
Li ShuwenWP (李書文WP, Ri Shobun?), Class Name Assassin (アサシン, Asashin?), is the Assassin-class Servant of Julius B. Harwey in the Moon Holy Grail War of Fate/EXTRA. He later switches classes to Berserker due to the unusual circumstances of his Master. His primary class is listed as Berserker for Fate/EXTRA Last Encore, but it is revealed to be similar circumstances to those of Fate/EXTRA.



A legendary martial artist from China who, despite being born in modern times, carved many legends.[5][7] A Chinese martial artist from Yanshan County, HebeiWP - CangzhouWP (1864~1934).[7][8] Having been born in the deathbed of the Qing DynastyWP, Li Shuwen distinguished himself soon after beginning to take lessons in Bajiquan, ascending to the point of being extolled as the strongest in the history of Chinese martial arts.[5] A prominent martial artist in the history of Chinese martial artsWP, renowned as "a second strike is needless, so long there is one it will suffice". Otherwise he is known as Demon Fist Master (魔拳士, ma-ken-shi?) of the Bajiquan.[6] Rather than learning 1,000 techniques, he personified a literal one-hit kill by thoroughly polishing up a single technique.[5]

The progenitor of the Li clan's branch of Bājí, Li Shuwen excelled in the use of spear to the point of being nicknamed "Divine Spear Li" (神槍李, Kamisō Ri?).[5][6] The "Six Harmony Great SpearWP" that he used was a basic weapon of the Bājí-branch and, if one is to accept this extreme logic, it can be said that the unarmed techniques of the Bājí-branch (the Bājíquán) are nothing but preliminary steps to learn the techniques of this great spear.[6]

It is said he have brought too much hatred due to killing too many opponents and finally had his life ended by being served poison from the victims relatives.[6]


In his youth he has long tied back red hair. He also wears traditional Chinese clothing. Hakuno describes him to be a sinister man with piercing eyes whose clothing looks aflame.

In his older days, he has short gray hair, he wore a tan coloured Chinese clothing. He wore a fur long coat over his shoulders. While making the original design, Takashi Takeuchi also drew an older version much like how he is said to appear when summoned as Lancer.

In Fate/EXTELLA, he has the following costume:

  • Mr. Li's Ruffian Get-Up (李氏無頼行?)

In Fate/EXTELLA LINK, he has the following costumes:

  • Master Wear (達人の礼服?)
  • Scoundrel Jacket (無頼のジャケット?)
  • Divine Spear's Combat Outfit (神槍の格闘着?) (DLC)


A master of martial arts who fundamentally keeps the morality of the innate goodness of man, but at same time also accepts evil. As a Servant, Shuwen's morality had deviated from the general common sense, but his humanity itself is that of a "sensible person" that esteems rationality. He does not see great difference in justice and evil, but if someone's behavior offends his rationality, he will bring swift and inevitable death. At a first glance this would seems as an act of chivalry, but since the chivalry of China is "pick up a sword out of passion", his way of thinking is the exact opposite. Rather than rational, Li Shuwen's character is something better described as being close to that of modern people. Li Shuwen was someone who simply (not purely) sought for strength, but it has been said that, in his late years, he discovered the valor of the strength of conviction, one's way of life, instead the strength of violence. He acknowledges that he is a kind of professional killer rather than a martial artist, but that is neither a self-depreciation nor a boast. Given that he often learned, often fought and often murdered in his previous life, he really does not carry any regrets or grudges.

Since he was summoned as a Servant, he swings his wicked fists as the concealed weapons of his master Julius without hesitation. He starts to find the Holy Grail War enjoyable as Hakuno and Hakuno's Servants manage to survive his attacks. Making conversation and getting to know the opponent is the ultimate luxury to him. He believes that Martial Arts is to fight on one's life, with the weight of years behind one's fist. The opportunity to crush each other's lives is rare for him. He is very compatible with his master Julius and he is grateful to be summoned by him to fight once again.

Assassin is prideful, serious, and energetic when fighting in battle.


Julius B. Harwey
His Master, Julius, also makes his living by stealing the lives of others. Their compatibility is good. Julius was originally a contract killer, and Assassin was originally a professional martial artist, so their opinions clash on a fundamental level. Julius just thinks of killing as all in a day’s work, while Assassin greatly enjoyed the prime of his life when he could often fight to the death.[7]



Assassin was summoned by another Wizard who used to be in Leonardo B. Harwey's service, but he was given to Julius B. Harway.[9] Since he was summoned as a Servant, he swings his wicked fists as the concealed weapons of his Master Julius without hesitation. For the time being he has taken up the role of Assassin for the sake of compatibility with Julius, though originally his Servant class was supposed to be Lancer. As Lancer he would have probably appeared as a grizzled master, the figure of his later years.[7]

After the battle against Dan Blackmore, Hakuno Kishinami would stumble across bodies of dead students. Assassin would force Hakuno to be teleported into an arena and attacks her, however, Hakuno's Servant would appear to protect his or her Master.

During the fifth round, Hakuno fights against Julius. Assassin ambushes Hakuno's Servant during a conversation with Julius on the first day in the arena, fatally wounding them. With the help of either Rin or Rani, Hakuno is able to restore his or her Servant back to full health. During this time, Assassin has a brief, friendly encounter with Hakuno while taking a stroll.

For most of the week, Assassin is invisible and Hakuno desperately needs to find out how. Once Hakuno's Servant has recovered, Julius and Assassin attempt to kill them on school grounds, but are halted by Kotomine, who insists they fight in the arena unless they both want a penalty. When Hakuno encounters Julius in the arena, her Servant barely survives fighting against Assassin due to Assassin's invisibility.

Rin or Rani offers to set up a series of traps that will disable Assassin's Sphere Boundary. Three traps are strategically placed in the area and the third one successfully disables Assassin's invisibility. This leads to another confrontation between Hakuno's Servant and Assassin.

Although both Leo and Julius are confident in Julius's victory in the Elimination Battle, Julius and Assassin lose to Hakuno. Assassin accepts his defeat and tells Julius to do the same, even thanking him for allowing Assassin to fight in this world once more. Julius refuses and tries to resist the Moon Cell's deletion and the two disappear in a flash.[10]

He appears along Julius again on first day of the final week. Due to Julius's new Command Spell, which he had stolen from the Master of a Berserker, Assassin is now of the Berserker class, however, most of his abilities are restrained because he lost his sanity and cannot control them.[11]

As before, Assassin is defeated by Hakuno and his or her Servant, fading away almost immediately.

Last Encore[]

Li Shuwen was the Assassin-class Servant of Julius B. Harwey, the fifth floor's Master. The two fought and were defeated by Hakuno Kishinami and Saber, in a battle Saber described as requiring a "great deal of luck."

Julius returned in the form of a Dead Face, while Li Shuwen was turned into a Berserker-class Servant who lacked any sense of reason, forcing him to rely on Julius when it came to using logic.

Due to the real Julius being long dead, the one on the fifth floor is not the real Floor Master and does not need to battle anyone to ascend, but remains in order to attack anyone who comes to his floor. Rin Tohsaka describes Julius as a "homicidal maniac."

Li Shuwen intercepts Saber when she returns with a new Master, HAKUNO Kishinami, and proves to be a difficult opponent for her. Saber opts to let Rin deal with Li Shuwen while she rushes to help HAKUNO, who is fighting Julius. Li Shuwen defeats Rin and returns to his Master's side. At this point, both HAKUNO and Saber are badly injured and Julius intends to kill them both.

