 10 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Immediately produces a large amount of sun. |
Sunflower |
Sun cost: 50 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Wall-nuts have hard shells which you can use to protect other plants. |
Price: Beating Player's House - Day 2 or 10 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Heals itself and gains a hard armor shell. |
Wall-nut |
Sun cost: 50 |
Recharge (in seconds): 20 |
Description: Potato Mines explode on contact, but they take time to arm themselves. Plant them ahead of zombies. |
Price: Beating Player's House - Day 3 or 10 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Immediately arms and spawns multiple copies of itself. |
Potato Mine |
Sun cost: 25 |
Recharge (in seconds): 20 |
Description: Cabbage-pults hurl cabbages at the enemy. |
Price: Beating Player's House - Day 4 or 40 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Launches multiple cabbages at every zombie, dealing heavy damage. |
Cabbage-pult |
Sun cost: 100 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Bloomerangs can hit up to three targets in their lane, twice each coming and going! |
Price: Beating Ancient Egypt - Day 2 or 40 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Throws boomerangs in four directions damaging all zombies in the area. |
Bloomerang |
Sun cost: 175 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Iceberg Lettuces freeze a zombie when stepped on. |
Price: Beating Ancient Egypt - Day 5 or 40 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Freezes or chills every zombie on lawn. |
Iceberg Lettuce |
Sun cost: 0 |
Recharge (in seconds): 20 |
Description: Grave Busters consume graves they're planted on. |
Price: Beating Ancient Egypt - Day 9 or 40 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: No Plant Food effect. |
Grave Buster |
Sun cost: 0 |
Recharge (in seconds): 10 |
Description: Bonk Choys rapidly punch nearby enemies that are ahead or behind them. |
Price: Beating Ancient Egypt - Day 13 or 40 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Rapidly punches in a 3x3 area around it, dealing heavy damage. |
Bonk Choy |
Sun cost: 150 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Repeaters fire two peas at a time. |
Price: Beating Ancient Egypt - Day 19 or 40 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Shoots two volleys of peas at zombies in its row. |
Repeater |
Sun cost: 200 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Twin Sunflowers give twice as much sun as a normal sunflower. |
Price: Beating Ancient Egypt - Day 24 or 60 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Immediately produces a large amount of sun. |
Twin Sunflower |
Sun cost: 125 |
Recharge (in seconds): 10 |
Description: Kernel-pults fling corn kernels and immobilizing butter at zombies. |
Price: Beating Pirate Seas - Day 1 or 40 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Triggers a butter storm that stuns every zombie on the lawn for a few seconds. |
Kernel-pult |
Sun cost: 100 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Snapdragons breathe fire that damages zombies in 6 adjacent tiles. |
Price: Beating Pirate Seas - Day 3 or 40 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Sets the area in front of it on fire, dealing heavy damage to zombies. |
Snapdragon |
Sun cost: 150 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Spikeweeds destroy rolling objects and hurt any zombies that step on them. |
Price: Beating Pirate Seas - Day 6 or 40 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Spikes push all zombies in its lane onto itself, damaging them in the process. |
Spikeweed |
Sun cost: 100 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Spring Beans bounce back zombies that get too close. Will bounce them into water if nearby. |
Price: Beating Pirate Seas - Day 9 or 40 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Knocks back all zombies on the lawn back a tile or into the water. |
Spring Bean |
Sun cost: 50 |
Recharge (in seconds): 20 |
Description: Coconut Cannons fire down a single lane, causing a medium explosion on impact. |
Price: Beating Pirate Seas - Day 11 or 40 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Fires a huge cannonball that pushes the zombies it hits to the right side of the lawn and then explodes. |
Coconut Cannon |
Sun cost: 400 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Threepeaters shoot peas in three lanes. |
Price: Beating Pirate Seas - Day 14 or 60 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Shoots a spread of peas in multiple directions, dealing damage. |
Threepeater |
Sun cost: 300 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Spikerocks destroy multiple rolling zombies and damage zombies that walk over them. |
Price: Beating Pirate Seas - Day 18 or 100 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Metal spikes push all zombies in its lane onto itself, damaging them in the process. |
Spikerock |
Sun cost: 250 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Cherry Bombs can blow up all zombies in an area. They have a short fuse so plant them near zombies. |
Price: Beating Pirate Seas - Day 24 or 40 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: No Plant Food effect. |
Cherry Bomb |
Sun cost: 150 |
Recharge (in seconds): 35 |
Description: Split Peas shoot peas forwards and backwards. |
Price: Beating Wild West - Day 1 or 40 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Shoots a barrage of peas at both the front and behind the plant, then fires a giant pea behind. |
Split Pea |
Sun cost: 125 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Chili Beans deliver a crippling bout of gastrointestinal distress. |
Price: Beating Wild West - Day 4 or 40 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Launches out 3 Chili Bean clones to random locations on the lawn. |
Chili Bean |
Sun cost: 50 |
Recharge (in seconds): 20 |
Description: Pea Pods can be planted in the same space for up to 5 times the destruction. |
Price: Beating Wild West - Day 6 or 60 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Summons a giant Peashooter that shoots five giant peas. |
Pea Pod |
Sun cost: 125 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Lightning Reeds shoot lightning bolts at the nearest zombie up to one lane away. The bolt will then arc and hit other zombies. |
Price: Beating Wild West - Day 9 or 40 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Create a storm cloud that damages random zombies on the lawn. |
Lightning Reed |
Sun cost: 125 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Melon-pults do heavy damage to a group of zombies. |
Price: Beating Wild West - Day 11 or 40 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Launches melons at every zombie, dealing both damage and splash damage on impact. |
Melon-pult |
Sun cost: 325 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Tall-nuts are heavy duty plants that block low flying zombies. |
Price: Beating Wild West - Day 18 or 40 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Heals itself and gains an extra hard armor shell. |
Tall-nut |
Sun cost: 125 |
Recharge (in seconds): 20 |
Description: Winter Melons do heavy damage and slow groups of zombies. |
Price: Beating Wild West - Day 24 or 60 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Launches frozen melons at every zombie, dealing both damage and splash damage on impact. |
Winter Melon |
Sun cost: 500 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Hot Potatoes melt the ice blocks they're planted on. |
Price: Beating Frostbite Caves - Day 1 or 40 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: No Plant Food effect. |
Hot Potato |
Sun cost: 0 |
Recharge (in seconds): 10 |
Description: Pepper-pults lob flaming peppers at zombies and keep nearby plants warm. |
Price: Beating Frostbite Caves - Day 6 or 40 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Launchs several giant fire peppers at random zombies that deal moderate splash damage on impact. |
Pepper-pult |
Sun cost: 200 |
