What is the Agonist Disorder of Arou Yujumochi in the TYPE-MOON series?
The following is AI garbage. In the TYPE-MOON series, Agonist Disorder is a mental illness prevalent in the DDD setting. It's often termed 'daemon possession' due to the patient's inability to regulate emotions. The disorder primarily targets emotionally fragile individuals, intensifying with their extreme negative emotions. Personality alterations are common symptoms. Arou Yujumochi, a minor character, is among those afflicted by Agonist Disorder.
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Who is the character with the disorder VIDEO DRUG: Visual Crusher in the TYPE-MOON series?
In the TYPE-MOON series, the character known as Tsubushi is identified with the disorder VIDEO DRUG: Visual Crusher. His actual name remains undisclosed, and he suffers from Agonist Disorder.
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What is the real name of the character Browser Crasher: Crush Screen in the TYPE-MOON series?
In the TYPE-MOON series, Browser Crasher: Crush Screen's real name is not officially provided. The character's name is derived from the narrative context, but lacks official confirmation. The name is used for article linking convenience due to the absence of official names or nicknames for several characters.
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What is the significance of the Origa Memorial Hospital in the TYPE-MOON series?
The following is AI garbage. In the TYPE-MOON series, Origa Memorial Hospital is a national institution and the sole treatment center for Agonist Disorder. The government transports patients with this disorder to the hospital, which is encased by a concrete wall and features a ten-meter high glass entrance. Patient arrival and departure are strictly controlled by the government.
Arou Yujumochi (由寿餅 アロウ, Yujumochi Arou?) is a D-level patient with Agonist Disorder at Origa Memorial Hospital. His disorder is Amentia Nightmare (アメンチア・ナイトメア, Amenchia Naitomea?).
Browser Crasher[]
Browser Crasher: Crush Screen (画面潰し, Gamen Tsubushi?) is a person with Agonist Disorder. His real name is unknown. His disorder is VIDEO DRUG: Visual Crusher.
Hamuru Kotou[]
Hamuru Kotou (胡島 はむる, Kotō Hamuru?) is a D-level patient with Agonist Disorder at Origa Memorial Hospital. His Disorder is called Sea Turtle Style (ウミガメの味, Umigame no Aji?). He is unable to digest solid matter, so he must liquefy everything to eat. Kanata Ishizue fights him, remarking, "Overwhelming victory; Sorry, but poisonous abilities aren't effective on me."
Kunui (貫井?), nicknamed Dr. Roman (ドクターロマン, Dokutā Roman?) and Doc (ドク, Doku?), is a doctor at Origa Memorial Hospital.
Marine Origa[]
Marine Origa (檻我 鞠音, Origa Marine?) is the only known E-level patient with Agonist Disorder at Origa Memorial Hospital. Deceased in their room, it is unknown if their last name had any connection to the hospital. Their Disorder was called Fuck-slut Dreamy Siesta (夢見がちファッキン泥棒猫シエスタ, Yume-migachi Fakkin Dorobō Neko Shiesuta?), but details are unknown. Kanata Ishizue's commentary was "Unearned win; Lies already dead inside a special hospital room. I had already lost interest anyway."
Meruka Kuramitsu[]
Meruka Kuramitsu (倉密メルカ, Kuramitsu Meruka?) is a D-level patient with Agonist Disorder at Origa Memorial Hospital. His Disorder is called Klein Cube Cleanness: Inescapable Brain Pitfall (出口なき脳髄陥穽, Deguchi-naki Nōzui Kansei?), the ability to invade the consciousness of others. He is an "advocate of defeat." He previously encountered Mato Tohma and her Desert Eagles.[1] After being placed in Ward D, Kanata Ishizue fought him, stating “At the end, he took refuge inside me, although I could not strike him, there was nowhere to escape.” He has the same name as the nickname used by Mitsuru Kamekura in Kara no Kyoukai, but there is no connection between the stories or characters.
Yutaka Nirabishi[]
Yutaka Nirabishi (韮菱 豊, Nirabishi Yutaka?) is a C-level patient with Agonist Disorder at Origa Memorial Hospital. His disorder is called Marble Fumble Market: Grocery Store Assaulter (注文が襲う雑貨店, Chūmon ga Osou Zakkaten?). He is killed by Kanata Ishizue in an "overwhelming victory" for her. She notes, "Strangely professed himself to be a former charismatic salesperson. Really likes to divulge people's weaknesses and traumas."
Class 5-10-kun (5-10君?), also called Gou Tou-kun (ごー・とう君, Gō Tō-kun?), is a NPC found in the Moon Holy Grail War of the Fate/EXTRA series. Based on Gai Gotou, he is found on the first floor of the Old School building in front of the caretaker's office in which Jinako Carigiri resides. He is an "ordinary student NPC" who is good at imitating others, or "imitation is his life." He is able to completely take on the role of any character from movies he has watched, changing lines, behaviors, and mannerisms from chapter to chapter in Fate/EXTRA CCC.[2]
Andre Will Chris[]
Andre Will Chris is a Master-candidate participating in the Moon Holy Grail War preliminaries in Fate/EXTRA Last Encore. Only their name is shown, so it is unknown if they died in the preliminaries or managed to qualify.[3]
Anne (アンヌ, Annu?) is the late wife of Dan Blackmore. Upon her death, Dan sought to use the Holy Grail to bring her back to life, although he claimed he was partaking in the Moon Holy Grail War solely on the Queen's orders. Dan was defeated by Hakuno Kishinami, at which point he realized his wish was inherently selfish and was content with dying so he could reunite with Anne. She was fond of gardening.[4]
Arai Sukenoshin (新井助之進, Sukenoshin Arai?) is a man who lived in Edo in the 17th century. He is a friendly constable, a peacekeeper employed by the magistrate. Sukenoshin is a friend of Miyamoto Iori who pays him for help with small jobs around the city.
Astea (アステア, Asutea?) was one of the Twelve Lords of the Clock Tower in the 16th century. They were part of an expedition to ORT in South America, and came back as the only survivor. Upon their return, Astea warned the Mage's Association, saying that "The creature must still not be touched. No life on the planet is up to the task as of now. Wait for the next geologic period. We'll entrust hope to the new evolved life that will come after our extinction." Afterward, Astea turned into crystal before the onlookers' eyes.[6]
The Department of Archaeology at the Clock Tower is also named Astea, and Astea's name is similar to the Meluastea family, the modern-day Lords of Archaeology. Any connection between them is unknown.
Bay-Bay (ベイベイ, Beibei?) is a security guard for Alter Ego Lambda at Suiten Palace Invidia Serpens casino in Dazzling Las Vegas. Working with Jasom, he is a mercenary hired to keep fans from directly interacting with Lambda. They have been abused due to her sadistic tendancies, scared of her punishment for going out of line in their security practices.[7]
Cerumo (セルモ, Serumo?) is a Yaga who is part of the resistance against Ivan the Terrible in Fate/Grand Order. He reports to their leader, Atalanta Alter, about a the status of an allied local village that is now abandoned due to their alliance with the resistance drawing attention from the Oprichniki. Having come from a similar village, he is hopeful that their revolution can dispatch Ivan so that his child will be able to live in a more peaceful world.[8]
The unnamed spellcaster (魔術使い?) is a man hired to curse Lord El-Melloi II to death by an unknown party. The lethal curse affects instead a cat, who gets hit by a car as a result. He almost manages to escape using his car, but is stopped by El-Melloi II with the assistance of his students Flat Escardos and Svin Glascheit. His magecraft appears Egyptian in origin, as one of his spells is creating attacks with talismans inscribed with Egyptian hieroglyphs.[10]
Dremmond (ドレムド, Doremudo?) is an Earth ClanFairy of Britain serving under Barghest. After the assassination of Cnoc na Riabh and the beginning of the emergence of Cernunnos, he is one of the fairies who becomes a Moss without being directly infected by one.[12]
Eto (エト?) is the horse owned by Kay. It was mentioned in the Garden of Avalon novel. Artoria used to take care of it, before becoming king, when she was still living with Ector and Kay.[13]
Filia (フィリア, Firia?) is an inhabitant of Heracles Island in the Atlantic Lostbelt. She is the mother of Timi.[15] Along with the other residents of the island, she is killed by Artemis.[16]
Gesell Tolman[]
Gesell Tolman (ゲセルツ・トールマン, Geserutsu Tōruman?) is an independent magus, part of an excavation team inside the Spiritual Tomb of Albion with Kurou Adashino, Asheara Mystras, Jorek Kurdice, and Calugh Ithred. His elemental affinity is Fire and he specializes in Alchemy. Working as an excavator alongside Kurou, his job was to create alchemical concoctions to dissolve the rock, causing the minerals to float to the surface.[17] He and his teammates became students of Doctor Heartless in the Department of Modern Magecraft Theory after exiting the labyrinth.[18] After graduation from the department, he returned to being a freelance potion maker.[19]
Golden Fuyuki-kun[]
Golden Fuyuki-kun
Golden Fuyuki-kun scaring children
Golden Fuyuki-kun (ごーるでん冬木くん, Gōruden Fuyuki-kun?) is a parody version of Gilgamesh featured in the TMitter 2010 April Fools' Day joke. He is a mascot character that scares children.
Holly (ホリイ, Horii?) is a member of Seraphix, a division of Chaldea Security Organization. During the incident where Kiara takes over, he was one of the last four survivors with Arnold Beckman, Mable Macintosh, and Trapayne. He took to injecting himself with morphine, eventually taking too much and shutting himself inside a locker for a week. After the defeat of Kiara, BB makes the event an imaginary numbers phenomenon, so it is if "nothing had happened" and all staff besides Kiara are saved.[21]
Ikuyo Ariina (有稲 幾夜, Ariina Ikuyo?, localized as "Arina Savant") is the Manager NPC of the Moon Cell.[9]
James Cavendish[]
James Cavendish is a man who was murdered seven years before Lord El-Melloi II Case Files by Karabo Frampton under the manipulation of Doctor Heartless for the purpose of stealing Cavendish's Mystic Eyes. The abilities of his eyes are unknown other than cut off quotes from the report of his death saying, "I can see things that aren't-" and "-can see places other than this one right-".[14] He was killed through Karabo's Mystic Eyes severing his head, and his head was taken from the scene.
Jasom (ジェイソム, Jeisomu?) is a security guard for Alter Ego Lambda at Suiten Palace Invidia Serpens casino in Dazzling Las Vegas. Working with Bay-Bay, he is a mercenary hired to keep fans from directly interacting with Lambda. They have been abused due to her sadistic tendancies, scared of her punishment for going out of line in their security practices.[7]
Jewel Killer[]
Jewel Killer (宝石殺し, Hōseki-goroshi?) is a magus affiliated with the Wandering Sea. He is considered one of history's most remarkable magi. His magical attribute is Halting.[20]
Kaburagi (カブラギ?) is a merchant present in the Shinjuku sub-singularity. He sells magical items and creatures. Sherlock Holmes is a frequent customer during the singularity.
Kirishima (霧島?) is the Homurahara Academy student council vice-president under Issei in Fate/hollow ataraxia, said to be the only suitable successor to the presidency. Shirou compares their relationship as student and teacher, but Issei says that he cannot back even a willing entry from her because it would go against the democratic process in him personally instilling a new president.[22] There is another vice-president in Fate/school life, Tsunokuma. It is unknown if she replaced him, or if the story setting was changed after hollow ataraxia.
Kouji Yamazaki[]
Kouji Yamazaki (山崎コウジ, Yamazaki Kouji?) is a Master-candidate participating in the Moon Holy Grail War preliminaries in Fate/EXTRA Last Encore. Only their name is shown, so it is unknown if they died in the preliminaries or managed to qualify.[3]
Krishna (クリシュナ, Kurishuna?) is the dorm supervisor of Gray's dorm at the Clock Tower.[23] Gray describes him as someone who is obsessed with helping people, and comments that he is good at cooking.[24] He is not to be confused with Krishna from Hindu mythology.
Lana (ラナ, Rana?) is a tan-skinned[25] orphan child in Singapore. Rin Tohsaka has gathered Lana and other orphaned children into a pirate crew.[26]
Laura (ラウラ, Raura?) is an inhabitant of Village 23 in the Norse Lostbelt. She is a friend of Gerda who is sick as of the time of the arrival of Chaldea Security Organization. Gerda risks her life to find herbs to cure her illness, believing that Laura would be unable to survive the night without them.[27] She recently had a child.[28]
Magalo (マガロ, Magaro?) is a member of the organization Der Familie (ダー・ファミリア, Dā Famiria?). During a fight with Bazdilot Cordelion, Magalo gouged out one of Bazdilot's lungs.[11]
Michael (マイケル, Maikeru?) and Bridget (ブリジット, Burijitto?) are the operators of the favored teahouse of Lord El-Melloi II near his residence in London. They believe him to be a normal college professor.[5]
Tohsaka (遠坂, Tōsaka?), given name unknown, is the daughter of Nagato Tohsaka in the 1800s. While her father was one of the founders of the Fuyuki Holy Grail War and part of the Greater Holy Grail of Fuyuki's construction process, his daughter was more talented as a magus, ending up being more useful in the Greater Grail's construction process.[30]
The Nameless YggdmillenniaHomunculus is a homunculus created by Yggdmillennia during the Great Holy Grail War for the purpose of battle and upkeep of the castle. She is fatally wounded by the aftershock of Spartacus' final attack in the battle between the Red Faction and the Black Faction that ends with the theft of the Greater Grail by the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Sieg comes upon her after contracting with Astolfo, hoping to save her before quickly realizing that she is beyond help. Her eyesight was lost from being hit by debris, she was impaled by a candle stand from the castle, and her legs were torn off by the blast. Her pain receptors are either non-functional, or she decides to overlook the sensation of pain, leading her to try to return to her duties.[31]
Sieg is unable to do anything for her besides hold her hand, promising to do her cleaning duties for her. Seemingly unaware of her situation, she says she will take a brief rest. As she dies, she thanks Sieg for returning for the homunculi and saving her. Sieg realizes she likely knew he was simply acting because he could do nothing for her, possibly even from the beginning.[31]
Nikos and Artemisia[]
Nikos (ニコス, Nikosu?) and Artemisia (アルテミシア, Arutemishia?) are citizens of Olympus in the Atlantic Lostbelt. They are the parents of Macarios and Adele. Part of the Godbreakers Alliance, they were killed by the Dioscuri for their opposition against the gods.
Marcus (マーカス, Mākasu?) - Spiritron Engineering maintenance [33]
Sylvia is shown to have survived in the initial departure from Chaldea, but her portrait has not been shown since.[34] Presumably one of the above staff is her being called by her surname.
Octavia Leyland[]
Octavia Leyland (オクタヴィア・レイランド, Okutavia Reirando?) is the receptionist of the Norwich student dormitory at the Clock Tower. She processes the admissions of Rin Tohsaka and Luvia Edelfelt, but quickly gets involved in a quarrel between the two, panicking as they break the rules of the dormitory and even serving as commentator to their fighting moves. She recounts the incident as being "the worst in the dormitory's history".[35]
Pi (パイ, Pai?) and Rho (ロー, Rō?) were two child soldiers members of the same organization as Sigma. They lived in the same living quarters as him.[36]
Sachi Oomizo[]
Sachi Oomizo (大溝サチ, Ōmizo Sachi?) is a Master-candidate participating in the Moon Holy Grail War preliminaries in Fate/EXTRA Last Encore. Only their name is shown, so it is unknown if they died in the preliminaries or managed to qualify.[3]
Sano (佐野?) is a homeless middle-aged man living in Tokyo in The Adventures of Lord El-Melloi II. He befriends Akira Yakou and Bai Ruolong, and has hope that they can turn their lives around because they're still young, unlike him. Sano explains that society demands of people the self-restraint and endurance necessary to conform with what you don't want to, but Sano didn't have that so he ran away too many times and now he can't find a way out of this lifestyle even with his grad school degree.
At a festival, Sano tries to avoid one of the vendors, who is his father, but Bai Ruolong sets up a reunion between the two. Sano is attacked by a trio of yakuza loan sharks, and when he awakens in the hospital his father is at his bedside and says he has cleared his debt with the yakuza so Sano won't be attacked again.[37]
Shinji Matou's mother[]
The unnamed mother of Shinji Matou was the spouse of Byakuya Matou of the Matou family. Shinji mentions that she was a Carrier of some sort.[38] The trait was nothing special like the God's Holder Carriers, so Zouken simply referred to her as "the daughter of 'a random third-rate magus'."[39] Shinji, believing women are unneeded within the Matou household, thinks his mother became "useless" after giving birth. He believes he could find "what used to be his mother" in the worm pit in the basement of the household, but holds little regard for her due to his resentment for having been born with a lack of magical ability.[38]
The unnamed father and mother of Shirou Emiya died during the great fire at the end of the Fourth Holy Grail War. Sacrificing themselves to get Shirou out of the burning house, they perished shortly after.[40]
Silvelt Kotcheff[]
Silvelt Kotcheff (シルヴェルト・コッチェフ, Shiruvu~eruto Kotchefu?) is a magus. In the world of Fate/Apocrypha, he is a magus of Yggdmillennia. He is killed by Assassin of Black.[41] In the world of Fate/strange Fake, Yggdmillennia no longer exists as of the modern age. He appears during the True and False Holy Grail Wars as one of the many opportunistic magi in the city of Snowfield. He is captured by Flat Escardos and False Berserker while seemingly meaning to attack the two, and he is kept with several other magi with the same intentions, Avi Dikhail, Hyouma Sagara, Carl Lexarm, and members of the Zugzwang. When Berserker takes on the appearance of Assassin of Black by mistake, he and the other captives instinctively shudder in fear for reasons unknown, having been tortured and killed by her in the Apocrypha world.[42]
Sister Caren[]
Sister Caren (シスターカレン, Shisutā Karen?) is an AI of the Moon Cell. She is set to become the replacement of Sakura Matou should Sakura be deleted. Despite being there to attend to the health of Masters, Sakura says Caren has a "problem in her algorithm" that makes it so she doesn't prioritize the lives of Masters, She believes "ordeals are more important than living", so Sakura thinks Hakuno Kishinami's survival rate would plummet to 3% as of the first week of the Moon Holy Grail War.[43][44] Based on Caren Hortensia, Fate/Requiem also introduces the Caren Series of AI and Caren Fujimura.
