
The Priestess of the Alien World (異星の巫女, Isei no Miko?, lit. "Priestess of Another Planet", localized as Foreign Priestess) is an unnamed woman who appears during the Cosmos in the Lostbelt scenario of Fate/Grand Order.



The identity of the woman is unknown. Before Chaldea is attacked, she is shown to be present in the Lost Room.[1]


This mysterious entity has a female humanoid figure and she has astral patterns covering parts of her body.


The woman remains silent and mostly emotionless. She is shown to react to seeing Ritsuka Fujimaru's destroyed room by gazing sadly at it,[2] and she reaches her hand out to Mash Kyrielight in the opening.


Fate/Grand Order[]


She was silently watching Ritsuka Fujimaru in the Lost Room.[1]

Second Prologue[]

When Anastasia and the army of Oprichnik attacks Chaldea's headquarters, the strange woman walks through Chaldea's ruins, lingering in Ritsuka Fujimaru's room.[2]

The strange woman was at the hangar to see Ritsuka, Mash and Da Vinci and still unnoticed by anyone. She was present when the group went to save Goredolf Musik.[3]

Anastasia: Permafrost Empire[]

She is present during the Crypters' meeting, silently observing them and only making a physical appearance when the meeting was over before disappearing from the place.[4]

The Priest can see the unnamed woman and reports her the Tsar has gone to sleep, so they wouldn't need to worry about him destroying the Fantasy Tree in a fit of anger for a while. After disappearing without saying a word, Rasputin admits he is unable to understand neither her language or expressions.[5]

She later appears at the end of the Lostbelt, destroying the Fantasy Tree "Orochi", in front of Chaldea, disappearing directly afterward.[6]

Götterdämmerung: Eternal Icy Fire Century[]

She plays a minor role in the Norse Lostbelt, only making herself visible to Ophelia in her room and somehow pushing her into revealing why she couldn't finish Brynhildr when she had the choice before disappearing.[7] She later appears atop of Surtr's shoulders, surprising Ophelia. She seems trying to say something, but Ophelia is unable to read her lips, making her questioning if the Priestess is truly a being from another planet.[8]

SIN: Synchronized Intellect Nation[]

She unexpectedly appears in front of a restrained Koyanskaya. She seems to try to say something to the Alter Ego, but the latter is unable to understand her, due to the Priestess being unable to remember the human language, which makes Koyanskaya wonders if at least Kirschtaria can understand what she says. But even after her pleas of helping her escape, the Priestess looks unwilling to do it, dissapearing from the place as soon the voice of the Lostbelt King talking to the fox could be heared in the prison.[9]

Yuga Kshetra: Saṃsāra of Genesis and Terminus[]

In the remaking of the world at the hands of God Arjuna, the Priestess appears staring at Koyanskaya, who asks her again when she is going to start speaking. The Priestess disappears without saying a word, leaving Koyanskaya suspecting if she withdraw because she have already seen the Indian Lostbelt's outcome.[10] Her next appearance is in front of Ritsuka Fujimaru right before they have a conversation with Lakshmi Bai about what will happen when the Tree of Emptiness is cut down. Though it seems like she wants to say something, ultimately she disappears before Lakshmi arrives. Later, she is seen alongside Douman, somehow telling him about Koyanskaya's previous actions of siding with Chaldea, which makes Douman to decide that Alter Ego is not longer necessary to their cause.[11]

After God Arjuna's defeat, she appears before Peperoncino, who understands she wants him to fight against Chaldea and protect the Fantasy Tree Spiral. Calling her "U-chan", he tells her that was the plan the whole time. After knowing his resolve, she disappears once again.[12]

Atlantis: Ancient Ocean of the Dreadnought Gods[]

After the Crypters' meeting, the Priestess is quickly noticed by Kirschtaria, who asks her opinion about the situation. He remarks that, even having seen the affairs of his Lostbelt, she chooses to keep watching instead, making him question if there is a mean in her role as overseer, to which the Priestess remains silent.[13]