Recharge (in seconds): 20 |
Description: Chard Guards are defensive blockers that can hurl zombies backwards. |
Price: Beating Frostbite Caves - Day 11 or 40 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Regenerates leaves and hurls zombies in front, dealing a small amount of damage. |
Chard Guard |
Sun cost: 75 |
Recharge (in seconds): 15 |
Description: Stunions breathe a stunning cloud of gas on nearby zombies in the lane. |
Price: Beating Frostbite Caves - Day 19 or 100 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Releases a large burst of gas in a forward area, moderately stunning all zombies. |
Stunion |
Sun cost: 25 |
Recharge (in seconds): 20 |
Description: Rotobagas shoot projectiles along the four diagonals, in each direction that has a target. |
Price: Beating Frostbite Caves - Day 26 or 40 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Shoots multiple huge rotobagas in four directions. |
Rotobaga |
Sun cost: 150 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Red Stingers fire shots at full force when close to home, and become more defensive further from it. |
Price: Beating Lost City - Day 1 or 40 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Fires a laser beam that pierces through all zombies in its column, dealing damage and temporarily slows their movement. |
Red Stinger |
Sun cost: 150 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: A.K.E.E.s lob projectiles that bounce from zombie to zombie. |
Price: Beating Lost City - Day 6 or 40 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Lobs a large seed that deals damage to zombies on every bounce. |
A.K.E.E. |
Sun cost: 175 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Endurians are defensive plants that deal damage to zombies attacking them. |
Price: Beating Lost City - Day 10 or 60 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Heals itself and permanently gains additional armor and damage. |
Endurian |
Sun cost: 100 |
Recharge (in seconds): 15 |
Description: Stallias slow down zombies with a puff of perfume. |
Price: Beating Lost City - Day 19 or 40 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Slows every zombie on the lawn. |
Stallia |
Sun cost: 0 |
Recharge (in seconds): 20 |
Description: Gold Leaves create Gold Tiles on planting. |
Price: Beating Lost City - Day 26 or 40 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: No Plant Food effect. |
Gold Leaf |
Sun cost: 80 |
Recharge (in seconds): 50 |
Description: Laser Beans fire down a lane, hitting all zombies ahead of it. |
Price: Beating Far Future - Day 1 or 60 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Fires a huge laser beam at all zombies in the row, dealing huge damage to each zombie. |
Laser Bean |
Sun cost: 200 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Blovers blow away all zombies in the air. |
Price: Beating Far Future - Day 3 or 60 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: No Plant Food effect. |
Blover |
Sun cost: 50 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Citron shoots powerful balls of plasma. |
Price: Beating Far Future - Day 6 or 60 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Shoots a giant plasma ball that can destroy most mech type zombies and flings zombies to adjacent columns. |
Citron |
Sun cost: 350 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: E.M.Peaches explode and disable all machines in an area. |
Price: Beating Far Future - Day 9 or 40 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: No Plant Food effect. |
E.M.Peach |
Sun cost: 25 |
Recharge (in seconds): 25 |
Description: Infi-nuts are weaker than Wall-nuts, but they can regain health over time. |
Price: Beating Far Future - Day 13 or 60 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Fully heals itself and creates a shield to protect the column from incoming attacks. |
Infi-nut |
Sun cost: 75 |
Recharge (in seconds): 15 |
Description: Magnifying Grass turns sun into a bolt of colorful damage. |
Price: Beating Far Future - Day 17 or 40 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Shoots an energy beam that deals damage to zombies in its row. The beam duration increases based on the number of sun-producing plants on the lawn. |
Magnifying Grass |
Sun cost: 50 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Tile Turnips creates Power Tiles on planting. |
Price: Beating Far Future - Day 24 or 60 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: No Plant Food effect. |
Tile Turnip |
Sun cost: 0 > 250 > ×2 |
Recharge (in seconds): 10 |
Description: Sun-shrooms give small suns at first, then normal suns, and finally large suns. |
Price: Beating Dark Ages - Night 1 or 40 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Instantly grows to full size and produces a large amount of sun. |
Sun-shroom |
Sun cost: 25 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Puff-shrooms are short-range shooters that last for a limited time. |
Price: Beating Dark Ages - Night 2 or 40 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: All Puff-shroom on the lawn will shoot a spore barrage and resets their life duration. |
Puff-shroom |
Sun cost: 0 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Fume-shrooms release fumes that damage all zombies in an area. |
Price: Beating Dark Ages - Night 4 or 40 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Sprays a stream of fumes that deal damage and pushes all zombies back. |
Fume-shroom |
Sun cost: 125 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Sun Beans infect zombies with sun. As a zombie takes damage they generate sun. |
Price: Beating Dark Ages - Night 6 or 40 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Increase the amount of sun produces with eaten. |
Sun Bean |
Sun cost: 50 |
Recharge (in seconds): 20 |
Description: Magnet-shrooms remove helmets and other metal objects from zombies. |
Price: Beating Dark Ages - Night 15 or 40 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Remove and toss all metal objects on zombies within range, dealing damage. |
Magnet-shroom |
Sun cost: 100 |
Recharge (in seconds): 15 |
Description: Phat Beet thumps out damage every few seconds. |
Price: Beating Neon Mixtape Tour - Day 1 or 40 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Thump the ground, dealing damage to surrounding zombies. |
Phat Beet |
Sun cost: 150 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Celery Stalkers wait until zombies pass, then pop up and bash them from behind. |
Price: Beating Neon Mixtape Tour - Day 5 or 40 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Heals itself to full and spawns three Celery Stalker. |
Celery Stalker |
Sun cost: 50 |
Recharge (in seconds): 15 |
Description: Thyme Warps rewind time, sending zombies back where they started, but healing them in the process. |
Price: Beating Neon Mixtape Tour - Day 9 or 60 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: No Plant Food effect. |
Thyme Warp |
Sun cost: 100 |
Recharge (in seconds): 90 |
Description: Garlic diverts zombies into other lanes. |
Price: Beating Neon Mixtape Tour - Day 17 or 40 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Heals itself and releases gas that will temporarily stun zombies in front and divert them to another column. |
Garlic |
Sun cost: 50 |
Recharge (in seconds): 20 |
Description: Spore-shroom fires spores that create new Spore-shrooms out of defeated zombies. |
Price: Beating Neon Mixtape Tour - Day 21 or 60 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Lobs three giant spores that deal massive damage, spawns a spore if the zombie is defeated. |
Spore-shroom |
Sun cost: 150 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Intensive Carrot brings eaten plants back to life. |
Price: Beating Neon Mixtape Tour - Day 26 or 40 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: No Plant Food effect. |
Intensive Carrot |
Sun cost: 100 |
Recharge (in seconds): 20 |
Description: Primal Peashooters shoot heavy peas with a brief stun and occasional knockback at zombies. |
