Icon-timerangerThis article is about a former villain in Power Rangers Time Force.

"If I can't rule the present, then I'll just rule the PAST!"
―Ransik's first words upon standing before his makeshift Time Gate.[src]

"My heart has been filled with hate for so long, and that nearly cost me the one person I truly, truly love."
―Ransik showing remorse for his crimes.[src]

Ransik is a former criminal mutant from the year 3000, who traveled back in time to 2001 in order to control Earth before Time Force existed. He is the last criminal in the year 3000, the most powerful mutant of all, and the now redeemed main antagonist of Power Rangers Time Force.



Ransik was created from a chemical accident which occurred in a factory somewhat before the year 3000. Shunned by society because of his deformed and scarred face, Ransik's heart grew colder and colder until he founded a criminal empire of rogue mutants and became their feared, deadly, powerful leader.

Jen states though that at one point, people did try to help Ransik but he'd turned them away.

Encounter with the Mut-Orgs[]

Encounter with the Mut-Orgs

Ransik about to free the three Orgs from their stone prison.

Before Ransik started his great crime gang in history, he was outcasted from the city. While wandering in the wilderness, he came across three statues that spoke to him, claiming to be Orgs and promising him power in exchange for helping them to escape so they could enact vengeance on humanity. Ransik, seeing that they had the same objective at the time, agreed by freeing them from the statues. Their spirits traveled through Ransik's body, copying his mutant DNA and created new bodies for themselves becoming part mutant. True to their word, the Mut-Orgs granted Ransik great power, by turning his body into weapon, like bone-like swords. Tvicon TV STORY-Reinforcements from the Future

Before this, however, whilst Ransik was still living on the streets, he was bitten by the mutant Venommark, and he was rescued by a kind-hearted Dr. Ferricks. Ransik then became dependent on a serum developed by Dr. Ferricks which would keep him alive. He rewarded the scientist by setting his lab on fire and leaving him for dead. He also stole his Cyclobot technology and built a whole army of robot foot solders.

Time Force[]

When in Millennium City, Ransik's plans involved commandeering the Cryo Prison and travelling back in time to take over with his army of mutants, which were captured by Time Force. He was thwarted in his first attempt by Alex, the original Red Time Force Ranger. However, en route to the prison, Ransik was rescued by his daughter Nadira and his minion Frax. They escaped and accomplished Ransik's goals, and also put Alex out of action for a long amount of time.

In the year 2001, Ransik headed all his plans from the crashed prison and sent mutants out to destroy the Time Force Rangers, and would even go into combat himself sometimes.

Later, Frax betrayed Ransik and destroyed all his serum. He revealed, before escaping, that he was the robotically modified Dr. Ferricks, who had sworn revenge on Ransik. Unfortunately for Frax's plan, the Bio-Lab company had begun producing the serum they replicated from a sample Wes had found during Venomark's release. Ransik broke in and left Wes' father in a coma.

Ransik unmasked

Ransik unmasked.

Ransik eventually ran out of mutants to unfreeze, but managed to capture and reprogram Frax, taking with him Frax' all-powerful robotic creation, Doomtron, which Ransik planned to use to destroy the city. He forces Frax inside Doomtron and unleashes the giant robot to begin a mass assault on the city. During the assault, Ransik's Cyclobot army destroyed the Power Rangers' clock tower base. However, Ransik's plans were thwarted by the Rangers. They destroy Doomtron and Ransik loses his plan of taking over the city once and for all. He turns Nadira away, who had changed her attitude towards humans, and he goes on his own. Encountering the Rangers face-to-face, he engages them in a vicious combat, defeating them all one-by-one up to Wes, the Red Ranger, who duels with Ransik but they are both caught in a huge explosion, resulting in Wes being gravely injured and Ransik going after Jen, the Pink Ranger after losing the mask that covers his scarred face.

Jen flees into a large warehouse and hides from a following Ransik, who accidentally injures Nadira. After being subdued by Jen, he is shocked to see that he had hit Nadira, who was crying and clutching a human baby. Horrified at the fact that he nearly killed his own child, Ransik immediatly stops fighting and checks on her. Using a baby she rescued as an example, Nadira got Ransik to see humans weren't as bad as he thought and that Mutants have the same love as humans. Realizing that Nadira was right and how close he had come to losing her, Ransik willingly turns himself in. Tvicon TV STORY-The End of Time

Wild Force[]

Road to Redemption[]

Ransik reencounter with Nadira

Ransik, happy to be reunited with his daughter Nadira.