When Chaldea's servants were being struck down by Kirschtaria's magecraft, she stands before an exhausted Ritsuka. Even she isn't showing expressions, Fujimaru somehow understands she is mocking him/her for his/her defeat at the hands of the Crypter.[14]

She appears again, silently watching the moment where Ritsuka is given the choice whether to save Charlotte or let her to her luck.[15]

Olympus: Interstellar Mountainous City[]

She appears observing the conversation between Kirschtaria and Peperoncino about the truth of the Lostbelts. Kirschtaria clarifies that Peperoncino's suspicions are based on Douman's words and that he hasn't told him anything that could compromise the existence of the Alien God, so the contract hasn't been violated.[16]

In both Demeter and Aphrodite's final moments, she unexpectedly appears in front of them, asking the goddesses if they have anything to regret before disappearing. They both answer they don't and ask her to watch over the humanity and the gods until the end.[17][18]

She suddenly appears in the workshop where the God-Breakers Alliance is located, surprising Musashi. Muramasa calms her, saying the Priestess is just an observer, so she can't do anything even she wants to.[19]

While the Alliance is in the Crypters' meeting room, the priestess appears in front of them, although Adele and Macarios cannot perceive her presence. Unable to read her expressions, they decide to ignore her and continue on their way to the Palace. Rasputin meets her at the same point where she appeared, asking her if she wanted to stop them or eliminate them. In response, the priestess changes her expression in a gesture that Kotomine interprets as "it doesn't matter", since the battle between Kirschtaria and Chaldea will decide the future of the Atlantic Lostbelt.[20]

Avalon le Fae: Fae Round Table Domain[]

She appears in Morgan's throne room, with Morgan being well aware of who she is. Morgan tells her that if she is the Priestess of the Alien God, then she should stop watching and kill Morgan, as Morgan's plans threaten the Alien God's. If all she can do is watch, Morgan tells her to watch backstage. If she has an opinion on Morgan, then she should voice it. The Priestess says nothing and disappears.[21]

Later, while Fujimaru is investigating a mural of Cernunnos in Londinium, a vision of the Priestess briefly flashes in front of their eyes.[22]

Nahui Mictlan: Golden Sea of Trees Travelogue[]

The Priestess briefly appears at Area 51 while Fujimaru, Mash, and Kadoc are in Specimen E's operating room. After her appearance, Area 51 starts to disappear and the three quickly flee.[23]

When U-Olga Marie loses her memory and begins to befriend Chaldea, the Priestess silently observes in private.[24][25] She also observes after the last few remaining deinos decide to abandon Chichen Itza following the slaughter by the Ocelomeh.[26]


The woman is shown to be present throughout Chaldea without anyone noticing her. She also completely froze and then shattered the Russian Lostbelt's Fantasy Tree with but a single touch.[6]

The instruments of the Shadow Border are unable to detect her presence, instead detecting simply [nothingness] where she stands. Holmes describes her as a void-like emptiness seeping out into the space around it.[6] She can somehow make her existence perceivable only for certain people, proven when, even in the same room, Sigurd in his spiritual form was unable to sense her presence nor see her, falsely believing his master was talking alone.[7]


Creation and Conception[]

