The Loud House Encyclopedia
The Loud House Encyclopedia
The Loud House Encyclopedia

The following is a transcript for the episode "Salvador Doggy".


Paramount Global The quotations in the following transcript are owned by Paramount and are an exception to The Loud House Encyclopedia's CC-BY-SA license. This transcript is provided in full as a source of review and reference, which likely falls under fair use.

[Open on Frida painting in apartment 2B]
Frida: [punches a hole in the latest canvas] "TERRIBLE! You call this art?!" [throws it on the ground, alongside several other canvases and starts sobbing] "My showcase is tomorrow, and I have no work to showcase at the showcase! This is the worst painter's block I've had in years." [gets an idea] "Oh, I know. I can listen to my favorite podcast. That should help."
[Later, she's upside down while listening]
Podcast Voice: "Now that you've tried the first exercise, how does it feel to see the world from a new perspective? Are the creative juices flowing?"
Frida: "If by flowing, you mean falling!" [falls]
Podcast Voice: "Remember, your paintbrush is not your enemy. It's your friend. Say hi to your friend."
Frida: "Hola, paintbrush."
[Suddenly she hallucinates the paintbrush speaking]
Paintbrush: [mockingly] "Oh, you're going with blue for the sky? How original."
Frida: [growls] "Now I'm suddenly seeing red!" [She tosses the paintbrush, it hits the wall, leaving a blue mark on it, and lands next to Lalo. He grabs the brush and suddenly runs next to Frida, knocking the paint cans over.] "Uh, no, Lalo. It's not playtime, it's crunch time." [He rolls in the spilled paint...] "Lalo!" [...and shakes his body, splattering the paint all over the canvas] "No! Bad Lalo! You ruined my canvas!"
[Suddenly there's a knock on the door]
Romeo: "Frida, chica, it's your favorite gallery owner coming to see your latest masterpieces!"
Frida: [gasps] "Romeo! Uh, just a minute!" [covers the canvas with a tarp and opens the door] "Hi." [laughs nervously] "Now's not a great time."
Romeo: [notices] "Oh, perfect. Is that one of your new pieces?" [enters]
Frida: "Huh? Hey--hey, wait!"
[She gasps in horror as Romeo unveils the tarp to reveal Lalo's mess]
Romeo: [gasps] "Frida, this is..."
Frida: "I can explain."
Romeo: "Groundbreaking!"
Frida: "Wait, what?"
Romeo: "It's a new direction for you. You really captured your animal spirit."
Frida: "It was an animal, all right."
Romeo: "There's a big art collector coming to the show. This is exactly the kind of abstract piece she would buy."
Frida: [laughs] "Oh, no, Romeo. You don't understand. This one-"
Romeo: "Don't be modest, chica! I'll need ten more of these for the show tomorrow! Gracias! Adios!" [leaves]
Frida: "Ten more?! I didn't even do this one." [notices Lalo gnawing on the paintbrush; gasps] "But you did!" [hugs Lalo] "Lalo, mi perrito favorito! Will you please help me make more paintings? I need you!" [Lalo licks her] "Gracias, Lalo. Good boy. I better grab more supplies!" [leaves]
[Enter Sergio in scuba gear]
Sergio: [squawks] "Ready for our scuba lesson?" [Lalo gestures to the painting, grunting] "You squiggled on paper. Congrats." [Lalo continues to explain] "You gotta make ten more? For Frida? What's in it for you?" [Lalo whines] "Diddly-squat?" [disgruntled squawk] "Hold up. It's time I teach you about the law of supply and demand. If you're gonna supply, you gotta demand."
[He makes the money gesture as Lalo perks at the idea.]

[Later, Frida comes back with the supplies]
Frida: "Lalo, I'm back! Ready to paint?"
Sergio: "Not so fast. I'm Lalo's manager." [takes out a fake business card, squawks] "For every painting my client makes, he's gotta get something out of it too. As does his manager." [laughs and clears throat] "If you could, uh, please sign this contract." [takes out a lengthy contract]
Frida: "Ugh, fine. Anything to get more paintings." [signs]
Sergio: [points at other spaces] "Initial here, here, here, here, here. Don't forget there."