However, Julius and Li Shuwen are nearly crushed by Rani VIII, who had come to rescue her allies. When HAKUNO and Saber return for a rematch, Saber decides to use her Noble Phantasm, Aestus Domus Aurea, and easily kills Li Shuwen. HAKUNO defeats Julius soon after.


He returns, but this time as a selectable playable character for Hakuno Kishinami. Li Shuwen in Nero's party along with Nero, No Name, Gawain, and Cú Chulainn.[8]

In EXTELLA, he joins Nero's army after being scouted by her, although there was only a fifty-fifty chance that he would have agreed; had he been approached by Tamamo-no-Mae first, it is possible he would have joined her army instead.[8]

While his enlistment in Nero's army was more a matter of chance, he holds honor in the highest regard and has pledged his allegiance to the Crimson Emperor, willing to put his life on the line for the sake of their contract.[8]


In the backstory of Fate/EXTELLA, Assassin's role is unchanged from the Fate/EXTRA of the Moon Holy Grail War. Nero Claudius is rendered unable to fight by Assassin's Noble Phantasm. With Casko's assistance, Hakuno challenges Julius and Assassin on his own.[12]

Flame Poem[]

Li Shuwen is introduced by Nero as one of her generals. He wonders if meeting Hakuno again is either coincidence or fate, and assures any blood smelled on him isn't his. He continues he welcomes their hospitality, and he'll go to any battlefield without complaint. Before returning to his post, he asks to call him if any fighting occurs. He also requests any fights to be challenging. He later joins in conquering Mare Mellum and Mare Origio.

When Nero calls her general before her and Hakuno's final battle with Altera, Li Shuwen is convinced by their words that Altera threatens Hakuno's rules. He commends Hakuno for their honesty, and their growth as both a ruler and a warrior. He continues the upcoming battle is theirs to win, and states he'll act as an Asssasin if ordered so.

Orchid Words[]

Li Shuwen infiltrates Tamamo-no-Mae's castle in Mare Luxuria, easily bypassing its security, on Nero's command. He then launches a full invasion together with Gawain and Nameless. However they are all forced to retreated by Tamamo and her army. He later aids in defending Mare Aurum with Gawain against Tamamo's army, but they ultimately fail.


Li Shuwen uses Sphere Boundary to try to attempt to ambush Altera and her army when they invade Mare Mellum. He is eventually discovered and defeated by Altera.

Golden Poem[]

Li Shuwen begins to repeat his introduction from the first timeline until he realizes Hakuno isn't surprised by the possibility of blood on him. As that suits him fine, he states he looks forward to battling on the new SE.RA.PH. When Nero reveals the true enemy is Velber and its servant, Archimedes, Li Shuwen agrees with Cú Chulainn that Tamamo's army intends to conquer Mare Arurum instead of allying against their true enemy. He later joins in assaulting Mare Luxuria.

After Nero and Tamamo's forces ally, Li Shuwen scouted out Altera's forces with Cú Chulainn. During the meeting between the generals, he notes Altera's generals are more formidable than Nero and Tamamo's own. He also reveals his fascination with Lu Bu during his lifetime, and is surprised Tamamo recruited Lu Bu despite his legendary treachery.

Li Shuwen is last seen fighting Velber corrupted Attack Programs alongside Cú Chulainn. The two stop though when the programs cease to function with the Ark of the Star's destruction. Cú Chulainn is disappointed the fighting stopped though, as it was just getting good. Though he understands how he feels, Li Shuwen tells Cú Chulainn to not complain since Nero has been victorious.

Side Story[]

In his side story The Villain-Slaying Assassin, Li Shuwen remarks the large number of enemies is the perfect opportunity to test his spearsmanship. He laments that him being summoned as an Assassin prevents him from demonstrating his skill with the spear. Nameless points out to Li Shuwen that despite being an Assassin, his fighting prowess allows him to take on an army. Li Shuwen agrees to Nameless' request to remove invaders from Mare Aurum, partly to relieve the boredom from his reconnaissance duty.

Fighting through many enemy Attack Programs, Li Shuwen finds Elizabeth Báthory performing a concert, and figures she is behind the invasion. He compares her singing to strange bird calls, and she interprets that as an insult. Elizabeth retreats commanding her troops to attack Li Shuwen, but he's able to defeat them all. After catching up to and defeating Elizabeth, Li Shuwen tells that he thought her to be an Extra class but realized she was a regular Lancer after defeating her. He finds though that she doesn't have a spear, but Elizabeth says she does indeed have a spear. Li Shuwen points out she wields as a spear is a microphone, which makes Elizabeth question her own class. He calls her a Guai-naoi, a roaring bird creature, but she mistakes bird for bard. He then tells her to depart from Mare Aurum, and to ask permission before performing another concert.

Later, Li Shuwen is order by Nero to stop an invasion led by a Berserker she describes as thundering and rampaging. He suspects the Berserker to be Lu Bu, and perhaps to fight and confirm his suspicion. Gawain decides to help him, which Li Shuwen accepts if he doesn't interfere with his path. When questioned by Gawain, Li Shuwen explains he wishes for a duel with his life on the line. After defeating Lu Bu, he regrets that the general was summoned as a Berserker, and regrets he was summoned as an Assassin. He laments if they're summoned as Lancers, then they could have had a fight like no other. He ponders if his pride fuels his regret, or if it's something else until Nameless interrupts and orders him back to the throne room. Li Shuwen realizes his true nature lies in testing his skills against formiable opponents, but realizes he won't get such an opportunity unless SE.RA.PH becomes engulfed in war.

Meeting with Nameless in Mare Origio, Li Shuwen is exhilarated by the chaos in SE.RA.PH brought upon by the Forces of Destruction. After defeating the Forces of Destruction as ordered, he finds it strange he and the other Solo Servants who fell in the Holy Grail War were summoned again. He then tells Nero that building a new Rome on the moon is a fine purpose that historians will remember as folly or glorious depending on her. He thanks her inviting him to her lands, and remarks his joyful days of being her guest. While grateful for the fights during his reconnaissance duty, Li Shuwen leaves Nero's service to seek out stronger warriors. Later, he meets with a mysterious Servant, not caring who they are as long as they're a strong opponent. He says he'll fight every strong opponent to death, especially if they're spear wielders. He continues he'll break the spear of every warrior he finds to truly achieve the Six Harmony Great Spear. Stating he'll break swords as well as lives, Li Shuwen prepares to fight the mysterious Servant.


Li Shuwen is a member of the New Holy Empire led by Karl der Große. However unlike most of Karl's allies, he wasn't Oraclized instead joining for the chance to fight Scáthach.

First Route[]

If Hakuno's forces recruit Cú Chulainn) in Mare Origio, Li Shuwen is ordered by Karl to rally his troops. He later confronts Hakuno's forces in Mare Luxuria when they launch an ambush on Karl's forces there (if Hakuno chose that option). When No Name realizes he isn't Oraclized, Li Shuwen reveals he joined Karl because he was promised a duel with Scáthach. He then decides to fight Nero Claudius, Tamamo-no-Mae, Charlemagne, Nameless, and Astolfo, considering them all to be worthy opponents. Charlemagne accepts his challenges, which pleases Li Shuwen greatly. After Lu Bu is defeated, Li Shuwen activates his Sphere Boundary skill to hide from Hakuno's Servants and ambush them. However, his Sphere Boundary is broken twice, so he falls back while facsimiles of Gilles de Rais and Francis Drake continue to attack Hakuno's forces with their monsters and culverins. After facsimile Karna is defeated, Li Shuwen returns to the battlefield to personally fight Hakuno's Servants. He is defeated, but retreats satisfied with the battle.