About a year later, Ransik is shown to be willingly imprisoned in the future. Nadira visited Ransik, who was happy to be reunited with her. Lucas, Trip and Katie also arrive at the prison and ask Ransik his help against the Mut-Orgs. Tvicon TV STORY-Reinforcements from the Future, Part 1

Destroy Mutant part of the Mut-Orgs[]

Along one year , Jen reencounters face to face with her former enemy Ransik

Ransik willing to help the Power Rangers against the Mut-Orgs.

Later, Ransik and Nadira came back to the present with the Time Force Power Rangers to stop the Mut-Orgs, while the Time Force Rangers have a happy reunion, Ransik and Nadira exit the ship with an unhappy Jen & Wes who witness him. Trip explains that they're here to help. Ransik admits to his past crimes, for which he deeply regrets and offers to help. Cole Evans comes up to Jen and says that Ransik is telling her the truth as his words come from his heart, having sensed it, so Jen reluctantly agrees to hear him out.

Back on the Animarium, having already seen the error of his ways and showing a clear amount of guilt for the Mut-Orgs existence, Ransik explained their origin story to both the combined Time Force/Wild Force Ranger teams. He later aided both Ranger teams and during the battle he launched a near-suicidal attack on the Mut-Orgs and destroyed their mutant halves, but nearly died in the process. To the Rangers' surprise when they return after destroying the Mut-Orgs, they find Ransik completely human, having been purged of his mutant nature by the same blast that purged the mutant halves of the Mut-Orgs. The Rangers, Nadira and Ransik are delighted by this turn of events.

Ranski with no scar

Ransik unmasked with no scar.

Ransik joins the party on the Animarium. Although, he isn't pleased to see Lucas and Nadira showing an interest in each other, he's more tolerant of them. He would then be given a pardon and parole for his role in defeating the Mut-Orgs, because in HyperForce, it's revealed he created the Mutant Rehabilitation Program to make Mutants into functioning citizens in society. Ransik thus became one of the few Power Ranger villains to find redemption for their actions. Tvicon TV STORY-Reinforcements from the Future, Part 2


During his days as a villain, Ransik was extremely cruel, ruthless, self-centered, egocentric, manipulative, murderous, brutal, and even sadistic at times, only focused on his plans for world domination, and coldly treating everyone around him except for Nadira like an expendable pawn.

His desire to rule the world was second only to his fatherly instincts. When he found out Nadira developed a crush on Lucas, despite being upset about the news at first, he ultimately went with her decision to date him, even visiting Lucas and giving him dating advice, albeit in a twisted and somewhat violent manner. He did however, give Lucas gifts to give to Nadira to help him impress her. In exchange for this, he (understandably) threatened Lucas if he didn't treat Nadira well he would end him. He also spied on them during the date and reminded Lucas to give her the presents he gave him and later feigned ignorance when Nadira told him about the date so the credit of giving Nadira a wonderful date would go entirely to Lucas. He also even went as far as to forbid his minions from harming Lucas during the brief period they dated. Despite being Ransik's enemy at the time and not fearing Ransik himself, Lucas both feared and respected Ransik's instincts as a father and despite wanting to break up with Nadira he was afraid to out of fear of facing Ransik for doing so.

It was because of his fatherly instincts that served as his first step for redemption after nearly killing Nadira with his own hands, having finally seen the error of his ways, he sought redemption just like his daughter did shortly before him. After his change of heart, he referred to the Rangers as his friends and nearly sacrificed himself to stop the Mut-Orgs. Afterwards, he was shown to still dislike Nadira's intentions towards Lucas, but seemed more accepting and even understanding of them.




Powers and Abilities[]


  • Energy Projection: Ransik can project blue and orange energy, much like any other villains.
  • Telekinesis: Ransik is able to lift objects and Rangers with his mind.
  • Weapon Projection: Ransik can pull weapons out of his limbs thanks to enhancements from the Mut Orgs, most commonly from his knee, these weapons are created from his own bones, and he could generate several, but his most common weapon to draw was a large sword.
  • Teleportation: Ransik can teleport himself to any location at will.
  • Extreme Martial Arts Expert: Ransik is an expert hand to hand combatant, being able to overpower Alex during their confrontation in the first episode and all five Rangers during the final battle.
  • Expert Swordsman: Ransik is an absolute expert with his weapons, being able to easily overwhelm Alex during a fight with dagger vs Chrono Saber.
  • Super Jump: Ransik can jump at incredible heights multiple times, even surpassing others.
  • Cyclobots Language Understanding: Ransik is able to understand what the Cyclobots are saying.
  • Shockwave Kick: Ransik can create cyan shockwaves with his kick.