She was designed by Kotetsu Yamanaka in Fate/Grand Order.[27]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Fate/Grand Order -Moonlight/Lostroom-
  2. 2.0 2.1 Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Second Prologue - Section 5: 31st December 2017
  3. Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Second Prologue - Section 6: 31st December 2017
  4. Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Anastasia: Permafrost Empire - Prologue
  5. Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Anastasia: Permafrost Empire - Section 11: Becoming Those Who Pilfer
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Anastasia: Permafrost Empire - Section 22: The Grand Duchess of the Beast Nation
  7. 7.0 7.1 Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Götterdämmerung: Eternal Flame Century - Section 12: You, Who Was Like the Spring Sunshine
  8. Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Götterdämmerung: Eternal Flame Century - Section 15: Bringing Twilight Here Once Again (End)
  9. Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - SIN: Land of Unified Knowledge - Section 10: Dashing Through One Thousand Ri
  10. Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Yuga Kshetra: Saṃsāra of Genesis and Terminus - Section 6: The Relic Called Falsehood
  11. Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Yuga Kshetra: Saṃsāra of Genesis and Terminus - Section 7: Return of Paradise/The Shape of Evil to be Cut Off
  12. Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Yuga Kshetra: Saṃsāra of Genesis and Terminus - Section 19: The Final Dark God
  13. Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Atlantis: Ancient Ocean of the Dreadnought Gods - Intro
  14. Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Atlantis: Ancient Ocean of the Dreadnought Gods - Section 11: Glimmers Like a Meteor
  15. Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Atlantis: Ancient Ocean of the Dreadnought Gods - Section 17: To the Sunset Red as Blood
  16. Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Olympus: Interstellar Mountain City - Section 1: Interstellar City on a Mountain Range: Olympus
  17. Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Olympus: Interstellar Mountain City - Section 7: Thou, Plough Through the Star for an Abundant Harvest(IV)
  18. Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Olympus: Interstellar Mountain City - Section 13: Thou, Disarray the Star Emotionally(V)
  19. Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Olympus: Interstellar Mountain City - Section 17: Souls that will Eventually be Equals(IV)
  20. Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Olympus: Interstellar Mountain City - Section 23: The Day a God is Shot Down
  21. Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Avalon le Fae: Fae Round Table Domain - Section 10: Camelot
  22. Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Avalon le Fae: Fae Round Table Domain - Section 11: Londinium
  23. Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Nahui Mictlan: Golden Sea of Trees Travelogue - Prologue
  24. Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Nahui Mictlan: Golden Sea of Trees Travelogue - Chapter 2
  25. Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Nahui Mictlan: Golden Sea of Trees Travelogue - Chapter 7
  26. Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Nahui Mictlan: Golden Sea of Trees Travelogue - Chapter 16
  27. [v] Fate/Grand Order material VII - CHARACTER profile: Priestess of the Alien World, p.420-423

    Priestess of the Alien World

    Comment from Illustrator
    Her eyes held a galaxy. An entity close to the tree that came to keep watch of the squirming faint life in the 'pale blue dot'. Their surface has a sensation like an organic velvet (a soft cool silk). The hair used long strips of aurora film as reference. (Kotetsu Yamanaka)


    Comment from Illustrator
    銀河を宿した双暗。 樹に寄り添い、 かそけき-A pale blue dot-に落く生命の瞬きを見つめ続けて来た存在。体表は有 機的なベルベット感(しっとり冷んやりさらさら) を意識しました。 髪は短冊にしたオーロラフィルムを撮影して参考にしました。(山中虎鉄)

