“ | The Grysks lay blame only where it's deserved, and only on those who fail us. Each of our servants is responsible solely for his own decisions and actions, not for another's. | „ |
~ Jixtus describing the Grysks. |
Jixtus is the main antagonist of the Star Wars: Thrawn Ascendancy novel trilogy, being the overarching antagonist of Chaos Rising and the main antagonist of The Greater Good and Lesser Evil. He was a Grysk agent in the Grysk Hegemony, who orchestrated the events to the destruction the Chiss Ascendancy from within, but was thwarted by Senior Captain Thrawn. Jixtus typically wore a hooded robe that obscured his features, leading Haplif, one of his servants, to speculate that he could belong to any bipedal species, or even a demon from Agbui mythology.
The Grysk Hegemony wanted to invade and takeover the Chaos and, judging the Chiss Ascendancy as the bigest threat, sent Jixtus to incite a civil war between the Chiss. Jixtus, with the assistance of Haplif of the Agbui and hsi people, tried convincing three of the 40 Great Families of an extremely valuable mine on an unclaimed planet with the intention of them coming to blows over the right to claim the mine for their families. Due to all of them being allied with one of the nine ruling families, who were expected to come to their aid, this was supoosed to erupt into a civil war that would eventually wipe out the entire Ascendancy. The plan almost suceeded but was foiled at the last minute by Thrawn, who simulated a pirate attack to temporarily ally the family ships and then used the battle to stealthily destroy the mine while Haplif was killed by a Chiss farmer who had figured out his scheme.
Jixtus however once again nearly managed to turn the Chiss families against one another, this time by fabricating evidence of secret alliances and military build-ups among rivals. Specifically, he convinced the Patriarchs of the Chaf, Clarr, and Ufsa families to accept his help in the form of Grysk ships to bolster their own fleets while also using the Kilji Ilumine under the command off Generalirius Nakirre to block off any refugees from the Ascendancy while pretending to be merely his advisor on his flagship Whetstone.
Jixtus at this time believing Thrawn to be the only real threat to his plans, gathered all 15 ships of his fleet for battle at the planet Sunrise after learning that Thrawn was on the lookout for a group of its inhabitants that could supposedly predict the future. Jixtus arrived expecting Thrawn to be in confrontation with two dozen Chiss ships who had been sent to detain him for acting behind the back of the Syndicure only to find all the Chiss ships floating dead in space, seemingly destroyed by Thrawn's tactics. Jixtus ordered his warships to scout the wreckage for any Chiss survivors in order to exchange them for any of the precognitive aliens Thrawn could possibly have on his ship. While negotiating with Thrawn about his surrender, Thrawn baited Jixtus into revealing all the previous aspects of his plans including his role as the master behind Haplif and General Yiv the Benevolent. When Thrawn revealed that the Kilki Ilumine's Kilhorde had already been destroyed by his Pakosh allies, Nakirre angrily confronted Jixtus, claiming that his lack of support caused this destruction, resulting in Jixtus gunning him down for being no longer useful. With the Grysk ships out of formation and surrounded by the Chiss "wrecks", Thrawn signaled them to attack. Realizing the danger he was in, Jixtus ran to the Whetstones escape pods and quickly fled to his flagship the FateSpinner. Since the Grysks excel at long-ranged combat, the Chiss were able to inflict heavy damage on their powerful ships. Having learned of Grysk tactical weaknesses from previous engagements, Thrawn had the crews train to take advantage of them with Jixtus's flagship FateSpinner only able to evade destruction by diving into Sunrise's atmosphere. When an opening presented itself, the ship dashed out and attempted to flee so Jixtus could later return with an even larger force to crush the Ascendancy. With no ship in a position to catch the FateSpinner. Jixtus's end came from an unexpected source, with his former servant Qilori taking command of the Whetstone and unleashing a deadly barrage at close range on the FateSpinner's flank, crippling the ship. Wounded and dying, Jixtus spoke with Thrawn for a short while, realizing that there had never been any more of the precognitive Sunrise inhabitants Thrawn had supposedly looked for and taunted him at having violated the Chiss rule against pre-emptive strikes (which would be harshly punished), before sending a signal that caused all the Grysk ships to self-destruct, leaving nothing for the Chiss to study.