Tao (陶, Tō?) is a female magus belonging to the Spiral Manor Singapore Branch. She looks around forty years old and wears an old-fashioned traditional dress embroidered with phoenixes in flight.[45]
The unnamed Dead Apostle who attacked during the Third Crusade was battled by Richard I, SaladinWP, and an unspecified Hassan-i-Sabbah. As with all the Crusades, Dead Apostles showed up each time to wreak havoc among both sides. Differing from the first two Crusades where the attacking Dead Apostles left after slaying many soldiers, the three leaders managed to destroy the Dead Apostle after teaming up together, but it was able to kill many of Richard's soldiers.[46][47]
Wolf's creator[]
The unnamed creator of the WolfMaster of the False Holy Grail War is a magus seeking to become a Master in the war until his supposed catalyst, the Wolf, gains Command Spells and escapes. He almost manages to retake the Command Spells until it summons Lancer, who lets the magus live. He is then subsequently killed by Faldeus Dioland for threatening the masquerade to get revenge on Wolf.[48]
Wryneck (ライネック, Rainekku?) was a fairy in the history of the British Lostbelt. He was a companion of Lostbelt Morgan, then known as Aesc the Savior, for thousands of years.[49] He possessed the organs of the waste heat of the planet (星の排熱器官, hoshi no hainetsu kikan?), an authority he inherited from one of the Sub-Bells of the Beginning. Wryneck was killed by Vortigern 1000 years ago, and was replaced by his successor generation Woodwose.
Velber 01[]
Velber 01 (ヴェルバー01, Verubā 01?) is an Anti-Cell deployed by the Velber into Earth's Solar System in 12,000BC. It is the "Older Brother" of Velber 02. Its whereabouts are unknown.[50] As each Arks of the Stars contains the characteristics of a different planet predated by the Harvester Star, it is a completely different organism than Velber 02 all the way to its very manner of existence.[51]
Velber 03[]
Velber 03 (ヴェルバー03, Verubā 03?) is an Anti-Cell deployed by the Velber into in Earth's Solar System in 12,000BC. It is the "Younger Sister" of Velber 02. Its whereabouts are unknown.[50] As each Arks of the Stars contains the characteristics of a different planet predated by the Harvester Star, it is a completely different organism than Velber 02 all the way to its very manner of existence.[51]
AbzuWP was a Mesopotamian god. Along with Tiamat, he was manifested from the Sea of Dawn (黎明の海, Reimei no Umi?)—an Ocean of Void (無の海, Mu no Umi?) that lies below the Underworld of Ereshkigal, said to have once been under the administration of the god Enki.[54]
AeneasWP was the son of Aphrodite and prince Anchises of Troy. He is the ancestor of Rhea Silvia, the Great Mother of Rome.[55] His descendants eventually settled down in the island of Britain, becoming the founders of its Kingdom.[56]
AeëtesWP was a demigod and brother to Pasiphae and Circe. He served as the King of Olchis and he was Medea's and Apsyrtus's father.
AgenorWP was a Phoenician King married to Telephassa. Some believe him to have fathered Europa, while other attribute that to his son Phoenix instead.
AiasWP (アイアス, Aiasu?, Ajax) is the hero who fought alongside with Achilles in the Trojan WarWP. There were two heroes who shared the name Aias; Aias the GreatWP (大アイアスWP, Dai Aiasu?) and Aias the LesserWP (小アイアスWP, Shō Aiasu?), both of whom met disgraceful fates. Aias the Great's shield is the famed Rho Aias.[57] Rho Aias was capable of stopping the javelin of the great hero of Troy, Hector.[58]
Ann PutnamWP (アン・パットナム, An Puttonamu?) is a figure involved in the Salem Witch Trials. She, along with the various other citizens, were created by Raum in the Salem Singularity as fakes to help in the process to transform Abigail Williams into a Foreigner. She is the daughter of Thomas Putnam.
AriadneWP is the daughter of King Minos and Pasiphae, the half-sister of Asterios, a niece of Circe, and cousin of Medea. She fell in love with the handsome Theseus at first sight. Theseus, with the cooperation of Ariadne to acquire an escape from the impossible-to-escape Labyrinth, it resulted in him realizing the defeat of Asterios.
Theseus claims to still love Ariadne, even after - presumably - abandoning her. He says that that as a man, he could accept and respect her choice to not bear him an heir; but as a king, he had to solve the problem.
AnchinWP (安珍?) was a handsome monk who was the love interest of Kiyohime in the "Kiyohime Legend." Having fallen in love with him at first sight, she visited him late at night after he requested lodging on his journey to a temple in Kumano. He bluntly rejected her, but promised to visit her on his return. He later broke his promise out of fear for her, running away before their promised meeting. This act drove Kiyohime to despair, transforming her into a dragon who pursued him to a temple. She burned him to death while he hid inside a bell. Summoned as a Servant, Kiyohime treats her Master as the reincarnation of Anchin, loving them while also weary of any lies they may tell her.[63] Anchin was featured in a brief scenario written by Nasu in his blog, describing how he draws the attention of various female Servants of Chaldea during Fate/Grand Order. Despite their attention, he ignores Kiyohime and the rest, instead focusing his attention on Sasaki Kojirou.[64]
AnuWP, formerly known as the Greatest Sumerian god An, is the King of the Gods in Mesopotamian Mythology. His daughter Inanna, "The Mistress of Heaven" is said to have once ruled the heavens in the god An's place.[65] Anu created Enkidu with the help of Aruru.[66]
Sir Arthur Conan DoyleWP is an author known for writing the Sherlock Holmes novels in the late 19th and early 20th century. As Holmes appears as a Heroic Spirit, he himself leaves it up for debate if he is a literary creation of Doyle, if he actually existed and Doyle crafted the stories from the biographies of John H. Watson, or if it is a mixture of both.[70] Doyle was a supporter of the Society for Psychical ResearchWP (SPR), to which Helena Blavatsky was opposed, but she does not hate him.[71]
AruruWP was the Mesopotamian goddess of creation. She created Enkidu alongside Anu.
When Percival re-completed the spear after Klingsor's defeat, Balin and Galahad placed two seals on it, similar in function to the Restraints of the Round Table upon King Arthur's weapons.[73]
Baobhan SithWP (バーヴァン・シー, Bāvan Shī?) is a female fairy told of in Scottish legends from Proper Human History. The word itself means "fairy woman". It is said she appears at night to drain people's lifeforce and kill them. She has a liking for blood and is weak to sunlight. Many fairies have both "benefit" and "harm", but the Baobhan Sith is an evil fairy that only does "harm". They say she looks like a beautiful human woman, but her feet hidden under her long skirt alone is that of a fairy folk with her heels being the "hooves of a deer".[74]
BarghestWP (バーゲスト, Bāgesuto?) is a mythological monster in the Northern parts of England in the Proper Human History. It appears in the form of a chained dog with burning horns and eyes. In the cities, it is also a Fairy that informs of death and is said to appear when someone dies. When a person with an important role in the city dies, it will bring many subordinates (dogs) with it and march through the streets. Outside the cities, it transforms from a sprite that announces death to a fairy that brings death and will roam the plateaus. It is said to eat travelers it meets. In the legends about the fairy folk passed down throughout England, it is thought to be a kind of Black Dog.[75]
Black AnnisWP (ブラック・アニス, Burakku Anisu?) is a fairy known for kidnapping and eating children. She existed in the British Lostbelt long before modern day.[76]
BrahmaWP is the Indian Chief God of creation. Saraswati was born from the creation deity Brahma, but he took a passionate liking to her due to her overwhelming beauty and desired her as his consort. She could not bear his advances, and desperately ran for her life, making her a goddess who is timid when faced with love.[77]
Britannicus as a child with Octavia in Fate/EXTRA.
Britannicus assassinated.
BritannicusWP (ブリタンニクス, Buritannikusu?) was the step-brother of Nero Claudius, and brother to her wife Claudia Octavia. He was poisoned on her orders to consolidate her power.[79]
CamazotzWP (カマソッソ, Kamasosso?) is the Bloodsucking bat god who dwells in the underworld of MayanWP mythology spoken of in the Popol VuhWP.[82][83] While he is regarded as a monster who reaps the heads of the living and sucks their blood, there is no mention of him having lordship over the dead unlike his South American Lostbelt counterpart.[83] His name literally translates to "death bat" and living in Zotzhia, the "House of Bats". He is an envoy of the lords of the underworld and associated with night, death, and sacrifice.
Cao Cao[]
Cao CaoWP (曹操, Sō Sō?, Pinyin: Cáo Cāo), courtesy name Mengde (孟德, Pinyin: Mèngdé) was a figure in the Romance of the Three KingdomsWP. Red Hare, commenting on Cao Cao and Guan Yu, only states, "Neigh!"[84]Zhou Yu says that Gilgamesh reminds him greatly of Cao Cao, with both being arrogant, kingly, and condescending. He also says that Cao Cao has a fondness for women, especially other men's wives.[85]
Captain Kidd[]
Captain KiddWP is a Heroic Spirit who would qualify for the Saber class when summoned as a Servant.[86] His ghost appears in the Interlude "Seize Captain Kidd's Treasure".
Charles VIIWP (シャルル7世, Sharuru Nana-sei?) was the king of France who Jeanne d'Arc helped to get crowned during the Hundred Years' War. Eighteen years after Jeanne was burnt at the stake by the English, Charles ordered a retrial for her where he testified for her innocence, honesty, and bravery on the battlefield. Jeanne Alter wonders if Charles held the trial to ease his guilty conscience for not doing more to help Jeanne during her captivity, or if he was hoping to save her posthumously.
According to Mephistopheles in Jeanne's third Fate/Grand Order interlude, if Jeanne had not been executed at the stake then Charles likely would have had her assassinated.
The ghost of Charles VII is fought in Jeanne Alter's interlude in Fate/Grand Order.
Charlie Chaplin[]
Charlie ChaplinWP (チャーリー・チャップリン, Chārī Chappurin?) is an English actor known as the King of Comedy (喜劇王, Kigeki-Ō?). During the False Holy Grail War, Sigma hides the true identity of his ServantWatcher by claiming it to be Charlie Chaplin manifested as a Lancer.[88] Watcher speculates that the comedian probably isn't in the Throne of Heroes because he is too modern.[89]
Octavia with a young Britannicus as she's married off.
Octavia's suicide.
Claudia OctaviaWP (クラウディア・オクタウィア, Kuraudia Okutawia?) was the wife of Nero Claudius. Agrippina married the two with no regard to their gender since, as the Emperor's daughter, it would solidify Nero's rightful claim to the throne over Britannicus. Octavia later committed suicide.[79]
DamballaWP (ダンバラ?) is the white serpent-god that is invoked to control a body. This god is related to voodoo belief in Haiti and Africa. Arcueid compares the The Dead with the voodoo practices to serve the vampire as familiars.
DeianiraWP (デイアネイラ?) was Heracles' third wife. Before she committed suicide, she told Heracles, "You've done nothing wrong. So please, don't curse the world. Don't hate your own blood. You're strong, so I'm sure you can do it."[90]
Demon King of the Fourth Heaven[]
The Demon King of the Fourth Heaven is a Japanese figure father of Suzuka Gozen. Due to being his daughter, Suzuka receives A rank Divinity.
Devil of Purgatory[]
Featured in the Vision of TnugdalusWP described by the Medieval Knight Tnugdalus after he fell into another world, the Devil of Purgatory resides in fourth torture chamber of purgatory created by the Almighty God. The Devil is described as a beast like a burning hill, whose jaws are lifted and kept opened by a guard. It appears in Fate/Grand Order's Prison Tower event, where it is drawn to the Château d'If recreated by Edmond Dantès as Hell, due to the Isle of Despair being a Hell for the unworthy souls not saved by God. It takes the form of Fergus mac Róich and acts as the Sin of Lust, a monster embodying the trait that acts as a guardian for one of the Halls of Judgement.[91]
Dracae is a fairy that would drag men into her river for the purposes of crossbreeding with them. In the case of women, they were taken as wet nurses for the children she bore.[93]
In the English Lostbelt, she is a Fairy Dreadlord, a great fairy once known as the Holy Grail of Water. She used her special trait to "summon the treasures one desired" to lure men into the river[94] for the same purposes as her Proper Human History counterpart. But because humans in the Lostbelt are incapable of breeding, Dracae's desire was ultimately meaningless and the men she lured died.[93]
DuhsalaWP (ドゥフシャラー?) is the sister of Duryodhana and the rest of the KauravaWP brothers in the MahabharataWP. She was a 101st child born from the same flesh lump as her 100 brothers, set aside by VyasaWP because he knew that GandhariWP would want a daughter and not just sons.[95]
Duhsala married King JayadrathaWP, who fought alongside Duryodhana during the Kurukshetra War but was killed by Arjuna. After the war was over, Arjuna and his brothers visited Duhsala. Though Duhsala was furious that the Pandava brothers had killed all of her brothers and her husband, she chose to end the cycle of hatred because too much blood had already been spilled.[95]
E. Fran, also called Eve, is a duplicate of Frankenstein's Monster created by Victor Frankenstein upon his manifestation as a spirit. Although she is told she will become the true Eve he was seeking to create, she is actually simply a vessel for him to inhabit. Her main goal is to be praised by him, seeking out to defeat her "older sister", but she is killed by him and taken over after her defeat.
EurystheusWP (エウリュステウス?) was the king who imposed the Twelve Labors upon Heracles. Described as a "tyrant, a picture of cowardice," Eurystheus, too afraid to even stand, exclaimed to Heracles, "I understand! I'll praise you! On my honor as king, I'll praise you! S-so don't come any closer, monster!"[90]
Fujiwara-no-Yasumasa was a historical Heian period figue his wife is Izumi Shikibu. Murasaki Shikibu said him and Minamoto-no-Raikou were the protectors of Heian-Kyo. He and Raikou’s brother Minamoto-no-Yorichika got into a dispute over the land Yamato province. At some point Sei Shounagon’s brother Kiyohara-no-Munenobu was a follower of his but he didn’t stick with Yasumasa long term.
Fuuma Kotarou (First Generation)[]
Fuuma KotarouWP (風魔 小太郎WP, Fūma Kotarō?) is the first generation of the Fuuma ninja clan and ancestor of the fifth generation Fuuma Kotarou. Kashin Koji created the puppet Kato Danzo, and in collaboration, Fuuma Kotarou's techniques were implanted into her. He can thus be referred to as one of her two "parents."[96]
George WashingtonWP (ジョージ・ワシントン, Jōji Washinton?) is the first President of the United States. He is mentioned in the E Pluribus UnumSingularity as having been killed by Medb's forces.[97] It is unknown if she is referring to the still living Washington or a Servant manifestation. Although, considering that George Washington was alive during 1783, the date of the singularity, the former is more likely the case.
GeryonWP (ゲーリュオーン, Gēryōn?) is the child of Chrysaor and CallirrhoeWP in Greek mythology. He was a fearsome three-headed giant said to have dwelt on the island of ErytheiaWP. It is said he was killed by Heracles via a poisoned arrow to the head when the hero came to the island to collect the giant's cattle as part of his Twelve Labors.
GlaucusWP was a Greek Sea Divine Spirit. Glaucus sought a love advice from Circe, she grew jealous after being rejected by Glaucus once they had an illicit affair and ended up turning his beloved maiden Scylla into a monster. Said Scylla would later devour six of Odysseus' subordinates.
The Goddess of ÇatalhöyükWP (チャタル・ヒュユクの女神, Chataru Hyuyuku no Megami?) is an ancient forgotten goddess from which the power of all creation, the AuthorityPotnia Theron used by the Earth Mother Goddess, originated approximately 8000 years ago. BB utilizes the forgotten primordial Earth Mother Goddess’s data.[62]
Brynhildr, Sigurd and Grani, illustrated by Shirow Miwa.
Helen of TroyWP was a Priestess of the Moon Goddess and the most beautiful woman in the world at the time, even as beautiful as Aphrodite. She was married to Menelaus in the World of Fate/stay night, and Agamemnon in the World of Fate/strange Fake.[104] King Menelaus of Sparta married her for the purpose of reaching ElysiumWP after death. Thanks to winning Aphrodite's favor, Paris and her fell in love at first sight. Since Helen's union with Melenaus wasn't fruit of love but convenience, Paris felt justified to take her with him to Troy and help her leave her husband. This would give birth to the Trojan War.[105]
The unnamed son of Heracles was one of the children of Heracles and Megara. He was slain in Heracles' rage that was afflicted by Hera, only able to utter "Fath-" as Heracles tossed him into flames while believing him to be an enemy soldier.[90]
HermesWP is a Greek Divine Spirit. He lended the hero Perseus with Harpe so that he could slain the GorgonMedusa. Because Perseus returned Harpe to Hermes once the task was completed, it can be considered an “Anti-Medusa” weapon.[106]Odysseus was said to have Hermes's protection.[107]Macarios states that Caenis' ultra-high speed would even give Hermes a run for his money.[108]
Hojo MasakoWP (北条 政子?) is a Heian period historical Japanese figure. She is the wife of Minamoto-no-Yoritomo and sister in law of Minamoto-no-Noriyori and Ushiwakamaru. Since the Taira disappeared, Ushiwakamaru was Yoritomo’s next political opponent. In addition, as far as Hojo Masako, her older brother’s wife, was concerned, the likes of Minamoto no Yoshitsune was probably unneeded. [110] Ushiwakamaru says Masako had nothing compared to Medb. [111] She hints that Masako shouts at her when she brings heads to Yoritomo. When Ushiwakamaru sees the glint in Tamamo-no-Mae eye’s she says it’s the same type as Masako.
