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Pokémon Wiki

Dynamax Adventures (Japanese: ダイマックスアドベンチャー, HepburnDynamax Adventure) are a feature that was added in the Crown Tundra, in which the player and 3 other Trainers use rental Pokémon in a series of battles in the Max Lair, leading up to a Legendary Pokémon. The player may also use the previous Pokémon battled in the raid. There is also an endless version.


At the start of each Dynamax Adventures, the player chooses between three rental Pokémon that will be used throughout the adventure. The other three players will do the same.

Before the player reaches the final Pokémon, there will be a few Pokémon that player will battle. There are multiple choices and the player and their teammates choose the next Pokémon that will be battle. In the overworld, the Pokémon itself is not shown, and instead, a red fog will show with the top covered, blocking the Pokémon from being seen (although judging by the shape of the Pokémon's silhouette, the player can guess what Pokémon they will come across). To give the player a hint as to what Pokémon they're about to battle, the types of the Pokémon are indicated above the red fog.

During the adventures, the player can come across:

  • Scientists, who offer a trade of the player's current Pokémon for another rental Pokémon.
  • Backpackers, who offer held items for the player's Pokémon
  • Piles of Berries, which will heal the team's Pokémon by 50%.

Eventually, the team will reach a Legendary or an Ultra Beast, and battle it to catch it. All Legendary Pokémon not available otherwise are available through Dynamax Adventures.

After the adventure, the player can bring back one of the Pokémon that the player has caught during the adventure. The Pokémon only appear shiny when choosing the Pokémon that the player would keep, and the odds of a shiny Pokémon are 1 in 300 (1 in 150 with the Shiny Charm).


Rental and Normal Opposing Pokémon[]

These Pokémon can be selected as rental Pokémon and appear as opposing Dynamax Pokémon. They are all level 65.