[Later, Lalo finishes his latest masterpiece]
Frida: [gasps] "Magnifico. We need nine more just like that."
[Lalo agrees and readies his paintbrush, but Sergio stops him]
Sergio: "Ah-ah-ah!"
Frida: "What's the problem? I bought Lalo his fancy treats and got you those sneakers."
[Sergio is indeed wearing fancy sneakers.]
Sergio: "That was for the first painting. You want more, you have to pay more." [clears throat] "The artiste needs a long walk to keep his juices flowing, and I could use some new bling. That won't be a problem, will it?"
Frida: "No. If that's what the artiste needs." [takes out the leash]
Sergio: [squawks] "That won't be necessary."

[At the city park, Sergio and Lalo are now riding in a stroller pushed by Frida as passersby stare]
Sergio: "Ahh, should've gotten into the art game a long time ago." [squawks and rings a bell] "Snack us!"
[Frida hands them both dog treats and continues on.]

[Later, Lalo, covered in paint, shakes his body and covers two canvases with paint]
Frida: "Finally. It's genius! Stay right there. I'll go get the next canvas."
Sergio: "Not so fast. We can't overwork the artiste. He's earned some playtime."
Frida: [laughs darkly] "Of course. How could I forget?"

[Cut back to Frida in the same position at the park. She gets hit by mud]
Frida: "Ay!" [growls at Lalo rolling in the mud] "OK, Lalo, you know what splashing mud reminds me of? Splashing paint! Wanna head back?"
Sergio: [squawks] "Not yet." [slurps a drink from a straw] "Ah. The artist would like a squirrel to chase."
Frida: "OK. One squirrel coming up." [chases a squirrel] "This must be what they mean when they say you have to suffer for your art." [trips]

[Lalo finishes another painting with his tail holding the paintbrush and yawns]
Sergio: "And now my client will be retiring for the evening."
Frida: "What? But I need more paintings by tomorrow."
Sergio: "And Lalo needs his beauty sleep. He can finish in the morning."
[As the pets leave, Frida growls and lets out a scream so loud it can be heard outside the apartment.]

[The sky fades to night as Frida prepares to go to bed.]
Frida: [sighs] "Well, hopefully we can get the rest finished tomorrow."
[She prepares to sleep, but finds Sergio in the bed and shrieks.]
Sergio: "Excuse me. The artiste is trying to sleep."
Frida: [confused] "What?" [lifts the covers to reveal Lalo snoring] "Lalo?! But this is my bed. Where am I supposed to sleep?"
[Cut to Frida sleeping on Lalo's dog bed, her eyes bloodshot and twitching in anger.]

[The next day, Frida is still awake on Lalo's dog bed as Sergio and Lalo approach.]
Sergio: [yawns] "Slept like a baby. That bed is comfy." [Frida gets up with her bones cracking] "Don't just stand there. Here's our breakfast order." [unveils a long breakfast list]
Frida: [loses it] "That's it!" [rips the list apart] "The deal's off. I'll find another artist, Lalo! You're not the only dog in town!" [storms off]
Sergio: "Sheesh. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the doggy bed."

[Mr. Nakamura and Nelson are walking when they notice a sign promoting a dog daycare at apartment 2B.]
Mr. Nakamura: "Oh. Free doggy daycare? One day only? Bow-wow!"

[Nelson is now at apartment 2B rolling in paint as Frida looks on.]
Frida: "Good boy. Get the paint all over you."
Mr. Nakamura: [opens the door] "Nelson, I almost forgot to leave your green tea doggy treats!" [gasps upon seeing his dirty dog] "Nelson!" [Nelson barks happily] "He just got back from the groomer!"
[Nelson shakes the paint all over Frida and Mr. Nakamura.]
Frida: [laughs nervously] "On the bright side, I think green is really your color?"

[Now she's got Buttercup]
Frida: "Come on, Buttercup. If you do a good job, I'll give you treats." [turns around to get a treat, only to see Buttercup with a bloated belly] "No! Those aren't the treats!"
[Buttercup burps a pink bubble, which bursts.]