Price: Beating Jurassic Marsh - Day 1 or 60 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Shoots several peas that can knock back zombies. |
Primal Peashooter |
Sun cost: 175 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Primal Wall-nuts cost a bit more than typical Wall-nuts, but they can be planted much more quickly. |
Price: Beating Jurassic Marsh - Day 4 or 60 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Fully heals itself and gains a thick rock armor. |
Primal Wall-nut |
Sun cost: 75 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Perfume-shrooms enchant dinosaurs and charm them into working against the zombies. |
Price: Beating Jurassic Marsh - Day 8 or 60 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: No Plant Food effect. |
Perfume-shroom |
Sun cost: 150 |
Recharge (in seconds): 30 |
Description: Primal Sunflowers pop out large suns instead of regular ones. |
Price: Beating Jurassic Marsh - Day 17 or 60 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Immediately produces large amount of sun. |
Primal Sunflower |
Sun cost: 75 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Primal Potato Mines cost more than regular Potato Mines, but they arm more quickly and do damage over a larger area. |
Price: Beating Jurassic Marsh - Day 23 or 60 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Immediately arms and spawns multiple copies of itself. |
Primal Potato Mine |
Sun cost: 50 |
Recharge (in seconds): 25 |
Description: Lily Pads let you plant non-aquatic plants on the top of them. |
Price: Beating Big Wave Beach - Day 1 or 40 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Creates Lily Pads in adjacent spaces. If the adjacent space has Lily Pads- it will heal them instead. |
Lily Pad |
Sun cost: 25 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Tangle Kelp are aquatic plants that pull the first zombie that nears them underwater. |
Price: Beating Big Wave Beach - Day 6 or 40 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Drags up to four random zombies underwater. |
Tangle Kelp |
Sun cost: 25 |
Recharge (in seconds): 20 |
Description: Bowling Bulbs roll shots that can bounce into multiple zombies. The Larger bulbs deal more damage. |
Price: Beating Big Wave Beach - Day 11 or 60 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Shoots three charged explosive bulbs at zombies, dealing heavy damage. Waits until zombies appear on the lawn before shooting. |
Bowling Bulb |
Sun cost: 200 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Guacodiles [sic] is an amphibious plant that fire seeds from a distance. When attacked they will rush off the lawn biting any zombies they encounter. |
Price: Beating Big Wave Beach - Day 19 or 40 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Knock back zombies near it and releases two rushing Guacodiles that deal damage down its row. |
Guacodile |
Sun cost: 125 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Banana Launchers can fire explosive bananas at any tile on the lawn. |
Price: Beating Big Wave Beach - Day 27 or 60 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Launches four explosive bananas that target random zombies. |
Banana Launcher |
Sun cost: 500 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Moonflowers radiate a glow that powers up adjacent Shadow plants. |
Price: Beating Modern Day - Day 1 or 40 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Produces sun and gain a defensive shield. |
Moonflower |
Sun cost: 50 |
Recharge (in seconds): 10 |
Description: Nightshades are shadow plants that smack zombies with slappy leaves. |
Price: Beating Modern Day - Day 4 or 40 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Regrows all of its leaves, then throw three large leaves at zombies. Permanently, increases its damage. |
Nightshade |
Sun cost: 75 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Shadow-shrooms poison zombies who eat them, inflicting damage over time. |
Price: Beating Modern Day - Day 10 or 40 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Poisons every zombie on the lawn. If a zombie is already poison, deal heavy damage. |
Shadow-shroom |
Sun cost: 50 |
Recharge (in seconds): 10 |
Description: Dusk Lobbers are shadow plants that lob explosive buds down the lane. |
Price: Beating Modern Day - Day 17 or 60 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Shoots multiple large buds that explode on impact. |
Dusk Lobber |
Sun cost: 150 |
Recharge (in seconds): 10 |
Description: Grimroses are shadow plants that behave like landbound Tangle Kelps, dragging up to 3 zombies into the dirt. |
Price: Beating Modern Day - Day 23 or 40 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Drags the strongest small zombie into the ground. If the zombie is large or mechanical- deal damage instead. |
Grimrose |
Sun cost: 75 |
Recharge (in seconds): 20 |
Description: Snow Peas fire frozen peas making it hard for zombies to advance. |
Price: $4.99 USD |
Plant Food effect: Slows all zombies in the column, then shoots a barrage of frozen peas. |
Snow Pea |
Sun cost: 150 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Power Lilies create one Plant Food out of thin air. |
Price: $4.99 USD |
Plant Food effect: No Plant Food effect. |
Power Lily |
Sun cost: 175 |
Recharge (in seconds): 60 |
Description: Squashes will smash the first zombie that gets close. |
Price: 100 gems |
Plant Food effect: Squashes multiple tough targets on the lawn before returning to its original location. |
Squash |
Sun cost: 50 |
Recharge (in seconds): 20 |
Description: Jalapenos destroy an entire lane of zombies. |
Price: 100 gems |
Plant Food effect: No Plant Food effect. |
Jalapeno |
Sun cost: 125 |
Recharge (in seconds): 35 |
Description: Imitaters let you use two of the same plant during a level! |
Price: $4.99 USD |
Plant Food effect: Performs Plant Food effect of the plant it's imitating. |
Imitater |
Sun cost: Same as the imitated plant. |
Recharge (in seconds): Same as the imitated plant. |
Description: When zombies eat Hypno-shrooms, they will turn around and fight for you. |
Price: 100 gems |
Plant Food effect: Turns a hypnotized zombie into a Gargantuar. |
Hypno-shroom |
Sun cost: 125 |
Recharge (in seconds): 20 |
Description: Pea-nuts can shoot peas and block zombies. |
Price: 100 gems |
Plant Food effect: Heals to full health, gains an armor helmet and shoots a barrage of peas. |
Pea-nut |
Sun cost: 150 |
Recharge (in seconds): 15 |
Description: Chompers can swallow a zombie whole, but they are vulnerable while chewing. |
Price: $4.99 USD |
Plant Food effect: Consumes several nearby zombies in the column, then releases a burp that knocks back any surviors. |
Chomper |
Sun cost: 150 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Homing Thistles fire seeking shots at targets that are closest to home. |
Price: 100 gems |
Plant Food effect: Shoots homing projectiles at all zombies on the lawn, dealing moderate damage to each. |
Homing Thistle |
Sun cost: 250 |
Recharge (in seconds): 15 |
Description: Ghost Peppers haunt zombies that pass by and explode after a limited time. |
Price: 100 gems |
Plant Food effect: Deals heavy damage to all nearby zombies, and resets its lifetime timer. |
Ghost Pepper |
Sun cost: 75 |
Recharge (in seconds): 15 |
Description: Sweet Potatoes attract zombies from other lanes when they are close by. |
Price: 100 gems |
Plant Food effect: Heals itself and attracts all nearby zombies to its row. |
Sweet Potato |
Sun cost: 150 |
Recharge (in seconds): 20 |
Description: Sap-flings create zombie-slowing puddles of sap. |
Price: 100 gems |
Plant Food effect: Throws 20 pine cones randomly on lawn. |
Sap-fling |
Sun cost: 75 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Hurrikales push back all zombies in their lane with a chilling wind. |
Price: 100 gems |
Plant Food effect: No Plant Food effect. |
Hurrikale |
Sun cost: 100 |
Recharge (in seconds): 15 |
Description: Fire Peashooters are immune to frost and shoot flaming peas down the lane. |
Price: 100 gems |
Plant Food effect: Creates a fire trail, unfreezing plants and damaging zombies in the row. |
