The following is a transcript for the episode "Dynamic Do Over."
The quotations in the following transcript are owned by Paramount and are an exception to The Loud House Encyclopedia's CC-BY-SA license. This transcript is provided in full as a source of review and reference, which likely falls under fair use.
[At the Casagrande apartment Carl is watching his favourite show, El Falcon de Fuego. El Falcón is at his fortress, roasting corn on his cape, when he gets a call] El Falcón: "Commissioner Gordo! What’s wrong?" Commissioner Gordo: "Aye! Falcon! It’s bad. El Dragon, La Cobra, and La Tortuga have teamed up to take over the city." [Just then, said animal-based super villains break into the commissioner’s office] El Falcón: "Oh no!" [Stands heroically] "You know what that means!" [Carl knows what that means] El Falcón & Carl: "Time to fly!" [On the TV El Falcón flies. In the living room, Carl runs to the couch with his action figure and jumps, crashing into Bobby] Carl:[Mad] "Bobby! You ruined my landing." Bobby: "Oh, hey Carl. Guess what, I have a surprise for you." [Touches Carl’s nose as he says that] Carl: "One... don't ever do that. And two... I'm watching El Falcon." Bobby: "Trust me, this is better than watching El Falcon."
[Later, at Ron’s Comics, A line of kids and grown ups is stretching out the door. Inside, El Falcon signs autographs for two kids. Bobby and Carl are next in line, Carl’s jaw dropped] Carl:[Can’t believe it] "The real El Falcon? I take back all the bad things I’ve ever said about you behind your back." Bobby: "Wait, what?" [Meanwhile, the two kids in front are playing tug of war with El Falcon’s cape. El Falcon looking like he’d rather be anywhere else] El Falcon: "Alright kids, your time's up." [The kids let go and race off] "Next!" [Carl excitedly approaches El Faclon] "Hello my falcon friend, what's your name?" Carl:[Giddy] "Falcon, it's Carl Casagrande. Your biggest fan. Wanna see my chest tattoo?" [El Falcon is confused, and Carl opens his shirt, revealing said tattoo. Carl flexes, making the tattoo’s wings flap] "Don't worry it washes off, but I'm never bathing again." El Falcon: "Kid, you want an autograph of what?" [Carl nods his head and Bobby gives Carl his El Falcon stuff] Carl: "So Falcon, do you prefer your elote blaster or your elote daggers?" El Falcon: "Well they both have their…" Carl:[Gasps] "Ooh! In episode two-thirteen, how’d you know the commissioner was an imposter?" El Falcon: "Well I..." Carl: "Would you ever want a sidekick? I could be El Pollito!" [Carl keeps asking El Falcon questions. Which really starts getting on El Falcon’s nerves. Carl is still asking Falcon] El Falcon:[Snapping] "I don’t know kid! I’m just an actor, okay? None of this is real." Carl:[Gasps, shocked] "Not… real?" Bobby:[Shocked just the same] "Not cool, Falcon! He’s just kidding, Carl. Carl?" [Carl is just standing there, until he faints. Still cross with El Falcon] "You call yourself a hero?"
[Back at the Casagrande apartment, Carl takes his El Falcon poster off his wall] Frida:[Horrified] "Mi pollito! Don't throw that away." Carl:[Crumples his poster and tosses it in the bag] "What's the point? El Falcon’s not real." [Picks up a Falcon model] "I've been looking up to a fake this whole time." Carlos: "Not the ten-thousand piece El Falcon model. That took us six months to build." Carl: "Six months down the drain!" [Tosses it] "My childhood may as well be over." [Takes the full bag way] Frida: "Aye! This breaks my heart." Bobby:[Feeling horrible] "This is all my fault! If only there was a way to make him believe in El Falcon again." [Gasps] "Wait! What if I dress up as El Falcon and convince Carl that he's real?" Ronnie Anne: "Doesn't El Falcon have like, powers and super strength?" Bobby: "No problem, I'm plenty strong." [Flexes his muscles, which then deflate] "But to make Carl really believe, I'm gonna need all of your help." [The rest of the family smiles]
[On the streets, Carl prepares to put his bag in the garbage] Bobby:[Offscreen] "Hold it right there, Carl!" [Bobby rolls up, dressed as El Falcon] Carl:[Not recognizing his primo, sarcastically] "Well look who it is, El Fake-on." Bobby: "Oh that was... uh... an evil imposter you met earlier. Mm-hmm. I took care of him and came here to set the record straight." [Just then, a falcon cry is heard] "Excuse me, Commissioner Gordo's calling on the falcon phone." Carl:[Still not believing] "Yeah right." [Bobby video chats with Hector, who is dressed as Commissioner Gordo] Hector: "Falcon! Help! El Dragon’s robbing my… I mean the mercado." Bobby: "Come on, Carl. Time to jet!" [Runs] Carl: "Don't you mean time to fly?" Bobby: "Uh yes. Time to fly! Or walk, I mean the mercado's right here." [Runs to the mercado, Carl follows. Inside, Frida and Ronnie Anne are getting Carlos’ disguise ready] Sergio: "They’re coming! Places people!" [Bobby kicks the door open. Frida and Ronnie Anne are holding each other in fear, Carlitos is clinging to Hector, who’s arms are up. Carlos, dressed as El Dragon, laughs diabolically] Carlos: "I’m taking all of this food! For free." Bobby: "El Dragon! Didn’t your mother ever teach you that stealing is wrong?" Carlos: "She did. So I told her to can it." [Rolls soup cans ar Bobby, who jumps over the first three. But the fourth one takes him down. El Dragon laughs] "Later, Birdbrain." [Breaks for the door] Bobby: "Falcon freeze!" [Makes sounds with his mouth and a blue light spawns, freezing everyone in place] Carlos: "Blast you Falcon! I can’t move." Carl:[The only one not frozen] "How do I know you're not all faking it?" [Goes to Hector] "Let's find out."