Li Shuwen is one of the foremost practitioners of the style known as Bajiquan, and he was so powerful that many remarked that with him, "a second strike is needless as just a single blow will suffice."[6] In addition to his skills in hand-to-hand combat, he was also supremely talented in the use of the spear, so much so that he earned the name "Divine Spear Li."[6][7] Although this version of Li Shuwen belongs to the Assassin class, it is only when using a spear that his true ability can be drawn out to the fullest. The Six Harmony Great Spear that he used is the basic weapon of Eight Extremities Gate, and to speak strongly, it can be said that the unarmed techniques of the Eight Extremities Gate are nothing but the preliminary step to learning the techniques of this great spear.[7] His occasional use of this weapon sometimes causes his opponents to mistakenly classify him as a Lancer.[6] While this wouldn't normally be entirely incorrect,[6] since originally his Servant class was supposed to be Lancer,[7] due to his Master's desire for a stealthy Servant capable of killing from the shadows, the traits more associated with the Assassin class have come to the fore.[6] As Lancer he would have probably appeared as a grizzled master, the figure of his later years.[7]


Li Shuwen's blows are almost always fatal, whether he throws a hard blow designed to kill or a simple feint to draw his opponent into an attack. As someone who earned "A Second Strike is Needless" in the history of Chinese martial arts, this was the second name conferred to a martial artist famous as one of the strongest. It said he can snatch away the life of his opponents during matches just by touching them, no matter how light of a touch.[6]

There is much debate as to whether Li Shuwen actually uses his QiWP (気, Ki?, localized as "Chi") to defeat his opponents, although there are very few who have managed to survive a confrontation with him report suffering all of the effects associated with this attack, such as obscured senses, heightened state of paranoia, and the feeling that their nervous system was under almost unendurable strain.[6]

Although the Assassin class is one of the weaker classes at fighting, this Assassin makes up this flaw with his Chinese Martial Arts Bajiquan. With the combination of Sphere Boundary skill and No Second Strike, he is pretty much invincible as he is undetectable and able to cause a vital one-hit K.O. Each impact of his fist can easily break bones, injuries inflicted by him takes about the next 3–4 days to heal.


Class Skills[]

  • Presence Concealment (—): While a common skill of all Servants of the Assassin Class, the level to which Li Shuwen is able to almost completely obscure his presence goes far above the limits normally associated with this ability. Although this ability allows the user to become almost completely invisible, the sheer amount of Magical Energy required almost screams out that some form of thaumaturgy is being used. Should this person's opponent be a skilled magus, their presence would be noticeable in some extrasensory fashion. There is a way to achieve this state of being without the use of any kind of magical aid and using only the abilities inherent within one's own physical form, but the level of concentration required is far beyond what humans are capable of.[6]

Personal Skills[]

  • Chinese Martial Arts (A+++ Rank): A Chinese meditiative ideal. It is a belief that true mastery of martial arts comes not through training, but acceptance. As this technique is extremely difficult to understand, let alone master, it is only when achieving the rank A that one is thought to have actually begun to learn. Those with ranks exceeding A are considered true masters of the arts.[6]
  • Sphere Boundary (A Rank): A technique in which one uses their Chi to blend in with the whole of their surroundings. For masters of the ability, it is possible for them to truly become one with the world and have their very forms seem to become invisible.[6] If Li Shuwen is caught in an Anti-spirit trap (対精神トラップ, Tai-seishin Torappu?), it will stop his invisibility. The trap follows the disciplines of Tao and the knowledge of a TiānxiānWP (天仙, Tensen?), it uses all Eight TrigramsWP (八卦炉, Hakkero?, localized as "eight divinations") of the Yin YangWP (陰陽, Onmyō [In'yō]?) to channel both Heaven and Earth thus disrupting his Qi back to himself.

Noble Phantasm[]

Li Shuwen's Noble Phantasm is No Second Strike.


Fate/EXTRA - Assassin Skills list
  • Cosmic Orbit, Focused Qi (周天、気を収める, Shūten, Ki wo Osameru?, localized as "Focused Chi") - He utilizes Focused Qi to conceal his presence and increase strength for his next move. He will always use this Skill on the 1st move. This is a requirement for his Noble Phantasm.
  • Cosmic Orbit, Heightened Qi (周天、気を高める, Shūten, Ki wo Takameru?, localized as "Heightened Chi") - He utilizes Heightened Qi to increases the effectiveness of his attack, the effect would only last for 3 turns. He will use this Skill on the 5th move.
  • Cosmic Orbit, Charged Qi (周天、気を満たす, Shūten, Ki wo Mitasu?, localized as "Charged Chi") - He utilizes Charged Qi to increases defense. The effect would only last for 3 turns.
  • Assassin's Fist (暗拳暗器, Anken Anki?) - Inflicts Stun on an enemy when using BREAK. The effect would only last for 3 turns. He will use this Skill on the 3rd move.

Forms and Alternate Versions[]


When his Master refused to be deleted from the program. Julius infused Command Spells he got from another Master, who he'd previously killed. A Master with a Berserker class Servant, Li Shuwen loses his mind with the new Command Seals and his class changes to Berserker.[11]

Hakuno describes him to have the attributes of Berserker and Assassin, his power is incredible. He can utilize Fierce Tiger Forcibly Climbs a Mountain as a Noble Phantasm.[11]


If there had been a route where Archimedes tried to kill the main character directly, Li Shuwen would have stepped in to prevent it instead of Nero Claudius. "Why do you protect him [or her]?" Archimedes would ask. "I'd assumed that Nero is the one to whom you owe your word, not her Master." "Well, I never mentioned it to you, but I have a particular bond with this one," Li Shuwen's response would begin. "If it is his [or her] destiny to fall in battle, that is one thing, but no one's going to assassinate him [or her] on my watch. After all, there was once a man who could not accomplish his task because he went along with me for my sake." This sense of justice differs from what he displays as Nero's general, a sense a righteousness born from the experiences he had with the man who was his Master in the past.[8]

Creation and Conception[]

Li Shuwen was designed by Takashi Takeuchi and refined by Arco Wada in Fate/EXTRA. He was initially thought to have two different versions: the younger and older versions. However it wasn't possible to create two bodies. Takeuchi claims that it was the only design that never changed during the production, being well defined and straight up design.[13]



  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15
    [v] Fate/EXTRA material - SERVANT Parameter and Skills: SERVANT ASSASSIN, p.014


    • Master: Julius B. Harwey
    • Identity: Li Shuwen
    • Gender: Male
    • Height, Weight: 166cm/60kg
    • Alignment:Neutral Evil
    • Strength: B
    • Endurance: C
    • Agility: A
    • Mana: E
    • Luck: E
    • Noble Phantasm: None

    Class Skills
    Presence Concealment: Not applicable

    Personal skills
    Chinese Martial Arts: EX

    Sphere Boundary: A

    Noble Phantasm
    No Second Strike
    Rank: None
    Type: Anti-Unit
    Range: 1
    Maximum number of targets: One Person
    "When a Heroic Spirit's martial arts becomes his most singular ["one and only"] asset, the 'skill' itself is sublimated as a Noble Phantasm. This is one such Noble Phantasm.

    Even one of Li Shuwen's powerful strikes was enough to take the enemy's life, including those intended as diversions of feints.
    'Li Shuwen never needs to strike twice (godly spear no second strike)'
    No Second Strike is his title, given form."