Fire Peashooter |
Sun cost: 175 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Lava Guavas erupt and leave lava to burn zombies. |
Price: 100 gems |
Plant Food effect: Fractures the ground in front, dealing damage over several seconds. |
Lava Guava |
Sun cost: 75 |
Recharge (in seconds): 15 |
Description: Toadstools gulp down zombies whole, then produce sun. |
Price: $4.99 USD |
Plant Food effect: Consumes up to 4 random zombies in the surrounding area and produces sun for each zombie it ate. |
Toadstool |
Sun cost: 200 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Strawbursts grow a berry for small, medium, or huge damage. |
Price: $4.99 USD |
Plant Food effect: Launches a huge strawberry that explodes on impact that deals damage to all zombies on the lawn. |
Strawburst |
Sun cost: 400 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Cactus fires a penetrating thorn that can damage multiple enemies! Hides underground when zombies are close. Can stretch up and pop balloon zombies. |
Price: $4.99 USD |
Plant Food effect: Permanently increases piercing power and damage. |
Cactus |
Sun cost: 175 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Electric Blueberry randomly electrocutes zombies every so often. |
Price: $4.99 USD |
Plant Food effect: Creates a storm cloud that targets 3 random zombies, dealing damage. |
Electric Blueberry |
Sun cost: 150 |
Recharge (in seconds): 45 |
Description: Jack O' Lanterns fire jets of flame over a short distance. |
Price: $4.99 USD |
Plant Food effect: Summons 5 green ghosts on random tiles on the lawn, that continuously deal fire damage to zombies. |
Jack O' Lantern |
Sun cost: 225 |
Recharge (in seconds): 20 |
Description: Grapeshots explode and scatter bouncing projectiles in eight directions. |
Price: $4.99 USD |
Plant Food effect: No Plant Food effect. |
Grapeshot |
Sun cost: 150 |
Recharge (in seconds): 35 |
Description: Cold Snapdragons breathe icy mist into 6 adjacent tiles that both slows and damage zombies. |
Price: $4.99 USD |
Plant Food effect: Fires an ice blast in front, dealing heavy damage and either freezing or chilling zombies. |
Cold Snapdragon |
Sun cost: 150 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Shrinking Violets shrinks zombies in an area, forcing them to take double damage and reducing the bite damage they inflict. |
Price: 100 gems |
Plant Food effect: Shrinks all zombies on the lawn. |
Shrinking Violet |
Sun cost: 50 |
Recharge (in seconds): 15 |
Description: Escape Roots explode on contact, and can be swapped with other plants that are in danger. |
Price: $4.99 USD |
Plant Food effect: Creates 2 copies of itself, one at a time, next to a zombie and transform into a random Bombard-mint plant. |
Escape Root |
Sun cost: 50 |
Recharge (in seconds): 20 |
Description: Gold Blooms produce a burst of sun all at once. |
Price: $4.99 USD |
Plant Food effect: No Plant Food effect. |
Gold Bloom |
Sun cost: 0 |
Recharge (in seconds): 75 |
Description: Electric Currants create electrical fences between ones planted on the same row or column. |
Price: 100 gems |
Plant Food effect: Permanently increase its electric fence and melee damage. |
Electric Currant |
Sun cost: 150 |
Recharge (in seconds): 10 |
Description: Wasabi Whips lash out with their flaming whips, delivering whuppings to zombies both in front and behind. |
Price: $4.99 USD |
Plant Food effect: Spin its flaming whip around, dealing heavy damage to zombies. |
Wasabi Whip |
Sun cost: 150 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Kiwibeasts emit damaging thumps, and become bigger and more powerful the more they are hurt by zombies. |
Price: 100 gems |
Plant Food effect: Immediatly, grows to its last stage and deal massive damage in the surrounding area. |
Kiwibeast |
Sun cost: 175 |
Recharge (in seconds): 15 |
Description: Apple Mortar lobs apple cores that damage and briefly stun zombies over three lanes. |
Price: $4.99 USD |
Plant Food effect: Lobs large apples at every zombie on the lawn, dealing damage and temporarily stunning them. |
Apple Mortar |
Sun cost: 250 |
Recharge (in seconds): 8 |
Description: Witch Hazel uses magical sorcery to transform zombies into Puff-shrooms. |
Price: $4.99 USD |
Plant Food effect: Transforms a random zombie into a Toadstool. |
Witch Hazel |
Sun cost: 200 |
Recharge (in seconds): 30 |
Description: Parsnip snips at zombies, and then charges down the lane at the last moment. |
Price: $4.99 USD |
Plant Food effect: Knocks back every zombie in front and then summons two mini parsnips that will rush down the column. |
Parsnip |
Sun cost: 150 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Missile Toe launches cold blast that damage, chill and slow zombies. |
Price: $4.99 USD |
Plant Food effect: Launches multiple cold blasts at the random targets on the lawn. |
Missile Toe |
Sun cost: 500 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Caulipowers use their mental powers to hypnotize random zombies and turn them against their former friends. |
Price: $4.99 USD |
Plant Food effect: Tosses 5 random zombies off the lawn. |
Caulipower |
Sun cost: 250 |
Recharge (in seconds): 45 |
Description: Electric Peashooters fire pea-like orbs that pass through zombies and crackle with electrical power, doing damage all the while. |
Price: $4.99 USD |
Plant Food effect: Fires multiple large electric peas at the closest zombies. These peas explode and spread across the lawn. |
Electric Peashooter |
Sun cost: 200 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Holly Barrier deals damage to zombies attacking him, and can launch 3 prickly barrier leaves to knock back and damage zombies. |
Price: $4.99 USD |
Plant Food effect: Fully heals itself and regains all berries. Launches Armored leaves on to random tiles. |
Holly Barrier |
Sun cost: 150 |
Recharge (in seconds): 15 |
Seed Packets
Description: Torchwoods turn peas that pass through them into fireballs that deal twice as much damage. They also deal close damage as well as lanewide flame damage on defeat. |
Price: 100 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Permanently increases the damage bonus of all the peas that pass through it. |
Torchwood |
Sun cost: 175 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Starfruits shoot stars in 5 directions. |
Price: 200 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Shoots ten giant stars in five directions, dealing damage. |
Starfruit |
Sun cost: 150 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Dandelions send explosive seeds down three different lanes, one lane at a time. |
Price: 150 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Shoots ten big dandelion seeds at random zombies, dealing heavy damage. |
Dandelion |
Sun cost: 275 |
Recharge (in seconds): 15 |
Description: Blooming Hearts lob projectiles that infatuate zombies, causing increasing damage the more that hit. |
Price: 150 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Throw large projectiles at every zombie, dealing massive damage. |
Blooming Heart |
Sun cost: 150 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Explode-O-Nuts provide protection, and when their shells are eaten, they explode to blow up zombies. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Heals itself and gains an armor that will absorbs additional damage. If the armor is destroyed, unleashes a large explosion. |
Explode-O-Nut |
Sun cost: 50 |
Recharge (in seconds): 10 |
Description: Aloes heal injured plants to their immediate right when that plant is below a certain amount of health. |
Price: 150 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Instantly heal every plant in the surrounding radius. |
Aloe |
Sun cost: 75 |
Recharge (in seconds): 20 |
Description: Bombegranates explode and leave 3×3 grids of exploding seeds that damage zombies. |
Price: 200 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: No Plant Food effect |
Bombegranate |
Sun cost: 150 |
Recharge (in seconds): 35 |
Description: Hot Dates attract zombies from lanes above and below them, and then unleash a lane of flame when they're eaten. |