List of rental and normal opposing Pokémon
Pokémon Ability Moves
0002 Ivysaur Chlorophyll Grass Pledge Synthesis Solar Beam Sludge Bomb
0005 Charmeleon Solar Power Fire Pledge Dragon Pulse Endure Inferno
0008 Wartortle Rain Dish Water Pledge Ice Beam Aura Sphere Hydro Pump
0012G Butterfree
Tinted Lens Pollen Puff Venoshock Rage Powder Giga Drain
0026 Raichu Lightning Rod Rising Voltage Speed Swap Light Screen Focus Blast
0026A Raichu
Surge Surfer Thunderbolt Electric Terrain Psychic Round
0028 Sandslash Sand Veil Crush Claw Stomping Tantrum Stone Edge Leech Life
0028A Sandslash
Snow Cloak Avalanche Rock Slide Brick Break Swords Dance
0031 Nidoqueen Poison Point Scorching Sands Venoshock Charm Shadow Ball
0034 Nidoking Rivalry High Horsepower Fire Punch Ice Punch Thunder Punch
0035 Clefairy Friend Guard Life Dew Mystical Fire Magical Leaf Reflect
0036 Clefable Magic Guard Meteor Beam Dazzling Gleam Follow Me Cosmic Power
0039 Jigglypuff Friend Guard Substitute Light Screen Fake Tears Draining Kiss
0040 Wigglytuff Competitive Dazzling Gleam Round Expanding Force Sweet Kiss
0044 Gloom Chlorophyll Venoshock Toxic Moonblast Stun Spore
0045 Vileplume Chlorophyll Giga Drain Grassy Terrain Toxic Pollen Puff
0051 Dugtrio Sand Force High Horsepower Substitute Mud-Slap Rock Slide
0051A Dugtrio
Sand Veil Iron Head High Horsepower Sucker Punch Screech
0053 Persian Technician Facade Play Rough Feint Round
0053A Persian
Fur Coat Assurance Snarl Feint Quash
0055 Golduck Swift Swim Aqua Jet Screech Mega Kick Brine
0062 Poliwrath Water Absorb Drain Punch Body Slam Coaching Liquidation
0064 Kadabra Magic Guard Psyshock Round Endure Dazzling Gleam
0067 Machoke No Guard Dynamic Punch Rock Tomb Payback Coaching
0073 Tentacruel Clear Body Water Pulse Hydro Pump Poison Jab Swords Dance
0080 Slowbro Own Tempo Expanding Force Psych Up Flamethrower Psyshock
0082 Magneton Analytic Electro Ball Flash Cannon Magnet Rise Light Screen
0093 Haunter Levitate Hex Hypnosis Dream Eater Energy Ball
0099G Kingler
Hyper Cutter Crabhammer Wide Guard Dig Superpower
0103 Exeggutor Harvest Psycho Cut Solar Beam Stomping Tantrum Terrain Pulse
0105 Marowak Battle Armor Bonemerang Throat Chop Iron Head Screech
0105A Marowak
Rock Head Flare Blitz Shadow Bone Will-O-Wisp Iron Head
0106 Hitmonlee Limber Close Combat Wide Guard Blaze Kick Low Sweep
0107 Hitmonchan Iron Fist Power-Up Punch Fire Punch Thunder Punch Ice Punch
0108 Lickitung Oblivious Round Blizzard Thunder Muddy Water
0110 Weezing Neutralizing Gas Clear Smog Heat Wave Sludge Bomb Dark Pulse
0110A Weezing
Misty Surge Strange Steam Clear Smog Flamethrower Taunt
0112 Rhydon Rock Head Drill Run Smack Down Smart Strike Scary Face
0113 Chansey Healer Round Heal Pulse Helping Hand Light Screen
0114 Tangela Leaf Guard Power Whip Stun Spore Grassy Glide Body Slam
0115 Kangaskhan Early Bird Body Slam Sucker Punch Dig Outrage
0117 Seadra Sniper Scald Dragon Pulse Substitute Round
0119 Seaking Water Veil Waterfall Bounce Poison Jab Drill Run
0121 Starmie Analytic Power Gem Dazzling Gleam Psycho Cut Icy Wind