    • マスター:ユリウス・B・ハーウェイ
    • 真名:李書文
    • 性別:男性
    • 身長・体重: 166cm/60kg
    • 属性:中立・悪
    • 筋力:B
    • 耐久:C
    • 敏捷:A
    • 魔力:E
    • 幸運:E
    • 宝具:なし




    その英霊が修得した武術が唯一無二の至宝となった時、“技” そのものが宝具として昇華する事がある。この宝具もその一つ。

  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8
    [v] Fate/EXTRA material - Character Profile: Li Shuwen ASSASSIN, p.090

    Li Shuwen ASSASSIN

    • Height: 166cm
    • Weight: 60kg
    • Blood type: Unknown
    • Birthday: Unknown
    • Image colour: Orange
    • Talents: Nothing in particular
    • Likes: Family
    • Dislike: Photo, Tatari
    • Enemy: Vlad III

    李書文 ASSASSIN

    • 身長:166cm
    • 体重:60kg
    • 血液型:不明
    • 誕生日:不明
    • イメージカラー:橙
    • 特技:とくになし
    • 好きな物:鍛錬、試合、家族
    • 嫌いな物:写真、タタリ
    • 天敵:ヴラド三世

  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14
    [v] Fate/EXTELLA material - SERVANT Parameter and Skills: Li Shuwen (Assassin), p.013 [T]

    SERVANT Assassin
    Identity: Li Shuwen  Gender: Male
    Alignment: Neutral Evil  Height: 166cm  Weight: 60kg
    Strength: B  Endurance: C  Agility: A  Mana: E  Luck: E  Noble Phantasm: None

    Class Skills
    Obfuscation: No Rank

    Personal skills
    Wushuu: A+++

    Sphere Boundary: A

    Noble Phantasm
    Wu Er Da (No Second Strike)
    Rank: None  Type: Anti-Person  Range: 1  Maximum number of targets: 1

    真名:李書文  性別:男性
    属性:渾沌・善  身長:166cm  体重:60kg
    筋力:B  耐力:C  敏捷:A  魔力:B  幸運:A  宝具: なし




    ランク:なし  種別:対人宝具  レンジ:1  最大補足:一人
    その英霊が修得した武術が唯一無二の至宝となった時、“技” そのものが宝具として昇華する事がある。この宝具もその一つ。李書文の剛打は、牽制やフェイントの為に放ったはすの一撃ですら敵の命を奪うに足るものであった。

  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7
    [v] Fate/EXTELLA material - Character Profile: Li Shuwen, p.056-057 [T]

    Li Shuwen

    • Class: Assassin
    • Height: 166cm
    • Weight: 60kg
    • Blood type: Unknown
    • Birthday: Unknown
    • Image colour: Orange
    • Talents: Nothing in particular
    • Likes: Disciplines, Duels, Family
    • Dislike: Photo, Tatari
    • Enemy: Tamamo no Mae


    • クラス:アサシン
    • 身長:166cm
    • 体重:60kg
    • 血液型:不明
    • 誕生日:不明
    • イメージカラー:橙
    • 特技:とくになし
    • 好きな物:鍛錬、試合、家族
    • 嫌いな物:写真、タタリ
    • 天敵:玉藻の前

  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7
    [v] Fate/Grand Order - Lancer Profile [T]

    Li Shuwen - Lancer

    Illustrator and Voice actor
    Illustrator: Arco Wada
    Voice Actor: Yasui Kunihiko

    Strength: B
    Endurance: A
    Agility: D
    Mana: C
    Luck: C
    Noble Phantasm: B

    Personal Skills
    Chinese Martial Arts: A+++
    Sphere Boundary: B
    Juezhao: B

    Class Skills
    Magic Resistance: D

    Noble Phantasm
    Shen Qiang Wu Er Da: Divine Spear, No Second Strike
    Rank: -
    Type: Anti-Unit

    Li Shuwen with his heydays body, summoned as a Lancer.
    A legendary martial artist from China who, despite born in modern times, carved many legends.
    He is of course famous as a master of baji quan, but the exquisiteness of his spear-wielding is to the point of being extolled as "Divine Spear".

    Level 1 Bond
    Height/Weight: 166cm・60kg
    Source: Historical fact
    Region: China
    Alignment: Neutral Evil  Gender: Male
    Even upon being summoned as a Lancer, there is no special changes in his basic performance.

    Level 2 Bond

    • Chinese Martial Arts (Liu He Da Qiang): A+++

    A Chinese rationality. A count of how much one has mastered the martial arts that made becoming one with the universe its objective.
    The degree of difficulty for learning this is of the highest level and, unlike other Skills, A Rank is finally at a level one can say to have "learned it".
    Upon reaching +++, one is a expert among experts.
    While summoned as a Lancer, he has mastered the baji quan - including spearmanship.

    Level 3 Bond
    Having been born in the deathbed of the Qing Dynasty, at Cangzhou, Li Shuwen distinguished himself soon after beginning to take lessons in baji quan, ascending to the point of being extolled as the strongest in the history of Chinese martial arts.

    Rather than learning 1,000 techniques, he personified a literal one-hit kill by thoroughly polishing up a single technique.

    Level 4 Bond
    "Divine Spear Needs No Second Strike"
    Rank: -  Type: Anti-Unit
    Range: 2~5  Maximum Targets: 1 person
    Shen Qiang Wu Er Da.
    Similarly to "Tsubame Gaeshi" and "Wu Er Da", a technical skill perfected to the point of being sublimated as a Noble Phantasm.
    Its effects are the same as the "Wu Er Da" from when he is an Assassin, but the range was broadened by holding a spear. One can guess that the precision of movements is also no different from when unarmed.

    Level 5 Bond
    The Classes which Li Shuwen corresponds to are Lancer, Berserker and Assassin.
    Furthermore, there are also precedents of Li Shuwen being summoned as an "elder".
    The golden age of his body has naturally his younger days as standard, but it is possible to conjecture that his martial arts reached its golden age when he approached old age. Just like a younger Li Shuwen can be summoned as an Assassin, there are also cases of an elder Li Shuwen being summoned as a Lancer.


    李書文 - ランサー



    中国武術(六���大槍) A+++
    圏境 B
    絶招 B

    対魔力 D



    属性:中立・悪   性別:男性



    ランク:なし   種別:対人宝具
    レンジ:2~5   最大補足:1人



  6. 6.00 6.01 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05 6.06 6.07 6.08 6.09 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 6.16 6.17 6.18 6.19 6.20 6.21
    [v] Fate/EXTRA - Li Shuwen (Assassin) Matrix [T]

    Class: Assassin
    Master: Julius Harway
    True Name: Li Shuwen
    Noble Phantasm: No Second Strike
    Keyword: A second strike isn't needed, Obfuscation
    Strength: B, Defense: C, Agility: A, Magic: E, Luck: E
    Obfuscation: -, Liuhe Quan: A+++, Concealment: A


    01 - No Second Strike
    Li Shuwen's blows are almost always fatal, whether he throws a hard blow designed to kill or a simple feint to draw his opponent into an attack. A saying that has managed to survive the passing of years is, "For Li Shuwen, a second strike is needless." It is this saying from which his Noble Phantasm get its name.

    To be accurate, this isn't a Noble Phantasm in the traditional sense of term. Rather, it is the ultimate expressions of the true power possible by mastering the martial arts. Li Shuwen is considered to be one of the very few to have gained total mastery over his style, and in fact was believed to have transcended the need for physical attacks, instead defeating his opponents by engulfing them in Chi.

    There is much debate as to whether Li Shuwen actually uses his Chi to defeat his opponents, although the very few who have managed to survive a confrontation with him report suffering all of the effects associated with this attack, such as obscured senses, heightened state of paranoia, and the feeling that their nervous system was under almost unendurable strain.

