Run Ru (ランルー, Ran Rū?), nicknamed Lil' Ronnie (ランルーくん, Ran Rū-kun?, lit. "Run Ru-kun"), is the Master of Lancer in the Moon Holy Grail War of Fate/EXTRA. She only appears in the Rin route. She is the original Master of Lancer Elizabeth Báthory in Fate/EXTRA CCC, but she does not appear in the story.
According to Vlad III in his interlude in Fate/Grand Order, she was once an ordinary woman but the stillbirth of her child drove her to madness and left her unable to eat anything save for those she truly loved.[2]
In Fate/EXTRA, she claims to have eaten her pet, her own parents and even her own child out of love. However, Vlad sates that she was exiled for consuming her dead child, but despite her delusions she could actually not bring herself to eat her loved ones and ultimately starved herself to death. In light of this, it is likely that her claims of eating her parents and pet are either self-deceptions or products of her insanity.[2]
Run Ru's avatar appearance is of a crazed young woman with short curly orange hair, where her bangs cover her right eye, and orange eyes. Her face is covered with a white smiling clown mask with green eyeshadowing, a large red nose and large red lips.
Her body movements are bizarre, like a crippled ragdoll when she moves in cutscenes or in battle. Her physical frame is that of an extremely thin woman; it is suggested during week 4 on Rin's route that she is bulimic.
She wears a mascot costume of the popular hamburger shop called "LenLen Burger". Though she is a mascot of a popular hamburger chain, her extremely thin frame shows that she has an eating disorder.
Her characterization is twisted, to the point where her expressions of love are that of eating or food-related connotations of bizarre innocence. Before Hakuno's Elimination match with her, she confesses to have eaten her pet, her own parents and even her own child out of love (for it is wasteful if they are edible). She wants the Holy Grail to make all humanity like her, so that she won't be lonely anymore and will have more people to love and eat. Lancer claims she is his "wife", and states that her insanity and insatiable appreciation for food is what makes her beautiful as a human.
In the Japanese version, she largely used hiragana and katakana only in text and varies between a silly tone of voice and a low, ominous one when speaking; in English, the varied capital letters defy the laws of fundamental grammar "lIKe sO."

Run Ru and Lancer
She serves no other major role but as Hakuno's opponent for the 4th week in the Holy Grail War of Fate/EXTRA, but both Monji Gatou and her serve to show world changing ideas from vastly askew standpoints. They both honestly believe their twisted logic would improve the world, unlike the more selfish beliefs of the Hakuno's previous opponents.
In one of the scenes where Hakuno interacts with Run Ru and her servant Lancer, Lancer deliberately suggests and remarks on Run Ru's bulimia. Her peculiar appreciation for food, where she will only eat something if she loves it dearly, presents an ominous intent for cannibalism on both her and her Servant's nature. During each interaction with Hakuno, she always states that Hakuno looks delicious and preaches about wanting eat Hakuno up.
After her defeat, she wanted to eat Lancer as he was about to be erased by SE.RA.PH. despite Lancer suggesting not to as he feels he won't taste good. Once Lancer fades, Run Ru feels sad as she touches the last remains of Lancer's bloody puddle. She fades and continues commenting how she wanted to eat Hakuno.
In the manga adaptation, she and Lancer went on a killing frenzy on both NPCs and the participants in the preliminaries.
Though she makes no appearance in Fate/EXTRA CCC, she was the original Master of Lancer before BB kills her.
Not much is known about Run Ru's capacity, but she is an exceptional Spiritron-hacker as she was able to customize her avatar appearance. She was also fairly skilled Master with a strong Servant to have defeated three other Master-Servant pairs.
- seal_break(); - A codecast skill that seals the opponent's BREAK command.
- add_poison(); - A codecast skill that inflicts poison on an enemy.