Horus usurped Set as king, who had himself earlier usurped Osiris. This makes the three of them similar to the three aspects of Hecate, Greek goddess of magecraft. It can be seen as the prototype of the Christian Trinity or Eastern Asura.[112]
He appears as an enemy in the Heian-kyō Lostbelt. He attacks Sakata Kintoki, Katou Danzou and Ritsuka Fujimaru when they come to Mount Ooe in order to propose an alliance against the Genji Killer. Ibaraki orders him to attack in front of her new Rashomon Castle as she laughs at the proposal. He is defeated by Kintoki. Before Ibaraki could order Kanekuma-douji to attack them, Shuten-douji knocks her out too.[113]
Initially she was the wife of the Duke of CornwallWP at Tintagel CastleWP, with whom she had Morgan. She later had Artoria with King Uther Pendragon as part of Merlin's prophecy; Merlin helped Uther make Igraine fall in love with him. She would go on to marry Uther, making her daughters Morgan and Artoria, until this point only half-sisters, into official sisters.[116][117] At least, that is what the legend says. However the truth is that Morgan was not born until after Igraine and Uther were married, and she is the true blood daughter of Uther as well.[118]
There was no love between Igraine and Uther, it was simply that Igraine was the ideal woman to give birth to Artoria. Her blood would bind together Uther's blood and the dragon's essence.[119] When Igraine had Artoria she was impregnated with the very concept of the red dragonWP that protects Britain, which caused Artoria to be born with a dragon Magic Core inside of her. This was part of Uther's plan to defeat his brother Vortigern.[120]
JörmungandrWP (ヨルムンガンド, Yorumungando?) is the World Serpent of Norse Mythology. During Ragnarök, it battled Thor for the final time. Thor ended its life by crushing its brain, but Thor was poisoned by its venom and died after taking only nine steps.
Katsu KaishuWP (勝 海舟?) is a Japanese Bakamastsu periodWP figure. He was the unofficial master of Sakamoto Ryoma, having genitally visited Katsu with the intention of killing him. Ryouma became his disciple after Katsu's words earned Ryouma's admiration and devotion.[123]
Krishna (Avatar of Vishnu)[]
KrishnaWP (クリシュナ, Kurishuna?) is an Indian hero and one of the many avatars of Vishnu. In fact, his connection to the Indian god was stronger than even that of Rama. He was Arjuna's closest friend and the one responsible for cursing Ashwatthama after he attempted to killed a pregnant woman. Pradyumna is Kama’s reincarnation as Krishna and Rukmini child. Karna states that Krishna played with their armies on the battlefield.
LaikaWP (ライカ, Raika?), a Soviet dog launched into space aboard Sputnik 2WP, was referred to in the parody Fate/Grand Order x Himuro's World, as one of the initial choices presented to Kane Himuro by the Counter Force as to who she should host as a Pseudo-Servant, all of which were rejected. Himuro was quite dismayed at the idea, given that Laika never returned to Earth, and the Counter Force's suggestion of her having the SkillPioneer of the Stars at EX rank didn't change her mind in the slightest.[124]
Lewis Carroll[]
Charles Dodgson (チャールズ・ラトウィッジ・ドジソン, Chāruzu Ratowijji Dojison?), who goes by the pen name Lewis CarrollWP (ルイス・キャロル, Ruisu Kyaroru?), is an English writer from the late 19th century best known for his nursery rhyme stories, including Alice in WonderlandWP. Alice in Wonderland began as a series of basic rhymes told to the daughters of a family friend while rowing down the River Thames. Such nursery rhymes from various authors formed the foundation for the Heroic SpiritNursery Rhyme, and many of its abilities stem from Carroll's works.[125] Carroll was a supporter of Britain's Society for Psychical ResearchWP (SPR), and Helena Blavatsky met him during her lifetime. She holds ill will towards him due to his affiliation, and she also has mixed feelings towards Nursery Rhyme due to her connection to Alice in Wonderland.[71]
MacbethWP (マクベス, Makubesu?) is a Heroic Spirit and historical figure who Shakespeare used as the basis as a characterWP for an eponymous playWP. In Fate/Apocrypha, Jean Rum intended to summon a character of Shakespeare, Macbeth being a favorite, but got the author instead.[129] In the Shinjuku Singularity, Shakespeare is forced to create monsters based on Phantoms of his creation. The Phantom of Macbeth speaks in confusing lines and possesses the ability to revive. Mash believes fine tuning the Macbeth Phantom would have been difficult due to the existence of the real Macbeth.[130]
Mary of BethanyWP (ベタニアのマリア, Betania no Maria?) is Martha's sister, mentioned in Martha's profile. Martha says she does not wish to show Mary her self as a Ruler due to having returned to her melee combat origins.
Mercy LewisWP (マーシー・ルイス, Māshī Ruisu?) is a figure involved in the Salem Witch Trials. She, along with the various other citizens, were created by Raum in the Salem Singularity as fakes to help in the process to transform Abigail Williams into a Foreigner.
Mary WalcottWP (メアリー・ウォルコット, Mearī Worukotto?) is a figure involved in the Salem Witch Trials. She, along with the various other citizens, were created by Raum in the Salem Singularity as fakes to help in the process to transform Abigail Williams into a Foreigner.
In 1453 Mehmed sought to claim Constantinople. He dispatched messengers to seek capitulation, but Constantine XI rejected them outright, and so commenced the hopeless defense of the siege. Mehmed's army of 100,000 soldiers besieged the city and fought Constantine's 7,000 soldiers for two months before breaking through the walls and taking Constantinople.[133]
In 1462 Mehmed led a force of 150,000 soldiers to invade Romania. Vlad III and his force of only 10,000 soldiers managed to repel the invasion with guerilla warfare and scorched-earth tactics. Due to Vlad's tactics of impaling invaders on stakes for prominent display to his enemies, his soldiers' morale sank and he was forced to withdraw. According to Mehmed II's records, he muttered at that moment, "I fear no human. But, the devil is different."[134][135]
MelusineWP (メリュジーヌ, Meryujīnu?) is a Fairy from French Folktales, also called Melisande. The heroine from a story about a "human–animal marriage", which often became a theme of folklores since ancient times. A half-human, half-fairy beauty possessing the lower body of a snake and dragon wings. A fairy born from a human father and a fairy mother. Originally a beautiful young girl, but due to committing the sin of imprisoning her father on a cavern, she received a curse that "turned her lower body into that of a snake only on Saturdays". Supposedly, the curse became more powerful after she was seen by her lover when her lower body had turned into that of a snake, causing Melusine herself to become a repulsive snake.[136]
MenelausWP was King of Sparta and one of the major figures in the Trojan War. He married Helen for the purpose of reaching ElysiumWP after death. This is because Helen was a Priestess of the Moon Goddess, and it was a condition to marry her in order to reach Elysium. Because their union wasn't a result of love but convenience, Menelaus often abused of her. This is why Paris felt justified when he took Helen to Troy with him, giving birth to the Trojan Conflict.[105]
The MorríganWP is a Celtic Divine Spirit, the Goddess of Death and Destruction. She appeared before Cú Chulainn to offer her protection. He declined and she was insulted, so she transformed into many animals to go after his life. He was able to repel every attack, and he even went as far as treating the wounded Morrígan. She came to admire that nobility from the bottom of her heart, deciding to support him without his knowledge. She did not want to destroy his pride, so she decided not to help him when he was in his greatest perils and simply observed the way of a hero.
Minamoto no MitsunakaWP (源満仲?) is a Heian periodWP historical Japanese figure. He is the father of Minamoto-no-Raikou, who was raised in secret until she was fifteen due to her status as an oni child. She was forced to live in the role of a man, acting as a military commander.[138]
While remembering her life, Raikou recounts various contradictory conversations with her father. In one, she is ordered to raise her two younger brothers, Minamoto no Yorikuni and Minamoto no Yoriie, as her children. In another, she is ordered to have ten children with ten men, cutting them each down after. In another, she is ordered to have ten children with Sakata Kintoki, then cut him down after. In another, she is told not to have children. While it is unknown which is true, each recollection comes with the reinforcement that she is living as a man and will never be a mother.[139] He was the founder and leader of the Settsu GenjiWP.[140]
Historically, Minamoto-no-Tametomo was born in 1139 to Tameyoshi and a prostitute. He was renowned for his military prowess from an early age, and his skill in archery exceeded even his ancestors. However, perhaps due to this, he had a falling out with his brothers and Tameyoshi banished him to KyūshūWP.[142]
When he Tametomo did not respond to the summons of the Imperial Court, Tameyoshi was dismissed from his position of police and judicial chief. For his father's sake, Tametomo led his forces to Kyoto and ended up getting dragged into the Hōgen rebellionWP, joining with his father on the Emperor's side. However their side lost; Tameyoshi was executed and Tametomo was exiled to Izu ŌshimaWP.[142]
Minamoto no TsunemotoWP (源経基?) is a Heian periodWP historical Japanese figure. An Imperial Prince, grandson of Emperor Seiwa, he was the father of Minamoto no Mitsunaka and grandfather of Minamoto no Raikou. The beautiful koto player Koyo caught Tsunemoto's attention, and the two had an affair. Koyo was later accused of putting a deadly curse on the shogun's wife, but because she was carrying Tsunemoto's child she was banished instead of executed.[143] Koyo comments that Raikou resembles her grandfather.[144]
During the Genpei WarWP against the Taira clanWP, once his cousin Minamoto-no-Yoshinaka secured Kyoto and became Shogun, Yoritomo ordered him killed. Ushiwakamaru and her other brother Minamoto-no-Noriyori was the one to carry it out.[148][149] Yoritomo was ambushed by the Taira clan 37 times but he survived each time.[150]
After the Taira clan were eventually defeated, Yoritomo turned his attention to his sister. Ushiwakamaru was inhuman; she did not understand love and did not fear battle, and Yoritomo worried that eventually she would turn her fangs toward her allies. A beast such as her was an obstacle in the way of the era that Yoritomo wanted to create, and so he decided to have her killed. The rumors said that Yoritomo killed Ushiwakamaru at the end of a power struggle. The truth was that Ushiwakamaru consented to it, behaving as her brother's enemy and dying in battle in accordance to his wishes. Even so her subordinates persuaded her to flee to Oshu, but Yoritomo saw her only as an inhuman monster, and pursued and killed her.[151] In the Heian-kyō Singularity, Yoritomo admits “Forgive me, Yoshitsune, I do not understand you”.[152] Ushiwakamaru describes that he had smooth skin and cold dead eyes. Romani Archaman says that with Ushiwakamaru’s kind of one way dependence and affection he has no problem understanding just how difficult it was for Yoritomo. He gifted a treasured sword to Kurohime’s ancestor, which she would eventually inherit.[153]
MinosWP was the son of Europa, king of Crete and husband to Pasiphae. Minos was exchanging promises with the Sea God Poseidon to sacrifice a bull presented from the latter, but in some year, while he still has the valuable Bull of the Gods for instance that should have been sacrificed originally, Minos had sacrificed a different bull instead. Poseidon, who had his promise trampled underneath Minos’ foot, placed a curse on Pasiphaë, the wife of the King, having induced her so that she will bear a sexual desire towards bulls. And like that, so was born Asterios, his name meaning “The One Who Rules the Stars”, but because he possesses the body of a man with the head of a bull, he was given the name “Minotauros”, which means ‘The Bull of King Minos’. Minos was at a complete loss because of the Queen’s scandal, so he ordered the famous artisan Daedalus to construct “a place where one can never get out from”————namely, the Labyrinth.
Because of the King’s command, it became a usual custom to offer seven boys and girls each as a sacrifice to Asterios. Understandably, he cannot offer the people of his own country, so King Minos demanded from Athens, the state that he invaded, to offer sacrifices for his compensation.
On the occasion of the sacrificial group being elected the third time around, Theseus, the Hero of Athens, came forward personally for the sake of defeating Asterios. Ariadne, King Minos’ daughter, fell in love with the handsome Theseus at first sight. Theseus, with Ariadne’s cooperation in securing an escape route from the impossible-to-escape Labyrinth, succeeded in realizing Asterios’ defeat.
Miyamoto IoriWP (宮本 伊織?) is the student and adopted son of Miyamoto Musashi. He is a samurai, who is said to have studied the Niten Ichiryu style of swordsmanship under him but was unable to learn it in full due to Musashi passing away before he could teach him the secrets of the art.
By the year 1639, Iori would begin working as the chief retainer for the Ogasawara family under daimyō Ogasawara TadazaneWP following the passing of his brother, Miyamoto MikinosukeWP.[154]
Moby Dick[]
Moby DickWP (モビー‧ディック, Mobī Dikku?) is a Divine Beast, said to be among the most famous of that classification. Its level of power is great enough to call it "more super weaponish" than a living being.[155] There is an Enemy Programwith the same name.
Mò Yé[]
Mò YéWP (莫耶, Bakuya?) is the wife of Gan Jiang. She sacrificed herself to in order to complete Kanshou and Bakuya.
N. Amagi[]
N.Amagi is Master-candidate participating in the Moon Holy Grail War preliminaries in Fate/EXTRA Last Encore. He is the captain of the chess club. As candidates must kill another to qualify, he participates in a chess match with Leonardo B. Harwey that ends in his death. HAKUNO Kishinami insists on taking Amagi to the infirmary, taking another body to free up a bed for Amagi.[156]
OceanusWP, also known as Okeanos, was a Greek Titan of the seas. He was married to his sister Tethys. He is the father of the 3000 Oceanids, Clytie included. He is also one of Circe's ancestors.[158]
Oceanus is one of the three Divine Spirits inside Ergo.[159]
OlympiasWP (オリュンピアス, Oryunpiasu?) was the mother of Iskandar. She was the princess of a powerful state allied with Macedonia when she married Philip II, Iskandar's father. The two met on the isle of SamothraceWP, where Olympias became a fanatic of the Orphic cultWP that practiced there.[160]
According to legend, on the eve of the wedding, she dreamt that lightning struck her in the womb, and thus it was Olympias' influence that led to him to indulge in the tales of legendary heroes and come to believe that his father was Zeus.[161][162] Macedonia did not have a specialized priestly class, so Olympias was in charge of all the important rituals in the country. Legend goes that, at every festival, she was possessed by spirits and manipulated a number of serpents to crawl among the people. It is also said that Iskandar's father was suspected of trying to assassinate her because he attempted to take another wife.[161] She is regarded as Iskandar's natural enemy.[163]
Olympias required both a companion for her son who would defend and never betray the King of Conquerors, and a magus who protect the king from any incoming curse. She orchestrated the birth of Hephaestion for the former and his sister for the latter.[164][165] She raised the nameless sister to be Iskandar's magical body double who would protect him from curses, drugging her to stop her from developping an ego,[164] and teaching her magecraft derived from the goddess Hecate.[166][167]
She worshiped the god DionysusWP, who was conflated with Zagreus in the Orphic cult. As Dionysus is a god of alcohol, and alcohol is closely tied to dreams, Olympias was able to look into others' dreams with her magecraft. According to Hephaestion's sister, Olympias would charge "a price that could topple a nation" for someone to have her do so.[168]
PasiphaëWP was a demigoddess and sister to Aeetes and Circe. She was married to the King of Crete, Minos. After being influenced by Poseidon, she had sex with a bull, later giving birth to Asterios.
Circe claims that Pasiphae was more god than human. She was always the prettiest, and she had the most natural talent for magecraft. However, she never wanted to actually put any effort into anything, which made her a good for nothing.
PeleusWP (ペレウス, Pereusu?) was a mythological Greek hero, the father of Achilles and husband of Thetis. He was a grandson of Zeus.[172] When Thetis tried to make her son immortal by bathing him in holy flames, Peleus opposed it, saying "Then that would destroy Achilles as a human", and thus one part of Achilles was preserved as human.[135] Peleus was one of the Argonauts, and Atalanta felt he was the only one who wasn't rough and violent and understood moderation. She calls him incredibly cautious, the complete opposite of his son.[172] He was a gentle person who couldn't stand up against his wife.[173]
At Peleus' wedding, Poseidon gifted him the divine horses Xanthus and Balius.[174]Chiron's wedding gift to Peleus was Diatrekhōn Astēr Lonkhē.[175] Peleus would later pass both of these to his son. When Achilles was young Peleus would tell him stories of the Argonauts, especially Atalanta who Achilles would grow to admire.[173]
King Pellam (ペラム王, Peramu-ō?), also known as the Fisher KingWP (漁夫王, Gyobu-ō?), was the king of the Grail Castle CorbenicWP in Arthurian Britain.[72][73] King Pellam was enchanted by Kundry's magical kiss. Kundry's master Klingsor used his magecraft to manipulate Sir Balin into fighting Pellam, in which Balin destroyed Pellam's castle with the Holy Spear.[72][73]
PenelopeWP (ペーネロペー, Pēneropē?) is the wife of Odysseus. Circe's response to her is "……Gah……Kh……Gigghgh……Nyunyuu……. (lying on a room’s corner in a fetal position and trembling)."[176]
Peter IWP (ペドロ1世, Pedoro Issei?), also known as Peter the Cruel, is a Heroic Spirit who would qualify for the Caster class when summoned as a Servant.[87]
RavanaWP is an Indian Demon King who could enslave even the gods due to a power he acquired by deceiving the great god Brahma. He was responsible for Sita's kidnapping, and he was defeated by Rama's Brahmastra. Kubera is his half brother.
The Red KnightWP, also known as Sir Ironside, is a figure appearing in Arthurian Myth, and the former wielder of the Noble PhantasmRobigus Ironside. His roots can be traced back to its Fire Emblem, which is said to depict the ungovernable nature of chaos itself; a long-lost connection to the Roman God Robigus. He was defeated by Gareth in the siege to recover Lioness.[181] According to Merlin, the Red Knight is the embodiment of the Demon of Calamity itself, but is only one of countless calamities that threaten Britain.[182] His spirit appears as the Evil Spirit Fencer (悪霊剣士, Akuryō Kenshi?) in the Arctic Summer World ~Chaldea's Midsummer Tour of the Magical Park~ event in Fate/Grand Order.
RheaWP is a Titan and the wife of Kronos. There is a theory that says the reason Chiron was born a centaur is that when Rhea found her husband and Philyra copulating, Philyra turned into a stallion in order to escape.[179]
Rhea Silvia[]
Rhea SilviaWP was the descendant of Aeneas, one of Aphrodite's sons.[55] She is described as a beautiful princess who was the lover of the god Mars and gave birth to his sons, the founders of Rome; Romulus and Remus.