[Now she's got Fluffy, who's just finished painting a realistic portrait of Jean Jouvenet.]
Frida: "No, no. I'm sorry, Fluffy. I need abstract art. You can go. Vete."
[Fluffy drops the brush and leaves, growling.]

[Frida is now all alone]
Frida: [sobs] "These dogs were useless! And my show is in one hour! I hate to say it, but I think I really do need Lalo!" [sighs and retrieves his dog treats]

[At the park, Frida looks for Lalo]
Frida: [calling] "Lalo! Where are you? I brought your favorite treats!"
[Meanwhile, Becky and Malo are also at the park]
Becky: [gasps] "I'll be right back, Malo. I see a kid littering! I'm gonna go give him a wedgie. Don't go anywhere." [leaves]
Frida: [mistakes Malo for his twin; gasps] "Lalo! There you are. I've been looking for you everywhere." [Malo growls] "OK, I know you're still mad at me, but just allow me to explain." [breaks down sobbing] "No dog can paint like you! Oh, please, come back and finish my paintings!" [hugs Malo] "I need you!" [Malo snaps at her and runs off; she gasps] "Ooh, wait for me!" [follows Malo]
[Becky comes back]
Becky: "He'll never litter again. Malo? Huh, must be off scaring cats. I love that dog."

[Frida now has Malo in apartment 2B.]
Frida: "Ring the bell if you need more treats. And now I will leave you to your work." [laughs] "Thank you, Lalo."
[Back in apartment 2A, Ronnie Anne, CJ, and Carl are watching TV when Frida joins them.]
Frida: "Hola, amores. Hola, Lalo." [realizes that she's resting her feet on the real Lalo] "Lalo? Wait, if Lalo is here, then who's-? Oh, no." [runs off]
Carl: "Moms are weird."
[Frida rushes back to apartment 2B, only for Malo to knock down the door]
Frida: [gasps] "You're not Lalo!" [Malo blows a raspberry and leaves; she enters apartment 2B to find that he's made a mess of the place] "And what you've done es muy malo! Now I have no work to show tonight!" [breaks down sobbing]
[Enter Romeo]
Romeo: "Frida, it's showtime!" [notices her on the ground] "Ay, mujer! What happened in here?"
Frida: "I can't live a lie anymore! I didn't paint the piece you loved yesterday! It was Lalo!" [continues to sob] "And I just took credit for it because I had painter's block. I'm so sorry."
Romeo: "Chica, I wish you had told me the truth. Every artist gets stuck sometimes. It's just part of being an artist."
Frida: [sniffs] "Really? Uh, but what about the show and the important collector?"
Romeo: "Frida, I care about you more than all of that. We can reschedule. I just want you to give yourself a break."
Frida: "Oh, thanks. Maybe I need to take some time to find my inspiration."
Romeo: "Inspiration will find you. That's what I love about your work, Frida. You always have a way of channeling your life experiences into art." [leaves]
Frida: "Channeling my life experiences into art?" [gasps] "That's it! W-wait! I have an idea!" [rushes offscreen and gathers her tools] "Inspiration has found me at last!"

[That night at the Art Space Gallery.]
Romeo: "I almost had to cancel tonight's event, but Frida Puga Casagrande always has something up her sleeve, or should I say, dog collar? Here to perform her next abstract art piece live, give it up for Frida!"
[Frida shows up wearing a dog costume on all fours, barking as she approaches the canvas. She howls before splashing paint on herself, shaking it off on the canvas, and then stands up and bows to applause.]
Audience: "Simply stunning!" "It's breathtaking!"
Frida: "Take that, painter's block!"
Woman: "That was the strangest thing I've ever seen, and I love strange! I will take them all."
[Sergio and Lalo show up]
Sergio: [squawks] "Let's talk numbers. We're her managers."
Woman: "Money is no object."
[Frida gasps and starts howling; Lalo, Sergio, and the audience join in. The end.]

v - e - d The Casagrandes episode transcripts