Characters by series
Fate/stay night Main characters: Shirou EmiyaSaberRin TohsakaSakura MatouShinji MatouIllyasviel von EinzbernArcherKirei Kotomine
Secondary characters: AssassinBerserkerCasterGilgameshLancerRiderSouichirou KuzukiTrue AssassinZouken Matou
Minor characters: Atrum GalliastaAyako MitsuzuriBedivereClaudia HortensiaGai GotouIssei RyuudouKaede MakideraKane HimuroLeysrittJusteaze Lizrich von EinzbernOtoko HotaruzukaSellaTaiga FujimuraVivianYukika Saegusa
Fate/hollow ataraxia Main characters: Bazett Fraga McRemitzAvengerCaren Hortensia
Secondary characters: AssassinDiloEdelfelt sistersLuviagelita EdelfeltMinori Mitsuzuri Master of AssassinPerseusReikan RyuudouSaberScáthachSthenoEuryale
Fate/Zero Main characters: Kiritsugu EmiyaIrisviel von EinzbernSaberKirei KotomineWaver VelvetRiderTokiomi TohsakaArcher
Secondary characters: Aoi TohsakaAssassinBerserkerCasterKariya MatouKayneth El-Melloi ArchibaldLancerMaiya HisauRisei KotomineRyuunosuke UryuuSola-Ui Nuada-Re Sophia-Ri
Minor characters: Byakuya MatouFionn mac CumhaillGlen and Martha MackenzieGrainneJubstacheit von EinzbernNatalia KaminskiNorikata EmiyaShirley
Fate/EXTRA Main characters: Hakuno KishinamiSaberArcherCasterGilgameshRin TohsakaRani VIIISakura MatouBB
Secondary characters: AliceArcherAssassinBerserkerBerserkerCasterCasterDan BlackmoreJinako CarigiriJulius B. HarweyLauncherKiara SessyoinLancerLancerLancerRun RuLeonardo B. HarweyMeltryllisMonji GatouPassionlipRiderSaberSaverShinji MatouTwice H. Pieceman
Minor characters: AmaterasuAoko Aozaki Chishiki MabiIkuyo YuutouIssei RyuudouKirei KotomineShiki RyougiSialim Eltnam Re-AtlasiaTaiga FujimuraTouko Aozaki
Fate/Apocrypha Black Faction characters: Caules Forvedge YggdmillenniaDarnic Prestone YggdmillenniaFiore Forvedge YggdmillenniaGordes Musik YggdmillenniaReika RikudouRoche Flyn YggdmillenniaCelenike Icecolle YggdmillenniaArcher of BlackAssassin of BlackBerserker of BlackCaster of BlackLancer of BlackRider of BlackSaber of Black
Red Faction characters: Kairi SisigouShirou KotomineRottweil BerzinskyJean RumPentel brothersFeend vor SembrenArcher of RedAssassin of RedBerserker of RedCaster of RedLancer of RedRider of RedSaber of Red
Other characters: SiegRuler
Minor characters: AiasAlma PetresiaAlzirBram Nuada-Re Sophia-RiFafnirHectorLord El-Melloi IIReines El-Melloi ArchisorteRocco BelfebanSergeTooleTouki SisigouTrimmauVictor Frankenstein
Fate/Prototype Main characters: Ayaka SajyouSaberMisaya ReiroukanLancerArcherRiderManaka Sajyou

Secondary characters: Archer's MasterAssassinBeast|BerserkerCasterAro IsemiHiroki SajyouSancraid Phahn

Fate/Prototype: Fragments Manaka SajyouSaberElza SaijoArcherNigel SawardLancerShizuri IsemiRiderMisaya's fatherCasterTatsumi KitanoBerserkerSeiji JingaAssassin
Fate/Labyrinth Manaka SajyouNorma GoodfellowSaberArcherCasterAssassinGrayLord El-Melloi IIWolfgang Faustus
Fate/strange fake False Masters and Servants: Flat EscardosFalse BerserkerTiné ChelcFalse ArcherSilver Wolf ChimeraFalse LancerTsubaki KuruokaFalse RiderOrlando ReeveFalse CasterJester KartureFalse Assassin
True Masters and Servants: Ayaka SajyouPlayerSaberSigmaWatcherBazdilot CordelionTrue ArcherFrancesca PrelatiTrue CasterHaruri BorzakTrue BerserkerFaldeus DiolandTrue AssassinDoris LusendraTrue Rider
Other characters: PhiliaJohn WingardVera LevittClan CalatinHansa CervantesLord El-Melloi IIYuukaku KuruokaCashuraGalvarosso ScladioLangalSaint GermainMaster of Archer (Fate/strange Fake)
Fate/Grand Order Main characters: Ritsuka FujimaruMash Kyrielight
Observer on Timeless Temple characters: Romani ArchamanLeonardo da VinciOlga Marie AnimusphereFouSherlock HolmesLev Lainur FlaurosBeast IIGoetia
Epic of Remnant characters: BaalPhenexZeparBeast III/RAshiya DoumanRaumRandolph Carter
Cosmos in the Lostbelt characters: Goredolf MusikJingle Abel MeuniereSion Eltnam SokarisCaptain NemoTamamo Vitch KoyanskayaGrigori RasputinKirei KotominePriestess of the Alien GodAlien GodKadoc ZemlupusOphelia PhamrsoloneHinako AkutaScandinavia PeperoncinoKirschtaria WodimeBeryl GutDaybit Sem VoidSenji MuramasaChaldeanDavid Bluebook
Other characters: Marisbury AnimusphereGalahadCharacters in Fate/Grand Order
Lord El-Melloi II Case Files Main characters: Lord El-Melloi IIGrayReines El-Melloi Archisorte

