Trolls Trollpedia
Trolls Trollpedia
Episode Info

"What's in a Nickname?" is the second segment of the 4th episode of the sixth season of Trolls: TrollsTopia, and the 85th overall episode in the series. It premiered in February 17, 2022.


Branch manipulates Lownote into giving him the nickname "Ace", but when everyone's newfound faith in the incredible "Ace" leads Branch to being called on a mission he's not cut out for, he realizes that rigging the system wasn't such a good idea.


Gust Tumbleweed walks by Biggie, Poppy and Demo, who call him "10 Gallon". When he walks by Branch he says "hi", realizing he made a mistake he calls him "10 Gallon". He asks Poppy and Demo "since when do we call Gust 10 Gallon" and they explain that Lownote Jones gave him that nickname and once someone is given a Nickname by Lownote, it sticks. Lownote explains he has an unnatural gift for giving Nicknames and is a manifesting of his coolness, while others say that the universe speaks through him and assigns a nickname. Every once in a while he feels it come on and he nicknames someone. At that moment, he floats up and goes into a prophet-like state. He tells Smidge that her nickname is "Cutie-Pie". Instantly, other Trolls start calling her that.

Branch asks Lownote about what is they wanted to choose their own nickname, which grabs grasps from all the Trolls around him. Poppy finds that awkward and forced. Lownote warns that they should not try and choose a nickname or risk getting a nickname that does not reflect them and risk consequences. Branch nervously laugh.

After Lownote walks off Branch turns to Poppy and note that he could finally make it happen. Demo asks what they are discussing and despite Poppy disliking it, Branch that back in his Bunker Days he had no one to give him a nickname. So he designed one himself in his journal, writing book after book of possibilities before he settled on the perfect nickname: "Ace". Demo agrees it is a beautiful nickname and Branch notes that its a nickname that invokes the idea of a Troll that others can Trust. Poppy insists that other people already respect him and he doesn't need to go to lengths to get his desired nickname. She reminds him of Lownote's warning, she seeks support in Demo but Demo sees the awesomeness of the name and offers instead to help Branch out. Branch ensures her he will not pick his own nickname, he will just midge Lownote in the "Ace" direction.

At Country Corral, Branch and Demo are playing cards, Branch keeps getting Aces. Lownote notes the impossibility of getting such a large number, Lownote goes into his nicknaming state, but before he gives a nickname ends it and asks if his cheating. When pressured, Ace cards slip out of his shirt and he runs off realizing he was caught.

Next Branch pulls out a test result for Poppy's Macro Huganomics. Demo notes he "aced" the test. After showing Lownote, he fails to repeat the idea of him "acing" the test and instead notes that it means that Branch got all the answers right and that it also means he took time to revise for it. Branch groans in annoyance that Lownote didn't note him acing the test.

As Lownote walks along, he comes across Branch being dressed up in a cool flying outfit complete with shades. Demo turns on some fans out of sight of Lownote and sets up some music before applying the grand finale. Lownote goes back into the Nicknaming state, and nicknames Branch "Ace". Cooper notes the light and notes "An Ace walks among us". Immediately, Trolls start calling Branch "Ace".

Lownote sings during a montage in which Branch is constantly being called upon to save the day. He does so, enjoying the reputation "Ace" beings him.

Poppy and Branch walk, with Branch receiving constant hand gestures from other Trolls. Poppy is unsure, as it still feels like Branch picked his own name and that is bad. Lownote approaches Branch replies that his the Troll they ask upon when they need help.

Lownote shows Branch the situation - energy suck insects from Sector 12, aka probequitoes, are coming through wormholes to suck the energy out of Vibe Town. If they drain too much power, the ship will go down, so Lownote and Branch need to go up on hoverboards and get rid of them. Branch asks if there's another Troll that can do it, and Lownote notes there are but none of them are named "Ace". Branch put his tow on the hoverboard and is immediately shot into the air on it. During the flight, he ends up on Lownote's board and knocks out his insect swatter, leaving the pair helpless against the insects. Lownote is confident as they have something they don't have - an "Ace". Branch is distraught because the "Ace" nickname has landed him in a situation he can't be relied upon so he finally confessed he manipulated the results despite Lownote's note of consequences. With a moment of lack of coolness, Lownote signals for help, other Funk Trolls appear and deal with the event as Branch falls off the board to the ground.