Price: 200 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Heals itself and attracts zombies in the surrounding area. |
Hot Date |
Sun cost: 175 |
Recharge (in seconds): 25 |
Description: Solar Tomatoes stun zombies in a 3×3 area, causing each zombie to drop 50 sun. |
Price: 150 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: No Plant Food effect. |
Solar Tomato |
Sun cost: 100 |
Recharge (in seconds): 25 |
Description: Shadow Peashooters are shadow plants that fire piercing shadowy peas at zombies. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Summons a bomb that increases its area effect for every adjacent Moonflower plant. |
Shadow Peashooter |
Sun cost: 125 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Goo Peashooters shoot poison peas at zombies, poisoning them as well as slowing them down. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Summons a large ball of poison that deals damage, knock back, and poison all zombies on the lawn. |
Goo Peashooter |
Sun cost: 125 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Sling Peas fire 5 peas in a burst, targeting the zombies closest to your house each time. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Shoots 3 bursts of stunning peas at zombies. |
Sling Pea |
Sun cost: 125 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Snap Peas dive underground, burrow towards zombies, then pop up underneath to swallow them in one gulp. Snap Peas then return to their starting spot, chew on the entire matter for a while, and finally spit the zombies' heads out at attackers. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Eat several zombies and then shoot out their heads. |
Snap Pea |
Sun cost: 200 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Zoybean Pods grow from sprouts to full pods, then split open to release helpful plant "zomboids" which attack zombies. |
Price: 100 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Immediately spawn a Gargantuar Zomboid. |
Zoybean Pod |
Sun cost: 200 |
Recharge (in seconds): 20 |
Description: Dazey Chains grow through stages, becoming more powerful and releasing a stunning puff of gas at each stage. |
Price: 100 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Releases a large plume of stunning gas toward zombies in its column and adjacent columns. |
Dazey Chain |
Sun cost: 150 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Electrici-teas wait and emit zaps of electrical energy until they are eaten, at which point the eating zombie explodes into a flurry of electrical discharges. |
Price: 100 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Shoots lightning bolts at random zombies on the lawn for 3 seconds, dealing large amount of damage. |
Electrici-tea |
Sun cost: 125 |
Recharge (in seconds): 15 |
Description: Blastberry Vines can be planted on top of other plants to provide increased defense and an additional attack in the form of lobbed projectiles that break into explosive bomblets. |
Price: 100 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Launches a barrage of explosive berries at zombies in its column. |
Blastberry Vine |
Sun cost: 175 |
Recharge (in seconds): 10 |
Description: Pokras deliver piercing, zombie-slowing jabs that add up to a powerful spike launch, then they rest momentarily before starting again. |
Price: 100 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Launches several powerful spikes that both pierces and slows zombies. |
Pokra |
Sun cost: 175 |
Recharge (in seconds): 7 |
Description: When zombies eat Imp Pears, they become Imps. When Imps eat Imp Pears, they are destroyed, releasing stunning gas. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Randomly transforms five zombies on the lawn into Imps. |
Imp Pear |
Sun cost: 0 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Pumpkins can be planted on top of other plants to provide a tough additional layer of armor. |
Price: 100 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Creates a hard armor shell, that can absorb additional damage. |
Pumpkin |
Sun cost: 150 |
Recharge (in seconds): 12 |
Description: Pyre Vines can be planted on top of other plants to provide protection from cold plus an additional close range flame attack. |
Price: 100 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Lights the entire column on fire, dealing massive damage to every zombie. |
Pyre Vine |
Sun cost: 125 |
Recharge (in seconds): 10 |
Description: Ice Blooms freeze, chill, and damage all zombies on the board, and more so in a 3×3 area around where they're planted. |
Price: 100 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: No Plant Food effect. |
Ice Bloom |
Sun cost: 200 |
Recharge (in seconds): 25 |
Description: Dartichokes fire high-damage darts down the lane, prioritizing especially dangerous zombies such as Wizards, Octo Zombies, and Healers.Has a limited supply of darts that can deal critical damage. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Shoots darts that deal with damage to a multiple of zombies on the lawn. |
Dartichoke |
Sun cost: 225 |
Recharge (in seconds): 8.5 |
Description: Ultomatoes charge up slowly, then fires a devastating beam down the lane that damage zombies as long as the charge lasts. Ultomatoes can be made more powerful by planting multiple Ultomatoes on the same tile. |
Price: 100 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Explodes dealing a massive amount of damage to all zombies on the lawn. |
Ultomato |
Sun cost: 250 |
Recharge (in seconds): 6.5 |
Description: Gumnuts pop sticky gum onto zombies, pinning them in place and causing them to block other zombies behind them. |
Price: 200 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Shoots a large gum bubble that immobilizes a large number of zombies. |
Gumnut |
Sun cost: 125 |
Recharge (in seconds): 12 |
Description: Shine Vines are vine plants that amplify the sun production of sun producer plants, except Moonflower, create some sun on their own, and use a sun-stun burst as a last-second defense when attacked. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Produces sun and stuns all nearby zombies. |
Shine Vine |
Sun cost: 75 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Tumbleweeds roar off down the lane, bouncing off zombies and knocking them back with a chance to stun or even flip them off the lawn. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: No Plant Food effect. |
Tumbleweed |
Sun cost: 50 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5.5 |
Description: Olive Pits drill into the ground and wait to consume zombies foolish enough to walk over them. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Swallow a bunch of zombies, and spit out oil in the surrounding area. |
Olive Pit |
Sun cost: 175 |
Recharge (in seconds): 7 |
Description: Puffballs explode when planted, stunning and poisoning zombies in three columns. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: No Plant Food effect. |
Puffball |
Sun cost: 150 |
Recharge (in seconds): 20 |
Description: Explode-O-Vines detonate an explosion with knockback when planted, and then a larger explosion when eaten. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Explode dealing damage to nearby zombies and gain armor. If the armor is destroyed, the armor explode. |
Explode-o-Vine |
Sun cost: 150 |
Recharge (in seconds): 10 |
Description: Murkadamia Nuts are defensive shadow plants who, when powered, grow jelly murk to damage attacking zombies. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Gain a shield that can absorb a small amount of damage. |
Murkadamia Nut |
Sun cost: 100 |
Recharge (in seconds): 10 |
Description: Turkey-pults lob tofu turkeys that damage zombies and then charge down the lane to damage even more zombies. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Lobs multiple pumpkin helmets for the tofu turkeys. |
Turkey-pult |
Sun cost: 150 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Headbutter Lettuces bash zombies in front and behind while occasionally buttering zombies. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Bashes and throws stunning butter at surrounding area zombies. |