Recurring characters: AddTrimmauHishiri AdashinoFlat EscardosSvin GlascheitLuviagelita EdelfeltHishiri AdashinoMelvin WeinsFakerDoctor Heartless
Secondary characters: FluegerHeine IstariJiroubou Seigen TokitouClownOrlocke CaesarmundRosalind IstariGeryon AshbornTouko AozakiInorai Valualeta AtroholmByron Valualeta IselmaDiadra Valualeta IselmaEstella Valualeta IselmaCarinaReginaMaio Brishisan ClynellesIslo SebunanMick GrazilierAtrum GalliastaCaules ForvedgeYvette L. LehrmanOlga Marie AnimusphereTrisha FellowsKarabo FramptonRodinLeandraJean-Mario SupinerraBersac BlackmoreMagdalenaZepia Eltnam AtlasiaFernando CrozeSister IlumiaCorpse KingMcDonell Trambellio ElrodRufleus Nuada-Re EulyphisAsheara MystrasCalugh Ithred

The Adventures of Lord El-Melloi II Main characters: Lord El-Melloi IIGrayReines El-Melloi ArchisorteErgo

Secondary characters: AddRin TohsakaLatio Crudelis HiramTangereWuzhiqiFlat EscardosLuviagelita Edelfelt
Other characters: Shirou EmiyaMikiya KokutouMana Ryougi

Garden of Avalon AgravainArtoriaGalahadGawainGuinevereKayLancelotMerlinMorgan le FayTristanVortigern
Fate/kaleid liner Main characters: Illyasviel von EinzbernMiyu EdelfeltChloe von EinzbernRin TohsakaLuviagelita EdelfeltMagical RubyMagical Sapphire

Secondary characters: Shirou EmiyaSella (Fate/kaleid)Leysritt (Fate/kaleid)Kiritsugu EmiyaIrisviel von EinzbernCaren HortensiaBazett Fraga McRemitzTanakaBeatrice FlowerchildAngelicaDarius AinsworthErika AinsworthShirou Emiya (Miyu's brother)Julian AinsworthKischur Zelretch SchweinorgLord El-Melloi IIMimi KatsuraTatsuko GakumazawaSuzuka KuriharaNanaki MoriyamaTaiga FujimuraShinji MatouSakura Matou

