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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
For the events that happened in the year 1893 across different timelines, see Timeline
Multiverse Discovered
"He discovered that there were universes stacked on top of his own..."
The subject of this article comes from an alternate universe connecting to the main timeline of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

"Yes. How could I have forgotten? Chicago World's Fair, 1893. The White City, Edison, H.H. Holmes. Yes! Hot air balloons."
"This makes more sense as a destination."
―Mobius M. Mobius and Loki

1893 is the third episode of the second season of Loki.


Loki & Mobius go on the hunt to find everyone's favorite cartoon clock as they try to save the TVA.


Victor Timely (1868)

Guided by Miss Minutes, Ravonna Renslayer arrives at 1868 Chicago of the Sacred Timeline. Miss Minutes explains to her that He Who Remains is dead, so they will proceed with a contingency plan he created in case of his end. She instructs Renslayer to drop a package she told her to bring to a nearby house, ignoring Renslayer's confusion. As they both leave, a young boy finds a package dropped through his window and finds the TVA handbook inside.

Loki and Mobius Hear Newsie

At the Time Variance Authority Office, Ouroboros tells Loki and Mobius M. Mobius that despite Dox's actions, branching timelines started to grow again, so the Temporal Loom meltdown was still imminent. Without He Who Remains' temporal aura, their only option was to find Miss Minutes who went AWOL. Concluding that to find Miss Minutes, they need to find Renslayer, Loki and Mobius follow her TemPad signal into an alternate 1893, during the World's Columbian Exposition.

Victor Timely (Loki TV Spot)

Walking around a fair, Loki takes a note of "Victor Timely's Temporal Marvels" presentation and go there, while Renslayer and Miss Minutes also attend it. They all witness Timely on the stage and to Loki's horror, he recognizes Timely as a Variant of He Who Remains. Mobius, as well as Renslayer, is rather skeptical due to Timely's gratuitous manner of speech and constant stuttering. Timely presents a Temporal Loom prototype which piques an interest from Robber Baron, who buys the device for $1,000.

Sylvie in 1893

Later, he gets approached by Renslayer, as well as Loki and Mobius, however, they all get interrupted by Baron who accuses Timely of being a charlatan. While Timely escapes from Baron and his men, Hunter B-15 tells Mobius that she detected a suspicious TemPad signal near him. And as Loki catches up with Timely, he gets attacked by Sylvie Laufeydottir, determined to kill him as a He Who Remains Variant. Loki defends him, insisting that Timely and the TVA are necessary to protect the Multiverse, but Sylvie claims that he is a menace.

Timely and Renslayer Talk

Mobius talks to Renslayer and tries to convince her to return to the TVA and help him, but Renslayer refuses. During Loki and Sylvie's skirmish, Renslayer gets Timely out, using Miss Minutes' giant ghost form as a diversion. At Timely's home, Renslayer and Miss Minutes tell him about the TVA and He Who Remains, explaining how crucial Timely and his work really are. He accepts their story but refuses to go straight to the TVA without his prototype, so they evade Baron, Loki and Mobius and get on the ship to Timely's lab in Wisconsin.

Miss Minutes with Victor Timely

During their trip, Timely tells Renslayer about his designs and finds out that she was the one who gave him the TVA guidebook when he was a child, which Timely appreciates. The two share a bonding moment, however, Renslayer's comment about their partnership wards him off. Miss Minutes convinces Timely to leave Renslayer behind in a lifeboat and take off on their own. Timely collects his Throughput Multiplier prototype from his lab, while Miss Minutes tells him about her time with He Who Remains. She laments that he never considered her anything more than a helper and never gave her an actual body. Miss Minutes then tells Timely that she could be much more than this to him, which prompts him to disable her out of fear.

Mobius & Loki in 1893

Renslayer confronts Timely, armed with his Time Stick prototype, moments before Loki and Mobius burst into the lab. Mobius pleads with Renslayer to give Timely to them, but Renslayer decides to take control into her own hands and prepares to prune Timely. However, all of them get knocked by Sylvie's magic blast, as she prepares to kill Timely, justifying it by the terrible things he will do as He Who Remains. Timely pleads with Sylvie and convinces her that he is not the man she takes him for, so Sylvie ultimately spares his life.

While Loki and Mobius take Timely to the TVA, Sylvie is left alone with Renslayer, who is convinced that she is going to kill her. Sylvie takes a note of Renslayer's strive for control and likens it to He Who Remains. She tells Renslayer to be careful what she wishes for and pushes her into the Citadel at the End of Time, where Renslayer finds He Who Remains' corpse. Renslayer reactivates Miss Minutes as the two decide to join forces again, disillusioned by He Who Remains. Miss Minutes mentions that she knows all of his secrets, as well as the one about Renslayer, but claims that she will not be pleased if she finds out what it is.


Main Cast

Guest Stars:







Sentient Species[]





Song title Artist Location(s)
Deutschmeister JubilÀums Marsch APM Music
Shanghai Music Hall BMG Production Music
Der Mai Ist Gekommen The Bavarian Oompah Band
El Capitan March The United States Air Force Band


To be added


  • To be added

Behind the Scenes[]

To be added


Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to 1893.

External Links[]

Season One Glorious Purpose ‱ The Variant ‱ Lamentis ‱ The Nexus Event ‱ Journey Into Mystery ‱ For All Time. Always.
Season Two Ouroboros ‱ Breaking Brad ‱ 1893 ‱ Heart of the TVA ‱ Science/Fiction ‱ Glorious Purpose