    02 - A second strike isn't needed
    This was the second name given to one of the strongest practitioners of kung fu in Bajiquan history. Considered to be the ultimate master of Bajiquan, it is said that this person was able to take the life of his opponents with a single gentle touch.

    03 - Obfuscation
    A skill used to completely conceal one's presence.

    Although this ability allows the user to become almost completely invisible, the sheer amount of magical energy required almost screams out that some form of thaumaturgy is being used. Should this person's opponent be a skilled magus, their presence would be noticeable in some extrasensory fashion.

    There is a way to achieve this state of being without the use of any kind of magical aid and using only the abilities inherent within one's own physical form, but the level of concentration required is far beyond what humans are capable of.

    01 - 无二打





    02 - 二の打ち要らず

    03 - 気配遮断



    Obfuscation [-]
    While a common skill of all Servants of the Assassin Class, the level to which he is able to almost completely obscure his presence goes far above the limits normally associated with this ability.

    Liuhe Quan [A+++]
    A Chinese meditiative ideal. It is a belief that true mastery of martial arts comes not through training, but acceptance. As this technique is extremely difficult to understand, let alone master, it is only when achieving the rank A that one is thought to have actually begun to learn. Those with ranks exceeding A are considered true masters of the arts.

    Concealment [A]
    A technique in which one uses their Chi to blend in with the whole of their surroundings. For masters of the ability, it is possible for them to truly become one with the world and have their very forms seem to become invisible.





    01 - Character Background
    Li Shuwen (1864-1934)

    A Chinese martial arts master from Yanshan County, Hebei-Cangzhou. One of the foremost practitioners of the style of the style known as Bajiquan, he was so powerful that many remarked that with him, "a second strike is needless as long a single blow will suffice."

    In addition to his skills in hand-to-hand combat, he was also supremely talented in the use of the spear, so much so that he earned the name "Divine Spear Li." His occasional us of this weapon sometimes causes his opponents to mistakenly classify him as a Lancer. While this wouldn't normally be entirely incorrect, due to his Master's desire for a stealthy Servant capable of killing from the shadows, the traits more associated with the Assassin class have come to the fore.

    On a final note, since his ability to become invisible is based on his natural abilities and not on any form of thaumaturgy, he is all but undetectable to the vast majority of magi or anyone dependent on magic.

    02 - "Master of the Demonic Fist"
    Li Shuwen, Master of the Demon Fist.

    One of the few undisputed masters of martial arts, he maintains a delicate balance between the innate goodness and inherent evil found in all men. He fell victim to poison after earning the undying hatred of the countless families of those he had killed.

    As a Servant, the balance he maintained in life has slipped slightly, but he still values rationality greatly. While he does not see much difference between good and evil, he will react with disgust and utter contempt for those who stray from rational thinking. And for those who allow what Christians call "The Seven Deadly Sins" to overwhelm their lives, he brings swift and inevitable death.

    Although he was known as a deadly fighter throughout his life, in his later years he discovered that true power lay not in the strength of his fists, but in the strength of his convictions. He spent the remainder of his life following valor, not violence.

    He freely acknowledge that in his current incarnation he is nothing more than a professional killer, but does so without bitterness or regret. And although he uses his power as Julius directs, could it be that...?

    01 - 人物背景:



    02 - 『魔拳士』







  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7
    [v] Fate/EXTRA material - Encyclopedia: Assassin [Servant], p.154-155 [T]

    Assassin [Servant]
    He is an assassin that melts into the shadows. Julius is his Master.
    His true name is Li Shuwen.
    Li was a prominent Chinese martial artist who lived from 1864 to 1934, and was feared for prowess in battle, “Li Shuwen needs no second strike, as long as he lands one blow it will more than suffice.”
    He became known as the Demon Fist Master for casually ending the lives of those he defeated in martial art matches. In EXTRA, he stands out from the other Assassin class Heroic Spirits because of his unique skill “Presence Concealment” which he uses to impede the protagonist as an invisible assassin.
    While cold-hearted and able to kill without reserve, he is not someone who takes pleasure in killing.

    “When I encounter another warrior, one of us will die. A fight is not something that can be taken lightly; it is something upon which both parties have staked their beliefs. Therefore it is not something that should be approached in a casual way. Also, after a fight has begun, it must always result in the death of one combatant.”

    This is the principle which governs Assassin in Fate/EXTRA.
    He is extremely logical and fair, and it would seem that this is what he believes a fight to be.
    His Master, Julius, also makes his living by stealing the lives of others. Their compatibility is good.
    Julius was originally a contract killer, and Assassin was originally a professional martial artist, so their opinions clash on a fundamental level. Julius just thinks of killing as all in a day’s work, while Assassin greatly enjoyed the prime of his life when he could often fight to the death.
    Assassin is not a maniacal killer, but if things come to a fight, he figures he might as well have fun.
    Assassin would heartily laugh and say that without such an attitude it would be impossible to truly hone oneself as a warrior. Julius replied seriously “...really?”


    Li Shuwen belongs to the Assassin class, however only when using a lance can his true ability be drawn out to the fullest.
    He is the founder of a branch of Bājíquán named Eight Extremities Gate, and he excelled in the use of spears to the point of being nicknamed Divine Spear Li. The Six Harmony Great Spear that he used is the basic weapon of Eight Extremities Gate, and to speak strongly, it can be said that the unarmed techniques of the Eight Extremities Gate are nothing but the preliminary step to learning the techniques of this great spear.
    Simply (but not purely) Li desired nothing more than to increase his own strength. In his later years he came to see the power of his values and way of life as his strength, rather than violence.
    He acknowledges that he is a closer to being a professional killer than a martial artist, but this is neither a self-depreciation nor a boast.
    Given that he often learned, often fought and often murdered in his previous life, he really does not carry any regrets or grudges.
    Since he was summoned as a Servant, he swings his wicked fists as the concealed weapons of his Master Julius without hesitation. For the time being he has taken up the role of Assassin for the sake of compatibility with Julius, though originally his Servant class was supposed to be Lancer. As Lancer he would have probably appeared as a grizzled master, the figure of his later years.





    彼の使った六合大槍は、八極門の基本的な武器であり、極論して良いならば八極門の素手の技法(八極拳) のほとんどはこの六合大槍の技法を学ぶための前段階に過ぎないとさえいえる。


  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4
    [v] Fate/EXTELLA material - Encyclopedia: Li Shuwen [Servant], p.116-117 [T]

    Li Shuwen [Servant]
    An Assassin-class Servant in Nero's army.
    In life, Li Shuwen hailed from the city of Cangzhou in Yanshan County, Hebei. A legendary martial artist, he was celebrated as "God's Spear" from the end of the Qing Dynasty to the formation of the Republic of China.
    In Fate/EXTRA, he fought the main character as the Servant of Julius B. Harwey.
    In EXTELLA, he joins Nero's army after being scouted by her, although there was only a fifty-fifty chance that he would have agreed; had he been approached by Tamamo first, it is possible he would have joined her army instead.
    While his enlistment in Nero's army was more a matter of chance, he holds honor in the highest regard and has pledged his allegiance to the Crimson Emperor, willing to put his life on the line for the sake of their contract, If there had been a route where Archimedes tried to kill the main character directly, Li Shuwen would have stepped in to prevent it instead of Nero. "Why do you protect him [or her]?" Archimedes would ask. "I'd assumed that Nero is the one to whom you owe your word, not her Master." "Well, I never mentioned it to you, but I have a particular bond with this one," Li Shuwen's response would begin. "If it is his [or her] destiny to fall in battle, that is one thing, but no one's going to assassinate him [or her] on my watch. After all, there was once a man who could not accomplish his task because he went along with me for my sake." This sense of justice differs from what he displays as Nero's general, a sense a righteousness born from the experiences he had with the man who was his Master in the past.