Branch apologizes for messing with forcing the situation. At that moment, Lownote goes into the nickname state and says from now on Branch is "Skippy Two Shoes". Lownote argues with the universe and says that his not giving him that name as its lame - but as usual Trolls immediately start using the nickname much to Branch's annoyance.


Pop Trolls
Rock Trolls
Funk Trolls



  • The title is a reference to "What's in a name?" a phrase from Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. The phrase is spoken when Juliet, a member of the Capulet family, concludes that Romeo being a "Montague", would not matter as he is the same person regardless of their two families feud.
  • This episode refers to the event of someone, or something, earning a nickname. A nick-name is often a title given to something as a joke or a note of respect.
    • Someone trying to force a nickname, usually a good one, is usually a sign of a braggart.
  • Gust's nickname "10 gallon" is a reference to the "10 gallon hat", also nicknamed the cowboy hat.
  • Branch desired nickname "Ace" was a reference to a variety of things such as Ace cards, acing test results and the flying Ace (a nickname for a fighter pilot who manages to shoot down 5 enemy planes).
    • Meanwhile, Lownote's use of Branch as "Ace" later is a nod to something being an "Ace", meaning that Branch was being used as a hidden advantage that's certain to bring them victory and is reliable to bring that victory no matter what.
  • "Skippy 2 Shoes" is a play on "Goody Two Shoes", which is a nickname for someone who does good.
  • Cooper's scene where he notes "An Ace walks among us" is a nod to his line "A Pinky Promise? Dang!" in Trolls World Tour after Poppy and Biggie swear a Pinky Promise.
  • The storyboard animatic version of the song sequence can be viewed here.
  • Branch walking with the camera panning up from his feet to his face is most likely a reference to the beginning of Saturday Night Fever.


Trolls: TrollsTopia episodes
Season 1
TrollsTopia • The Buddy System/Kick-Off Party • Bring It In/Branch Out of Water • The Ballad of Holly Darlin'/Across the Fashionverse • Manager Poppy/The Snug-a-lug Situation • Girls' Night/Cloud Control • Classical Rock/Buckin' Branch • Rhythm & the Blues/Mouth Guitar • Glitter Rush/Laguna Tidepool & the Lost Game Room • Cheery Glo-mato/Highly Amused • The Makeunder/Smidge in the Saddle • Extra Tootering/The Last Scrapbook • Darlin' Dos/Bad Hair Day
Season 2
Cakes on a Train/It's Dad-urday • Smooth Operator/Funtography Day • Hopscotch Extreme/The Funk Wash • Hair Fracture/Palentine's Day • The Party Pooper/My Dinner with Dante • Hairicane/Piney & Lord Prickles
Season 3
Potluck Poppy/Blaze and the Blazing Blazes • Clash of the Battle Piñatas/R&B in R&D • Disgruntle Weeds/Extreme Sleepover Club: Spooky Edition! • Surprise-O-Tron/Dante the Entertainer • Surprising Gust/Daylight Ravings Time • Nowhere to Fun, Nowhere to Hide/The Joy Chord • Wormhole Scavenger Hunt/The Fabyrinth
Season 4
Dance Plants/Mini Mini Golf • Trollection/Bro, Team! Bro! • The Bunker Sitter/Domin-Uh-Ohs • Shiny Diamond/Flyer's Ed • Puffalo Express/Merry Cloudmas • Don't Make Me Laugh!/Hair-aldine: The Musical
Season 5
Trollvial Pursuit/Life of Pie • Big Brother Dante/Art Breaker • The Fun Harvest/The Tunnel of Friendship • BPF/Follicle Fitness • The Not So Good Sport/Bygone Bergen • Stop the Presses/R&B Are On It! • To Hug A Snug-A-Lug/The Search for Piece
Season 6
Bubbled In/Fastest Draw in the West • The Cloudback Whale/Truffle Trouble • Big Sis B/Journey to the Center of TrollsTopia • Race to the Crest/What's in a Nickname? • Ready, Set, Calendar!/The Party Switcheroo • Keep It Up/Be My Val In Time
Season 7
A Life Less Score-dinary/The Trolls-a-Thon • Air Apparent/Under New Management • Give Me A Break/Once Bitten, Twice Guy • The Troublesome Trio/Hide & Go Hug • Funder Construction/The Tech-less Breakfast • The Farmer and the Hound/Val Serves Murray Duty • Gal Pal Getawaycation/Troll Exchange Program