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Discharge a rail of ionized death or throw the Ferrox like a spear and create a localized field of attraction no enemy can escape from.

The Ferrox is a IconCorpusOn Corpus Speargun introduced and wielded by Index broker Derim Zahn. The primary fire features a charged shot that deals high damage, complimented by its high critical stats. Its Alternate Fire tosses the Ferrox as far as 50 meters, creating an electric field where it lands and pulls enemies towards it. It is available for research in the Energy Lab of the Clan Dojo.

This weapon can be sold for Credits64 7,500.

Manufacturing Requirements
📝 Edit blueprint requirements
Fieldron Fieldron
AlloyPlate Alloy Plate
Salvage Salvage
Forma Forma
Time: 1 Day(s)
Rush: PlatinumLarge 35
MarketIcon Market Price: PlatinumLarge 150 Blueprint2 Blueprints Price:Credits15,000
Energy Lab ResearchClanAffinity643,000
FieldronSample Fieldron Sample
Circuits Circuits
Ferrite Ferrite
Oxium Oxium
Time: 3 Day(s)
Prereq: Amprex
Ghost Clan x1   Shadow Clan x3   Storm Clan x10   Mountain Clan x30   Moon Clan x100


This weapon deals primarily DmgPunctureSmall64 Puncture damage on its primary fire and DmgImpactSmall64 Impact damage on its alt-fire.


  • High DmgPunctureSmall64 Puncture damage on primary fire - effective against health.
  • High DmgImpactSmall64 Impact damage on alt-fire - effective against shields.
  • Primary fire lasers are hitscan.
  • Primary fire has an innate 1.5 meter punch through.
  • Alt-fire throws the Ferrox that creates a field that pulls in enemies.
  • Very ammo efficient.
  • Very fast charge speed.
  • Comes with a Madurai Pol and Vazarin Pol slot.


  • Low DmgImpactSmall64 Impact damage on primary fire - less effective against shields.
  • Low DmgPunctureSmall64 Puncture damage on alt-fire - less effective against health.
  • Primary fire shoots thin lasers; requires precise aiming.
  • Cannot fire with a partial charge.
  • The weapon fires as soon as it has reached a full charge which can lead to premature firing.
  • Once the Ferrox is thrown, the player will not be able to use it until it is either picked up or when it returns to the player's hands after 20 seconds.
  • Alt-fire has slow Projectile Speed and ticks slowly.


  • The Ferrox automatically teleports back to the player 20 seconds after being thrown, or until the player manually picks the Ferrox back up again.
    • Throwing the weapon does not consume ammo.
  • The Ferrox' alt-fire has a maximum throwing range of ~50m (though it may be displayed as slightly less due to the forward movement of the player when throwing the weapon).
    • The arc Ferrox will take when thrown is affected by both the angle of the throw as well as how much the throw was charged.
    • Unlike the Javlok Javlok, the Ferrox' alt-fire will not damage its user when thrown too close.
  • Enemies killed by the primary or damage from the secondary attack will vaporize, similar to channeled kills by melee weapons.


  • The bodies of enemies killed by this weapon disintegrate in a manner similar to channeled Melee kills.
  • Has the same aesthetic as the Ohma Ohma tonfas and Quaro armor set.
  • The name Ferrox seems to be a mix of the Latin words Ferox, meaning "savage" or "fierce", and Ferrum, meaning "iron".


Patch History[]

Update 22.12 (2018-02-09)

  • Mastery Rank increased from 7 to 14
  • Critical chance increased from 30% to 32%
  • Critical damage increased from 2.5x to 2.8x

Hotfix 19.13.1 (2017-03-10)

  • Increased the amount of the Ferrox pull force to prevent enemies from meleeing out of the tether.
  • Fixed Clients being able to throw multiple Javloks and Ferroxs which are then unable to be picked back up.
  • Fixed a script error when throwing the Ferrox.

Update 19.13 (2017-03-09)

  • Added.

See also[]

  • Derim Zahn, a broker in The Index that uses this weapon.
  • Javlok Javlok, the Grineer counterpart.
  • Ohma Ohma, a Tonfa-type weapon that shares the same theme.