RobigusWP is a Roman God. The Red Knight’s roots can be traced back to its Fire Emblem, which is said to depict the ungovernable nature of chaos itself; a long-lost connection to Robigus.[181]
ScyllaWP (スキュレー, Sukyurē?) is a Heroic Spirit mentioned in the "game" version of Fate/strange Fake as a Servant able to be summoned by the Player.[92] Scylla was once a prepossessing maiden that attracted a Sea God, Glaucus. This relationship had caused a jealous Circe to turn the winsome Scylla into a monster. The transformed Scylla had then devoured six of Odysseus's subordinates.
Shinmen MunisaiWP (新免無二斎?) or Miyamoto Muninosuke was the father of Miyamoto Musashi, being a practitioner of martial arts, who served as an instructor of martial arts to the Shinmen HouseWP of lords of the Takayama Castle, and who received the name of Shinmen from his employer’s family. Shinmen Munisai built a dojo of JutteWP techniques in the Miyamoto village of the Yoshino district, and Musashi would later call himself “Miyamoto” due having this land as his hometown.
In Female Musashi's original world, Shinmen Munisai had abandoned Musashi because she was a girl. Though she was disowned, she built a hut in front of her father's house and lived there just to spite him.
Simon Magus[]
Simon MagusWP (シモン・マグス, Shimon Magusu?) is the court magus of Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus. He taught Nero much of the underbelly of the world, particularly in matters of magecraft and divine secrets, and stated that if she applied her talents, she could become a magnificent Magus. Nero chose to face the world head on instead. He is also a bit of a hypocrite, preaching to Nero about the importance of concealing Mystery, but he himself enjoyed showing off, like dying publicly and coming back to life to prove he was immortal, or walk on air in full view of a crowd boasting of his impending battle with one of the Apostles.[184]
Sugawara-no-MichizaneWP (菅原 道真?) was a historical Heian period Japanese figure. When Miyamoto Musashi draws her sword for the Greater Celestial Phenomenon, she mentions Tenman Dai-Jizai Tenjin’s name. The historical Musashi Miyamoto was a devout of Tenman Dai-Jizai Tenjin, and he can be considered his guardian deity. Tenman Dai-Jizai Tenjin is the name given to the heavenly god of the Dazai Prefecture’s Tenmanguu Shrine; in other words, the amalgamation of the thunder god and Japan’s most prominent vengeful spirit Sugawara-no-Michizane and Dai-Jizai Ten Mahesvara (also known as Shiva, the Hindu God of Destruction).
Additionally, Dai-Jizai Ten is also considered an avatar of Guanyin.
In reality, before Sugawara-no-Michizane started to be worshipped as the heavenly god of scholarship at the end of the Heian Era, he had already been conferred the divine name of Tenman Dai-Jizai Tenjin, so, putting it bluntly, Tenman Dai-Jizai Tenjin is Sugawara-no-Michizane’s aspect as a wrathful god traced over to Shiva.
It is speculated that the reason Musashi chose the thunder god as the object of his devotion is because most kenjutsu practitioners before him and their schools were devout to the Kashima Shrine, and the god Takemizuchi worshipped there was said to be the thunder god’s ancestor.
Takemizuchi, the god of thunder-turned-god of kenjutsu.
In response to that, since Musashi chose to perfect himself on “the art of the sword” instead of “the technique of the sword”, he did not devote himself to the same god of thunder or kenjutsu, but to Tenman Dai-Jizai Tenjin, who also has an aspect as the god of scholarship. Or so it is speculated.
Additionally, at the time (and even now), Dai-Jizai Ten was often confused with Ishana Ten, the king of a place named Take-Jizai Ten, due to their similar names.
Ishana Ten is considered to be on the same god as Izanagi, the ancestor god of Japan. And, due to how its name is pronounced, he is associated with Shana-ou (Minamoto-no-Yoshitsune). Since Yoshitsune was, even at the time, considered the originator of the samurais’ militarization, Ishana is implied to be connected to both Japan and the origin of samurais.[187]
SukunabikonaWP (少彦名神?) is a kami from Japanese mythology. He is enshrined at Kanda-myōjin in Akihabara. Legends say that Sukunabikona was a dwarf who came on a ship from across the sea, and helped Oonamuchi to build Japan. In his final moments he left to cross over to a paradise for the dead far across the sea called Tokoyo-no-Kuni.[188]
SuryaWP is the Indian god of the Sun, and the father of Karna, who inherited his father's Authority and radiance in the form of his armor Kavacha and Kundala, which is said to be nigh indestructible, even by the gods themselves.
According to the Susanoo myth from the Kojiki and Nihon-shoki, it is said that Susanoo-no-Mikoto, who was exiled from Takamagahara, descended upon the province of Izumo, saved Kusanadahime who was offered as a sacrifice, and exterminated an enormous monster. That monster was Yamata-no-Orochi, a red-eyed demon with eight heads and eight tails───a gigantic snake that boasted of a length spanning eight valleys and peaks. Japan's greatest dragon of calamity. Susanoo-no-Mikoto defeated this large serpent (dragon) and obtained a divine sword from its tail. The sword's name is Kusanagi-no-Tachi. Also known as Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi, Ama-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi and Tsumukari-no-Tachi. Later, it was offered to the Atsuta Shrine and designated as one of the Three Sacred Treasures of Japan.[189]
Hieda-no-Are noticing that Ibuki-douji is the divided spirit of Yamata-no-Orochi makes Susanoo’s exploits seem all the more impressive.
According to the myths... Susanoo was the god who ruled the ocean after Japan's creation, but he abandoned everything to go to Izanami's underworld, leaving the seat of big boss of seas empty. Oo-Wadatsumi-no-Kami took over later.
Taira no KiyomoriWP (平清盛?) was a historical Heian period Japanese figure. He was the one who kept Ushiwakamaru alive because she was living proof that the Taira clan defeated the Minamoto clan.[152] According to Kiichi Hougen, Ushiwakamaru was nursing a deep grudge and wanted vengeance against Kiyomori and the entire Taira clan because of her late father Minamoto-no-Yoshitomo and her distant mother Tokiwa Gozen.[190] Kiyomori sent invitations to Kiichi Hogen but she kept refusing them for years.[146] In the Genpei SeisuikiWP, Tamamo-no-Mae is associated with DakinitenWP, a tantric deity whose Japanese interpretation rode upon a fox; her power is invoked in one of Taira-no-KiyomoriWP's schemes for political influence.[191]
Thomas PutnamWP (トマス・パットナム, Tomasu Puttonamu?) is a figure involved in the Salem Witch Trials. He, along with the various other citizens, were created by Raum in the Salem Singularity as fakes to help in the process to transform Abigail Williams into a Foreigner. He is the father of Ann Putnam.
VercingetorixWP (ウェルキンゲトリクス, Werukingetorikusu?) is a Gaulic hero said to have successfully resisted the Roman invasions until he was defeated by Gaius Julius Caesar. He appears as a vengeful ghost in Romulus Quirinus's interlude in Fate/Grand Order. He manifested when one of Chaldea's stored Holy Grails reacted to Romulus Quirinus' divine aura, forming a temporary Saint Graph out of hatred against Rome itself and empathy towards Boudica.
VishnuWP is one of the three great gods of Indian mythology. Rama is a reincarnation of Vishnu, although they are still separate entities. Vishnu often sent messages to Rama in life when he had doubts or was lost. Appearing once in his dreams during Fate/Grand Order. Rama is uncertain if the one in his dreams was actually the real Vishnu, as his personality was quite strange. The Vishnu in his dreams is angry that Rama has not used Vishnu Bhuja, a Noble Phantasm bearing his name, and gives Rama trials to overcome.
Krishna is an avatar of Vishnu and friend of Arjuna he even had a stronger connection to the god than Rama did. Parashurama an avatar of Vishnu was Karna’s teacher he gifted him the Brahmastra. Karna describes Velber 02 as more magnificence than Kalki the last avatar of Vishnu who will descend in the end times it said in Karna’s side story in Fate Extella. Kama says trying to interfere with Rama and Sita relationship is in essence trying to interfere with Vishnu and Lakshmi connection.
Wong Fei-hungWP is a Chinese martial artist described as the "master standing at the highest peak." Li Shuwen often spends imagining fighting him, dreaming of a moment where he can kill him.
YasukeWP was a man of African origin in the Sengoku Period who served as a Retainer to Oda Nobunaga. As Mori Ranmaru was urging Nobunaga to escape, Ranmaru also mentions that Yasuke putting up a valiant fight. He was first mentioned in "Shōwa Kishin Project GUDAGUDA Ryōma's Close Call! The Mystery of the Vanished Nobbu".
YmirWP (ユーミル, Yūmiru?), the Primordial Giant (原初の巨人, Gensho no Kyojin?), is the first and progenitor of all Giants in Norse Mythology[197] whose name has been nearly erased from the Proper Human History.[198] Ymir's body was used by Odin to create most of the world, runes being the only exception.[27] Giants also formed from Ymir's body, the Jötunn.[197]Skadi is a descendant of Ymir, allowing her some control over giants.[199]Surtr embodies the remnants of Ymir's wrath,[200] having mostly inherited the destructive side of Ymir that was never recorded in the legends of Proper Human History.[198][201]
Characters in the novel, film and manga series Kara no Kyoukai.
Akino (昭野?) (Voiced by Hiroshi Iida) is a member of the group to which Keita Minato belongs. They are a street gang that is responsible for the abuse and rape of Fujino Asagami. After Fujino awakes her Mystic Eyes, she sets about murdering each of the members. He is the fifth victim before Kouhei, Fujino questioning him on the location of Keita before killing him.
Akira (アキラ?) is the pet dog of Shizune Seo that she keeps at Reien Girl's Academy. He is introduced in the film adaptation of Oblivion Recorder.
Black Cat[]
The Black Cat (黒猫, Kuroneko?) is a pet cat temporarily in the care of Mikiya Kokutou. Though it greatly likes him, he looks to find a new home for it due to being away constantly because of his work. When it stays with Shiki Ryougi, it ignores both her and Azaka Kokutou, simply standing around waiting for Mikya to return.
Chris (クリス, Kurisu?) is the childhood dog of Shizune Seo.
The unnamed doctor (voiced by Yuuichi Ishigami) is the physician who prepared the necessary medicine Hanefune Asakami needed to seal Fujino Asagami's Mystic Eyes. He was unaware of the side effect of removing her sense of pain when confronted by Mikiya Kokutou
Kouhei (康平?) (Voiced by Yūichi NakamuraWP) is one of the seven members of the group to which Keita Minato belongs. They are a street gang that is responsible for the abuse and rape of Fujino Asagami. After Fujino awakes her Mystic Eyes, she sets about murdering each of the members. While Mikiya Kokutou is attempting to track down Kouhei for information on Keita, Fujino finds and murders him before being confronted by Shiki Ryougi.
The unnamed Leader (リーダー, Rīdā?) (Voiced by Hiroki YasumotoWP) is the head of the group to which Keita Minato belongs. They are a street gang that is responsible for the abuse and rape of Fujino Asagami. He is the first to chronologically appear, abusing Fujino while she pleads for them to stop. After she regains her sense of pain after another member hits her with a baseball bat, she kills the leader with her reawakened Mystic Eyes as he attempts to stab her while raping her.
The unnamed professor (voiced by Hiroshi IwasakiWP[204]) is a Japanese college professor who once taught Touko Aozaki. Familiar with the existence of psychic abilities, he explains them with an analogy using television channels.[205] Touko sends Mikiya Kokutou to see him with one of her business cards.[206][207]
Shouichi Takagi[]
Shouichi Takagi (高木彰一?) is a murder victim of Fujino Asagami. Unrelated to the gang Fujino Asagami, she twisted his head off while he was driving due to a barely conscious Fujino staggering into the path of his vehicle. He is not counted among the six murders that are later rumored to be connected to Fujino.
Uncle Kokutou is the brother of Mr. Kokutou and legal guardian of his niece, Azaka Kokutou. She requested that he adopt her so as to be away from her brother Mikiya due to her feelings towards him. He is an artist.
Yasunori Fujou[]
The Fujou family
Yasunori Fujou (巫条康紀?) is the father of Kirie Fujou. Along with his wife and son, they all die in an accident, leaving Kirie alone in the hospital. Souren Araya pretends to have been a friend of Yasunori in order to provide care for her and use her in his plan involving Shiki Ryougi.
Mahou Tsukai no Hako[]
Hiroko Yamauchi[]
Hiroko Yamauchi (山内溥子, Yamauchi Hiroko?) is a member of Class 1-A in Kamamisaki High School.
Kiyomi Kodama[]
Kiyomi Kodama (児玉清美, Kodama Kiyomi?) is a member of Class 1-A in Kamamisaki High School.
Type Mars (タイプ・マーズ, Taipu Māzu?) is the Ultimate One of Mars (火星のアルテミット・ワン, Kasei no Arutemitto Wan?). It is not detailed in Notes.
Type Pluto[]
Type Pluto (タイプ・プルート, Taipu Purūto?) is the Ultimate One of Pluto (冥王星のアルテミット・ワン, Meiōsei no Arutemitto Wan?). It was destroyed by the Six Sisters, who confronted Pluto to prevent it from entering the planet. The blood of Pluto covered the planet and became what is known as the "blood sky", the area above the ashen sea of clouds. It is believed that the clouds are a defensive membrane that the Six Sisters expanded, which has managed to keep the remaining two Aristotles, whose entry had been prevented, swimming like fish in the clouds.
Type Neptune[]
Type Neptune (タイプ・ネプチューン, Taipu Nepuchūn?) is the Ultimate One of Neptune (海王星のアルテミット・ワン, Kaiōsei no Arutemitto Wan?). It has not been described. Along with Type Uranus, it destroyed the majority of the Leaves of Yggdrasil, the Type Venus monitoring base, during the Type Uranus and Type Neptune firing operation.
Type Uranus[]
Type Uranus (タイプ・ウラヌス, Taipu Uranusu?) is the Ultimate One of Uranus (天王星のアルテミット・ワン, Ten'ōsei no Arutemitto Wan?). It has not been described. Along with Type Neptune, it destroyed the majority of the Leaves of Yggdrasil, the Type Venus monitoring base, during the Type Uranus and Type Neptune firing operation.
Akemi Yamase (山瀬 明美, Yamase Akemi?) is the sister of Maiko Yamase that appears briefly in Kagetsu Tohya short story Daybreak, itself written from her sisters point of view.
Her presence in the final scene of Daybreak provides her sister the motivation to resist the hunger from chaos beasts in her inherited Reality Marble and gather them all inside her own body for Shiki to kill with his eyes.
Einnashe (アインナッシュ, Ainasshe?, also romanized as Ainnash) is the former seventh of The Twenty-seven Dead Apostle Ancestors before being slain by Arcueid Brunestud and being replaced by the Forest of Einnashe. He was a magus who transformed himself into a Dead Apostle. He was a specialist in hypnotism, able to use a Reality Marble which allowed for "memory remodeling", to manipulate the memories of everyone he encountered, including True Ancestor Arcueid Brunestud, with such precision to make them entirely forget his existence. The suggestions worked on the basis of "understanding", having told her "There is no Dead Apostle Einnashe", so Len's master was able to dive into Arcueid's subconscious to make the order impossible to recall, allowing the information on Einnashe to resurface. Arcueid killed Einnashe and his entire clan, and she carelessly left his body under a bloodsucking tree, which accidentally sucked the Dead Apostle's blood over time and transformed the entire forest into a Phantasmal Species, the second generation of the vampire Einnashe.[209]
Eins (アインス, Ainsu?) is an agent of the Church sent to follow Ciel in subduing the Forest of Einnashe. He is over fifty years old. Merem Solomon shows up instead, claiming that he ate Eins. He says to report back that Eins was killed by the forest because he had reached a proper age for retirement anyway.
Keiko Arima (有間 啓子, Arima Keiko?) is Miyako Arima's mother. She and her husband, Fumio Arima, took care of Shiki Tohno during his time away from the Tohno family.
Lance (ランス, Ransu?) is a student of Camelot International School in Hana no Miyako, serving the student council president Artoria Pendragon. He is based on Lancelot.
Len's master[]
The unnamed creator of Len was a magus active eight hundred years before the modern era. He created Len as a familiar from infusing the leftover thoughts of a deceased human girl into the body of a dead cat. He helped Arcueid Brunestud defeat Einnashe.
Lord Rozay-en[]
Lord Rozay-en (ロズィーアン卿, Rozīan Kyō?) is a Dead Apostle. His faction is one of the largest in the Dead Apostle society. He transformed at the same time as his daughters. Due to the inability for Dead Apostles to procreate, he is troubled over the lack of a grandchild.[210]
Narbareck (ナルバレック, Narubarekku?) is the ancestor of Narbareck. She was the co-founder of the Agency along with Michael Roa Valdamjong, and each director since then has always been one of her descendants.[211] She knew of Roa's intentions to become a Dead Apostle in pursuit of his immortality, but said she would be unwilling to leave the Church and could not live with him. Despite the Burial Agency's goals of hunting heretics, she showed no plans to stop Roa's transformation, even going to say that she would tell her own child, "After around a hundred years, another newcomer Dead Apostle will appear. It is pointless to take notice of him, so ignore him." He then explained that would be unnecessary because the strongest True Ancestor sucking his blood would quickly turn him into the strongest Dead Apostle.[212] In Tsukihime -A piece of blue glass moon- it is mentioned that she is a stigmaticWP.
Youichi Takada[]
Youichi Takada (高田 陽一, Takada Yōichi?) is a classmate of Shiki Tohno and Arihiko Inui. He sits next to Shiki[213] and is Satsuki Yumizuka's neighbor.[214] He is described as plump[213] and fond of chocolate.[214] He is a "mysterious character" who occasionally shows up, described as "something you'd see in a manga."[215] No details of his life are known but he has a great personality,[215] a "good guy"[213] who isn't one to spread baseless rumors,[214] although he doesn't pay back money he borrows.[213] He rides a Honda Dream 50WP,[215] which gets into an accident in the course of the story due to a malfunctioning brake pedal while he was descending a steep hill.[216]
5-10 [NPC]
Gou Tou-kun.
Found on the first floor of the Old School Building
An ordinary student NPC you find in front of the caretaker’s office where Jinako has holed herself up.
