A gallery for the Symbols of various locations and institutions in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Algeria (seal)
Angola (coat of arms)
Benin (coat of arms)
Burkina Faso (coat of arms)
Burundi (coat of arms)
Democratic Republic of the Congo (coat of arms)
Egypt (coat of arms)
Ghana (coat of arms)
CĂŽte d'Ivoire/Ivory Coast (coat of arms)
Kenya (coat of arms)
Libya (emblem)
Madagascar (seal)
Morocco (coat of arms)
Nigeria (coat of arms)
Rwanda (coat of arms)
Seychelles (coat of arms)
Sierra Leone (coat of arms)
Somalia (coat of arms)
South Africa (coat of arms)
Sudan (emblem)
Tanzania (coat of arms)
Togo (emblem)
Tunisia (coat of arms)
Uganda (coat of arms)
Wakanda (coat of arms)
Zambia (coat of arms)
Afghanistan (emblem)
Bahrain (emblem)
Bangladesh (emblem)
Bangladesh (seal)
Bhutan (emblem)
Cambodia (coat of arms)
China (emblem)
Hong Kong (emblem)
India (emblem)
Indonesia (emblem)
Iran (emblem)
Israel (emblem)
Japan (government seal)
Japan (imperial seal)
Japan (privy seal)
Japan (state seal)
Jordan (coat of arms)
Kazakhstan (emblem)
Kuwait (emblem)
Laos (emblem)
Lebanon (coat of arms)
Madripoor (seal)
Malaysia (coat of arms)
Mongolia (emblem)
Myanmar (seal)
Nepal (emblem)
North Korea (emblem)
Pakistan (emblem)
Palestine (coat of arms)
Philippines (coat of arms)
Saudi Arabia (emblem)
Singapore (coat of arms)
South Korea (emblem)
South Ossetia (coat of arms)
Sri Lanka (emblem)
Syria (coat of arms)
Taiwan (emblem)
Thailand (emblem)
United Arab Emirates (emblem)
Vietnam (emblem)
Yemen (emblem)
Albania (coat of arms)
Armenia (coat of arms)
Austria (coat of arms)
Belarus (coat of arms)
Belgium (coat of arms)
Bosnia and Herzegovina (coat of arms)
Bulgaria (coat of arms)
Croatia (coat of arms)
Czechoslovakia (coat of arms)
Czech Republic (coat of arms)
Denmark (coat of arms)
England (royal arms)
Estonia (coat of arms)
Finland (coat of arms)
France (emblem)
France (seal)
Georgia (coat of arms)
Germany (coat of arms)
Greece (coat of arms)
Hungary (coat of arms)
Ireland (coat of arms)
Italy (coat of arms)
Latvia (coat of arms)
Lithuania (coat of arms)
Luxembourg (coat of arms)
Malta (coat of arms)
Monaco (coat of arms)
Netherlands (coat of arms)
Northern Ireland (coat of arms)
Norway (coat of arms)
Poland (coat of arms)
Portugal (coat of arms)
Romania (coat of arms)
Russia (coat of arms)
Scotland (royal banner)
Scotland (royal arms)
Serbia (coat of arms)
Slovenia (coat of arms)
Sokovia (coat of arms)
Soviet Union (emblem)
Spain (coat of arms)
Sweden (coat of arms)
Switzerland (coat of arms)
Turkey (emblem)
Ukraine (coat of arms)
United Kingdom (Scotland) (coat of arms)
Vatican City (coat of arms)
Wales (coat of arms)
Yugoslavia (coat of arms)
Yugoslavia (emblem)
Australia (coat of arms)
Fiji (coat of arms)
French Polynesia (coat of arms)
Papua New Guinea (national emblem)
New Zealand (coat of arms)
Solomon Islands (coat of arms)
North America[]
Bahamas (coat of arms)