Fate/Requiem Main characters: Erice UtsumiVoyagerKarinBerserkerKoharu F RiedenflausSaberChitose ManazuruLancerNzambiAnubis
Secondary characters: Caren FujimuraMakkiKuchimeRurihime
Fate/type Redline Main characters: Kanata AkagiTsukumo FujimiyaSaber
Secondary characters: ArcherBerserkerMajor MagatsuKanameMajor ReiterAssassinCasterRider
Fate/Koha-Ace Main characters: Sakura SaberKohakuAkihaDemon ArcherArtoriaRiderOryuuCaren KotomineLancerMajor MatouBerserkerAssassinCasterMajor ReiterFuhrerLancer
Other characters: SaberDevil SaberSun Wukong
Others Association DirectorGazamyGrail-kunKischur Zelretch SchweinorgMagical AmberMagical CarenMoby DickNagato TohsakaNeco-ArcPhantas-MoonRaiga FujimuraSaber LionTyphonList of characters by statistics
Fate/stay night Shirou EmiyaRin TohsakaIllyasviel von EinzbernShinji MatouSouichirou KuzukiCasterKirei KotomineZouken MatouSakura MatouAtrum Galliasta
Ernest Gravehill
Fate/hollow ataraxia Bazett Fraga McRemitzCaren HortensiaEdelfelt sistersMaster of AssassinEinzbern Master
Fate/Zero Kiritsugu EmiyaKirei KotomineTokiomi TohsakaRyuunosuke UryuuWaver VelvetKariya MatouKayneth El-Melloi ArchibaldSola-Ui Nuada-Re Sophia-Ri
Fate/EXTRA Hakuno KishinamiRin TohsakaRani VIIILeonardo B. HarweyRun RuDan BlackmoreShinji MatouAliceJulius B. HarweyMonji GatouTwice H. PiecemanJinako CarigiriKiara SessyoinMeltryllisBBKazuhito SakagamiIzaya KiiLeila RaidouMisao AmariAtrum Galliasta
Fate/Apocrypha Kairi SisigouShirou KotomineRottweil BerzinskyJean RumPentel brothersFeend vor SembrenGordes Musik YggdmillenniaFiore Forvedge YggdmillenniaDarnic Prestone YggdmillenniaCelenike Icecolle YggdmillenniaRoche Frain YggdmillenniaCaules Forvedge YggdmillenniaReika RikudouSagara HyoumaSieg
Fate/Prototype Ayaka SajyouMisaya ReiroukanManaka SajyouSancraid PhahnAro IsemiElza SaijoNigel SawardMisaya's fatherShizuri IsemiSeiji JingaTatsumi Kitano
Lord El-Melloi II Case Files Doctor Heartless
Fate/Labyrinth Manaka SajyouNorma GoodfellowWolfgang Faustus
Fate/strange fake PlayerTiné ChelcTsubaki KuruokaOrlando ReeveJester KartureFlat EscardosSilver Wolf ChimeraAyaka SajyouSigmaFaldeus DiolandCashuraFrancescaDoris LusendraHaruriBazdilot Cordelion
Fate/Grand Order Ritsuka FujimaruKirschtaria WodimeOphelia PhamrsoloneKadoc ZemlupusScandinavia PeperoncinoHinako AkutaBeryl GutDaybit Sem Void
Fate/Samurai Remnant Miyamoto IoriZheng ChenggongChiemonYui ShousetsuTsuchimikado YasuhiroDorothea CoyettTakao Dayu
Fate/Requiem Erice UtsumiKarinKoharu F RiedenflausChitose ManazuruMakkiKuchimeRurihimeAhasuerus
Fate/type Redline Kanata AkagiKaname AsamaReiji MagatsuMajor ReiterMaster of CasterMysterious OfficerLanlan Fang
Koha-Ace KohakuArtoriaMajor MatouCaren Kotomine
Fate/kaleid liner Class Card users: Illyasviel von EinzbernMiyu EdelfeltAngelica AinsworthBeatrice FlowerchildJulian AinsworthRin TohsakaLuviagelita EdelfeltShinji MatouKariya MatouKayneth El-Melloi ArchibaldAtrum GalliastaZachary Ainsworth
Classes SaberLancerArcherRiderCasterAssassinBerserker
RulerAvengerAlter EgoMoonCancerShielderBeastSaverGunnerGatekeeperFunny VampFakerForeignerWatcherPretenderVoyager
Grand ServantNon-classed Servants
Fate/stay night SaberLancerArcherRiderCasterAssassinBerserker
Fate/hollow ataraxia AvengerSaberAssassin
Fate/Zero SaberLancerArcherRiderCasterAssassinBerserker