  • Strength: As the most powerful mutant of all, Ransik has strength far exceeding any monster or even his cohorts. He was strong enough to overpower the Mut-Orgs and Rangers easily and could send a metal box flying at Alex with a single kick. He was strong enough to knock Red Battle Warrior out with only one hit.
  • Durability: As the strongest mutant known, Ransik is immune to every attack that was thrown at him. Several strikes from the Red Battle Warrior, which also forced him to explode, had no effect and multiple kicks to the chest and stomach from Alex as the Red Time Force Ranger struck him but did nothing.


  • Infection from Venomark's Poison (formerly): Long ago, the monster known as Venomark infected Ransik with his poison. As a result, Ransik would die if not for a serum supplied by Frax on a daily basis. Even when it doesn't kill him, it severely weakens him to the point that he is unable to fight. He stops suffering from this weakness through unknown means when he returns in Wild Force. It's unknown if he was cured off-screen somehow, but if not, he was presumably cured after he was turned completely human, his status as a mutant having been what kept the cure from working on Ransik completely.


  • Sword: Ransik can pull a large sword out of his knee or anywhere from his body to act as his personal weapon in combat.

    Ransik's sword

    • Energy Empowerment: Ransik can charge up his sword with blue or light green energy and slash at his enemy with full force which seemingly killed Alex (whether he died or not is one of Time Force's main plotholes).
    • Lightning Slash: Ransik can release a blue-purple lightning-like slash from his dagger that was strong enough to critically wound Mr. Collins.










to be added


Behind the Scenes[]


Ransik in PR Time Force opening credits.



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  • His name is a pun on the words "ransid" and "sick". Could also be a pun on "ransack".


  • Ransik is one of the few villains ever to not be defeated by the Power Ranger team of their series. During the final fight, he defeats all the Rangers singlehandedly until he ultimately chooses to surrender and turn himself in after seeing his hatred almost cost him Nadira.
  • Ransik was notable for being one of the more serious Power Rangers villains. Whereas most villains in Power Rangers are melodramatic, burlesque characters that had a sense of humor, with quite a few exceptions, obviously, Ransik, like Astronema was much more a cold, calculating mastermind with a penchant for convoluted machiavellian evil schemes, often going for more realistic crimes such as bribery and stealing large amounts of money. He possessed a dry, cynical sense of humor and was highly intelligent. He proves himself to be the most powerful of the mutants at the climax of the series when he takes on the Rangers in person. He exhibits great physical strength and considerable skill in combat, soundly defeating the Rangers with the greatest of ease. He was a formidable swordsman and demonstrated the ability to fire energy projectiles from his person.
    • Ransik is also one of the few PR villains to be a tragic villain besides Frax. His villainy was motivated by his hatred towards humans; said hatred became his fatal flaw, leading him to apparently murder Dr. Fericks, who became the aforementioned Frax, thus perpetuating a cycle of revenge where Ransik is unknowingly manipulated by Frax to get revenge. This in turn, leads to Ransik nearly killing his own daughter, and eventually surrendered to the Rangers and reformed.
  • Ransik is also one of the few final Power Ranger villains that does not die, instead he turns himself in and also in Power Rangers Wild Force, he reforms.
  • Ransik is the only villain to team-up with his season's Rangers rather than teaming up with the villains during the following season's teamup.
    • Karone (formerly Astronema) would join the Galaxy Rangers, however by the time she did she had already been purified by Zordon's energy wave and thus was no longer a villain.
  • By the time of "Reinforcements from the Future", Jen appears to have given up her hatred for him and suggests that together they can make a better future. Indeed, she personally releases him from his handcuffs and shakes his hand. In "The End of Time", Jen was the one who handcuffed him after his surrender.
  • Throughout Time Force, a major plot point is Ransik being plagued by Venomark's poison and having to treat it with Doctor Fericks' serum as Ransik's status as a mutant makes it impossible for the serum to cure him completely. Given the events of "Reinforcements from the Future", namely Ransik becoming fully human, he has likely been fully cured of the poison.
  • Despite Alex being alive, it’s unknown if Ransik made amends with him.
  • Ransik has no direct counterpart that also makes him a Power Rangers exclusive villain.


Power Rangers Legacy Wars[]

Legacy Wars Ransik

Ransik as seen in Legacy Wars.

Ransik is among the villains who feature in Power Rangers Legacy Wars. He is a Legendary (Leader), Legendary (Assist) character.

Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid[]

Ransik appears in the board game Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid as an opponent in the expansion "Villains Pack #5: Trouble Through Time". He is classified as a Boss.

