Temporal Aura is matter inside an organic being similar to a soul. A temporal aura is identical among all Variants of the same person.
- "We've grabbed enough temporal aura to know it's our Loki Variant."
- âHunter B-15 to the TVA Agents[src]
As a term used by the Time Variance Authority, they had all Variants step through a machine to make sure they did in fact have a temporal aura and were a living being. Loki, in particular, was confused about this notion.[1] The TVA was also able to use the aura to track down another Loki Variant.[2] When Loki started Time Slipping inside the TVA, Ouroboros created a Temporal Aura Extractor that would not only help Loki, but temporarily fix the Temporal Loom.[3] As the situation with the loom grew worse, Ouroboros concluded that they needed a temporal aura scan of He Who Remains, who was dead. Instead, Mobius M. Mobius and Loki got a Variant of He Who Remains, Victor Timely,[4] who was able to use his aura to open the gates of the Temporal Core.[5]
In an indefinite temporality:
Loki | Episode 2.01: Ouroboros (mentioned)
Loki | Episode 1.01: Glorious Purpose
Loki | Episode 1.02: The Variant (mentioned)
Loki | Episode 2.01: Ouroboros (mentioned)
Loki | Episode 2.02: Breaking Brad (mentioned)
Loki | Episode 2.03: 1893 (mentioned)
Loki | Episode 2.04: Heart of the TVA (mentioned)
Loki | Episode 2.06: Glorious Purpose (mentioned)
Deadpool & Wolverine (mentioned)