Headbutter Lettuce |
Sun cost: 175 |
Recharge (in seconds): 7 |
Description: Boingsettas slam the ground in a "boing" that heavily damages grid items, bounces zombies back and chills them. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Deal heavy damage to all obstacles and slight damage to all zombies, knocking them back and chilling them for a short duration. |
Boingsetta |
Sun cost: 150 |
Recharge (in seconds): 30 |
Description: Stickybomb Rice lobs sticky rice bombs with timers at zombies. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Lobs a sticky bomb at every zombie on the lawn. |
Stickybomb Rice |
Sun cost: 225 |
Recharge (in seconds): 10 |
Description: Hocus Crocuses use slick sleight-of-petal chicanery to magic zombies close to your home all the way back to the rightmost part of the lawn. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Teleports up to three left most zombies to the right most column. |
Hocus Crocus |
Sun cost: 200 |
Recharge (in seconds): 20 |
Description: Gloom Vines power individual shadow plants and shoot zombie-damaging gloom in eight directions. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Spray a stream of noxious fumes that deals increased damage. |
Gloom Vine |
Sun cost: 125 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Draftodils windmill constantly, slowing flying zombies, and also shoot air cannon blasts that knock flying zombies off the lawn. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Blows away all flying zombies in the row. Release multiple air burst that deal damage and stuns zombies in the row. |
Draftodil |
Sun cost: 100 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Boom Balloon Flowers spawn exploding balloons that can be placed anywhere on the lawn as traps for zombies. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Spawns a giant Doom-shroom balloon named the "Doom Balloon", that will explode once it reaches the fifth column. |
Boom Balloon Flower |
Sun cost: 350 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Pea Vines planted on top of Appease-mint Family plants provide a significant damage boost to those plants. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Fires a barrage of peas. |
Pea Vine |
Sun cost: 125 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Infernos swirl up devastating fire tornados that sweep zombies back, burning and damaging them. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Create a huge fire tornado that pulls zombies in the adjacent columns, dealing heavy damage. |
Inferno |
Sun cost: 200 |
Recharge (in seconds): 25 |
Description: Solar Sages illuminate zombies, causing them to make better choices and depart, leaving behind a trail of sun. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Illuminates zombies in the surrounding area, causing them to fight other zombies. Produces sun if there are no valid zombies in its effect area. |
Solar Sage |
Sun cost: 0 |
Recharge (in seconds): 20 |
Description: Power Vines shoot rapid-fire, high-velocity laser bolts, and can increase their firepower by connecting up in a network. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Disable nearby mechanical enemies and unleashes a wave of energy bolts. When he's linked with another Power Vine, unleashes 3 waves of energy bolts. |
Power Vine |
Sun cost: 150 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Noctarines are shadow plants that explode and create clouds of damaging and slowing gas. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: No Plant Food effect. |
Noctarine |
Sun cost: 150 |
Recharge (in seconds): 15 |
Description: Heath Seekers are Spear-mint family instant-use plants that burst into a storm of homing, piercing darts. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: No Plant Food effect. |
Heath Seeker |
Sun cost: 125 |
Recharge (in seconds): 20 |
Description: Iceweeds damage and chill zombies that walk over them. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Summons a sawblade that knockbacks and freezes all zombies in the column. Permanently increases damage. |
Iceweed |
Sun cost: 150 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Tiger Grass spawns a grass tiger who leaps out to attack nearby zombies. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Spawn a fully grown grass tiger that deals a large amount of damage to a zombie. |
Tiger Grass |
Sun cost: 150 |
Recharge (in seconds): 7 |
Description: Teleportato Mine teleports zombies to her location, then explodes. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: No Plant Food effect. |
Teleportato Mine |
Sun cost: 75 |
Recharge (in seconds): 20 |
Description: Blockoli dual-wields two sturdy floret shields, slamming them down to stun and block approaching zombies. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Swings his florets around dealing damage and stunning Zombies in the surrounding area. Gain two iron shields that can absorb a large amount of damage. |
Blockoli |
Sun cost: 150 |
Recharge (in seconds): 15 |
Description: Buttercup butters butter onto attacking zombies, stunning them with butter. Butter! |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Throws butter immediately in front of her, dealing damage and stunning zombies for a long duration. |
Buttercup |
Sun cost: 25 |
Recharge (in seconds): 10 |
Description: Bramble Bush traps and damages a zombie. The berry clusters show the number of traps remaining. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Regenerate all of his berry traps and trap the leftmost zombie in his column, dealing 2x damage for a short duration. |
Bramble Bush |
Sun cost: 125 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Rhubarbarian wildly pummels, stuns and punches zombies off the lawn, inflicting heavy damage for a limited time. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: No Plant Food effect. |
Rhubarbarian |
Sun cost: 100 |
Recharge (in seconds): 20 |
Description: Mega Gatling Peas fire four peas at a time, and will occasionally Plant Food itself. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Shoots a huge number of peas out, dealing massive damage. Normal attack will fire five peas instead of four, permanently. |
Mega Gatling Pea |
Sun cost: 400 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Levitaters levitate random zombies. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Knock back multiple zombies through levitation. Zombies knocked back have a chance of being tossed off the lawn. |
Levitater |
Sun cost: 50 |
Recharge (in seconds): 15 |
Description: Tomb Tangler swallows Tombstones and emits a fog that will slow Zombies and can randomly pull them into the ground. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Drags up to 2 random zombies down. |
Tomb Tangler |
Sun cost: 25 |
Recharge (in seconds): 10 |
Description: Vamporcinis are defensive plants that drain HP from surrounding zombies for a few seconds. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Grants permanent health drain, that both heals and increases max health, without a cooldown. |
Vamporcini |
Sun cost: 100 |
Recharge (in seconds): 20 |
Description: Meteor Flower conjures meteor strikes from the sky that leave molten tiles. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Conjure 3 meteor strikes, dealing damage and creates a molten pool at the impact point. |
Meteor Flower |
Sun cost: 250 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Chilly Pepper's explosion deals heavy damage to zombies and radius damage to tiles in his lane freezing 3 lanes in the aftermath. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: No Plant Food effect. |
Chilly Pepper |
Sun cost: 100 |
Recharge (in seconds): 15 |
Description: Bun Chi chains 5 quick strikes to attack. After each chain, it increases its Chi Stack, up to 5 times that provides more damage with each stack. At the final stack, tap Bun Chi to unleash the Thunder Clap attack! |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Immediately triggers thunder clap, dealing damage in a 3x3 area and reducing zombie damage. |
