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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
For other uses, see Deadpool (disambiguation)
For alternate versions of Ladypool, see Ladypool's Character Hub
Multiverse Discovered
"He discovered that there were universes stacked on top of his own..."
The subject of this article comes from an alternate universe connecting to the main timeline of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This universe is designated by the Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki as "Corps Leader Deadpool".

"Ooh, we're just getting started."
―Ladypool to Deadpool[src]

Wanda Wilson is a mutant mercenary and a Deadpool Variant known as Ladypool who leads the Deadpool Corps, an assembly of her Variants working for Cassandra Nova in the Void. Tasked by Nova to stop Deadpool and Wolverine from reaching the Time Ripper, she briefly engaged with them in close-quarters combat, before Peter Wisdom interfered and called for a truce between the warring Deadpools.


Early Life[]

Wanda Wilson was a woman who loved to dance, preferably the argentine tango. She was even voted most likely to win a dance competition in high school, although she was also voted most likely to end up in prison.[3]

Leader of the Deadpool Corps[]

Banishment into the Void[]

"Oh, my goodness, wait until you see Ladypool. She is gorgeous. She just had a baby, too, and can't even tell."
―Nicepool to Deadpool[src]

Ladypool was among numerous Deadpool Variants that had been pruned by the Time Variance Authority and banished to the Void. Stuck in the Void, Ladypool became the leader of the Deadpool Corps comprised of her Variants, answering directly to Cassandra Nova. At some point, Ladypool was pregnant and gave birth to a child.[2]

Attack on Earth-10005[]

Deadpool Corps Tease

Ladypool exits the Void

"Wait, you guys know Peter?"
"You kidding me? Every Deadpool has a Peter."
―Deadpool and Ladypool[src]

Ladypool and the rest of the Deadpool Corps were summoned to Earth-10005 to aid Cassandra Nova, so she could get to the Time Ripper and lay waste to the Multiverse. Ladypool and her army exited the Void through the Inter-Dimensional Portal and stepped in to confront Deadpool and Wolverine. Deadpool addressed the Corps, calling himself Deadpool Prime and asking them to get this over with, to which Ladypool replied that they are just getting started. Deadpool elaborated that they need to stop with the whole Multiverse concept and move on after so many failures, and Ladypool claimed that the Multiverse will be indeed over once Nova is done.

Deadpool Corps In Earth-10005

Ladypool opens fire at Deadpool and Wolverine

Deadpool tried to persuade them into stopping Nova as her success would mean that they would all die, but the Deadpool Corps refused to listen, and Ladypool opened fire from her UZIs, while Deadpool used Nicepool as a human shield and took cover. Ladypool and others continued to shoot at him, killing Nicepool, in the process, but ceased their fire when they saw Wolverine carrying Dogpool. Deadpool and Wolverine then charged into a battle with the Deadpool Corps, and although Ladypool tried to shoot Wolverine, he blocked her bullets with his claws before stabbing her repeatedly. Despite their best efforts, their advantage did not last long, as Ladypool and other Variants regenerated from their wounds and stood back up.

As the Deadpool Corps surrounded Deadpool and Wolverine, preparing to reengage, they suddenly saw Peter Wisdom in a Deadpool Suit asking them to stop as Deadpool was his friend. Ladypool was awestuck, explaining that every Deadpool has their own Peter Wisdom whom they highly respect. Ladypool and the Deadpool Corps all circled Wisdom, collectively cheering for him, which allowed Deadpool and Wolverine to sneak out of the fight and pursue Nova. Later on, Ladypool and rest of the Deadpool Corps were pruned by the Time Variance Authority once again and returned to the Void.[2]

Powers and Abilities[]


"I guess these ones regenerate."
  • Mutant Physiology: Ladypool is a Variant of Deadpool, and hence possesses similar powers as him, which include superhuman attributes and nigh-immortality.
    • Superhuman Strength: To be added
    • Superhuman Durability: To be added
    • Superhuman Speed: To be added
    • Superhuman Agility: To be added
    • Superhuman Stamina: To be added
    • Superhuman Reflexes: To be added
    • Regenerative Healing Factor: To be added
    • Nigh-Immortality: To be added


  • Master Marksman: To be added



"Uzi time, baby."

Other Equipment[]



  • Child





Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Ladypool.

External Links[]