Belize (coat of arms)
Canada (coat of arms)
Canada (seal)
Cayman Islands (coat of arms)
Costa Rica (coat of arms)
Cuba (coat of arms)
Dominican Republic (coat of arms)
Greenland (coat of arms)
Guatemala (coat of arms)
Haiti (coat of arms)
Honduras (coat of arms)
Jamaica (coat of arms)
Mexico (coat of arms)
Nicaragua (coat of arms)
Panama (coat of arms)
Puerto Rico (coat of arms)
Trinidad and Tobago (coat of arms)
United States of America (obverse) (seal)
United States of America (reverse) (seal)
South America[]
Argentina (coat of arms)
Brazil (coat of arms)
Brazil (seal)
Chile (coat of arms)
Colombia (coat of arms)
Ecuador (coat of arms)
Guyana (coat of arms)
Paraguay (obverse) (coat of arms)
Paraguay (reverse) (coat of arms)
Peru (escudo nacional) (coat of arms)
Peru (escudo de armas) (coat of arms)
Uruguay (coat of arms) (coat of arms)
Venezuela (coat of arms)
Regions and Cities[]
Abidjan (seal)
Algiers (coat of arms)
Cairo (coat of arms)
Johannesburg (coat of arms)
Khartoum (seal)
Lomé (coat of arms)
Rabat (coat of arms)
Tripoli (seal)
Aden (seal)
Aleppo (seal)
Amman (seal)
Baghdad (seal)
Bandung (coat of arms)
Bangkok (seal)
Beirut (seal)
Bihar (seal)
Busan (coat of arms)
Damascus (coat of arms)
Dubai (coat of arms)
Jakarta (coat of arms)
Kolkata (seal)
Kuala Lumpur (seal)
Madripoor (seal)
Mumbai (coat of arms)
Okinawa (seal)
Osaka (emblem)
Pavlodar (coat of arms)
Phnom Penh (seal)
Riyadh (seal)
Seoul (seal)
Shanghai (seal)
Tehran (seal)
Tokyo (seal)
Wasit (seal)
Armonk, North Castle (seal)
Amsterdam (coat of arms)
Aranda de Duero (coat of arms)
Arnsberg (coat of arms)
Ashmyany (coat of arms)
Bad Wiessee (coat of arms)
Barcelona (coat of arms)
Bavaria (coat of arms)
Bilbao (coat of arms)
Bastogne (coat of arms)
Bern (coat of arms)
Belfast (coat of arms)
Berlin (coat of arms)
BiaĆa Podlaska (coat of arms)
Bristol (coat of arms)
Birmingham (coat of arms)
Bremen (coat of arms)
Broek op Langedijk (coat of arms)
Bruges (coat of arms)
Bucharest (coat of arms)
Burgos (coat of arms)
Caldes de Montbui (coat of arms)
Cannes (coat of arms)
Castile and LeĂłn (coat of arms)
ChĂątellerault (coat of arms)
Chaves (coat of arms)
Chichester (coat of arms)
Copenhagen (coat of arms)
Dachau (coat of arms)
Den Helder (coat of arms)
Dresden (coat of arms)
Dublin (coat of arms)
Dubrovnik (coat of arms)
Edam (coat of arms)
Faro (coat of arms)
Florence (coat of arms)
Frankfurt (coat of arms)
Galway (coat of arms)
Genoa (coat of arms)
Guernica (coat of arms)
Kyiv (coat of arms)
East Lansing (seal)
Geneva (coat of arms)
Glasgow (coat of arms)
Girona (coat of arms)
Hamburg (coat of arms)
Edinburgh (coat of arms)
Levallois-Perret (coat of arms)
Lleida (coat of arms)
Limoux (coat of arms)
Lisbon (coat of arms)
Liverpool (coat of arms)
Lucerne (coat of arms)
Lugoj (coat of arms)
Madrid (coat of arms)
Manchester (coat of arms)
Marseille (coat of arms)
Milan (coat of arms)
Minsk (coat of arms)
Moscow (coat of arms)
