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"She's setting in place her plan to control the TVA. But if we work together, we can stop her. Protect this place."
"The only thing you want to protect is yourself, Ravonna. And you. This is really disappointing, I must say."
―Ravonna Renslayer and Dox[src]

The Attack on the Time Variance Authority Office was an attempt by Ravonna Renslayer and Miss Minutes to take control over the Time Variance Authority, amidst the imploding of the Temporal Loom.


"So, what are you proposing?"
"That we don't need him. Maybe we never did."
―Ravonna Renslayer and Miss Minutes[src]

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"I'm done listening to your lies. You're gonna talk when I say you can, and only then. And right now, you're gonna tell us where to find your device."
"And if you don't like what I have to tell you?"
"Then X-05 here is gonna find a very thorough and incredibly painful way to kill you."
―Ravonna Renslayer and Victor Timely[src]

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