    李「なに、貴様には黙っていたがこやつとは縁があってな戦いに敗れるのであれば運命だが、暗殺されるのは見過ごせん濃の趣味に付き合って、結局果たさなかった男がいるものでな」 それはネロに見せた仕事としての仁義ではなく、男として、か つてのマスターに向けた仁義である。

  9. Fate/EXTRA material - Encyclopedia: Julius B. Harwey, p.217-218
  10. Fate/EXTRA - Fifth Week: The Fifth Selection - Day 07
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 Fate/EXTRA - ULTIM: The Final Selection - Day 01
  12. The BAMBOO BROOM DIARY (Nasu and Takeuchi blog) - Grateful EXTELLA (Kinoko), translated by mewarmo990
  13. Fate/EXTRA Visual Fanbook p.66
Characters by series
Fate/stay night Main characters: Shirou EmiyaSaberRin TohsakaSakura MatouShinji MatouIllyasviel von EinzbernArcherKirei Kotomine
Secondary characters: AssassinBerserkerCasterGilgameshLancerRiderSouichirou KuzukiTrue AssassinZouken Matou
Minor characters: Atrum GalliastaAyako MitsuzuriBedivereClaudia HortensiaGai GotouIssei RyuudouKaede MakideraKane HimuroLeysrittJusteaze Lizrich von EinzbernOtoko HotaruzukaSellaTaiga FujimuraVivianYukika Saegusa
Fate/hollow ataraxia Main characters: Bazett Fraga McRemitzAvengerCaren Hortensia
Secondary characters: AssassinDiloEdelfelt sistersLuviagelita EdelfeltMinori Mitsuzuri Master of AssassinPerseusReikan RyuudouSaberScáthachSthenoEuryale
Fate/Zero Main characters: Kiritsugu EmiyaIrisviel von EinzbernSaberKirei KotomineWaver VelvetRiderTokiomi TohsakaArcher
Secondary characters: Aoi TohsakaAssassinBerserkerCasterKariya MatouKayneth El-Melloi ArchibaldLancerMaiya HisauRisei KotomineRyuunosuke UryuuSola-Ui Nuada-Re Sophia-Ri
Minor characters: Byakuya MatouFionn mac CumhaillGlen and Martha MackenzieGrainneJubstacheit von EinzbernNatalia KaminskiNorikata EmiyaShirley
Fate/EXTRA Main characters: Hakuno KishinamiSaberArcherCasterGilgameshRin TohsakaRani VIIISakura MatouBB
Secondary characters: AliceArcherAssassinBerserkerBerserkerCasterCasterDan BlackmoreJinako CarigiriJulius B. HarweyLauncherKiara SessyoinLancerLancerLancerRun RuLeonardo B. HarweyMeltryllisMonji GatouPassionlipRiderSaberSaverShinji MatouTwice H. Pieceman
Minor characters: AmaterasuAoko Aozaki Chishiki MabiIkuyo YuutouIssei RyuudouKirei KotomineShiki RyougiSialim Eltnam Re-AtlasiaTaiga FujimuraTouko Aozaki
Fate/Apocrypha Black Faction characters: Caules Forvedge YggdmillenniaDarnic Prestone YggdmillenniaFiore Forvedge YggdmillenniaGordes Musik YggdmillenniaReika RikudouRoche Flyn YggdmillenniaCelenike Icecolle YggdmillenniaArcher of BlackAssassin of BlackBerserker of BlackCaster of BlackLancer of BlackRider of BlackSaber of Black
Red Faction characters: Kairi SisigouShirou KotomineRottweil BerzinskyJean RumPentel brothersFeend vor SembrenArcher of RedAssassin of RedBerserker of RedCaster of RedLancer of RedRider of RedSaber of Red
Other characters: SiegRuler
Minor characters: AiasAlma PetresiaAlzirBram Nuada-Re Sophia-RiFafnirHectorLord El-Melloi IIReines El-Melloi ArchisorteRocco BelfebanSergeTooleTouki SisigouTrimmauVictor Frankenstein
Fate/Prototype Main characters: Ayaka SajyouSaberMisaya ReiroukanLancerArcherRiderManaka Sajyou

Secondary characters: Archer's MasterAssassinBeast|BerserkerCasterAro IsemiHiroki SajyouSancraid Phahn

Fate/Prototype: Fragments Manaka SajyouSaberElza SaijoArcherNigel SawardLancerShizuri IsemiRiderMisaya's fatherCasterTatsumi KitanoBerserkerSeiji JingaAssassin
Fate/Labyrinth Manaka SajyouNorma GoodfellowSaberArcherCasterAssassinGrayLord El-Melloi IIWolfgang Faustus
Fate/strange fake False Masters and Servants: Flat EscardosFalse BerserkerTiné ChelcFalse ArcherSilver Wolf ChimeraFalse LancerTsubaki KuruokaFalse RiderOrlando ReeveFalse CasterJester KartureFalse Assassin
True Masters and Servants: Ayaka SajyouPlayerSaberSigmaWatcherBazdilot CordelionTrue ArcherFrancesca PrelatiTrue CasterHaruri BorzakTrue BerserkerFaldeus DiolandTrue AssassinDoris LusendraTrue Rider
Other characters: PhiliaJohn WingardVera LevittClan CalatinHansa CervantesLord El-Melloi IIYuukaku KuruokaCashuraGalvarosso ScladioLangalSaint GermainMaster of Archer (Fate/strange Fake)
Fate/Grand Order Main characters: Ritsuka FujimaruMash Kyrielight
Observer on Timeless Temple characters: Romani ArchamanLeonardo da VinciOlga Marie AnimusphereFouSherlock HolmesLev Lainur FlaurosBeast IIGoetia
Epic of Remnant characters: BaalPhenexZeparBeast III/RAshiya DoumanRaumRandolph Carter
Cosmos in the Lostbelt characters: Goredolf MusikJingle Abel MeuniereSion Eltnam SokarisCaptain NemoTamamo Vitch KoyanskayaGrigori RasputinKirei KotominePriestess of the Alien GodAlien GodKadoc ZemlupusOphelia PhamrsoloneHinako AkutaScandinavia PeperoncinoKirschtaria WodimeBeryl GutDaybit Sem VoidSenji MuramasaChaldeanDavid Bluebook
Other characters: Marisbury AnimusphereGalahadCharacters in Fate/Grand Order
Lord El-Melloi II Case Files Main characters: Lord El-Melloi IIGrayReines El-Melloi Archisorte

Recurring characters: AddTrimmauHishiri AdashinoFlat EscardosSvin GlascheitLuviagelita EdelfeltHishiri AdashinoMelvin WeinsFakerDoctor Heartless
Secondary characters: FluegerHeine IstariJiroubou Seigen TokitouClownOrlocke CaesarmundRosalind IstariGeryon AshbornTouko AozakiInorai Valualeta AtroholmByron Valualeta IselmaDiadra Valualeta IselmaEstella Valualeta IselmaCarinaReginaMaio Brishisan ClynellesIslo SebunanMick GrazilierAtrum GalliastaCaules ForvedgeYvette L. LehrmanOlga Marie AnimusphereTrisha FellowsKarabo FramptonRodinLeandraJean-Mario SupinerraBersac BlackmoreMagdalenaZepia Eltnam AtlasiaFernando CrozeSister IlumiaCorpse KingMcDonell Trambellio ElrodRufleus Nuada-Re EulyphisAsheara MystrasCalugh Ithred