0122 Mr. Mime Filter Light Screen Reflect Helping Hand Psychic
0122A Mr. Mime
Ice Body Light Screen Reflect Icy Wind Psychic
0123 Scyther Technician Fury Cutter Quick Attack Assurance Wing Attack
0124 Jynx Dry Skin Draining Kiss Lovely Kiss Ice Beam Round
0125 Electabuzz Vital Spirit Rising Voltage Electroweb Helping Hand Round
0126 Magmar Vital Spirit Fire Blast Burning Jealousy Clear Smog Round
0128 Tauros Anger Point Facade High Horsepower Close Combat Assurance
0132 Ditto Imposter Transform - - -
0134 Vaporeon Water Absorb Water Pulse Charm Weather Ball Haze
0135 Jolteon Volt Absorb Thunderbolt Swift Shadow Ball Helping Hand
0136 Flareon Flash Fire Burning Jealousy Shadow Ball Baby-Doll Eyes Last Resort
0137 Porygon Download Foul Play Ice Beam Thunderbolt Hyper Beam
0148 Dragonair Shed Skin Blizzard Breaking Swipe Scale Shot Thunder
0164 Noctowl Tinted Lens Echoed Voice Reflect Sky Attack Hypnosis
0171 Lanturn Volt Absorb Water Pulse Hydro Pump Thunderbolt Confuse Ray
0176 Togetic Serene Grace Life Dew Follow Me Play Rough Mystical Fire
0178 Xatu Magic Bounce Psychic Simple Beam Air Slash Confuse Ray
0182 Bellossom Healer Grassy Terrain Giga Drain Helping Hand Dazzling Gleam
0185 Sudowoodo Sturdy Stomping Tantrum Stone Edge Iron Defense Body Press
0186 Politoed Drizzle Liquidation Round Earth Power Helping Hand
0195 Quagsire Unaware Focus Blast Scald Toxic Amnesia
0199 Slowking Own Tempo Future Sight Nasty Plot Razor Shell Ice Punch
0206 Dunsparce Serene Grace Skitter Smack Dual Wingbeat Shadow Ball Ice Beam
0211 Qwilfish Intimidate Swords Dance Poison Jab Liquidation Steel Roller
0215 Sneasel Keen Eye Triple Axel Lash Out Throat Chop Snarl
0221 Piloswine Thick Fat Blizzard Rock Tomb Ice Shard Superpower
0224 Octillery Sniper Skitter Smack Flash Cannon Scald Acid Spray
0226 Mantine Water Absorb Air Slash Dive Wide Guard Water Pulse
0227 Skarmory Weak Armor Assurance Steel Wing X-Scissor Fly
0237 Hitmontop Intimidate Drill Run Triple Axel Brick Break Coaching
0241 Miltank Scrappy Mega Kick Milk Drink Thunder Wave Play Rough
0253 Grovyle Overgrow Grass Pledge Screech Brick Break Endure
0254 Sceptile Unburden Grass Pledge Breaking Swipe Leaf Storm X-Scissor
0256 Combusken Blaze Fire Pledge Focus Blast Feather Dance Low Sweep
0257 Blaziken Speed Boost Fire Pledge Blaze Kick Close Combat Coaching
0259 Marshtomp Torrent Water Pledge Waterfall Dig Ice Punch
0260 Swampert Damp Water Pledge Blizzard Earth Power Amnesia
0264 Linoone Pickup Slash Pin Missile Baby-Doll Eyes Shadow Ball
0264A Linoone
Pickup Throat Chop Snarl Taunt Substitute
0279 Pelipper Drizzle Dual Wingbeat Weather Ball Wide Guard Quick Attack
0291 Ninjask Speed Boost Fury Cutter Substitute Mud-Slap Skitter Smack
0295 Exploud Scrappy Terrain Pulse Hyper Beam Focus Blast Blizzard
0305 Lairon Sturdy Steel Roller Iron Tail Rock Slide Metal Sound
0310 Manectric Lightning Rod Rising Voltage Swift Overheat Psychic Fangs
0315 Roselia Poison Point Leaf Storm Extrasensory Weather Ball Life Dew
0319 Sharpedo Speed Boost Aqua Jet Assurance Swagger Scale Shot