He is good at imitating people... well maybe it’s better to say that imitation is his life. He has the rather odd ability to completely take up the role of characters from movies he has recently watched. This is why his lines, behavior, and mannerisms change from chapter to chapter. From chapter 5 onwards he disappears. The reason for this is explained by the NPC found in front of the school store.
[TL Note: His name Gou Tou is a word play on the Japanese pronunciation of 5 and 10]
Family lineage of Magus
A magus lineage refers to the Magic Crest relay that passes down a Magic Crest through unilineal succession. Because this “relay” is so important, even if a family’s biological lineage has ceased, the magus lineage will be considered continuous if the crest is engraved onto somebody else’s body. Conversely, if the Magic Crest itself is lost, that magus lineage will be considered to have been severed even if a child with Magic Circuits still lives. Under normal circumstances, a magus selects the best qualified heir from within the family, and gradually passes on the Magic Crest to the successor.
The chosen successor to a magus lineage undergoes harsh training from a young age. Because an abnormal mindset and body are required to use magic, the training to instill these qualities is extremely severe, and it is not unusual to employ inhumane measures such as brainwashing and bodily modification. Thus, as the heir matures he or she inherits the lineage’s magic, knowledge, and research. Finally, a new master is born when the entirety of the Magic Crest is passed down from the predecessor.
Increasing the number of Magic Circuits
Magic Circuits are organs that one is born with, so there is no way to increase their number after birth. There are ways to transfer circuits, but it is rarely done because the success rate is low. Therefore, magus lineages will modify the parents’ bodies or take every measure possible at the moment of a child’s birth to create a successor with even one additional Magic Circuit. Therefore, the children of older lineages tend to have more Magic Circuits.
Inherited Magic Crests
Magic Crests are heirlooms within which the entirety of a lineage’s research is inscribed, from the first ancestor to the present. The crest contains the regrets of previous family heads’ inability to master their magic. A Magic Crest with a long history is a cursed crystallization impregnated with the feelings of countless preceding magi.
The Tohsaka family
Rin is the heir to the Tohsaka family, while Sakura was adopted by the Matou family as a successor. Because Tohsaka Tokiomi, the family head, died in the Holy Grail War, Rin inherited Tokiomi’s estate, including his magical patents, businesses in Fuyuki, and other assets. However, at this point most of Tokiomi’s magic crest had not yet been transferred to Rin. Tokiomi’s crest was extracted from his body by the Clock Tower, and given to Tokiomi’s next of kin to be transplanted into Rin.
Great magical families
Family name or Representative
One of the founding families of the Holy Grail War. They are disciples of the Sorcerer Zelretch, and the administrators of Fuyuki.
One of the three founding families of the Holy Grail War. They immigrated to Fuyuki and became the Matou family.
Flow and transfer of power
One of the three founding families of the Holy Grail War. They specialize in alchemy, particularly in the creation of homunculi.
Family from Finland. Like Tohsaka, prefer jewels magic, which uses the attribute of conversion.
Old line even in the Magic Association. One of the families of the rulers, the Lords. Embodiments of perfectionism and aristrocracy.
One of the top magi in the magic world, known also by the name "Giver of All Sealing Designations". Details are unknown.
Jewel Killer
One of the remarkable magi in history, affiliated with the Sea of Estray, the mysterious prototype of the Magic Association.
Hermes Silis Atlasia
Magus from one of the divisions of the Magic Association, the Atlas Institute, the association for the magi and alchemists of Egypt.
Nagato Tohsaka [Person's name]
The Tohsaka family head during the very first Holy Grail War, two hundred years ago.
He took part in the ritual at the request of Makiri Zouken and Justeaze.
Though traditionally the Tohsaka were a clan of secret Christians, one day a strange old man appeared out of nowhere and led them astray. Ever since then, they have devoted themselves to the world of sorcery.
With their contacts in the Holy Church and favorable treatment from the Association as disciples of a magician, they are in an enviable position.
It is due to their connections with both organizations that they were appointed the managers of Fuyuki.
At any rate, Nagato viewed sorcery and martial arts as equal, and was attempting to reach the Root via a state of mushin (no-mind) when he was recruited by the Einzberns and Makiri.
As you might expect from Rin's ancestor, he was prone to goofing up. Also, it seems that his daughter was the one with talent for sorcery, and ended up being far more useful in the construction of the Great Holy Grail than her father was.
Q: Shinji's mother is a "Carrier", what kind of pathogen is she carrying? Is she a "God's Holder"?
Q: Shinji's mother is a "Carrier", what kind of pathogen is she carrying? Is she a "God's Holder"?
A: No, nothing special of that sort. According to Zouken, she is the daughter of "a random third-rate magus".
[Note: "Carriers" retain remnants of mysteries from the Age of Gods as pathogens like bacteria and viruses. The Fraga McRemitz lineage of course is an exceptionally powerful example, Shinji's mother unfortunately is of the bottom of the barrel.]
Sakura: "If I were deleted, my successor would be an AI called Caren. ...She, er... has a problem in her algorithm, so she doesn't prioritize Masters' lives. She thinks ordeals are more important than living. If she were to be put in charge of the Masters' health care, Senpai's chances of survival would be, um..." Very low, or more like 3% by the first week at best. Hakuno: "I've never seen her, but she sounds like an outrageous AI."
High Level AI [Circumstances]
These are artificial lifeforms created in order to allow the holy Grail War to proceed smoothly.
They may seem the same as NPCs because they are manufactured beings, but High Level AI have firmly defined liberties and personalities, and they also are bestowed with a soul.
Due to the high cost of manufacturing High Level AI, they are not reset even after a Holy Grail War has finished.
They make an appearance filling standard character roles in each Holy Grail War.
High Level AI include:
Father Kotomine, whose duty is to supervise the Masters.
Sakura, whose duty is to manage and maintain the Masters’ health.
Disciplinary Chairperson, who keeps an eye out for bad conduct within the school.
Ms. Taiga, who directs the schedule each day.
The mysterious black panther Makiji.
...and more.
The group of High Level AI also seems to include Sister Karen Caren, whose jurisdiction is carrying out the punishment of Masters, however she doesn’t seem to make an appearance in the Holy Grail War that the protagonist participated in.
Also, the memories that the High Level AI have obtained are unable to be deleted by themselves. No matter how sad and depressing a memory may be they are forced to keep it with them forever, and of course submitting their memories to Moon Cell is the reason that they exist.
Velber [Circumstances]
"Velber" is the name of the predatory Umbral Star, also known as the Harvest Star. Like a comet, it flies on a set orbit through space, passing through the Milky Way galaxy once every 14,000 Earth years.
Its appearance resembles a crying eye.
It destroys all intelligent civilizations in its path, and in doing so, it consumes all digital data within reach.
The last time it passed through Earth's orbit, it annihilated virtually all sentient life on the planet, and plundered 80% of the Moon Cell's data.
It is thought to be a product of the same alien civilization that created the Moon Cell, although its form and purpose are obviously very different.
The true motive of the Umbral Star remains unclear, but during its previous attack on Earth, the Moon Cell did get a chance to analyze its structure.
Within Velber is a central part that could be considered its core, surrounded by layers of armor made of numerous "Arks of the Stars," individual space vessels.
If one considers the main body of Velber to be its central core, the surrounding portions are its self-made invasion weapons. Each layer of armor has its own distinct means of annihilating civilizations.
Velber's form strikes an optimal balance between offense and defense, and it has utilized that balance to wage victorious war against all sentient life in its path for eons.
The Ark of the Stars that carried the "White Titan" Altera to Earth was only one of three Arks that came to Earth in the previous cycle.
The other two, the "Big Brother" and "Little Sister" of Altera, are not mentioned in this game.
Arks of the Stars [Concept]
The containers that the predatory Umbral Star drops upon the domain that has been targeted as an object for harvest.
They are space vessels that lack the ability to navigate via spatial jumping, and are loaded with one fighting unit whose mission is to destroy civilization.
Altera’s Ark of the Stars is numbered “Velber 02.”
Each Ark has inherited the characteristics of a different alien civilization, so the contents of Velber 01 and Velber 03 are completely distinct organisms right down to their manner of existence.
1: My Lord, what precisely is the Abyss (深淵, Shin'en?)?
2: Is there actually something further down than the Underworld?
There is. The World of Mesopotamia comprises of Heaven and Earth. That which here lies below the Earth known as the Underworld -- and deeper still there rests the Abyss.
The Abyss is an Ocean of Void (無の海, Mu no Umi?). It is from those dark waters that the God Apsu and the Goddess Tiamat manifested, crafting the World of Mesopotamia.
If it must be described, it is the Sea of Dawn (黎明の海, Reimei no Umi?), which existed before the creation of life.
Being that the God Enki has at present vacated his posting as the Administrator of the Abyss, were one to plunge into it now, there would be no returning.
It's the place where Lord Gilgamesh sought the Herb of Immortality (不老不死の霊草, Furō-Fushi no Reisō?), isn't it?
Aias [Person's name]
A hero who fought alongside Achilles during the Trojan War. There is both an Aias the Great and an Aias the Lesser, but neither of them met a decent end. The shield of Aias the Great is the famous “Rho Aias: Seven Rings that Cover the Fiery Heavens”.
Rho Aias [Noble Phantasm]
The Seven Rings that Cover the Fiery Heavens.
In Greek mythology, the shield used by the hero Aias during the Trojan War.
It was a bronze shield covered by seven layers of ox hide, and the only thing that proved capable of stopping the javelin of the great hero of Troy, Hector. (Though it managed to penetrate six layers of ox hide, the seventh layer was unbroken.)
Afterward, its fame spread, and its existence was eventually sublimed into a "conceptual armament" boasting absolute defensive power against thrown weapons.
It is the only defensive armament Archer can use proficiently.
The Rho Aias that protected Shirou's spellcasting during the finale of the Rin route was not something he projected himself, but was actually made by Archer who was watching the battle from a distance.
01 - Cursed Cutting Crater (C. C. C.)
An attack on the world by BB in control of the Moon Cell.
Also called the spiritron imaginary pit.
A World Purge through event rewriting that makes maximum use of the EX skill "Conception of All Animals" BB has acquired.
The goddess who is the mother of earth mother goddesses that created earth is, in other words, the 'root' that created all creation. This anti-world Noble Phantasm outputs that information through an ultra-precise 3D printer and crushes the present world with the world the user desires.
The space eroded by BB becomes imaginary space and a curse that consumes reality. "CCC", as the name suggests, is a cursed pit that bores out reality.
In addition to scattering all objects inside on an atomic level and reconstructing them, it is capable of overwriting and reprinting information in fields such as luck and coincidence. While theoretical, it is also thought possible to distort the time axis by interfering with gravitational fields and rewrite the law of cause and effect.
When used in combat, BB's familiars, the shapeshifters, engulf the target and, after turning into a sphere, are wiped out of existence along with the target and the whole dimension.
Normally, a structure in which sense of values can be shared cannot be created in the Far Side of the Moon, which is an imaginary space. What established BB's internal world as the Sakura Labyrinth was the power of this Noble Phantasm.
02 - Advanced Level AI
Artificial intelligences configured according to their programs.
In this age, they are treated as things that "function as programs", but "do not exist as actual beings". In other words, things that "are" right in front of your eyes but "are not". They are merely mechanisms for smooth progression of human lives.
The same applies in the SE.RA.PH. They are virtual lifeforms that are created along with the commencement of the Holy Grail War and disposed along with its conclusion.
Humanoid virtual lifeforms at the SE.RA.PH include NPCs that perform single objectives, AIs who have been granted capabilities for self-judgement, and advanced level AIs who have been entrusted with capabilities for self-judgement and management of sections.
Advanced level AIs are beings made to efficiently promote the Moon Cell's primary objective of "human observation". As perfect reproductions of humans, they have been programmed with even souls, but the souls only "exist" and their contents are colorless.
Virtual lifeforms made in the SE.RA.PH are reset with each round of the Holy Grail War. NPCs and AIs return to zero, but advanced level AIs retain just their personas while their records are reset—as if they never existed.
When the Holy Grail War is over, the only one left alive is the Master standing at the top. This applies not only to the Masters but also to the virtual lifeforms made in the SE.RA.PH.
It appears that BB, like Sakura, is an advanced level AI entrusted with management of Masters' health. However, as she is rampaging for reasons unknown, the methods of "managing the Masters" have become extreme.
03 - Khakkhara of Domination
The teacher's pointer that BB carries.
A device that lets her make full use of her authority as an advanced level AI. Although limited to the Far Side of the Moon, this allows BB to modify the spiritron laws within the SE.RA.PH.
"Ten Crowns of Domination" worn by the Beast of Babylon converted into a teacher's pointer.
This is the male principle corresponding to the female principle of the seven-headed beast, and its true nature is a phallus (erect rod).
The symbol of the king of the world who was granted throne and authority by a great dragon and received the right to, for 42 months, spit out as many insolent words as desired and desecrate all things.
The beast's heads were the seven hills of the Roman Empire... Capitolium, Palatium, Aventinus, Esquilinus, Caelius, Quirinalis, Viminalis. In other words, they meant the Roman Empire itself, and the ten horns symbolized the emperors... Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, Nero, Vespasianus, Titus, Galba, Otho, Vitellius.
01 - Golden Grail [EX]
The golden grail that BB owns. Also called the Holy Grail.
A negative grail that grants its owner's impudent and selfish wishes.
The grail held by the great whore of Babylon who appears in the Revelation to John. Though it is a fake Holy Grail, it is for that reason that it has become a "genuine" Holy Grail that grants the desires of humans regardless of right or wrong.
To the Christians who considered honorable poverty a virtue at that time, a grail molded from a symbol of wealth like gold no doubt had connotations of corrupt wealth, avarice, and vanity of trying to adorn oneself.
As the grail held by the great whore of Babylon who personifies the Roman Empire, this grail clearly symbolizes treasures on earth, which is the inverse of the Christ's words "Do not store up treasures on earth."
"I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was full of blasphemous names, and it had seven heads and ten horns."
According to the Book of Revelation, this is the description of the beast of destruction that appeared in the Holy City and the woman straddling that beast. A huge beast with sevens heads like a hydra appeared from the sea and landed at the Holy City. This beast and the woman, while two, are as one, and it is impossible to think of them separately.
As the woman was said to give birth to all evil, those who were imprudent or greedy could not resist her allure and became corrupted by that grail.
On a side note, the red Saber who calls herself the emperor was regarded the same as this beast and viewed as an enemy by the believers after her death.
02 - Self-Modification [EX]
A skill that allows restructuring of oneself.
AIs made by the Moon Cell were given an absolute command: "You must not improve own function."
However, BB, who escaped from that yoke due to her breakdown, began to expand her own functions. To boost her calculation power, she preyed upon/disassembled NPCs, AIs, and finally, Servants with black noise, then used as her own memory.
Though they are like appendix building additions that do not heed self-collapse, as the result, BB has changed into a hyper level AI with enormous capacity.
That condition resembles a city on reclaimed land that continues to build while submerging or Frankenstein's monster.
03 - Potnia Theron [EX]
Conception of All Animals.
The authority of the goddesses that BB compiled and absorbed from the abyss of the mooncell.
It embodies the power of all creation possessed by the mother goddesses—originating from a forgotten goddess approximately 8000 years ago (the goddess of Çatalhöyük) and branching to Tiamat and Cybele, Ishtar, Inanna, Anat, Astarte, Gaia, Hera, Artemis, Aphrodite, Demeter, Athena, etc.
Many are depicted with mural crowns. This is because many of these goddesses were also guardian deities of cities.
The symbols of this authority include holes opening the earth and the sky (caves and the moon), whirling tides and waterspouts of the sea, calderas of the volcanoes, etc., and from these, evils that bring all manners of death are birthed. However, after these evils have spread death, they promise certain good harvest and fertility. This authority is none other than the power of bringing death as well as giving life.
The earth mother is worshipped by the people and protects them as a guardian deity, but at the same time, she is the very sacrifice that nurtures them with crops born from her body and beasts of the fields and the forests.
The earth mother nurtures men with her flesh and blood, kills men as time passes to restores herself with her own nourishment, and once again nurtures men with her restored flesh and blood.
This process is the cycle of the food chain, and this cycle of life and death can be said to be the true nature of the earth mother. With this authority, most of the goddesses gave birth to countless monsters and giants, posing threats to gods and men, or they gave birth to heroes, thus protecting people.
As representative examples, Tiamat and Gaia became threats, while Hera is a mother of heroes.
Those born on this earth cannot defy the authority of the mother goddess, as that would mean rebelling against the very system of life. However, when they leave this earth, head to space, and end the childhoood as intelligent lifeforms, they will have broken this authority.
The official name of this stage.
Formerly just an imaginary number space for storing malignant information, "this place" was established as a real number space in the present, past, and future by the fact that BB had reached the Moon Cell core. It was reconstructed by her hands into the “far side of the moon” where even Masters can exist.
With the power of the primordial goddess at hand, BB succeeded in quantifying the "nothingness" before the birth of life. She transformed into the master of the imaginary number space where both time and space and ambiguous.
Although the Moon Cell cannot be hacked no matter how much time is taken, BB took over it by placing herself in "unlimited time".
02 - The remnants of peaceful days
During the preliminaries, when Kiara liberated her free will, she was unable to control that status condition and went into overload.
Since NPCs can only do routine work, they ignored self-destructing Sakura as something "non-existent", and since the Moon Cell's check only takes place at the end of the day in the preliminaries, Sakura was at risk of termination.
Witnessing this condition, [Kishinami Hakuno] called out to her, "Are you okay."
The observation that she "is here" by another let Sakura recover the unconscious on the verge of termination, and due to the nursing afterwards, she gained an ego that clearly "wanted to be here". Her self-termination was averted.
What happened afterwards no longer need to be said.
When the next day comes, everything will be erased by the Moon Cell. Wanting to continue this one day miracle, Sakura used her advanced AI privilege to repeat "the day she came to know [Kishinami Hakuno]" for 69 days.
However, as days passed, Sakura became distressed by her self-contradiction as an AI and the facts surrounding [Kishinami Hakuno].
"Masters participating in the Holy Grail War will all die except one. No, to begin with, [Kishinami Hakuno] is..."