The Adventures of Lord El-Melloi II Main characters: Lord El-Melloi IIGrayReines El-Melloi ArchisorteErgo

Secondary characters: AddRin TohsakaLatio Crudelis HiramTangereWuzhiqiFlat EscardosLuviagelita Edelfelt
Other characters: Shirou EmiyaMikiya KokutouMana Ryougi

Garden of Avalon AgravainArtoriaGalahadGawainGuinevereKayLancelotMerlinMorgan le FayTristanVortigern
Fate/kaleid liner Main characters: Illyasviel von EinzbernMiyu EdelfeltChloe von EinzbernRin TohsakaLuviagelita EdelfeltMagical RubyMagical Sapphire

Secondary characters: Shirou EmiyaSella (Fate/kaleid)Leysritt (Fate/kaleid)Kiritsugu EmiyaIrisviel von EinzbernCaren HortensiaBazett Fraga McRemitzTanakaBeatrice FlowerchildAngelicaDarius AinsworthErika AinsworthShirou Emiya (Miyu's brother)Julian AinsworthKischur Zelretch SchweinorgLord El-Melloi IIMimi KatsuraTatsuko GakumazawaSuzuka KuriharaNanaki MoriyamaTaiga FujimuraShinji MatouSakura Matou

Fate/Requiem Main characters: Erice UtsumiVoyagerKarinBerserkerKoharu F RiedenflausSaberChitose ManazuruLancerNzambiAnubis
Secondary characters: Caren FujimuraMakkiKuchimeRurihime
Fate/type Redline Main characters: Kanata AkagiTsukumo FujimiyaSaber
Secondary characters: ArcherBerserkerMajor MagatsuKanameMajor ReiterAssassinCasterRider
Fate/Koha-Ace Main characters: Sakura SaberKohakuAkihaDemon ArcherArtoriaRiderOryuuCaren KotomineLancerMajor MatouBerserkerAssassinCasterMajor ReiterFuhrerLancer
Other characters: SaberDevil SaberSun Wukong
Others Association DirectorGazamyGrail-kunKischur Zelretch SchweinorgMagical AmberMagical CarenMoby DickNagato TohsakaNeco-ArcPhantas-MoonRaiga FujimuraSaber LionTyphonList of characters by statistics
Fate/stay night Shirou EmiyaRin TohsakaIllyasviel von EinzbernShinji MatouSouichirou KuzukiCasterKirei KotomineZouken MatouSakura MatouAtrum Galliasta
Ernest Gravehill
Fate/hollow ataraxia Bazett Fraga McRemitzCaren HortensiaEdelfelt sistersMaster of AssassinEinzbern Master
Fate/Zero Kiritsugu EmiyaKirei KotomineTokiomi TohsakaRyuunosuke UryuuWaver VelvetKariya MatouKayneth El-Melloi ArchibaldSola-Ui Nuada-Re Sophia-Ri
Fate/EXTRA Hakuno KishinamiRin TohsakaRani VIIILeonardo B. HarweyRun RuDan BlackmoreShinji MatouAliceJulius B. HarweyMonji GatouTwice H. PiecemanJinako CarigiriKiara SessyoinMeltryllisBBKazuhito SakagamiIzaya KiiLeila RaidouMisao AmariAtrum Galliasta
Fate/Apocrypha Kairi SisigouShirou KotomineRottweil BerzinskyJean RumPentel brothersFeend vor SembrenGordes Musik YggdmillenniaFiore Forvedge YggdmillenniaDarnic Prestone YggdmillenniaCelenike Icecolle YggdmillenniaRoche Frain YggdmillenniaCaules Forvedge YggdmillenniaReika RikudouSagara HyoumaSieg
Fate/Prototype Ayaka SajyouMisaya ReiroukanManaka SajyouSancraid PhahnAro IsemiElza SaijoNigel SawardMisaya's fatherShizuri IsemiSeiji JingaTatsumi Kitano
Lord El-Melloi II Case Files Doctor Heartless
Fate/Labyrinth Manaka SajyouNorma GoodfellowWolfgang Faustus
Fate/strange fake PlayerTiné ChelcTsubaki KuruokaOrlando ReeveJester KartureFlat EscardosSilver Wolf ChimeraAyaka SajyouSigmaFaldeus DiolandCashuraFrancescaDoris LusendraHaruriBazdilot Cordelion
Fate/Grand Order Ritsuka FujimaruKirschtaria WodimeOphelia PhamrsoloneKadoc ZemlupusScandinavia PeperoncinoHinako AkutaBeryl GutDaybit Sem Void
Fate/Samurai Remnant Miyamoto IoriZheng ChenggongChiemonYui ShousetsuTsuchimikado YasuhiroDorothea CoyettTakao Dayu
Fate/Requiem Erice UtsumiKarinKoharu F RiedenflausChitose ManazuruMakkiKuchimeRurihimeAhasuerus
Fate/type Redline Kanata AkagiKaname AsamaReiji MagatsuMajor ReiterMaster of CasterMysterious OfficerLanlan Fang
Koha-Ace KohakuArtoriaMajor MatouCaren Kotomine
Fate/kaleid liner Class Card users: Illyasviel von EinzbernMiyu EdelfeltAngelica AinsworthBeatrice FlowerchildJulian AinsworthRin TohsakaLuviagelita EdelfeltShinji MatouKariya MatouKayneth El-Melloi ArchibaldAtrum GalliastaZachary Ainsworth
Classes SaberLancerArcherRiderCasterAssassinBerserker
RulerAvengerAlter EgoMoonCancerShielderBeastSaverGunnerGatekeeperFunny VampFakerForeignerWatcherPretenderVoyager
Grand ServantNon-classed Servants
Fate/stay night SaberLancerArcherRiderCasterAssassinBerserker
Fate/hollow ataraxia AvengerSaberAssassin
Fate/Zero SaberLancerArcherRiderCasterAssassinBerserker
Fate/EXTRA Playable Servants: SaberArcherCasterGilgameshSaberCasterSaberRuler
Party Servants: RiderRiderRulerSaberRiderLancerArcherBerserkerCasterBerserker
Non-Playable Servants: SaberLancerLancerArcherRiderCasterAssassinBerserkerBerserkerSaverRiderAssassinLancerSaberLancerBerserkerBerserkerArmstrong
Non-Playable CCC Servants: SaberLancerCasterLauncherBB
Alter Ego: PassionlipMeltryllisVioletKingproteaKazuradrop
Others: Saber
Fate/Apocrypha Black Faction: Saber of Black (Sieg) • Lancer of BlackArcher of BlackRider of BlackCaster of BlackAssassin of BlackBerserker of Black
Red Faction: Saber of RedLancer of RedArcher of RedRider of RedCaster of RedAssassin of RedBerserker of Red
Others: RulerRuler
Discarded designs: DavidMusashibou BenkeiGeorgiosSakata Kintoki
Fate/Prototype First Tokyo Holy Grail War Servants: SaberLancerArcherRiderCasterAssassinBerserker
Second Tokyo Holy Grail War Servants: SaberLancerArcherRiderCasterAssassinBerserkerBeast
Fate/strange fake False Servants: SaberFalse LancerFalse ArcherFalse RiderFalse CasterFalse AssassinFalse Berserker
True Servants: True ArcherTrue RiderTrue CasterTrue AssassinTrue BerserkerWatcher
