Thurible was a minor antagonist in the canon Star Wars novel Master & Apprentice.
A human male, Thurible was the majordomo of the Hutt cartel member Wanbo, who was ostensibly in charge of the Hutt operations on the planet Teth. Most Hutt majordomos were little more than warm bodies who ran interference for their masters with local authorities and had very short career and life expediencies due to the nature of their work. Because of Wanbo's limited intelligence and addiction to spice, Wanbo was actually little more than a figurehead, and Thurible was the actual power in the Teth system. Thurible carefully maintained the illusion that Wanbo was a powerful gangster, preferring to work behind the scenes.
Master Qui-Gon Jinn and Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi were sent by the Jedi Order to investigate the disappearance of agricultural shipments. Learning of this Thurbile attempted to have the two Jedi killed, planning on reporting to the authorities that the two Jedi had disappeared under mysterious circumstances. What Thurible did not count on was that Qui-Gon would take Thurible's "boss" hostage. However Thurbile was able to capture Obi-Wan while Obi-Wan was working to steal one of Wanbo's ships. Qui-Gon released Wanbo and Thurible in turn released Obi-Wan. Qui-Gon and Thurible then struck a bargain where the attacks on shipments would at least temporarily stop.
During a mission to the planet Pijal Qui-Gon learned that someone on Pijal had been in contact with the planet Teth. Tracing the transmission to its destination on Teth Qui-Gon found himself speaking to Thurible again. Thurible revealed that someone claiming to represent the Pijal government had contacted them to offer lightsaber resistant shields to Wanbo's gang. Qui-Gon told Thurible that the Pijal had no such shields to offer and that whoever contacted him most likely did not have the authority to do so. (Later when Princess Fanry revealed her true nature it became apparent that it was someone acting on her orders who contacted Thurible). It was later discovered that the shields were ineffective against lightsabers powered by kohlen crystals as opposed to the regular kyber crystals.