0320 Wailmer Water Veil Brine Steel Roller Bounce Endure
0324 Torkoal Drought Burning Jealousy Inferno Rapid Spin Smokescreen
0330 Flygon Levitate Steel Wing Dragon Claw Bug Buzz Mud-Slap
0334 Altaria Cloud Nine Dazzling Gleam Heat Wave Cotton Guard Dragon Pulse
0340 Whiscash Hydration Bounce Belch Muddy Water Zen Headbutt
0342 Crawdaunt Adaptability Lash Out Facade Muddy Water Swords Dance
0344 Claydol Levitate Trick Room Psychic Ancient Power Hyper Beam
0346 Cradily Suction Cups Energy Ball Ancient Power Gastro Acid Sludge Bomb
0348 Armaldo Battle Armor X-Scissor Smack Down Stomping Tantrum Sandstorm
0356 Dusclops Pressure Shadow Sneak Hex Gravity Skitter Smack
0359 Absol Pressure Blizzard Night Slash Slash Fire Blast
0362 Glalie Ice Body Steel Roller Crunch Ice Fang Fake Tears
0364 Sealeo Thick Fat Ice Beam Brine Dive Swagger
0369 Relicanth Rock Head Liquidation Head Smash Flail Scale Shot
0375 Metang Clear Body Meteor Mash Thunder Punch Psycho Cut Reflect
0405 Luxray Guts Facade Light Screen Rising Voltage Electric Terrain
0416 Vespiquen Pressure Attack Order Swagger Dual Wingbeat Revenge
0421 Cherrim Flower Gift Solar Beam Worry Seed Sunny Day Weather Ball
0423A Gastrodon
East Sea
Sand Force Body Slam Skitter Smack Rock Tomb Waterfall
0426 Drifblim Aftermath Will-O-Wisp Psychic Tailwind Thunderbolt
0428 Lopunny Cute Charm Drain Punch Mega Kick Charm Bounce
0435 Skuntank Aftermath Lash Out Burning Jealousy Acid Spray Sucker Punch
0437 Bronzong Levitate Zen Headbutt Metal Sound Steel Roller Skill Swap
0446 Munchlax Thick Fat Thunder Punch Fire Punch Body Slam Gunk Shot
0452 Drapion Battle Armor Lash Out X-Scissor Acupressure Iron Tail
0460 Abomasnow Soundproof Avalanche Aurora Veil Round Grassy Glide
0478 Froslass Snow Cloak Triple Axel Frost Breath Aurora Veil Shadow Ball
0479 Rotom Levitate Electro Ball Will-O-Wisp Nasty Plot Hex
0508 Stoutland Scrappy Giga Impact Facade Round Baby-Doll Eyes
0510 Liepard Limber Assurance Play Rough Torment Screech
0518 Musharna Forewarn Expanding Force Psyshock Yawn Energy Ball
0521 Unfezant Big Pecks Dual Wingbeat Taunt Feather Dance Tailwind
0525 Boldore Sturdy Stone Edge Iron Defense Body Press Stomping Tantrum
0528 Swoobat Simple Simple Beam Speed Swap Psychic Air Slash
0531 Audino Healer Life Dew Draining Kiss Hyper Voice Flamethrower
0533 Gurdurr Guts Focus Punch Coaching Brick Break High Horsepower
0536 Palpitoad Swift Swim Echoed Voice Scald Earth Power Bounce
0537 Seismitoad Swift Swim Echoed Voice Supersonic Sludge Bomb Screech
0545 Scolipede Swarm Steel Roller Toxic Throat Chop Megahorn
0547 Whimsicott Prankster Hurricane Taunt Energy Ball Play Rough
0549 Lilligant Own Tempo Petal Dance Quiver Dance Light Screen Pollen Puff
0550 Basculin
Adaptability Liquidation Dive Psychic Fangs Ice Fang
0550A Basculin
Adaptability Scald Dive Crunch Substitute
0553 Krookodile Anger Point Earth Power Swagger Darkest Lariat Sandstorm
0556 Maractus Storm Drain Leaf Storm Energy Ball Sucker Punch Acupressure
0558 Crustle Shell Armor Shell Smash X-Scissor Rock Smash Body Press