[Starts tickling Hector. Hector, who is faking it, tries to resist laughing. Meanwhile, Bobby throws Carlos into the street] Bobby: "Come on, Carl our work here is done." [Bobby and Carl leave. Hector is relieved] Hector: "Luckily that's not my tickle spot." [Carlitos starts tickling Hector in his real tickle spot. Hector reacts this time]
[Outside the mercado] Carl: "Big whoop. I’m still not convinced." Bobby: "Well, maybe you'd like to take a ride in my Falcon-mobile!" [Carl gasps at what he thinks is the Falcon-mobile, but is really the mercado van with some decorations] Carl:[A little suspicious] "Looks a lot bulkier than on TV." Carlota:[Dressed as La Cobra, laughs] "Not so fast Falcon! It is I, La Cobra." [Charges at Bobby] "Eat venom bird!" [Swats Bobby with her tail, knocking him over, and jumps into the Falcon-mobile] "Later sss-quares." Bobby: "Silly snake, I've got full control of the Falcon-mobile. Including the eject button." [Bobby presses his phone, and Carlota gets ejected from the mercado van. She’s scared the whole way up, until Lalo saves her] Carl: "Awesome! I mean, not bad."
[Later, Bobby and Carl are walking along the sidewalk, Bobby still playing El Falcon. A lady walks along and takes notice] Bobby: "Sure, I love my elote blaster, but I really prefer my falcon claw." Carl:[Gasps] "Me too! It's my favorite item on your utility belt." [Still skeptical] "If you really are who you say you are." [Falcon gets another call] Hector:[Still playing Gordo] "Help! Falcon! The evil kingpin La Tortuga, has joined forces with the other villains!" Bobby: "Fear not! I'll lock them all up." Rosa:[Offscreen] "Think again El Falcon!" [Bobby looks next to him and sees a red shape where his primo used to be] Carl: "Falcon! Help!" [Carl is in the clutches of La Tortuga. Dragon and Cobra come out] "Save me, Falcon!" Bobby: "Release the boy La Tortuga!" Rosa: "Who’s going to make me! Get him!" [Carlota and Carlos charge at Bobby. Meanwhile, Rosa’s mask falls off, she quickly puts it back on, Carl doesn’t see. Falcon, charges at the villains. La Cobra jumps and gets her claw fangs ready. El Falcon readies his elote daggers and the two battle. Carlota manages to get the dagger away from Bobby, and Bobby hits her away with his cape. El Dragon charges, El Falcon fires his elote canon, taking him out. La Tortuga still has Carl] Carl: "Falcon!" [La Tortuga makes a run for it, keeping Carl.] Bobby: "Not so fast, foul turtle!" [Bobby throws his elote bolas, taking La Tortuga down. Later, all three are tied up] Hector:[Still playing Gordo, shakes Bobby’s hand] "You’ve done it again, Falcon."