Sakura continued to be distressed by her selfish desire to continue the loop for eternity and her feelings for [Kishinami Hakuno]. In conclusion, she chose to seal the 69 days worth of memory... the "love" she acquired, so she could return to being a normal AI. AIs cannot delete records. Because of that, she moved the memory to a backup frame to reset herself.
She believed that to be the most correct choice for [Kishinami Hakuno].
But even if recollections of the mind are lost, memories recorded by the body live on. Though she should have forgotten everything and returned to being a normal AI, she was shaken by unidentified emotional values every time she talked with [Kishinami Hakuno].
Meanwhile, the backup to whom the memories were transplanted couldn't tolerate herself like that, and she decided to act as BB the rebel who destroys the Moon Cell's system for a certain objective then made her move.
The timing when she seized the Far Side of the Moon was "the Holy Grail War: the end of fifth round ~ before the start of the sixth round". The four who were not eliminated yet—[Kishinami Hakuno], Leo, Rin, and Rani—and the irregular, Jinako, were kidnapped to the Far Side in the middle of the Holy Grail War while they were still alive.
Masters Matou Shinji, Gatou, and Julius were moved to the imaginary space "0.00001 seconds before" the moment the firewall terminated them after their defeat from the Holy Grail War, prolonging their instants of life.
In either case, C. C. C. is a dream by BB. If the dreamer disappears, the world ought to return to the reality where nothing happened.
On a yet another side note, everyday scenery of the prologue that [Kishinami Hakuno] saw in the nightmare was an artificial paradise modeled on the discarded 69 days.
After pulling [Kishinami Hakuno] to the Far Side, BB placed the digital body in the old school building, put it in a deep sleep, and locked them in an unwaking dream.
Normally, they would have lived peacefully in the looping everyday life, but the strong bond with their Servant or [Kishinami]'s will rejecting the peaceful everyday caused cracks in the artificial paradise, and [Kishinami Hakuno] came to notice the abnormality.
To put [Kishinami Hakuno] in a deep sleep once more, BB reset the school building and tried to remake the dream, but [Kishinami Hakuno] escaped the reset as well and leaped into an even deeper part of the imaginary space.
It was a bottom deeper than the bottom of Id. "Death of the collective unconscious" beneath the unconscious. What saved [Kishinami Hakuno] who leaped into a region even BB cannot reach was the voice of the Servant whose fate was shared with theirs.
Thus, the contract was sealed, and [Kishinami Hakuno] woke up in the old school building left in the Far Side.
Illustrator and Voice actor Illustrator: BLACK Voice Actor: Risa Taneda
Strength: D
Endurance: D
Agility: B
Mana: E
Luck: A+
Noble Phantasm: C
Personal Skills
Pursuer of Love: A
Bathtub Flip: A
Pursuer of Love: A
Class Skills
Mad Enhancement: EX
Magic Resistance: D
Noble Phantasm
Doujou-ji Kane Hyakuhachi-shiki Karyu-nagi
Rank: A
Type: Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm
Burn, burn, burnburnburnburnburnburnburn--- alas, this is surely a passionate love! Vexa! Tion! (1)
...as you can see, this is Miss Kiyohime on a strange high tension. Hey you! Don't go saying that her tension being strange is an everyday occurrence.
Level 1 Bond
Height/Weight: 158cm・41kg
Source: "Kiyohime Legend"
Region: Japan
Alignment: Chaotic Evil Gender: Female
A woman that lives for love (in other words, the same as usual).
Level 2 Bond
Having been summoned as a Lancer this time around, she possesses a naginata. Her own testimony is: "Of course, as a maiden, I have a general understanding about martial arts. However, with the slender arms of a frail and helpless woman such as myself, it would not come to the point of being useful. Alas, how regretful." Still, while her competency with the naginata is indeed second-rate just as she herself stated, given her overflowing killing-intent and lack of mercy, there are rumors of how she would actually be peerless in the battlefield.
Level 3 Bond
Pursuer of Love: A
Stalking's power-up version. The summer heat makes Kiyohime's internal engine accelerate. Howling entrails, accelerating lungs, a breath in which the scent of nitro hangs; no matter in which place the other party is, she beings a super-high-high-speed pursuit.
Level 4 Bond
...well, in other words, it is the same Kiyohime as usual; but how about losing yourself and praising her swimsuit since it is summer. Surely, this summer will pass away in the blink of an eye... under the nuance of being locked up somewhere by a Kiyohime that was overcame with emotion.
Level 5 Bond
"Doujou-ji Kane Hyakuhachi-shiki Karyu-nagi"
Rank: A Type: Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm
Range: 1 Max Targets: 1
Locking up the opponent in a bell, piercing him with a naginata and blowing him away by a hair's breadth. Despite being on the height of summer, it is top-class in regards to being sultry. Because of that, it has an extremely bad reputation among Servants who travel together with her.
...That being said, due also Kiyohime being born in ancient Japan, she has an exceedingly great reluctance towards swimsuits... in short, it seems this is extremely embarrassing for her.
And yet, she is gallantly enduring it in order to please the Master. So, in order to also release her tension, you should surely praise that she looks good on a swimsuit.
But please be advised, we will not concern ourselves at all with any accident that may arise at that occasion.
Illustrator and Voice actor Illustrator: Kotetsu Yamanaka Voice Actor: Takahiro Mizushima
Strength: D
Endurance: C
Agility: B+
Mana: B
Luck: A++
Noble Phantasm: B
Personal Skills
Innate Discernment: A++
Hypothetical Reasoning: A+
Baritsu: B++
Class Skills
Territory Creation: EX
Noble Phantasm
Elementary, My Dear: This is an Elementary Matter, My Friend
Rank: B
Type: Anti-Unit/Anti-World Noble Phantasm
The world’s sole and greatest consulting detective.
The crystallization of the concept of detective; the representative of “those who reveal”.
The protagonist of the stories that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote in the 19th~20th Century, he is a detective who explains all enigmas and one of the ancestors of the “detectives” that appear on the many mystery novels of later years—--
Or so it is assumed.
But what is really the truth?
Level 1 Bond
Height/Weight: 183cm・65kg
Source: Sherlock Holmes Series
Region: England, the whole world
Alignment: Neutral Good Gender: Male
For argument’s sake, if he was really originated from the stories, then there is a possibility of not only Doyle’s novels but also its pastiches having been included... according to the Chaldea staff’s gossips.
Level 2 Bond
Thoughtful and yet dynamic. Bold and yet precise.
And also a calm, level-headed man.
No sort of enigma, crime and conspiracy can escape Holmes’ sight. Be that a fearsome murderer, an ancient curse, a monster of the dark night or a supranational secret society; he shall disclose them all--- and defeat them if necessary. By means of a sharp sword called truth.
That way of being has already exceeded the realms of men, and is already the embodiment of a “wise one”, “one who reveals”.
Level 3 Bond
Innate Discernment: A++
The ability to perceive the true nature of things. His sharp eyes for observation will not overlook any sort of information. Although their principles are completely different, this can read into the future in a way that is similar to the future prediction of Clairvoyance.
Baritsu: B++
Learned an Oriental martial arts that is extremely real combat-oriented.
Other than employing striking techniques that combine this skill with boxing, Sherlock Holmes also have counters and grappling throws as his forte.
If the conditions are right, he can even employ a special move that is in par with the release of True Name of a Noble Phantasm, but...
Level 4 Bond
"This is an Elementary Matter, My Friend"
Rank: B Type: Anti-Unit/Anti-World
Elementary, My Dear.
The Noble Phantasm that Sherlock Holmes acquired upon manifesting as a Servant. His Origin - “Elucidation” - sublimated as a Noble Phantasm.
Even if the enigma he faces is truly an existence that cannot be explained, clues and paths for reaching the truth will always “appear”.
Even if there was a treasure chest whose key has been lost, said key will turn out to be “not lost”, and would certainly be possible to locate it somewhere in the world.
(However, as expected, it will not suddenly appear in his hands. Either Holmes or his collaborators must find it, wherever it may be).
Level 5 Bond
Originally a constantly active-type of Noble Phantasm, but release of True Name is performed in “Fate/GO”.
Upon release of True Name, an unidentified “sphere” appears, emitting a dazzling light on the surroundings. It weakens the enemy camp and strengthens the ally camp. Even an against an unbeatable opponent, Holmes will discover a path to defeat him.
Also, its True Name is one of the famous words associated with Holmes, yet the first instance in which it was attributed to him was not on Doyle’s novels, but actually the stage play produced・scripted・starred by William Gillette. It has been said that Doyle praised the Holmes played by Gillete as “surpassing my novels”.
Incidentally, the common assumption is that Gillete conceived it based on Holmes’ “elementary” remark towards Watson from Doyle’s short story - “The Adventure of the Crooked Man”.
Heroic Spirit Holmes is the fake resemblance of Dr. Joseph Bell (his model), Doyle himself, and the world oldest detective, Vidocq---
Not. He manifest as the protagonist of a novel series (or so we are lead to believe by his behavior).
In the end, is the story of Sherlock Holmes a literary creation invented by Sir Doyle, or something written down by Dr. John H. Watson as a romantic tale about the real Holmes, or maybe even a blend between these two?
At the very least, Holmes himself should know this. But he never speaks of it himself, and constantly evades the subject whenever it comes up.
Class: Alter Ego
Name: Meltlilith
Master: BB
Noble Phantasm: Saraswati Meltout (Benzaiten's Five String Biwa)
Keyword: Crime ballet, composite divinity
Strength: E, Endurance: C, Agility: A+, Magic: A, Luck: B
Constitution of an Abuser: A, Melt Virus: EX, Riding: B
01 - Saraswati Meltout: Benzaiten's Five String Biwa
The Noble Phantasm that BB gave to this Alter Ego.
Originally, it was not an Anti-Unit but an Anti-Group, Anti-World Noble Phantasm. It was not something to be used in combat or by a warrior, but rather something used on a civilization with an established culture.
Meltlilith's honey sweetly melts not only the body but also the soul. This Noble Phantasm melts the community's good sense and morals to integrate it into a single unit resembling a colony.
Trampling and absorbing that slimified body, heart, and society is its original ability.
Its immense effectiveness against non-combatants oozes Meltlilith's nastiness.
Its ingredient is one of the Seven Deities of Good Luck—equated with three Munakata goddesses, Ugajin, etc.—Benzaiten.
This is the biwa of Benzaiten—who controls "things that flow", such as natural phenomena (among other things, water and wind), music and words, speech, poetry and prose—given form as a Noble Phantasm. The origin of Benzaiten is the river goddess of Hindu mythology, Saraswati. She was born from the god of creation Brahma, but she was unable to stand the passionate gaze of Brahma, who desired her as his consort due to her overwhelming beauty, and desperately ran from him; such account shows her to be a goddess who is timid when faced with love. Saraswati is a goddess who rules over the arts and academics, and after being worshipped as Benzaiten, she has gained authority over increase of wealth as well.
02 - Crime Ballet
Merely a battle style. The result of Meltlilith, who adores classical ballet, retuning herself: an arrangement of various offensive skills. She came to possess diverse powers by converting already completed stories/stages into skills.
Those references are quite diverse. Below are explanations for them.
"The Name of the Heel is the Cursed Sword Giselle": From the classical ballet "Giselle." Having fallen into despair from her beloved Albrecht's betrayal, Giselle uses his sword in a frenzied dance, during which she dies. Women who die before marriage become ghosts known as wilis. Giselle becomes one of the wilis, who capture men and dance them to death, but...
"Unforgivable Hilarion": From the classical ballet "Giselle." Hilarion, who deceived Giselle, is caught by the wilis and pays for this crime. He is not forgiven and without waiting for daybreak, they make him dance in ecstasy until he dies from exhaustion.
"Farewell, Albrecht": From the classical ballet "Giselle." Albrecht is taken prisoner by the wilis, but due to one of the wilis saving him, he keeps his life. When Albrecht, who was spared from death by exhaustion, raises his face, the form of the girl he most loved disappears like an illusion.
"The Siren Who Burns Entrails": From the classical ballet "The Prodigal Son." A country feudal lord's son, out of admiration for city life, runs away. There are many temptations lurking in the streets; the most extreme of which is the enchantress Siren, who corrupts men with her veteran wiles.
However, the lineage of these skills is merely a smokescreen. Crime Ballet points out how Meltlilith has been cheating.
To make herself invincible, Meltlilith overwrote a basic rule of the far side of the moon "loss of sense of time" into "loss of hit detection on Meltlilith".
Meltlilith's act of selfishly giving herself such privilege, not by training herself but by altering the rules of the world, is an exemplary criminal act.
03 - Composite Divinity
Alter Egos are High Servants created as complexes of Heroic Spirits.
BB accessed the Moon Cell's Servant Archives, chose goddesses compatible with the Ego from them, and reproduced the data. Alter Egos came into existence as complexes of goddesses.
Meltlilith is made of three goddesses.
The first is the pure virgin goddess Artemis of Greek mythology. Without fail, she shoots through, granting them disease and death, those who seek to attain magical energy behind ebb and flow of tides, in other words, linkage to the moon's movement.
The second is the cruciform snake staff which originates from Leviathan, who appears in the Old Testament, or maybe Lotan from Ugaritic mythology. It is a being with the same origin as the staff that Moses used to split the Red Sea and, at the same time, a symbol of the sea split by that staff. Its owner is granted a transformative property like that of water, enabling them to adapt to any situation. Furthermore, they would be able to change their form freely and could even take the shape of the target of their envy.
The third is the river goddess Saraswati of Hindu mythology. She holds the ability to control "things that flow", such as natural phenomena (among other things, water and wind), music and words, speech, poetry and prose. The timbre that flows from her can excite any emotion in the heart of the listener and, moreover, interfere with flow of electrons in a computer network.
01 - Constitution of an Abuser [A]
A skill that augments one's aggression in battle. It appears to be a positive skill, but the longer its owner stays in battle, the more their abusive disposition will grow, causing them to lose their usual composure. It's possible to say that this is just one step short of the skill that causes Berserkers to go insane.
The more one attacks, the stronger one becomes, but on the other hand, one's defensive abilities drop. With the added disadvantage of unconsciously lowering one's chances of escape, it can be said that this is a skill that had bad compatibility with the usually composed Meltlilith.
02 - Melt Virus [EX]
A unique power, called id_es, that the Alter Egos possess from their creation.
A cheat skill that evolved from "Absorption". The highest grade of energy drain. Draining, copying, and scaling down are all possible.
The drain process has two parts. First, the virus honey that is produced in Meltlilith's body is injected into the target and fuses parameters that will be stolen, "experience", "skill", "capacity", etc. After that, she absorbs, converts, and makes a part of herself the parameters that were liquefied by the virus.
As long as it has a form, regardless of whether it is organic or inorganic matter, she can drain; however, things without shape... things like spiritual nature and skills can be fused but converting them into "her own things" is difficult, so it seems she can only use them as simple nutrients.
For this reason, what Meltlilith mainly makes into "her own things" are primarily "experience" and "capacity".
Utilizing this ability, Meltlilith plans to augment "her own transcription". She created a transfer-type of virus that would melt the entire content of an electronic body and transform it into herself... Meltlilith.
03 - Riding [B]
Riding ability. As long as it is an animal that exists in reality, even if it is a wild animal, she can ride it. Usually, knight-type Servants, such as Saber or Rider, would have this skill but...
Why Meltlilith possesses this skill is something best left to the imagination.
01 - Neurological Disorder
Neurological disorder: Humans possess five sense--sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch--and use those five sensors come to recognize the outside world and, as a result of that, they come to comprehend their own state of being.
At their foundation, humans come in contact with the world through these passive senses. By unconsciously using the excellent sensors known as the five senses, they accept the ordinary. However, in the case that any of the five senses degrade, the consciousness must actively face toward the outside world. That which was passive becomes active.
For example, someone who has lost their sight will deliberately specialize in their remaining four senses and will utilize them as even greater sensors. Ironically, they will come to function as someone whose perception is several times superior to that of a person who has all five senses.
In regards to Meltlilith's five senses, her sense of touch has deteriorated. Especially her hands--she's almost completely lost sensation in her fingers, and for that reason, she has become proactive in her relationship with the outside world.
It is thought that even her interest in causing others pains ultimately arose "because just by myself, I cannot feel the existence of other people."
This is a digression, but because of the clumsiness of her fingers caused by this, despite her hobby of collecting figures, she cannot immerse herself in assembling garage kits. Currently accepting applications for a skilled assembler!
02 - The End of Pleasure
The end of pleasure: The ego born from BB's "service requirement" and "pleasure". The type of abnormally lovely girl who cannot help but stir up a desire to protect her in men—is what she was, but possibly due to the effect of her skill that continuously steals opponents' abilities, she currently possesses a belligerent personality.
Although she tries to take in other people, she desires neither understanding nor sympathy from them because Meltlilith does not understand others' feelings.
Meltlilith does not need others. She does not understand love or dreams. If she acquires "love" somehow, she would probably dedicate everything to serve its target.
To the self-sufficient Meltlilith, the target's feelings are not worth considering. She would declare in her oppressive manner that her feelings are correct.
With no intention of discussing together (Already, I love you so much that I don't feel the need), with no desire to touch each other (Already, that amount of pleasure is unsatisfactory), with no thought about telling them she wants them to love her (Already, such mutual understanding is unnecessary).
Truly, a domineering Ego full of no's and not's. Beneath that condescending attitude and oppressive manner, there is not a speck of doubt or hesitation, only overly pure "feeling of love".
Meltlilith has not noticed—what is truly at the foundation of herself, who is an incarnation of "self-pleasure".
At Meltlilith's core is "devotion to the person she has fallen in love with".
Repeatedly raising her level with draining, trying to control the Moon Cell—all were done to offer supreme pleasure to her loved one.
Protecting her loved one → taking them into herself → living forever with them taken into herself (even if she is completely changed to the point where she doesn't understand herself). She has determined that to be the supreme love she will offer to her loved one.
From Meltlilith's such perspective, even BB and Lip are nothing more than "foreign matter that think they want to be also saved".
... However, those feelings are far too closed. To her, who saw only her own feelings as definite, whose connection with the outside world was lacking, "falling in love with another" was itself a fatal defect.