0561 Sigilyph Wonder Skin Psychic Rain Dance Air Slash Flash Cannon
0563 Cofagrigus Mummy Shadow Ball Haze Psychic Wonder Room
0569G Garbodor
Aftermath Gunk Shot Sludge Bomb Drain Punch Venom Drench
0573 Cinccino Technician Echoed Voice Tail Slap Light Screen Triple Axel
0583 Vanillish Ice Body Mist Ice Beam Blizzard Hyper Voice
0587 Emolga Static Acrobatics Rising Voltage Endure Electroweb
0589 Escavalier Shell Armor Drill Run Razor Shell Fury Cutter Taunt
0591 Amoonguss Effect Spore Clear Smog Rage Powder Giga Drain Venoshock
0593 Jellicent Water Absorb Dazzling Gleam Dive Trick Room Icy Wind
0596 Galvantula Compound Eyes Thunder Bug Buzz Electro Ball Electroweb
0600 Klang Minus Charge Beam Rising Voltage Flash Cannon Power Gem
0601 Klinklang Plus Gear Grind Shift Gear Giga Impact Metal Sound
0606 Beheeyem Synchronize Expanding Force Meteor Beam Dark Pulse Round
0608 Lampent Flash Fire Burning Jealousy Skitter Smack Inferno Trick Room
0611 Fraxure Rivalry Giga Impact Outrage Breaking Swipe X-Scissor
0614 Beartic Slush Rush Body Press Blizzard Frost Breath Brine
0615 Cryogonal Levitate Blizzard Ice Beam Reflect Solar Beam
0617 Accelgor Hydration Struggle Bug Acid Spray Rain Dance Bug Buzz
0618 Stunfisk Static Electric Terrain Thunderbolt Earth Power Muddy Water
0618A Stunfisk
Mimicry Metal Sound Terrain Pulse Foul Play Earth Power
0620 Mienshao Inner Focus Aura Sphere Wide Guard Rock Tomb Mega Kick
0621 Druddigon Sheer Force Lash Out Dual Wingbeat Iron Head Dig
0623 Golurk Iron Fist Focus Punch Shadow Punch Scorching Sands Safeguard
0625 Bisharp Inner Focus Night Slash Poison Jab Psycho Cut Metal Sound
0626 Bouffalant Sap Sipper Body Slam Lash Out Smart Strike Superpower
0631 Heatmor Flash Fire Fire Lash Overheat Sunny Day Solar Beam
0632 Durant Swarm Thunder Fang X-Scissor Metal Sound Metal Claw
0660 Diggersby Huge Power Stone Edge Stomping Tantrum Dig Quick Attack
0663 Talonflame Gale Wings Tailwind Hurricane Steel Wing Flamethrower
0675 Pangoro Iron Fist Bullet Punch Hammer Arm Darkest Lariat Coaching
0680 Doublade No Guard Iron Head Swords Dance Sacred Sword Aerial Ace
0687 Malamar Contrary Topsy-Turvy Expanding Force Night Slash Thunderbolt
0689 Barbaracle Tough Claws Razor Shell Blizzard Skull Bash Poison Jab
0695 Heliolisk Dry Skin Electro Ball Agility Round Mud-Slap
0697 Tyrantrum Strong Jaw Scale Shot Rock Blast Superpower Body Slam
0699 Aurorus Refrigerate Body Slam Thunder Ancient Power Thunder Wave
0701 Hawlucha Limber Taunt Poison Jab Throat Chop Low Sweep
0702 Dedenne Plus Entrainment Thunder Dazzling Gleam Substitute
0707 Klefki Prankster Light Screen Crafty Shield Flash Cannon Play Rough
0709 Trevenant Harvest Horn Leech Reflect Drain Punch Trick Room
0711 Gourgeist
Average Size
Pickup Mystical Fire Shadow Sneak Worry Seed Scary Face
0737 Charjabug Battery String Shot Eerie Impulse Spark Dig
0738 Vikavolt Levitate Spark Mud-Slap Poison Jab Bug Buzz
0743 Ribombee Sweet Veil Pollen Puff Draining Kiss Aromatherapy Fake Tears
0745 Lycanroc
Sand Rush Accelerock Stone Edge Round Howl