Fate/Grand Order Saber: AstolfoAlteraArtoria PendragonArtoria Pendragon (Alter)Artoria Pendragon LilyBarghestBedivereBenienmaCharlemagneChevalier d'EonDiarmuid Ua DuibhneDioscuriFergus mac RóichGaius Julius CaesarGilles de RaisIbuki-doujiJasonKarna (Santa)KurohimeLancelotMedusaMiyamoto MusashiMordredNero ClaudiusNero BridePrince of LanlingRamaRolandSaitou HajimeSenji MuramasaShiki RyougiSiegfriedSigurdSuzuka GozenTheseusTrưng sistersWatanabe-no-TsunaYagyuu MunenoriYamanami Keisuke
Lancer: Artoria PendragonArtoria Pendragon (Alter)BhimaBiscioneBradamanteBritomartBrynhildrCaenisCú ChulainnCú Chulainn (Prototype)Diarmuid Ua DuibhneDon QuixoteElizabeth BathoryEnkiduEreshkigalErice UtsumiFionn mac CumhaillGarethHectorHouzouin InshunJaguar ManKarnaLeonidasMary AnningMedusaMelusineMusashibou BenkeiNezhaParvatiPercivalQin LiangyuRomulusRomulus-QuirinusScáthachSétantaSakamoto RyoumaValkyrieVan Gogh (Miner)Vritra
Archer: ArashArjunaBaobhan SithAtalantaBilly the KidCalamity JaneChild-GilChironChloe von EinzbernDavidDurgaEMIYAEMIYA AlterEuryaleFujino AsagamiGilgameshIshtarJames MoriartyKaliNapoleonOda NobukatsuOda NobunagaOrion (Artemis)ParisPtolemyRobin HoodSaika MagoichiSei ShounagonSugitani ZenjuubouSuper OrionTakasugi ShinsakuTawara ToutaTomoe GozenTristanTutankhamunZenobia
Rider: AchillesAlexanderAndromedaArtoria Pendragon (Santa Alter)AstolfoBartholomew RobertsBonny and ReadBoudicaCaptain NemoChristopher ColumbusConstantine XIDobrynya NikitichEdward TeachEuropaFrancis DrakeHabetrotHuang FeihuIvan the TerribleLeonardo da VinciMandricardoMarie AntoinetteMedbMedusaOzymandiasQuetzalcoatlRed HareGeorgiosMarthaSakamoto RyoumaSakata KintokiTaigong WangTakeda HarunobuUshiwakamaru
Caster: AescAlice KuonjiAnastasia Nikolaevna RomanovaArtoria AvalonAvicebronCharles BabbageChen GongCirceCú ChulainnDaikokutenGeronimoGilgameshGilles de RaisHans Christian AndersenHelena BlavatskyIllyasviel von EinzbernIrisviel (Dress of Heaven)Izumo-no-OkuniLeonardo da VinciMedeaMedea LilyMephistophelesMerlinMerlin (Prototype)Miss CraneMurasaki ShikibuNitocrisNursery RhymeOno no KomachiQueen of ShebaScáthach SkadiScheherazadeSiegSolomonTamamo-no-MaeThomas EdisonWilliam ShakespeareParacelsus von HohenheimWolfgang Amadeus MozartXuanzang SanzangZhang JueZhuge Liang (Lord El-Melloi II)
Assassin: CarmillaCharles-Henri SansonCharlotte CordayCleopatraConsort YuDr. JekyllEMIYAFuuma KotarouHassan of the Cursed ArmHassan of the Hundred FacesHassan of the Shining StarHassan of SerenityHuyan ZhuoJack the RipperJing KeKamaKashin KojiKatō DanzōKiichi HougenKing HassanKoyanskaya of LightLocustaMata HariMochizuki ChiyomeMysterious Heroine XOkada IzouOsakabehimePhantom of the OperaSasaki KojirouSemiramisShiki RyougiShuten-doujiSthenoTezcatlipocaWu ZetianYan Qing
Berserker: AsteriosAtalanta AlterBeowulfCaligulaChachaCú Chulainn AlterDarius IIIDuryodhanaEric BloodaxeFlorence NightingaleFrankenstein's MonsterHeraclesHijikata ToshizoGalateaIbaraki-doujiKijyo KoyoKiyohimeKriemhildLancelotLouhiLu BuMinamoto-no-RaikouMorganMysterious Heroine X AlterNagakura ShinpachiPenthesileaPaul BunyanSakata KintokiSalomeSen no RikyuSoujuurou ShizukiSpartacusTamamo CatVlad IIIXiang Yu
Ruler: Amakusa Shirou TokisadaAmourHimikoIyoJames MoriartyJeanne d'ArcJohannaQin Shi HuangSherlock HolmesUesugi Kenshin
Avenger: Amakusa Shirou TokisadaAngra MainyuAntonio SalieriBlack IriComte de Monte CristoEdmond DantèsGorgonHessian LoboJeanne AlterMarie Antoinette AlterMysterious Ranmaru XNitocris AlterSpace IshtarTaira-no-Kagekiyo
Alter Ego: Ashiya DoumanAzumi-no-isoraKazuradropKiara SessyoinKingproteaLarva/TiamatManannán mac LirMecha Eli-chanMecha Eli-chan Mk.IIMeltryllisOkita Souji AlterPassionlipSitonaiSuper BunyanTaisui XingjunXu Fu
MoonCancer: Archetype: EarthBBGaneshaHakuno Kishinami (Male)Hakuno Kishinami (Female)Kiara SessyoinMysterious Executioner C.I.E.L
Foreigner: Abigail WilliamsAoko AozakiBB PeleJacques de MolayKatsushika HokusaiKoyanskaya of DarknessKukulkanMysterious Heroine XXMysterious Heroine XX AlterMysterious Idol X AlterVan GoghVoyagerWandjinaYang Guifei
Pretender: Abigail Williams (Santa)Alessandro di CagliostroDante AlighieriHephaestion MnemosyneLady AvalonNine-Tattoo Dragon ElizaOberonPhantasmoonTenochtitlan
Beast: Cath PalugE-Aqua MarieE-Flare MarieE-Grand MarieGoetiaKama/MaraKiara SessyoinSpace EreshkigalTamamo Vitch KoyanskayaTiamatU-Olga MarieWhore of Babylon
Fate/Requiem VoyagerBerserkerSaberLancerCasterAnubisUnnamed female ServantAssassinAvengerRiderHendrik van der DeckenBarbarossaCirceEdward TeachEl CidJacques de MolayHannibalMarcus Vipsanius AgrippaMinamoto Kurou YoshitsuneElizabeth BathoryMata HariForeignerAsclepiusOdysseus
Fate/type Redline SaberArcherBerserkerAssassinCasterRiderLancerFake Lancer
Fate:Lost Einherjar ArcherBerserker
Fate/Samurai Remnant Initial Servants: SaberArcherLancerRiderCasterAssassinBerserker
Stray Servants: Stray SaberStray ArcherStray LancerStray RiderStray CasterStray AssassinStray BerserkerStray Ruler
Others: Ototachibana-hime
Fate/kaleid liner Fifth Holy Grail War Class Cards: Archer (Gilgamesh) • Assassin (AssassinAssassin) • SaberLancerArcherRiderCasterBerserker
Unknown Holy Grail War Class Cards: AssassinBerserkerBerserker
Koha-Ace Sakura SaberMusashiLancerDemon ArcherDevil SaberRiderCasterAssassinBerserkerSun WukongLancer
Others Saber LionFakerOthersServants of Fate/Grand Order x Himuro's World