Munich (coat of arms)
Nevers (coat of arms)
North Holland (coat of arms)
North Rhine-Westphalia (coat of arms)
Nuremberg (coat of arms)
Odesa (coat of arms)
Oslo (seal)
Outer Hebrides (coat of arms)
Palermo (coat of arms)
Palma de Mallorca(coat of arms)
Pamplona (coat of arms)
Paris (coat of arms)
Plymouth (coat of arms)
Prague (coat of arms)
Preston (coat of arms)
Provence-Alpes-CĂŽte d'Azur (coat of arms)
Rome (coat of arms)
Saint Johann Im Pongau (coat of arms)
Saint Moritz (coat of arms)
Saint Petersburg (coat of arms)
Saintes (coat of arms)
Samara (coat of arms)
San SebastiĂĄn (coat of arms)
Sarajevo (seal)
Schkeuditz (coat of arms)
Schoonebeek (coat of arms)
Seville (coat of arms)
Sheffield (coat of arms)
Sochi (coat of arms)
Sofia (coat of arms)
Stalingrad (coat of arms)
Stockholm (coat of arms)
Strasbourg (coat of arms)
Stuttgart (coat of arms)
Squillace (coat of arms)
Tambov (coat of arms)
TromsĂž (coat of arms)
TĂžnsberg (coat of arms)
Valletta (coat of arms)
Venice (coat of arms)
Verona (coat of arms)
Vienna (coat of arms)
Vienna (seal)
Vitebsk (coat of arms)
Vladivostok (coat of arms)
Zagreb (coat of arms)
ZamoĆÄ (coat of arms)
Zierikzee (coat of arms)
ZĂŒrich (coat of arms)
North America[]
Akron (seal)
Albany (seal)
Albuquerque (seal)
Alexandria (seal)
Alhambra (seal)
Allentown (seal)
Anaheim (seal)
Andover (seal)
Ann Arbor (seal)
Annapolis (seal)
Arizona (seal)
Arlington (seal)
Atlanta (seal)
Atlantic City (seal)
Austin (seal)
Austin (coat of arms)
Baja California (coat of arms)
Baltimore (seal)
Barrow (seal)
Baton Rouge (seal)
Bella Coola (seal)
Berkeley (seal)
Bermuda (coat of arms)
Beverly Hills (seal)
Boston (seal)
Bozeman (seal)
Beverly Hills (coat of arms)
Buffalo (seal)
Cabo San Lucas (coat of arms)
Calgary (coat of arms)
Cambridge (seal)
Charleston (seal)
Chicago (seal)
Chino (seal)
Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma (seal)
Cleveland (seal)
Cincinnati (seal)
Colma (seal)
Colombo (seal)
Cuyahoga Falls (seal)
Danvers (seal)
Dallas (seal)
Denver (seal)
Des Moines (seal)
Detroit (seal)
Duxbury (seal)
Edison (seal)
El Paso (seal)
Eureka (seal)
Fort Dodge (seal)
Fargo (seal)
Fort Lauderdale (seal)
Fresno (seal)
Gaithersburg (seal)
Gary (seal)
Glendale (seal)
Green Bay (seal)
Greensboro (seal)
Havana (coat of arms)
Hackensack, New Jersey (seal)
Havana (seal)
Honolulu (seal)
Houston (seal)
Illinois (seal)
Indianapolis (seal)
Inglewood (seal)
Jersey City (seal)
JuĂĄrez (coat of arms)
Kansas City (seal)
Las Vegas (seal)
Lexington (seal)
Lincoln (seal)
Londonderry (seal)
Long Beach (seal)
Los Angeles (seal)
Macon (seal)
Madison (seal)
Malibu (seal)
Manitowoc (seal)
Mexico City (coat of arms)
Miami (seal)
Minnesota (seal)
Milwaukee (seal)
Montebello (seal)
Montréal (coat of arms)
Muncie (seal)
New York City (coat of arms)
Nashville (coat of arms)
New Haven (seal)
New Rochelle (seal)
New Orleans (seal)
New York City (seal)
Newark (seal)