Fate/EXTRA Playable Servants: SaberArcherCasterGilgameshSaberCasterSaberRuler
Party Servants: RiderRiderRulerSaberRiderLancerArcherBerserkerCasterBerserker
Non-Playable Servants: SaberLancerLancerArcherRiderCasterAssassinBerserkerBerserkerSaverRiderAssassinLancerSaberLancerBerserkerBerserkerArmstrong
Non-Playable CCC Servants: SaberLancerCasterLauncherBB
Alter Ego: PassionlipMeltryllisVioletKingproteaKazuradrop
Others: Saber
Fate/Apocrypha Black Faction: Saber of Black (Sieg) • Lancer of BlackArcher of BlackRider of BlackCaster of BlackAssassin of BlackBerserker of Black
Red Faction: Saber of RedLancer of RedArcher of RedRider of RedCaster of RedAssassin of RedBerserker of Red
Others: RulerRuler
Discarded designs: DavidMusashibou BenkeiGeorgiosSakata Kintoki
Fate/Prototype First Tokyo Holy Grail War Servants: SaberLancerArcherRiderCasterAssassinBerserker
Second Tokyo Holy Grail War Servants: SaberLancerArcherRiderCasterAssassinBerserkerBeast
Fate/strange fake False Servants: SaberFalse LancerFalse ArcherFalse RiderFalse CasterFalse AssassinFalse Berserker
True Servants: True ArcherTrue RiderTrue CasterTrue AssassinTrue BerserkerWatcher
Fate/Grand Order Saber: AstolfoAlteraArtoria PendragonArtoria Pendragon (Alter)Artoria Pendragon LilyBarghestBedivereBenienmaCharlemagneChevalier d'EonDiarmuid Ua DuibhneDioscuriFergus mac RóichGaius Julius CaesarGilles de RaisIbuki-doujiJasonKarna (Santa)KurohimeLancelotMedusaMiyamoto MusashiMordredNero ClaudiusNero BridePrince of LanlingRamaRolandSaitou HajimeSenji MuramasaShiki RyougiSiegfriedSigurdSuzuka GozenTheseusTrưng sistersWatanabe-no-TsunaYagyuu MunenoriYamanami Keisuke
Lancer: Artoria PendragonArtoria Pendragon (Alter)BhimaBiscioneBradamanteBritomartBrynhildrCaenisCú ChulainnCú Chulainn (Prototype)Diarmuid Ua DuibhneDon QuixoteElizabeth BathoryEnkiduEreshkigalErice UtsumiFionn mac CumhaillGarethHectorHouzouin InshunJaguar ManKarnaLeonidasMary AnningMedusaMelusineMusashibou BenkeiNezhaParvatiPercivalQin LiangyuRomulusRomulus-QuirinusScáthachSétantaSakamoto RyoumaValkyrieVan Gogh (Miner)Vritra
Archer: ArashArjunaBaobhan SithAtalantaBilly the KidCalamity JaneChild-GilChironChloe von EinzbernDavidDurgaEMIYAEMIYA AlterEuryaleFujino AsagamiGilgameshIshtarJames MoriartyKaliNapoleonOda NobukatsuOda NobunagaOrion (Artemis)ParisPtolemyRobin HoodSaika MagoichiSei ShounagonSugitani ZenjuubouSuper OrionTakasugi ShinsakuTawara ToutaTomoe GozenTristanTutankhamunZenobia
Rider: AchillesAlexanderAndromedaArtoria Pendragon (Santa Alter)AstolfoBartholomew RobertsBonny and ReadBoudicaCaptain NemoChristopher ColumbusConstantine XIDobrynya NikitichEdward TeachEuropaFrancis DrakeHabetrotHuang FeihuIvan the TerribleLeonardo da VinciMandricardoMarie AntoinetteMedbMedusaOzymandiasQuetzalcoatlRed HareGeorgiosMarthaSakamoto RyoumaSakata KintokiTaigong WangTakeda HarunobuUshiwakamaru
Caster: AescAlice KuonjiAnastasia Nikolaevna RomanovaArtoria AvalonAvicebronCharles BabbageChen GongCirceCú ChulainnDaikokutenGeronimoGilgameshGilles de RaisHans Christian AndersenHelena BlavatskyIllyasviel von EinzbernIrisviel (Dress of Heaven)Izumo-no-OkuniLeonardo da VinciMedeaMedea LilyMephistophelesMerlinMerlin (Prototype)Miss CraneMurasaki ShikibuNitocrisNursery RhymeOno no KomachiQueen of ShebaScáthach SkadiScheherazadeSiegSolomonTamamo-no-MaeThomas EdisonWilliam ShakespeareParacelsus von HohenheimWolfgang Amadeus MozartXuanzang SanzangZhang JueZhuge Liang (Lord El-Melloi II)