Bun Chi |
Sun cost: 150 |
Recharge (in seconds): 12 |
Description: When eaten, Bzzz Buttons Electrifies the Zombie, damaging it over time and slowing it down. Electrified zombies shoot Lighting at other nearby zombies. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Detonate and ELECTRIFIES all zombies in a 3x3 area. |
Bzzz Button |
Sun cost: 50 |
Recharge (in seconds): 15 |
Description: Launches explosive berries at the last zombie in its lane, stunning them for a short time. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Launches multiple projectiles, blanketing the target column with explosive berries. |
BoomBerry |
Sun cost: 225 |
Recharge (in seconds): 12 |
Description: Amphibious plant that fires piercing bubbles down its lane. Fire bubbles across three lanes when planted on water. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Fires a giant bubble down its lane, pushing back zombies, then exploding for massive damage. Improves to 3 lanes when planted on water. |
SeaFlora |
Sun cost: 175 |
Recharge (in seconds): 12 |
Description: A defensive enchanted projectile plant that captures and shoots pesky bee-like projectiles that target nearby zombies when threatened. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Fires a barrage of stronger bee-like projectiles to seek out targets all across the board and for a short time leaves zombies that survived the attack stunned! |
MayBee |
Sun cost: 300 |
Recharge (in seconds): 20 |
Description: A timid mushroom that shoots spore projectiles at zombies in its lane, but hides when they get too close. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Scaredy-shroom rallies himself and surrounding Scaredy-shrooms to fire a stream of spores that push back advancing zombies. |
Scaredy-shroom |
Sun cost: 25 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: A Fierce Bamboo Warrior that can withstand massive damage. When his shield breaks, his attacks will deal even more damage. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Slams its Spear to knockback zombies multiple times. |
Bamboo Spartan |
Sun cost: 175 |
Recharge (in seconds): 15 |
Description: Seemingly innocuous, Sundew Tangler can spring up under unsuspecting Zombies on her tile, trapping them and leeching them to produce sun. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Entangle multiple zombies across the board to temporarily trap them and produce sun. |
Sundew Tangler |
Sun cost: 100 |
Recharge (in seconds): 15 |
Description: Mild mannered Wall plant with a dark monstrous side. When Bean Sprout takes too much damage, it transforms into a fist swinging monster. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Transforms into its monster form, if it wasn't already, and sends massive shockwaves both in front and behind him. |
Bean Sprout |
Sun cost: 75 |
Recharge (in seconds): 12 |
Description: Nightcap shoots piercing poisonous stars down the lane and withdraws into a toxic stealth mode when zombies get too close. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Poison Zombies in 3 lanes and push them back! |
Nightcap |
Sun cost: 300 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: Instant plant that crushes zombies in the lane under its girthy jellified mass. Leaves behind a pool of acidic goo that both slows and damages zombies when a zombie is crushed. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: No Plant Food effect. |
Cran Jelly |
Sun cost: 75 |
Recharge (in seconds): 10 |
Description: An over-pressurized bulb of boiling butter, this instant plant will go BOOM! Burning away zombies around it and flinging blobs of butter across the lawn, stunning any zombie unfortunate to be caught in its shower of buttery goop. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: No Plant Food effect. |
Bud'uh Boom |
Sun cost: 100 |
Recharge (in seconds): 35 |
Description: Smashes zombies in melee range. Emits a chilling aura that both buffs nearby Winter-mint plants and chills zombies. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Lobs several icicles at random zombies across the field. |
Ice-shroom |
Sun cost: 175 |
Recharge (in seconds): 12 |
Description: Launches 3 explosive seed pod projectiles at zombies across 3 adjacent lanes. When destroyed, Dragon Bruit will split into 3 smaller plants. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Launches projectiles at every zombie on the lawn. Can be boosted by Shadow Aura. |
Dragon Bruit |
Sun cost: 200 |
Recharge (in seconds): 10 |
Description: An amphibious plant which spawns a Peel that slithers down the lane to attack zombies and returns back, dealing damage again to all zombies on its way back. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Releases a giant Super Peel down the lane to deal massive damage to all zombies in its path. |
Electric Peel |
Sun cost: 125 |
Recharge (in seconds): 15 |
Description: Fire a short range explosive spore that will damage zombies in a radius, but it will wither away after a short time. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Creates a clone of itself, resets the wither timer on all Sea-shroom on the gameboard, then triggers all Sea-shroom to fire a stream of spores. |
Sea-shroom |
Sun cost: 0 |
Recharge (in seconds): 5 |
Description: An amphibious mushroom that will spawn mini versions of itself to guard adjacent plants. These Mini-shrooms can gobble up zombies, as well as significantly boost mushrooms and other plants they share a tile with. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Main Body - Drags several zombies and pummels them. Mini - Retriggers the Plant Food ability of the host plant. |
Guard-shroom |
Sun cost: 200 |
Recharge (in seconds): 30 |
Description: An amphibious plant that can support both ground and water type plants. Its abilities will change based on the type plant it is host to. |
Price: 250 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: Attracts zombies and then blasts them away with a jet of water. |
Aqua Vine |
Sun cost: 125 |
Recharge (in seconds): 10 |
Description: Utility launcher plant that can be toggled between focus and cluster firing modes. Its long range attacks can reach all parts of the lawn. |
Price: 250 seed packet |
Plant Food effect: Focuses ambient energy to continuously blast zombies on the lawn. |
Mangofier |
Sun cost: 150 |
Recharge (in seconds): 8 |
Description: Lobs immobilizing, sticky webs at zombies on adjacent lanes. Affected zombies may be turned into cocoons that will explode and deal damage to all surrounding zombies. |
Price: 250 seed packet |
Plant Food effect: Launches multiple web cocoons at nearby zombies, turning them into explosive cocoons. |
Blast Spinner |
Sun cost: 150 |
Recharge (in seconds): 20 |
Description: Doom-shroom explodes when destroyed. Depending on the growth stage, Doom-shroom explosion radius will increase and it may even spawn additional Doom-shrooms. |
Price: 250 seed packet |
Plant Food effect: All Doom-shrooms on the lawn will grow a stage, and then explode and spawn additional Doom-shrooms. |
Doom-shroom |
Sun cost: 175 |
Recharge (in seconds): 15 |
Description: Blaze Leaf attacks Zombies in a large radius. Every third strike, it releases the Blaze Wave attack which damages zombies in multiple lanes as it travels along a straight path. |
Price: 250 seed packet |
Plant Food effect: Launches a swirling fiery wave of energy damaging all the zombies on the lawn. |
Blaze Leaf |
Sun cost: 175 |
Recharge (in seconds): 12 |
Description: Frost Bonnet can switch between Fire and Ice bloom. Each mode deals a different damage type, allowing Frost Bonnet to both either set zombies on fire or freeze them solid. |
Price: 250 seed packet |
Plant Food effect: Launches a combo fire and ice attack at nearby zombies. Zombies destroyed will turn into an ice wall. |
Frost Bonnet |
Sun cost: 175 |
Recharge (in seconds): 12 |
Description: Znake Lily swirls up enchanted tornados that transform zombies into plant "zomboids" to attack them. |