0745A Lycanroc
No Guard Stone Edge Brick Break Taunt Crunch
0750 Mudsdale Own Tempo Lash Out Superpower Sand Tomb Rock Smash
0752 Araquanid Water Absorb Liquidation Entrainment Lunge Poison Jab
0754 Lurantis Contrary Leaf Storm Weather Ball X-Scissor Round
0756 Shiinotic Rain Dish Strength Sap Moonblast Rain Dance Weather Ball
0758 Salazzle Corrosion Toxic Flamethrower Cross Poison Venom Drench
0760 Bewear Klutz Double Edge Baby-Doll Eyes Payback Giga Impact
0763 Tsareena Queenly Majesty Aromatherapy Trop Kick Acrobatics Swagger
0764 Comfey Triage Floral Healing Draining Kiss After You Energy Ball
0765 Oranguru Symbiosis Instruct Light Screen Psychic Psyshock
0766 Passimian Receiver Brick Break Rock Tomb Substitute Acrobatics
0770 Palossand Sand Veil Terrain Pulse Scorching Sands Shore Up Shadow Ball
0771 Pyukumuku Innards Out Toxic Taunt Venom Drench Counter
0777 Togedemaru Sturdy Nuzzle Poison Jab Electroweb Iron Head
0778 Mimikyu Disguise Shadow Claw Slash Baby-Doll Eyes Curse
0820 Greedent Cheek Pouch Gyro Ball Psychic Fangs Swords Dance Body Slam
0826G Orbeetle
Swarm After You Psychic Psybeam Struggle Bug
0828 Thievul Unburden Foul Play Snarl Taunt Burning Jealousy
0830 Eldegoss Effect Spore Light Screen Weather Ball Cotton Guard Leaf Storm
0832 Dubwool Fluffy Grassy Glide Mega Kick Body Press Substitute
0834 Drednaw Strong Jaw Razor Shell Skitter Smack Smart Strike Rock Slide
0836 Boltund Strong Jaw Rising Voltage Crunch Charm Helping Hand
0838 Carkol Flash Fire Overheat Fire Spin Reflect Rock Slide
0839G Coalossal
Steam Engine Smokescreen Meteor Beam Flamethrower Scald
0844G Sandaconda
Sand Spit Scorching Sands Scale Shot Skitter Smack Glare
0845 Cramorant Gulp Missile Dive Endure Amnesia Throat Chop
0847 Barraskewda Swift Swim Aqua Jet Scale Shot Assurance Endure
0849G Toxtricity
Plus Rising Voltage Thunder Wave Hyper Voice Tearful Look
0851G Centiskorch
White Smoke Flamethrower Scorching Sands Venoshock Slam
0853 Grapploct Limber Topsy-Turvy Drain Punch Muddy Water Focus Blast
0855 Polteageist
Weak Armor Aromatherapy Sucker Punch Psyshock Giga Drain
0858G Hatterene
Anticipation Expanding Force Play Rough Life Dew Safeguard
0861G Grimmsnarl
Prankster Power-Up Punch Dark Pulse Power Swap Confide
0862 Obstagoon Reckless Lash Out Thunderbolt Facade Screech
0863 Perrserker Steely Spirit Metal Claw Amnesia Lash Out Thunder
0869G Alcremie
Aroma Veil Decorate Dazzling Gleam Mystical Fire Magical Leaf
0870 Falinks Battle Armor First Impression Swords Dance Smart Strike Brick Break
0871 Pincurchin Electric Surge Hydro Pump Thunder Acupressure Venom Drench
0873 Frosmoth Ice Scales Weather Ball Tailwind Struggle Bug Hurricane
0876 Indeedee Synchronize Mystical Fire Expanding Force Calm Mind Shadow Ball
0877 Morpeko Hunger Switch Aura Wheel Dark Pulse Thunderbolt Ice Fang
0879 Copperajah Sheer Force Iron Defense Body Press Flash Cannon Steel Roller
0884G Duraludon
Light Metal Breaking Swipe Thunder Wave Iron Head Thunderbolt
0886 Drakloak Clear Body Dragon Rush Assurance Will-O-Wisp Shadow Ball

