For alternate versions of Death, see Death's Character Hub |
- "In the end, all roads lead to me."
- âDeath[src]
Death is a cosmic entity, the embodiment of death and decay of all living things. She lived on Earth as the original Green Witch under the name Rio Vidal, and started a relationship with Agatha Harkness. Nearly three centuries later, Death freed Harkness from a spell she had been placed under by Scarlet Witch and sent the Salem Seven, a coven with a grudge against Harkness, after her. Later, Vidal was summoned to the Witches' Road by Harkness and her coven, who had escaped the Seven when they attacked, as a replacement green witch. Death came into conflict with Harkness on the Road because she wanted to claim the soul of Billy Maximoff, who had violated the natural order. The tension came to a head in a vicious duel, during which Harkness sacrificed herself to Death to save Maximoff.
Death came into existence at the dawn of time along with Eternity, Infinity, and Entropy.[5] The walls of the Temple Vault on Morag displayed Entropy, Infinity, Death, and Eternity surrounding the Infinity Stones.[6] At the Gates of Eternity, Death has a statue alongside statues of Eternity, the Living Tribunal, Watcher, Eon, the One Above All, and Infinity.[7] Death manifested on Earth as the original Green Witch, going by the name Rio Vidal.[8]
Relationship with Agatha Harkness[]
Falling in Love[]
Death, as Vidal, met a witch named Agatha Harkness, who learned about her true identity. The two fell deeply in love, with Harkness being responsible for supplying Vidal with many deaths, much to her delight.[9]
Hurting Agatha Harkness[]

Death gives Agatha Harkness more time
- "You do this and I will hate you forever. Please let him live. Please, my love! Please! Please! Please!"
"I can offer only time." - âAgatha Harkness and Death[src]
Agatha Harkness became pregnant, and when she went into labor, Death arrived to collect her son, as he was not supposed to live. Harkness saw Death and told her that she would hate her forever if she took her child away from her. However, despite how much she did not want to do it due to how much it would hurt her love, Death stated that she could only give Harkness more time with her son, before disappearing.[9]
Taking Nicholas Scratch[]

Death arrives to collect Nicholas Scratch
After six years, Death returned for Nicholas Scratch, as his time was up. While he was asleep next to Agatha Harkness, Death appeared once Scratch died, silently signaling him to come with her. Scratch got up, but Death told him to say goodbye to his mother first, so Scratch kissed Harkness' forehead. Death then took Scratch's hand and guided him as they walked away.[9]
Betrayal Over the Darkhold[]
- "How long has it been, Agatha? Since you acquired the Darkhold, you hid behind all that dark magic."
- âRio Vidal to Agatha Harkness[src]
Eventually, Agatha Harkness found the Darkhold and became corrupted by the dark magic, which strained her relationship with Death. From then on, the two despised each other, although Death was still in love with Harkness.[4][3]
In 2012, after Loki's defeat in the Chitauri Invasion, Other told Thanos that humanity was not as weak as they had predicted and battling them is "to court Death," at which Thanos smiled.[10]
Freeing an Enemy[]
Agent Vidal[]

Vidal poses as a federal agent
- "Not a leaf disturbed before Forensics showed up. It's almost like she just magically appeared."
- âRio Vidal to Agnes O'Connor[src]
Vidal arrived in Westview and found Agatha Harkness under the Scarlet Witch's spell as "Agnes O'Connor." O'Connor believed she was a detective for the Westview Police Department. Therefore, Vidal posed as a federal agent and made her move. She appeared in front of O'Connor, who believed she was working on a murder case. Seeing Vidal, O'Connor got very annoyed. Vidal sat down and O'Connor believed she was there to take her job. Vidal denounced this, saying that O'Connor could take control.

Vidal toys with Agnes O'Connor
O'Connor then stated that the Jane Doe was moved across state lines, so that must have been Vidal's play to get the case. Vidal simply asked if that was how she saw herself: as Detective Agnes O'Connor. However, Vidal decided to play along with O'Connor's disillusions, saying they would talk about the case. Vidal pointed out that there were no footprints next to the corpse, meaning she must have "magically" appeared. Vidal chose her words carefully to break Harkness' spell. To get further into O'Connor's thoughts, Vidal tried to convince O'Connor she lived in Westview her whole life in an attempt to use reverse psychology. O'Connor then told Vidal to leave.[4]
Next Move[]

Vidal tries to gauge Agnes O'Connor's spell
- "Do you remember why you hate me?"
- âRio Vidal to Agnes O'Connor[src]
Vidal later showed up at Agnes O'Connor's House, stating that a female detective cannot have a good career and a good personal life at the same time. She then revealed she brought pizza. As the two started drinking, Agnes O'Connor said she had a lead in the case, but Vidal said that was not why she came over, but she could continue. O'Connor talked about how they found the body in Eastview. