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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
I'm Going To Disneyland
"Suck it, Fox! I'm going to Disneyland!"
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"Magneto's Helmet is out of the picture."
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"Now, I know Magneto's dead, but I venture to guess that his helmet is lying around here somewhere."
"Cassandra melted the helmet."
―Deadpool and Blade[src]

Magneto's Helmet was the helmet used by Magneto, which could protect its wearer from telepathy.


The helmet was worn by the mutant Magneto, who had it on his person when he was sent to the Void by the Time Variance Authority. After Magneto was killed by the powerful telepath Cassandra Nova, she melted his helmet down so that nobody would use its telepathy-blocking abilities against her.[1]


"She knows that helmet was the only way to protect anyone from her powers."

Magneto's helmet negated all psionic and telepathic interference, meaning it could shield its wearer from being telepathically controlled or influenced by individuals such as Cassandra Nova. This also worked in reverse, meaning placing the helmet on a telepath would render them unable to use their abilities, as this was later done to Nova using Juggernaut's helmet, which had the same properties.[1]


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