See Also[]



Power nav iconPower Rangers Time Force Icon-timeranger
Wesley Collins - Jen Scotts - Lucas Kendall - Katie Walker - Trip - Eric Myers
Chrono Morpher - Quantum Morpher - Time Force Badge - Visual Scanners - Chrono Blasters - Chrono Sabers - Vector Weapons - Electro Booster - Quantum Defender - Time Ship - Vector Cycles - TF Eagle - Strata Cycle - Quantum Mega Battle Armor - Red Battle Warrior
Alex - Circuit - Captain Logan - Mr. Collins - Silver Guardians - Dr. Michael Zaskin - White Knight - Carter Grayson - Chad Lee - Joel Rawlings - Kelsey Winslow - Dana Mitchell - Ryan Mitchell - Cole Evans - Taylor Earhardt - Max Cooper - Danny Delgado - Alyssa Enrilé - Merrick Baliton
Zords and Megazords
Time Jet - Time Flyer 1 - Time Flyer 2 - Time Flyer 3 - Time Flyer 4 - Time Flyer 5 - Shadow Winger - Quantasaurus Rex
Time Force Megazord - Time Shadow Megazord - Shadow Force Megazord - Q-Rex Megazord - Transwarp Megazord
Ransik - Nadira - Frax - Gluto - Cyclobots
Demons: Vypra - Quarganon - Demon Warriors
Other: Black Knight - Dragon
Flamecon - Jetara - Fearog - Mantamobile - Tentaclaw - Rabbitcon - Medicon - Fatcatfish - Izout - Vexicon - Redeye - Electropede - Univolt - Brickneck - Commandocon - Klawlox - Cruel Senturicon - Turtlecon - Notacon - Conwing - Contemptra - Dash - Ironspike - Artillicon - Cinecon - Steelix - Venomark - Severax - Mr. Mechanau - Miracon - Angelcon - Chameliacon - Serpicon
Others: Samurhive - Chef Bug - Eyeacon -
Frax's Robots: Tronicon - Dragontron - Max Axe - Doomtron
Power nav icon Power Rangers Wild Force Icon-gaoranger
Cole Evans - Taylor Earhardt - Max Cooper - Danny Delgado - Alyssa Enrilé - Merrick Baliton
Growl Phone - Lunar Caller - Crystal Sabers - Power Animal Crystals - Red Lion Fang - Golden Eagle Sword - Blue Shark Fighting Fins - Black Bison Axe - White Tiger Baton - Jungle Sword - Lion Blaster - Lunar Cue - Falcon Summoner - Falconator - Armadillo Puck - Sword of Pardolis - Rhino Shooter - Deer Clutcher - Jungle Blaster - Savage Cycles - Wild Force Rider - Animarium Armor
Princess Shayla - Kite - Ancient Warriors - Time Force Rangers - Ransik - Nadira - Alpha 7
Veteran Red Rangers (Forever Red): Jason Lee Scott - Aurico - Tommy Oliver - T.J. Johnson - Andros - Leo Corbett - Carter Grayson - Wes Collins - Eric Myers
Zords and Megazords
Red Lion Wildzord - Yellow Eagle Wildzord - Blue Shark Wildzord - Black Bison Wildzord - White Tiger Wildzord - Elephant Wildzord - Giraffe Wildzord - Black Bear Wildzord - Polar Bear Wildzord - Gorilla Wildzord - Soul Bird - Wolf Wildzord - Hammerhead Shark Wildzord - Alligator Wildzord - Rhino Wildzord - Armadillo Wildzord - Deer Wildzord - Falcon Wildzord - Black Lion Wildzord - Condor Wildzord - Saw Shark Wildzord - Buffalo Wildzord - Jaguar Wildzord
Wild Force Megazord - Kongazord - Predazord - Isis Megazord - Animus - Pegasus Megazord
Other Zords
Astro Megaship
Master Org - Putrids
Duke Orgs: Jindrax - Toxica - Zen-Aku - Artilla & Helicos - Onikage
General Orgs: Retinax - Nayzor - Mandilok
Mut-Orgs: Takach - Kired - Rofang
Machine Empire: General Venjix - Gerrok - Steelon - Automon - Tezzla - Cogs - Serpentera
Turbine Org - Plug Org - Barbed Wire Org - Camera Org - Bell Org - Tire Org - Ship Org - Cell Phone Org - Bulldozer Org - Freezer Org - Vacuum Cleaner Org - Bus Org - Scooter/Motorcycle Org - Lawnmower Org - Quadra Org - Karaoke Org - Signal Org - Bowling Org - Wedding Dress Org - Samurai Org - Tombstone Org - Flute Org - Juggelo - Lion Tamer Org - Monitor Org - Toy Org - Clock Org - Locomotive Org