Norfolk (seal)
Oakland (seal)
Oaxaca (coat of arms)
Oklahoma City (seal)
Omaha (seal)
Orlando (seal)
Palo Alto (seal)
Pasadena (seal)
Philadelphia (seal)
Phoenix (seal)
Plymouth (seal)
Ponce (coat of arms)
Port-au-Prince (coat of arms)
Portland (seal)
Portsmouth (seal)
Raleigh (seal)
Rhinebeck (seal)
Richmond (seal)
Roanoke (seal)
Rockford (seal)
Roswell (seal)
Rycroft (seal)
Rye (seal)
Sacramento (seal)
Salt Lake City (seal)
San Antonio (coat of arms)
San Antonio (seal)
San Diego (seal)
San Francisco (seal)
San Jose (seal)
San Juan (coat of arms)
San Luis Obispo (seal)
Santa Clarita (seal)
Santa Monica (seal)
Savannah (seal)
Seattle (seal)
South Bend (seal)
South Dakota (seal)
Spokane (seal)
St. Louis (seal)
Stamford (seal)
Tallahassee (seal)
Tampa (seal)
Tijuana (coat of arms)
Tulsa (seal)
Twin Falls (seal)
Vancouver (coat of arms)
Wallingford (seal)
Washington, D.C. (seal)
West Covina (seal)
Yonkers (seal)
Zihuatanejo (seal)
South America[]
AsunciĂłn (coat of arms)
BogotĂĄ (coat of arms)
Buenos Aires (coat of arms)
Cusco (coat of arms)
Feira de Santana (seal)
Iquitos (coat of arms)
Lima (coat of arms)
Montevideo (coat of arms)
Nova Iguaçu (coat of arms)
PotosĂ (coat of arms)
Rio de Janeiro (coat of arms)
Rio Verde (coat of arms)
São Gonçalo (coat of arms)
SĂŁo Paulo (coat of arms)
Valparaiso (coat of arms)
Non-Earth Locations[]
107th Infantry Regiment Coat of Arms
107th Infantry Regiment Insignia
Alternate Avengers
Dark Elves' Crest
Guardians of the Galaxy Second Logo
Guardians of the Galaxy Third Logo
HYDRA Ancient Symbol
HYDRA Ancient Symbol
HYDRA Symbol - 1800s
HYDRA Symbol - World War II
HYDRA Symbol - Vehicle
HYDRA Symbol
HYDRA Symbol - Daniel Whitehall
HYDRA Symbol - Barbershop Headquarters
HYDRA Symbol - Bus
HYDRA Symbol
HYDRA Symbol
HYDRA Symbol - Grant Ward
HYDRA Symbol
HYDRA Symbol
HYDRA Symbol - Wehrmachtsadler
HYDRA Symbol - Arnim Zola
Internal Troops of Russia Emblem
Ravagers Flames
Ravagers Alternate Flames
S.H.I.E.L.D. Symbol
S.H.I.E.L.D. Symbol - Pre-2012
S.H.I.E.L.D. Symbol - Cold War
S.H.I.E.L.D. Symbol - Wall of Valor
S.H.I.E.L.D. Symbol - Combat Uniform
S.H.I.E.L.D. Symbol - Documents
S.H.I.E.L.D. Symbol - Identification Card
S.H.I.E.L.D. Symbol
S.H.I.E.L.D. Symbol
S.H.I.E.L.D. Symbol - 2017
S.H.I.E.L.D. Symbol - Medical
S.H.I.E.L.D. Symbol - Air Mobility Command
S.H.I.E.L.D. Symbol - Special Service
S.H.I.E.L.D. Symbol - Real S.H.I.E.L.D.
S.H.I.E.L.D. Symbol - STRIKE
S.H.I.E.L.D. Symbol - STRIKE
S.H.I.E.L.D. Symbol - May's Team
S.H.I.E.L.D. Symbol - Post-2016
S.H.I.E.L.D. Symbol - Secret Warriors
S.H.I.E.L.D. Symbol - Deke Squad
S.H.I.E.L.D. Symbol - Coulson Academy
S.H.I.E.L.D. Symbol - Coulson Academy
S.W.O.R.D. - Standard Symbol
S.W.O.R.D. - Operations Symbol
S.W.O.R.D. - Military Symbol
Business Entities[]
Stark Industries - Pre-2000s
Stark Industries - 2000s Shortened Wordmark
WHiH World News - 2009-2018
WHiH World News - 2015-2016
WHiH World News - Current