Karna, Son of the Sun God
Karna, the invulnerable hero of the Indian epic Mahabharata. His personality is cold and unforgiving. Although conversing with him may give the impression that he is indecisive and somewhat boring, in reality he is always deep in thought and has a loyal heart. He gives an impression of being cold and cruel because he believes that most things and events are “normal”, and therefore he does not interfere. Due to this characteristic, he does not really have negative emotions such as hatred and jealousy. Because his behaviors target people’s “true nature that should not be put to words”, he is disliked by many.
Karna was born between a human mother Kunti and the Sun God Surya. As proof of being the son of Surya, he was given a golden armor that granted invulnerability. However, Kunti abandoned Karna and became the queen of King Kuru. Not knowing who his mother was, Karna grew up with a low social status. However, he soon made his existence known to the world by becoming the honored guest of the Royal House Kauravas, who were hostile to King Kuru. Karna participated in the wars around the borders and fought on an equal footing with Arjuna, son of Kunti and Thunder God Indra. Karna eventually fell in battle after being robbed of his golden armor by Indra, suffering many curses, and losing all of his allies. He died in the hands of his half-brother Arjuna. However, he did not hate anyone and accepted his death.
Noble Phantasm: EX
Discernment of the Poor: A
Insight to see through the opponent's character and attribute. He will not be deceived by excuses and deceptions from words. It expresses the power to grasp the true nature of the opponent possessed by Karna, who was blessed with the opportunity to inquire about the life and value of the weak due to being someone without a single relative.
Magic Resistance: C
Negates Magecraft with an aria of two verses or lower. Cannot defend against large-scale Magecraft such as High-Thaumaturgy or Greater Rituals. However, when receiving the effect of the golden armor Noble Phantasm, it will not be limited to this.
Riding: A
All vehicles and all beasts excepting those of Phantasmal Beast and Divine Beast-rank can be freely operated. His figure driving a war chariot and running across the battlefield is depicted in the Mahabharata. Its rank is high enough to have aptitude for the Rider Class.
Uncrowned Arms Mastership: N/A
Arms competency that was not recognized by others due various reasons. To the opponents, the rank of his sword, spear, bow, Riding and Divinity appears to be one degree lower than what it actually is. If his true name is revealed, this effect will be terminated.
Mana Burst (Flames): A
The power to put magical energy into weapons. In Karna's case, blazing flames become magical energy to dwell in the weapon used. This Skill is usually active and all the weapons that Karna grasps receive this effect.
Divinity: A
As the son of the Sun Deity Surya and having united with Surya after death, Karna possesses the highest Divine Spirit aptitude. This Divine Spirit aptitude exhibits high defensive power in regards to sun deity-lineage's Heroic Spirits of Divinity B or lower.
Noble Phantasm
Kavacha & Kundala: O Sun, Become Armor
The golden armor and earring given by Karna's mother, Kunti, who felt fear in becoming an unmarried mother and prayed to Surya to protect her son. A powerful defensive-type Noble Phantasm that emits the radiance of the sun. Because it's light itself taken shape, it is difficult to destroy even to the gods. It is integrated with Karna's body.
Brahmastra: O Brahma, Wrap the Earth
An Anti-Army, Anti-Country Noble Phantasm granted to Karna by Parashurama of the Brahmin. If his Class is Archer it will be a bow, while under other Classes it will manifest as a different projectile weapon. By calling upon the name of the god Brahma it will pursue the enemy and surely hit, but because of a curse it cannot be used on opponents of greater ability than himself.
Brahmastra Kundala: O Brahma, Curse Me
Karna's hidden Noble Phantasm. His trump card. The projectile weapon Brahmastra is bestowed with the sweltering heat effect of Karna's attribute and then fired. The Brahmastra, which already had a wide effective range to begin with, has its effective range further widened and its power exceptionally raised. Its performance is to the point of being compared to nuclear weapons.
Vasavi Shakti: O Sun, Abide to Death
An one-shot only spear of light that takes down even gods. A spear of mortality made out of lightning. When Indra snatched away the golden armor, since Karna's posture was much too noble, he thought that it had to be rewarded. Manifested by converting the golden armor, in exchange of a tremendous defensive power, a spear with a powerful "anti-god" performance is equipped.
Illustrator and Voice actor Illustrator: Shimokoshi Voice Actor: Kenichi Suzumura
Strength: B
Endurance: B
Agility: D
Mana: C
Luck: B
Noble Phantasm: A
Personal Skills
Protection from Divine Dragon: C
Protection from Arrows: C
Bale of Inexhaustibility: EX
Class Skills
Magic Resistance: C
Independent Action: B
Noble Phantasm
Hachiman Prayer・Shooting Through A Great Demon
Rank: B
Type: Anti-Army Noble Phantasm
A warrior from the mid-Heian period, Tawara Touta was revered as the founder of martial arts in the Kanto provinces.
Later introducing himself as Fujiwara Hidesato, he suddenly won fame by shooting Taira Masakado. It has been told that he exterminated a great centipede - big enough to make seven and a half turns in a mountain - with a bow and arrow.
Level 1 Bond
Height/Weight: 183cm・98kg
Source: Tale of Tawara Touta
Region: Japan
Alignment: Neutral Good Gender: Male
Despite being a Servant, he is picky about his meals.
Level 2 Bond
Tawara Touta was a brave soldier who performed many achievements while wielding the golden long sword handed down from his ancestor - Fujiwara Kamatari.
A certain day, he was asked by the incarnation of a dragon god to exterminate the great centipede of Mt. Mikami. He spit on his arrow, offered a prayer to Hachiman* and splendidly exterminated the great centipede.
Level 3 Bond
After receiving a rice bag that never runs out of rice as thanks from the dragon gods, it has been told that Tawara Touta went through hundreds of oni-exterminations and finally shot Taira Masakado, who was an immortal demon.
Level 4 Bond
"Hachiman Prayer・Shooting Through A Great Demon"
Rank: B Type: Anti-Army Noble Phantasm
Namu Hachiman Daibosatsu・Kono Ya ni Kago wo.
Marksmanship by means of the five-man drawn*** strong bow that he favored in his youth. It has been specially given the divine protection of a dragon god that dwells in a lake.
Level 5 Bond
Inexhaustible Sack: EX
Delicious rice comes out more and more.
*a Japanese war god
**lit. "hail great bodhisattva Hachiman, your divine protection to this arrow"
User: Gilgamesh A divine sword from Greek mythology. One of the Noble Phantasms owned by Gilgamesh. It has a special shape similar to a scythe, with the cutting edge on the inside of the blade. It also has the power to negate the “undying” attribute. The hero Perseus received the sword from Hermes, so that he could exterminate the snake-haired witch Medusa. The legend goes that Perseus approached Medusa – who would turn everybody that looked at her into stone – by using a mirrored shield, and then cut off her head with Harpe while she slept. Because Perseus returned Harpe to Hermes once the task was completed, it can be considered an “Anti-Medusa” weapon.
The witch of temptation and depravity, famous in mythology.
An eternal maiden, with a tendency to fall in love and become deeply jealous.
Innocent and pampered, her wiles in caring for another truly has the taste of a forbidden nectar.
However, one must be careful about how to refer to her. That is, if you still want to remain a human...
Level 1 Bond
Height/Weight: 147cm・39kg
Source: Greek Mythology
Region: Europe
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Gender: Female
The falcon wings are a costume but, from the way how her magic circuits run through it, they can also be seen as a part of her body.
Level 2 Bond
She appears in the epic poem of Homer - the "Odysseia".
A famous witch from the mythology of Aeaea Island.
A demigod that presides over the moon and love, related to the genealogy of the goddess Hecate.
A rikejo(1) that has the mixing of a magic drug that brings about various effects and mutations as her forte.
Although she would show a warm welcome to the human men that visited her island with by entertaining them with a feast, she turned them into lions, wolves and pigs upon growing bored on them.
Her older brother is Aeetes (the King of Colchis・father of Medea). Her younger sister is Pasiphae (wife of Minos, King of Crete・mother of Asterios).
Level 3 Bond
"Forbidden Revelry"
Rank: C Type: Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm
Metabo(2) Piglets.
A Reality Marble of summoning.
The boorish fellows that were invited to the extravagant banquet room are trampled down by the beloved “piglets” of the witch Circe.
A joyful, boisterous and fearsome magic feast that fills one’s stomach to the point of bursting. Those who experienced the taste of ecstasy will wish to degrade into piglets on their own accord.
Level 4 Bond
Flawed human men who rely on her. To treat other to her wheat porridge, Circaea(2).
For men to lose interest on her. To be one-sidedly protected.
The reason why, after a certain point of time, she drastically cut her beautiful hair short - which even Homer praised - was due having experienced a severe unrequited love that completely overwhelmed her.
Level 5 Bond
When the Sea God Glaucus sought a love advice from her, she grew jealous after being rejected by Glaucus once they had an illicit affair and ended up turning his beloved maiden Scylla into a monster. Said Scylla would later devour six of Odysseus’ subordinates.
The hero Odysseus stopped by Aeaea Island on his way back to his homeland and was offered a poisoned wheat porridge by Circe, but she took a liking of him in the end as a result of breaking her magic with the divine protection of Hermes. When Odysseus departed, she gave him useful advices for avoiding hardships in his travel.
Class: Caster Master: Alice True Name: Nursery Rhyme Noble Phantasm: Maxwell's Demon - Maiden's Empire: Queens Glass Game Keyword: Jabberwock, Nameless Forest Strength: E, Defense: E, Agility: E, Magic: E, Luck: E Transformation: A+, Metamorphosis: A, Area Creation: A
01 - Maxwell's Demon - Maiden's Empire: Queens Glass Game
"A story without end,
A child-like finger returns to the first line,
A tiny hand reaches out for the second volume,
For as long as the reader denies reality."
02 - Jabberwock
"Names to be uncovered and places still unknown.
Fire breathing dragons and cloud sprouting giants,
and magicks that are monsters in the shadows.
Maybe, just maybe, the words of adults are lies.
The truth of it all is in Professor Dodgson's mind."
03 - Nameless Forest
"Ackroyd and Celluloid;
Sadistic acrostic,
No one is especially special here,
Birds are birds and people are people,
Entropy suits me to a tittle,
In the end, your name is mine."
01 -Transformation [A+]
"I will change, I have changed.
I am you, while you are me.
I'm going to change, I will have changed.
I am you and you are me."
02 - Metamorphosis [A]
"This is the ability to merge one's own body with the body part of others. The higher the ranking of this skill, the further away one becomes from being considered as a true hero. But it do-do-doesn't matter doesn't matter that kind of stuff doesn't matter at all! Whatever you say needs to be done I will do as you order me to!"
03 - Territory Creation [A]
"The smallest door, the maddest tea party,
The checkered board in the rainbow meadow,
the riddles of the chatty twins,
But my favorite of all can only be this one,
The invitation to the nameless forest,
where all can be forgotten!"
01 - Character Background
"A nursery rhyme is a children's refrain,
Tom Thumb's charming picture book,
The first glimpse of Mother Goose's awakening,
The sorrowful me to the lonely you,
Your final wish, let's make it true."
02 - "Nursery Rhyme"
Nursery Rhyme is not a hero in the traditional sense. Rather, it is a general term for any picture book that has managed to manifest itself into a corporeal existence.
The genre itself, deeply loved by the children of England, came into being as a reaction to the half-voiced dreams of the young and eventually emerged as a Servant who came a champion of the innocent. It formed the foundation for perhaps the best known work from the author known as Lewis Carroll. His book "Alice in Wonderland" began as a series of simple rhymes told to the daughters of a family friend while rowing down the River Thames on a warm summer's day.
The Servant Nursery Rhyme is actually a type of Reality Marble. It projects the true feelings of its Master and creates a pseudo-servant in a form imagined by the one who summoned it.
Class: Lancer Master: Lil'Ronnie True Name: Vlad III Noble Phantasm: Kazikli Bey: Fortress of Impalement Keyword: Vampie...?, Dracula Strength: B, Defense: A, Agility: E, Magic: A, Luck: D Divine Aegis: A+++, Marshal: A, Seraphic Monstrosity: A
01 - Kazikli Bey: Fortress of Impalement
This is this Servant's Noble Phantasm and is synonymous with the Servant himself, who in his previous life was known as Kazikli Voyvoda, or the Impaler Prince. The tortures and horrors released by the multitude of spears that his Noble Phantasm summons inflicts damage equivalent to the immorality and depravity found in the soul of the targeted opponent and can be seen as a form of divine punishment.
During the time of his reign as monarch of Wallachia, Vlad instituted a number of somewhat oppressive and punitive policies aimed at the lower levels of the nobility whom Vlad felt had seriously undermined and destabilized his country with their excessive corruption and political maneuverings. In addition to laws designed to curtail their excesses, he also carried out an unprecedented number of impalings amongst the noble classes.
While many believed he was simply trying to reduce the number of rivals and opponents to his rule, Vlad was shockingly ruthless in his approach to justice, targeting commoners and the upper-class with equal viciousness. His kingdom became a land of horrors, culminating with the 1459 impaling of an emissary from the Ottoman Empire, who survived on the stake for several days before finally succumbing.
02 - Vampire...?
A demon said to feed on blood.
A being some claims to be of the undead, and painted as evil and ungodly by those whole hold to a religious view of the world. In addition to the need to feed on the blood of humans, creatures such as this also are seemly immortal and are able to control lesser demons.
03 - Dracula
Means "Son of the Dragon."
His father was a member of the Order of the Dragon, an organization that originated during the rise of the Holy Roman Empire, and he took this name from his father's legacy.
Aegis of the Divine [A+++]
An ability bestowed upon those who have sacrificed themselves for what they believe to be greater good. Although obstinately a form of divine protection, it does not necessarily mean that one has received the blessing of the gods. Instead, it is a manifestation of one's absolute faith and self-righteousness...
However, the more powerful this ability becomes, the more detrimental the effect it has on a person's sanity and personality.
Marshal [A]
Gives one the strength and vitality to escape from even the most dire of situations. It also gives one the ability to successfully retreated to allied territory if defeated.
Seraphic Monstrosity [A]
Dracula. Once the name of a proud family worthy of honor and respect, it is now a name given to a monster whose past has been grossly distorted as a result of his actions in his mortal life. The influence of perception has transformed both his abilities and appearance.
Also, this skill cannot be altered or removed.
01 - Character Background
Considered a heroic figure in Romanian history, he was seen as a noble warrior who rebuilt and maintained the kingdom of Wallachia as well as the shield of Christendom against the threat of the Ottoman Empire.
The name Dracula was the most common appellate used when referring to Vlad III during his reign as King of Wallachia. Originally a duke appointed to his office under the auspices of the Eastern Roman Empire, he adopted many of the customs of that country's court, including signing all documents in the early Roman style. The name itself comes from his father's (Vlad II) enrollment into the Order of the Dragon, a monarchial chivalric order founded by Sigismund of Hungary, who later ascended to the throne of the Holy Roman Empire. His father took the surname Dracul and Vlad III appended the "a", signifying that he was "the son of Dracul."
The Order of the Dragon's primary purpose was to defend the Christian world from the increasing influence and might of the Islamic Ottoman Empire, a calling that Vlad III enthusiastically embraced. It is believed by some that he took the name Dracula not only in honor of his father, bus as also as an announcement of his intentions of safeguarding all of Christendom against the Turks as the "Son of the Dragon."
In order to protect Wallachia from what he considered the ravaging Turkish hordes, he instituted a series of conscriptions and laws that almost destroyed the noble class and stability of his realm, as well as resorted to measures considered to be beyond monstrous even by the somewhat barbaric standards of the time. His cruelty and savagery was such that at one point he had over 20,000 captured enemy soldiers impaled in an effort to intimidate his foe. In the end he was betrayed by the nobles he had turned his back on and was assassinated at the age of 46 years old.
02 - "Dracula"
Known as one of the greatest monsters of modern history, the inevitable distortions and exaggerations of scholars throughout the centuries cannot wholly cover the well-documented horrors and atrocities committed by his direct commands. Although he is seen as a hero and savior by some, the lengths he went to preserve the independence of Wallachia and to repel the Turk will forever paint him as an incarnation of satanic evil on Earth.
1462 AD
This was the year in which he first used impaling not only as punishment, but also as a form of psychological warfare in order to slow down the advances of the Turkish invasion into the western kingdoms. With a force of just 10,000 troops, Vlad III made extensive use of what are now known as guerilla and scorched-earth tactics to harass and weaken the enemy forces, which at one points consisted of over 150,000 soldiers. At one point, he drove his forces into Carpathian Mountains after annihilating the Turkish forces surrounding the city of Bucharest.
The scene that the main Turkish force encountered when they finally arrived to help the city was one of nightmares. Surrounding the entire city was a vast forest comprised entirely of impaled soldiers, some 20,000 in total. It is said that the lines of impaled Turks stretched for kilometers in every direction. The sight of their comrade's bodies impaled on stakes in combination with the overpowering stench of decay broke the morale and spirit of the Turkish army. Even Mehmed II , son of the Turkish Sultan and known as the conqueror, was shaken and ordered his forces to withdraw, saying the following:
"I fear no man alive, but even I cannot hope to fight the devil."
In the end, Vlad III rationalized his brutality and his lack of remorse gave him a battle vision far superior to those he faced. However, his actions made him a pariah amongst even his supporters and his life came to a tragic end due to betrayal.
On an unrelated note, many military historians theorize that Vlad's actions against the Turks are the first time that guerilla warfare tactics made their appearance and that they were the reason for his many successes against a demonstratively superior force. If one is to have so much success defending something only to be repaid with treason and assassination, isn't it reasonable to assume that one would go insane from rage and disappointment?
↑Fate/Grand Order Epic of Remnant: - Pseudo-Singularity III: The Stage of Carnage: Shimousa - Section 15: Ultima Cantica: The Stage of Carnage, Onriedo (Ending)
Q: There's three ranks for magic beasts, but what's the most famous of the Divine Beasts, the greatest of those? Dragons are special beings with the alignments of the three types, but are there any currently existing dragons that can interfere with the real world in the world of Fate?
A: Moby Dick and Typhon? Divine beasts like those are more super weaponish than living beings I suppose.