[Takes the three villains away] Bobby: "Well, now that the streets are safe, it's time for me to return to the Falcon Fortress." Carl: "Wow, I can't believe I ever doubted you Falcon." [Hugs his once-again hero. Inside the mercado, Frida is watching and crying] Frida: "He believes again!" [She, Carlos, Carlota, Rosa and Hector cheer. Suddenly...] Burglar: "Hey! Hands where I can see ‘em!" [The Casagrandes look, a big guy in a ski mask comes from behind the register, with a bag of money] "This is a robbery!" [The Casagrandes silently hold their hands up. Bobby and Carl hear Hector from outside] Hector: "Help! Help!" [Bobby and Carl look] Carl: "Someone’s robbing the mercado!" Bobby: "Again?" [Bobby kicks the door open] "Halt, criminal!" [Covers Carl’s ears and whispers] "You don’t have to do this Tío Carlos, we’re good." [Bobby then sees what the burglar is standing on] "Tío Carlos?" [He looks back at the burglar, and at his familia cowering behind the register] Frida:[Whispers to Bobby] "That's a real thief." [Bobby is scared now] Carl:[Still not aware of Bobby] "Oh man, do you know who you’re messing with? This is El Falcon." Bobby:[Scared] "Well, let's not get the scary gentleman all worked up." Burglar: "Whatever, Birdman." [Runs right past Bobby. The sound of an engine is heard outside] Hector: "Ah, that bobo is stealing the van!" [Bobby elbows Hector] "I mean that bird car thingy!" Carl: "What are you waiting for, Falcon?!" [Bobby nervously laughs. He and Carl run outside just as the burglar takes off in the mercado van] "Use your ejector button!" Bobby:[Remembering that] "Of course." [Reaches for it, but it’s not on him] "Darn it! I left my phone in the Falconmobile earlier." Carl: "Then use your Falcon claw." Bobby:[Reaches for it] "Here goes nothing." [Gets ready to fire, whispers to himself] "Please don’t work." [It does work, the claw catches the bumper of the van and takes Bobby flying behind. Which he actually starts enjoying a little. The burglar sees] Burglar: "Time to get rid of you, Birdbrain." [Starts swerving the van, and flies over a wall into the park, but Bobby still hangs on. They crash through the wall on the other side of the park and return to the road. Meanwhile, back at the comic book store, El Falcon is on the phone, more fans cheering for him] El Falcon:[Sighs] "No, I can't make it to dinner tonight, I have to be at this dumb signing." [The person on the other side answers] "Si Mama, I know I used to like being a hero but, I don't see the point anymore." [Just then, the mercado van drives past, Bobby still hanging on] Bobby: "Help!" El Falcon: "Mama! I have to call you back!" [Goes after the action. Meanwhile, the burglar sees he hasn’t gotten rid of Bobby yet] Burglar: "Hey! Would you quit it already?!" [Just then, a truck horn sounds. The burglar sees he’s heading into a semi. He swerves to a stop, and the truck goes by safely. Bobby crashes into a Yoon Kwan billboard, most of him falls and lands on the windshield. Bobby looks inside and sees] Bobby:[Gasps] "My phone." [Grabs it] "Adios, thief." [Hits the ejector button and propels the burglar right out of the van. The burglar lands in a dumpster, right in front of some cops, who are holding the burglar’s wanted posters] Police Officer: "Hey! That’s him!" Bobby:[Climbs down off the van] "I did it." Carl:[Runs up] "That was amazing El Fal-" [Realizes] "Bobby?" Bobby:[Still trying to keep in character] "I think you mean, El Falcon!" [Strokes his hair and realizes something] "My mask fell off, didn’t it?" [Bobby’s mask is in fact stuck in the, starting to sway, billboard] Carl: "I way you the whole time?! You liar!" [Carl angrily storms off. The real El Falcon arrives and hides] Bobby: "Carl, I felt so bad after the rio falcon was such a jerk to you. I just wanted you to keep believing." Carl: "There's nothing to believe in anymore, there are no heroes, it's all fake including that dumb outfit. Take it off!" [Starts yanking at Bobby’s costume] Bobby: Come on, Carl, cut it out." [Bobby and Carl get into a tug of war over Bobby’s cape. They don’t even realize they’re standing right where the billboard’s about to land. They suddenly see the billboard about to crush them and hold each other screaming. Suddenly El Falcon saves them] "Woah, El Falcon." Carl: "Oh, you mean the lying actor who plays El Falcon?" El Falcon: "Would an actor be able to do this? Time to fly!" [Grabs the billboard, actually flies to put it back in place, and hovers next to it. Bobby and Carl gasp. El Falcon returns and Carl believes again] Carl: "You are real!" El Falcon "I'm sorry for what I said earlier, Carl. But I can't reveal my true identity to just anyone. And now that I know you're a true believer, how would you like to be my sidekick El Pollito?" Carl: "Really? This is the best day ever!" [Runs back to the apartment] Mom! Mom! I'm gonna be El Falcon’s sidekick!" Bobby:[Now that he and El Falcon are alone] "So you can really fly?" El Falcon: "Nah, it's just a jetpack. Yeah, listen, I overheard what you did for the kid and it reminded me just how important my job as El Falcon is. Now if you'll excuse me I've got a signing to get to. And hey, I'm not the hero, you are." [Flies off] Bobby:[Amazed] "Wow, me, a real hero? Time to fly!" [Fires the grappling hook, which gets caught on the billboard and brings it down, crushing Bobby] "Time to cry."