Assassin: CarmillaCharles-Henri SansonCharlotte CordayCleopatraConsort YuDr. JekyllEMIYAFuuma KotarouHassan of the Cursed ArmHassan of the Hundred FacesHassan of the Shining StarHassan of SerenityHuyan ZhuoJack the RipperJing KeKamaKashin KojiKatō DanzōKiichi HougenKing HassanKoyanskaya of LightLocustaMata HariMochizuki ChiyomeMysterious Heroine XOkada IzouOsakabehimePhantom of the OperaSasaki KojirouSemiramisShiki RyougiShuten-doujiSthenoTezcatlipocaWu ZetianYan Qing
Berserker: AsteriosAtalanta AlterBeowulfCaligulaChachaCú Chulainn AlterDarius IIIDuryodhanaEric BloodaxeFlorence NightingaleFrankenstein's MonsterHeraclesHijikata ToshizoGalateaIbaraki-doujiKijyo KoyoKiyohimeKriemhildLancelotLouhiLu BuMinamoto-no-RaikouMorganMysterious Heroine X AlterNagakura ShinpachiPenthesileaPaul BunyanSakata KintokiSalomeSen no RikyuSoujuurou ShizukiSpartacusTamamo CatVlad IIIXiang Yu
Ruler: Amakusa Shirou TokisadaAmourHimikoIyoJames MoriartyJeanne d'ArcJohannaQin Shi HuangSherlock HolmesUesugi Kenshin
Avenger: Amakusa Shirou TokisadaAngra MainyuAntonio SalieriBlack IriComte de Monte CristoEdmond DantèsGorgonHessian LoboJeanne AlterMarie Antoinette AlterMysterious Ranmaru XNitocris AlterSpace IshtarTaira-no-Kagekiyo
Alter Ego: Ashiya DoumanAzumi-no-isoraKazuradropKiara SessyoinKingproteaLarva/TiamatManannán mac LirMecha Eli-chanMecha Eli-chan Mk.IIMeltryllisOkita Souji AlterPassionlipSitonaiSuper BunyanTaisui XingjunXu Fu
MoonCancer: Archetype: EarthBBGaneshaHakuno Kishinami (Male)Hakuno Kishinami (Female)Kiara SessyoinMysterious Executioner C.I.E.L
Foreigner: Abigail WilliamsAoko AozakiBB PeleJacques de MolayKatsushika HokusaiKoyanskaya of DarknessKukulkanMysterious Heroine XXMysterious Heroine XX AlterMysterious Idol X AlterVan GoghVoyagerWandjinaYang Guifei
Pretender: Abigail Williams (Santa)Alessandro di CagliostroDante AlighieriHephaestion MnemosyneLady AvalonNine-Tattoo Dragon ElizaOberonPhantasmoonTenochtitlan
Beast: Cath PalugE-Aqua MarieE-Flare MarieE-Grand MarieGoetiaKama/MaraKiara SessyoinSpace EreshkigalTamamo Vitch KoyanskayaTiamatU-Olga MarieWhore of Babylon
Fate/Requiem VoyagerBerserkerSaberLancerCasterAnubisUnnamed female ServantAssassinAvengerRiderHendrik van der DeckenBarbarossaCirceEdward TeachEl CidJacques de MolayHannibalMarcus Vipsanius AgrippaMinamoto Kurou YoshitsuneElizabeth BathoryMata HariForeignerAsclepiusOdysseus
Fate/type Redline SaberArcherBerserkerAssassinCasterRiderLancerFake Lancer
Fate:Lost Einherjar ArcherBerserker
Fate/Samurai Remnant Initial Servants: SaberArcherLancerRiderCasterAssassinBerserker
Stray Servants: Stray SaberStray ArcherStray LancerStray RiderStray CasterStray AssassinStray BerserkerStray Ruler
Others: Ototachibana-hime
Fate/kaleid liner Fifth Holy Grail War Class Cards: Archer (Gilgamesh) • Assassin (AssassinAssassin) • SaberLancerArcherRiderCasterBerserker
Unknown Holy Grail War Class Cards: AssassinBerserkerBerserker
Koha-Ace Sakura SaberMusashiLancerDemon ArcherDevil SaberRiderCasterAssassinBerserkerSun WukongLancer
Others Saber LionFakerOthersServants of Fate/Grand Order x Himuro's World