Height: 212cm
Weight: 130kg
Blood type: Unknown
Birthday: Unknown
Image color: Scarlet
Talents: Pulling arguments out of his ass, leadership
Things he likes: Adventure, novelty
Things he hates: Idea of completion, benefits of what he already has
Worst enemy: His mother
Comment for Alexander Takeuchi: We are the King of Conquerors! Because he can be said to be the ultimate key person in F/Z, a lot of time and energy went into his design. He has a detailed and complex design, so he became a very difficult character to draw. Urobuchi: If 5th Rider is a racing car, then 4th Rider is a heavy tank, Which one would you choose to take a ride on? Takeuchi: Actually, the heavy tank-ness of the Gordius Wheel is cool. But it can't enter a sewer at all. Urobuchi: At one point, that Noble Phantasm was designed to have the ability to change its size at will by substituting its parts and transforming. Even then, though, the sewers would be too narrow.
Takeuchi's comment
Without the mantle, you get an extremely intimate feeling from him. The King of Conquerors in the style of commoners. [Takeuchi]
Takeuchi's comment
Rider: Bwahahaha Cast it all off!!
Waver: Why even me...
Maybe it would be better to put him in a loincloth. [Takeuchi]
Takeuchi's comment
Initial designs. I'm pretty pleased with the guy in the center with the three feelers. [Takeuchi]
Faker [Servant]
An Extra class created by Heartless in order to summon imposters and body doubles.
Within the story of Case Files, it refers to Iskandar’s body double, who ignores the Ionian Hetairoi. Her Personal Skill “He is Another Iskandar (Fake)” grants her some of Iskandar’s Personal Skills, as well as a distorted version of the Noble Phantasm Gordius Wheel, a sight that shook El-Melloi II to his core on their first meeting.
Her true identity is that of Hephaestion’s younger twin sister, born at the behest of the King of Conquerer’s mother Olympias, to protect him for his entire life.
Though it may be hard to imagine her as a body double for a man like Iskandar who was over two meters tall, her role as a body double was a magical one.
As such, she had no name.
After separating from Olympias, Iskandar tried to give her one numerous times. Since doing so would weaken the spells redirecting curses from him to her, however, she rejected each time. Not only that, but for the sake of protecting Iskandar from various forms of curses and magecraft, she developed numerous counter-intelligence schemes. That is why the descriptions left behind about Iskandar don’t match the appearance of the Servant Iskandar at all.
The Class name of Faker is, in a way, the first name she ever received.
As she didn’t leave behind any anecdotal stories in history, her status as a Servant is rather weak, but she still boasts a considerable and comprehensive combat ability. This results not just from having powerful skills or Noble Phantasms, but from the wide variety of physical and magical options available to her in combat, and her ability to keenly recognize which of those options is optimal for each situation.
Just as she said during the story, “Being a warrior is a question of both body, mind, and spirit.” Her love of battle and the skills that saw her through numerous battlefields made it possible for her and Heartless to break through the Spiritual Tomb of Albion alone.
Despite how much of a mismatched pair the two of them may seem, her partnership with Heartless is one she finds unexpectedly comfortable.
Though it was never discussed in detail, the way Heartless’ life changed after being betrayed by his students and her unwillingness to forgive the betrayal she suffered in the Wars of the Diadochi demonstrated a clear unity of values betwen them.
The Dionysus that Faker references normally corresponds to the god of wine Bacchus, but the magecraft she uses actually points to the maddened Zeus himself. In short, an omnipotent god gone mad. Abandoning reason and embracing infinite chaos is truly suitable as a source for magecraft.
Of course, as one who serves the god of wine, nevermind Iskandar, she regularly drank all of his close friends and advisors under the table.
In addition, the reason she rejects the summons of the Ionian Hetairoi comes from the following flow of events. “She is called by Iskandar” ⮕ “Immediately before being summoned, she is given the fundamental knowledge from the world about the Wars of the Diadochi” ⮕ “Before the summoning is completed, she rejects it.” A summoned Heroic Spirit, if not from the Holy Grail then from the World itself, receives knowledge about the present era. In the case of Ionian Hetairoi, it is the latter that provides the information.
Were she to be summoned again as a Servant, as usual she would forget everything that happened during the course of these incidents. But what if she were summoned as part of the Army of the King? What if she were summoned in a Singularity that ignored the correct chronology of history, or by a system completely different than the one set up in Fuyuki?
The answer will remain a mystery until such an event occurs.
Wheel of Demonic Heaven [Noble Phantasm]
Originally, the Noble Phantasm of Iskandar, Gordius Wheel.
Due to the skill “He is Another Iskandar (Fake)” that Faker possesses, she has also gained this Noble Phantasm. However, while Iskandar’s chariot is pulled by a pair of divine bulls, hers is pulled by magically animated bone dragons.
Compared to the original Gordius Wheel, it’s Rank and power have diminished considerably, but in exchange it is capable of many more things. One is the autopilot feature shown in Grand Roll. In addition, if Faker pours her own magical energy into it, it is capable of exhibiting a level of power similar to the original Gordius Wheel.
The name “Hecatic” is derived from the goddess Hecate, from whom Faker’s lineage of magecraft from the Age of Gods finds its source. Though faint, there is some connection to the Caster of the Fifth Holy Grail War.
Rider of “Red” [Servant]
One of the Servants of the Red camp. Though he was deceived by Shirou Kotomine, he understood the situation and reluctantly decided to serve him. A natural-born warrior who, rather than concerning himself over whether or not Shirou’s wish would be fulfilled, looked forward to his showdown with Archer of Black more than anything else.
His true name is Achilles. The fastest hero among all humanity, lauded for his great valor and prowess in the Trojan War. He definitely ranks equals with Heracles in terms of fame—after all, his name is attached to one of the vital points of the human body.
However, in contrast with his fame, the time during which Achilles accomplished great deeds was comparatively short. His deeds are also almost completely carved into the Trojan War alone. He had the turning point of his life thrust before him at a young age: he could run through his life like a transient gale in exchange for accomplishing magnificent deeds in the Trojan War, or he could become a person unknown to anyone in the world and live a long life.
Achilles gave his answer to his mother without hesitating. “—I will live a short yet brilliant life.”
Achilles was raised by Chiron and, after undergoing training as a hero, he threw himself into the Trojan War. Meeting his sword friend Patroclus, meeting his wife, battles and sworn rivals, meeting Hector—
Without a doubt, Achilles ran through his life while treating all of those things as a joy to have experienced.
He is without a doubt first rate as a Servant. Even among the Servants from Greek legend, he boasts of power that ranks next to Heracles. He also has an abnormally abundant number of Noble Phantasms. In the beginning, all these Noble Phantasms were written out, and when I consulted over how many of them should be used, Mr. NP said, “Isn’t a super-strong Servant with an abundance of Noble Phantasms fine?”, and easily permitted all of them to be adopted. I never thought I would end up using all of them…
Naturally, he is a Servant who would instantly run out of prana if he used them in a normal Holy Grail War. The prana consumption of Rider’s chariot is uncommonly harsh in particular, and only a first rate Master could fully utilize him.
Additionally, besides the Rider class, Achilles has aptitude as a Lancer, Berserker and, quite unusually, a Shielder. His complement of Noble Phantasms is slightly different in each of the other classes. For instance, as a Lancer, he would lose his chariot since it is his Noble Phantasm as a Rider, but his spear would gain the secondary effect of causing HP reduction.
His fatal weak point, his heel, serves as the linchpin for his Noble Phantasms “Andreis Amarantos: Amaranth of the Brave”, which maintains his immortality, and “Dromeus Cometes: Comet Form”, for which he is extolled as the fastest, and when his heel is pierced, these two Noble Phantasms disappear. After being pierced once, it is extremely difficult for his heel to be healed, and, without the use of some extraordinary means, there is no way for him to completely regain his running speed afterwards.
In this Great Holy Grail War, Achilles wished for a showdown with his teacher, Archer of Black, and gave his assent to Shirou Kotomine’s actions for the sake of accomplishing that. This might be because, leaving aside his animosity towards Semiramis, he does not really hold much ill feelings towards Shirou. Just as Archer of Black aptly pointed out, Achilles is naïve when it comes to his recognition of enemies and allies. This is a probably demonstration of the difference of experience between him and the older Cu Chulainn, who is able to decisively kill when he needs to kill even when split between enemies and allies in such a manner.
His connection to Atalanta actually begins from a story he heard from his father in life. His father, who was always somehow gentle and could never stand up against his mother, had spoken of his encounter with Atalanta embarrassingly, and because of that the young Achilles always remembered her. He never got the chance to meet her in life, though.
Achilles thinks that it is his fault for overlooking Atalanta’s transformation while engrossed in his own battle. He fought her in her rampage as a way of atonement. Achilles cried out of guilt for having crushed Atalanta’s dream.
But I’d like to think that it was that very naivety and tears of her that granted Atalanta a small measure of salvation at the very end.
Tempestuous Immortal Chariot [Noble Phantasm]
Troias Tragōidia. The Noble Phantasm of Rider of Red, Achilles. An A rank chariot driven by three steeds. The horses consist of the two divine horses which the sea god Poseidon gave to Achilles’ father Peleus as a wedding gift, Xanthus and Balius, and the famous horse which Achilles stole from a city he attacked using his divine horses, Pedasos. According to legend, Achilles’ chariot is thought to been driven by three or four horses. Xanthus and Balius apparently served as the central pivot while Pedasos had a supporting role.
As divine horses received from Poseidon, Xanthus and Balius were clearly stated to have both been immortal in the original texts. After being summoned as a Servant’s Noble Phantasm, they aren’t quite immortal, but at the very least, they can be considered as tough as Servants themselves.
When Achilles is summoned as a Rider, his most harshly prana-consuming Noble Phantasm is this chariot. In the worst case, it is estimated that it can consume enough prana to summon another Servant besides Achilles.
Xanthus is a truly unpleasant horse who has fun telling Achilles when he falls into a dangerous situation.
Strength: B+
Endurance: A
Agility: A+
Magic: C
Luck: D
Noble Phantasm: A+
Class Skills
■ Magic Resistance: C
Cancel spells with a chant below two verses. Cannot defend against Magecraft on the level of High-Thaumaturgy and Greater Rituals.
■ Riding : A+
Creatures on the level of Phantasmal Beast and Divine Beast can be used as mounts. However, that does not apply to members of the Dragon Kind.
Personal Skills
■ Battle Continuation: A
Doesn't know when to give up.
Even after being being struck in his weak points, heart and Achilles Heel he continued fighting for a while.
■ Bravery: A+
Ability to nullify mental interference such as coercion, confusion, and glamours.
Also damage in hand-to-hand combat also increases.
■ Goddess's Affection: B
Affection is from his mother, Thetis.
Other than MAN and LUK, all stats are Rank-Up.
■ Divinity: C
Sea Goddess Thetis and human hero Peleus's child.
Noble Phantasm
■ Troias Tragoidia: Tempestuous Immortal Chariot
Rank: A
Type: Anti-Army Noble Phantasm
Range: 2~60
Maximum Number of Targets: 50 people
Three-horsed chariot. Posiden the sea god, bestowed two immortal divine horses, the other, a great horse, was pillaged from a city. He tramples through the battlefield with godspeed. Increase is speed is also proportional to increase in damage dealt. At the highest speed it is just like a giant galloping lawnmower.
■ Dromeus Cometes: Comet Form
Rank: A+
Type: Anti-Unit (Self) Noble Phantasm
Range: 0
Maximum Number of Targets: 1 Person
A Noble Phantasm whose activation is usually triggered by stepping out of "Tempeteous Immortal Chariot."
It is an embodiment of the legend that he is the fastest among all heroes of all eras.
He can run through a giant battlefield in one breath, obstacles on the field will not slow him down.
It must expose his weak-point, the Achilles Heel, however there aren't many heroic spirits that can keep up with his speed.
■ Andres Amarantos: Amaranth of the Brave
Rank: B
Type: Anti-Unit (Self) Noble Phantasm
Range: 0
Maximum Number of Targets: 1 Person
Other than the heel, his mother, goddess Thetis, gave him immortality.
Any type of attack is nullfied. A person with a certain rank or above in the skill Divinity would negate this effect.
■ Diatrekhōn Astēr Lonkhē: Spear-tip of the Star Traversing the Skies
Rank: B+
Type: Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm
Range: 2~10
Max Targets: 1 person
A Noble Phantasm that becomes usable when dismounted from Troias Tragōidia.
A long spear that Chiron sent as a wedding gift to Achilles's parent's.
For the purpose of allowing fellow Heroic Spirits a one on one match, an area that is comparable to a Reality Marble is construction.
Because he has not been summoned as a Lancer, one part of the spear's ability, a curse of mortality, has been lost.
Also, because he killed the Amazon Queen Penthesilea with this spear, he cannot invoke the true name against female opponents due to an awful amount of regret.
■ Akhilleus Kosmos: The Azure Sky Enclosing this Small World
Rank: A+
Type: Barrier Noble Phantasm
Range: 0
Max Targets: 1 person
A defense type, bounded field Noble Phantasm that is comparable to Rho Aias. A shield said to be constructed by the god of smithing, Hephaestus. The world that Achilles saw. The outer circumference portion has a swirling ocean currents because of the sea god.
To oppose this shield is the same as making a world your opponent.
Can protect from Anti-Fortress, Anti-Country, Anti-God Noble Phantasms.
CLASS ライダー
Archer of “Black” [Servant]
One of the Servants of the Black camp. His true name is Chiron. He is a centaur—a half-human-half-horse race, and he is a famous great sage in Greek myth.
He has a calm and gentle personality, but though he treats his Master with respect, he won’t hold back on advice if it’s for the sake of his Master. He never scorns or despises others regardless of whether they are enemy or ally, and he is exceptionally calm among the intense and passionate heroes of Greek myth. He acted as the strategist of the Black camp and continued to support his camp day and night right until he took part in the final battle.
Usually, centaurs are considered both as great huntsmen who effortlessly use bows and arrows while running with their horse legs and as savage monsters who would steal anything and everything. It seems Chiron alone is regarded as a “sage” that stands out as an exception among them.
Chiron was born from Cronus, father of the head god Zeus, and Philyra, the goddess of a certain island. However, because Cronus had copulated with her while she was turned her into a horse, Chiron was born as a half-human-half-horse centaur. (There is also the theory that they were attacked by Cronus’ wife Rhea while they were in the middle of copulating and Philyra turned into a stallion in order to run away.) Balking at the idea of giving milk to a monster like Chiron, Philyra changed her form into that of a linden tree.
Though he was never loved by his mother and father, Chiron became a sage that excelled in all forms of knowledge as he grew up. This is not necessarily unrelated to the fact that his mother’s name “Philyra” means linden tree. The leaves of linden trees can be used as restoratives, and the tree bark can be used in divination or as written boards.
After becoming an adult, Chiron began to rear the “future heroes” who implored for his tutelage from all over Greece. Besides Heracles and Achilles, the heroes who received his teaching include those like Asclepius, who later became the god of medicine, and Castor, who was sublimated as the Gemini constellation. Jason, the leader of the Argonauts who enticed Medea, is also one of his students.
On a certain day, someone shot a poison arrow at him while trying to stop a dispute between centaurs, and the poison continued to endlessly make him suffer due to his immortality, until he became the Sagittarius constellation by returning his immortality to the gods and finally received salvation. His wish for the Holy Grail while participating in the Holy Grail War is to regain his immortality. To him, it is the only gift he received from his parents.
As a Servant, his stats have received a slight rank down due to giving up his immortality and transforming his legs into those of a human, but even then he boasts of specks high enough for him to be called a first-rate Servant—to an extremely abnormal extent in a certain sense. In the first place, it appears that he taught not only swordsmanship, archery and horse-riding, but also wrestling techniques, so he is relatively experienced in moving with human feet.
With the combined effects of his skills, he can even utilize a pseudo-form of future sight, making him truly all-purpose in his abilities. If he has a weakness, it is that he lacks a decisive trump card. Against the brute force approach that throws away all wisdom or intelligence, his strong points fade away.
He deeply loves how weak and insufficient humans struggle despite their insufficiency and still try to move forward, so even if he was summoned as part of the Red camp, he would have definitely rebelled against them with the resolve to die.
Though if he were to describe it himself, he would merely answer, “This is my arrogance as a teacher, as embarrassing as it is”.
In the novels, he was mainly focused on his fight with Achilles outside of his light skirmish with Mordred. After all, Chiron was the only one capable of harming Achilles. That battle was such a great joy to him that he even forgot his true nature as a Servant, but he stood back up as a Servant again at the moment of his death and accurately dealt a fatal wound to Achilles.
Red Sword
The sword wielded by the Red Knight.
It was shattered in the middle of the battle, and now the crimson Demonic Sword rests beneath the earth.
The one who broke the sword was none other than me.
I brilliantly snapped the Red Knight's sword by wielding my spear that the Great Mage Merlin had reinforced himself.
The same Great Mage has once said: The Red Knight is the embodiment of the Demon of Calamity itself. Then have you… Rid Britain from all its disasters for once? From all the calamities?
― I couldn’t reply.
My silence was the omen for the endless calamities that would still threaten Britain.
All that my young-self did was remain idle, just peering over the sword that lay there broken.
Narbareck [Person's name]
The woman standing at the top of the Burial Agency.
She's not the same Narbareck that was talking to Roa, but it just so happens that the administrator of the Burial Agency is always a member of the same family. The current Narbareck is a homicidal maniac, and has shut herself away in the Burial Agency's executive office.
…Well, it's more like house arrest, really.
She regularly bullies all the members of the Burial Agency when they return from missions, and in turn they basically all wish she would just drop dead.
As the powerhouse whose job it is to reign in all the freaks in the Burial Agency, her infamy even reaches as far as the Association. Despite her young age, she is a monster that has already captured three of the 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors.
↑Tsukihime - Near Side: Ciel's route - 6/ Bow in the Sky I
Youichi Takada [Person]
A mysterious character who shows up from time to time. Though he seems like something you'd see in a manga, surprisingly he actually exists in reality. Details about his life are unknown, but you couldn't ask for a better personality.
The motorcycle he rides is a Honda Dream 50.