Final Pokémon[]

These Pokémon, consisting only of Legendary Pokémon and Ultra Beasts, can appear as the final Pokémon in the adventures. All of them are level 70.

List of final Pokémon
Pokémon Ver. Ability Moves
0144 Articuno SwSh Pressure Ice Beam Freeze-Dry Hurricane Mist
0145 Zapdos SwSh Pressure Thunder Drill Peck Brave Bird Agility
0146 Moltres SwSh Pressure Heat Wave Wing Attack Leer Fire Spin
0150 Mewtwo SwSh Pressure Psychic Disable Recover Blizzard
0243 Raikou SwSh Pressure Thunderbolt Howl Extreme Speed Weather Ball
0244 Entei SwSh Pressure Flamethrower Scary Face Extreme Speed Crunch
0245 Suicune SwSh Pressure Liquidation Extrasensory Extreme Speed Calm Mind
0249 Lugia Sh Pressure Dragon Pulse Extrasensory Whirlpool Ancient Power
0250 Ho-Oh Sw Pressure Flare Blitz Extrasensory Sunny Day Ancient Power
0380 Latias Sh Levitate Reflect Type Dragon Breath Zen Headbutt Surf
0381 Latios Sw Levitate Dragon Dance Dragon Pulse Zen Headbutt Aura Sphere
0382 Kyogre Sh Drizzle Surf Body Slam Aqua Ring Thunder
0383 Groudon Sw Drought Earthquake Scary Face Lava Plume Hammer Arm
0384 Rayquaza SwSh Air Lock Dragon Ascent Brutal Swing Extreme Speed Twister
0480 Uxie SwSh Levitate Psychic Future Sight Magic Room Shadow Ball
0481 Mesprit SwSh Levitate Charm Future Sight Draining Kiss Tri Attack
0482 Azelf SwSh Levitate Psychic Dazzling Gleam Nasty Plot Facade
0483 Dialga Sw Pressure Slash Ancient Power Flash Cannon Dragon Claw
0484 Palkia Sh Pressure Slash Surf Ancient Power Dragon Claw
0485 Heatran SwSh Flash Fire Metal Sound Lava Plume Crunch Iron Head
0487 Giratina
SwSh Pressure Dragon Claw Scary Face Shadow Ball Ancient Power
0488 Cresselia SwSh Levitate Icy Wind Moonblast Psycho Cut Psyshock
0641 Tornadus Sw Prankster Hurricane Agility Icy Wind Heat Wave
0642 Thundurus Sh Prankster Thunder Rain Dance Weather Ball Sludge Wave
0643 Reshiram Sw Turboblaze Noble Roar Extrasensory Fusion Flare Dragon Pulse
0644 Zekrom Sh Teravolt Noble Roar Slash Fusion Bolt Dragon Claw
0645 Landorus SwSh Sand Force Sand Tomb Rock Slide Bulldoze Focus Blast
0646 Kyurem SwSh Pressure Ice Beam Hyper Voice Shadow Ball Scary Face
0716 Xerneas Sw Fairy Aura Ingrain Dazzling Gleam Moonblast Horn Leech
0717 Yveltal Sh Dark Aura Taunt Oblivion Wing Dragon Rush Sucker Punch
0718 Zygarde
SwSh Power Construct Thousand Arrows Land's Wrath Dragon Pulse Bind
0785 Tapu Koko SwSh Electric Surge Thunderbolt Quick Attack Brave Bird Taunt
0786 Tapu Lele SwSh Psychic Surge Psychic Play Rough Magic Room Charm
0787 Tapu Bulu SwSh Grassy Surge Superpower Megahorn Wood Hammer Scary Face
0788 Tapu Fini SwSh Misty Surge Waterfall Water Pulse Brine Moonblast
0791 Solgaleo Sw Full Metal Body Zen Headbutt Fire Spin Iron Tail Noble Roar
0792 Lunala Sh Shadow Shield Shadow Ball Moonblast Magic Coat Swift
0793 Nihilego SwSh Beast Boost Wonder Room Sludge Wave Brutal Swing Acid Spray
0794 Buzzwole SwSh Beast Boost Power-Up Punch Taunt Leech Life Dynamic Punch
0795 Pheromosa SwSh Beast Boost High Jump Kick Swift Throat Chop Lunge
0796 Xurkitree SwSh Beast Boost Power Whip Discharge Eerie Impulse Brutal Swing
0797 Celesteela SwSh Beast Boost Leech Seed Smack Down Gyro Ball Earthquake
0798 Kartana SwSh Beast Boost Vacuum Wave Air Cutter Leaf Blade Swords Dance
0799 Guzzlord SwSh Beast Boost Dragon Rush Stomping Tantrum Brutal Swing Mega Punch
0800 Necrozma SwSh Prism Armor Psycho Cut Charge Beam Power Gem Autotomize
0805 Stakataka SwSh Beast Boost Rock Slide Double-Edge Brutal Swing Autotomize
0806 Blacephalon SwSh Beast Boost Shadow Claw Taunt Fire Blast Zen Headbutt