Price: 250 seed packet |
Plant Food effect: Launches multiple tornados to transform zombies into various types of plant "zomboids". |
Znake Lily |
Sun cost: 200 |
Recharge (in seconds): 45 |
Description: Sweetheart Snare slows and damages zombies as they step through her. |
Price: 250 seed packet |
Plant Food effect: Launches multiple thorns both forwards and backward, while also activating other Sweetheart Snares on the lawn. |
Sweetheart Snare |
Sun cost: 175 |
Recharge (in seconds): 15 |
Description: Hammeruit smashes zombies with its charging hammer attacks. |
Price: 250 seed packet |
Plant Food effect: Slams its hammer 3 times in a row, dealing increasing damage with each hit. Releases shockwaves at the last hit that travels in 3 directions. |
Hammeruit |
Sun cost: 200 |
Recharge (in seconds): 10 |
Description: Fila-mints do electric damage and provide a temporary boost to all Fila-mint Family plants on the lawn. |
Price: 100 mints |
Plant Food effect: No Plant Food effect. |
Fila-mint |
Sun cost: 0 |
Recharge (in seconds): 85 |
Description: Pepper-mints set off lane-wide bursts of flame when planted and provide a temporary boost to all Pepper-mint plants on the lawn. |
Price: 100 mints |
Plant Food effect: No Plant Food effect. |
Pepper-mint |
Sun cost: 0 |
Recharge (in seconds): 85 |
Description: Winter-mints chill all zombies present on the board when planted and provide a temporary boost to all Winter-mint Family plants on the lawn. |
Price: 100 mints |
Plant Food effect: No Plant Food effect. |
Winter-mint |
Sun cost: 0 |
Recharge (in seconds): 85 |
Description: Enlighten-mints give a burst of sun when planted, and provide and additional temporary boost to Enlighten-mint Family plants. |
Price: 100 seed packets |
Plant Food effect: No Plant Food effect. |
Enlighten-mint |
Sun cost: 0 |
Recharge (in seconds): 85 |
Description: Reinforce-mints push all zombies back and provide a temporary boost to all Reinforce-mint Family plants on the lawn. |
Price: 100 mints |
Plant Food effect: No Plant Food effect. |
Reinforce-mint |
Sun cost: 0 |
Recharge (in seconds): 85 |
Description: Bombard-mints set off a number of explosions on the board and provide a temporary boost to all Bombard-mint Family plants on the lawn. |
Price: 100 mints |
Plant Food effect: No Plant Food effect. |
Bombard-mint |
Sun cost: 0 |
Recharge (in seconds): 85 |
Description: Ail-mints poison all zombies when planted and provide a temporary boost to all Ail-mint Family plants on the lawn. |
Price: 100 mints |
Plant Food effect: No Plant Food effect. |
Ail-mint |
Sun cost: 0 |
Recharge (in seconds): 85 |
Description: Enchant-mints randomly hypnotize a number of zombies and provide a temporary boost to all Enchant-mint Family plants on the lawn. |
Price: 100 mints |
Plant Food effect: No Plant Food effect. |
Enchant-mint |
Sun cost: 0 |
Recharge (in seconds): 85 |
Description: Contain-mints stun all zombies on the board and provide a temporary boost to all Contain-mint Family plants on the lawn. |
Price: 100 mints |
Plant Food effect: No Plant Food effect. |
Contain-mint |
Sun cost: 0 |
Recharge (in seconds): 85 |
Description: Enforce-mints shrink a number of zombies when planted and provide a temporary boost to all Enforce-mint Family plants on the lawn. |
Price: 100 mints |
Plant Food effect: No Plant Food effect. |
Enforce-mint |
Sun cost: 0 |
Recharge (in seconds): 85 |
Description: Arma-mints launch a volley of heavy stunning projectiles and provide a temporary boost to all Arma-mint Family plants on the lawn. |
Price: 100 mints |
Plant Food effect: No Plant Food effect. |
Arma-mint |
Sun cost: 0 |
Recharge (in seconds): 85 |
Description: Conceal-mints power up all shadow plants on the lawn, drag some number of zombies to their doom, and provide an additional temporary boost to Conceal-mint Family plants. |
Price: 100 mints |
Plant Food effect: No Plant Food effect. |
Conceal-mint |
Sun cost: 0 |
Recharge (in seconds): 85 |
Description: Spear-mints generate a number of higher level Spikerocks and provide a temporary boost all Spear-mint family plants on the lawn. |
Price: 100 mints |
Plant Food effect: No Plant Food effect. |
Spear-mint |
Sun cost: 0 |
Recharge (in seconds): 85 |
Description: Appease-mints fire a volley of huge peas that break into smaller peas and provide a temporary boost to all Appease-mint Family plants on the lawn. |
Price: 100 mints |
Plant Food effect: No Plant Food effect. |
Appease-mint |
Sun cost: 0 |
Recharge (in seconds): 85 |
Zen Garden
Cameo appearances
- Compared to the prequel:
- All plants (excluding invincible and defensive plants) can take different amount of bites based on plant level instead of the usual six bites. Despite this, zombies eat plants based on time.
- Mega Gatling Pea, Twin Sunflower, Winter Melon and Spikerock are no longer upgrade plants. Instead, they can be planted directly like normal plants.
- They are the only upgrade plants from the first game to return and, along with Imitater, are the only returning plants that previously had to be bought in Crazy Dave's Twiddydinkies.
- Mushrooms no longer sleep in the day.
- Blover is the only plant from Far Future to return from the first game.
- Sun Bean is the only new Dark Ages plant to be added into the second game and the only plant to be not a mushroom in Dark Ages.
- Garlic is the only plant from Neon Mixtape Tour to return from the first game.
- As of the 2.9 update, all Day and Pool plants in Plants vs. Zombies have returned to the second game.
- All catapult, peashooting and sun-producing plants have returned to the second game.
- Crushed plants will simply despawn immediately instead of showing their defeated sprite and despawning after 5 seconds, with a sound of a plant being completely eaten is heard when they are crushed by Barrel Roller Zombie and Pianist Zombie.
- In Piñata Parties, "Try Before You Buy" quests, Arena featurings, Penny's Pursuit and certain levels starting in Wild West, Frostbite Caves and Dark Ages, the player can use premium plants for free.
- Starting with the 2.9 update, plants can be in the store for a limited amount of time.
- Tile Turnip can become the most expensive plant in the game, exceeding the sun limit if planted several (seven if at level 1) times. Not counting him, Banana Launcher, Winter Melon, and Missile Toe are the most expensive plants in the game at 500 sun tied. A full Pea Pod between levels 1-6 on the other hand costs 125 × 5 = 625 sun.
- Before multiple profiles were removed, gem-bought premium plants were not shared with other profiles.
- Dandelion is the only plant-based off the Chinese version to be released in the international version with different designs.
- As of the 5.7.1 update, the player can now level plants up to level 20 by buying or obtaining piñatas that contain seed packets electrodes which allow the player to level up. After collecting all the electrodes in the electrode bar, the player can level up the plant for coins.
- From the start of August 2015 until the end of September 2015, each week allowed the player to buy one of the money-purchased premium plants for gems; however, they are available only for the current profile.
- Before the 3.1 update, when Hurrikale was added, the only three ice-themed plants' (Snow Pea, Iceberg Lettuce, and Winter Melon) costumes were all based on winter attire, including the unused ones.
- Ghost Pepper, Puff-shroom and Sea-shroom are the only plants to fade and eventually vanish after attacking zombies.
- Tumbleweed is currently the only plant that changes its appearance through leveling.
- Modern Day has plants that are all in the same mint family, in this case, Conceal-mint.
- Escape Root and Rhubarbarian are the only two plants capable of moving on the grid (lawn). Rhubarbarians move horizontally forward where as Escape Roots can move anywhere on the lawn as long as there is another plant it can substitute.
- Despite being a Power Mint, Enlighten-mint cannot be unlocked using Mints outside of Enlighten-mint family Arena seasons.
See Also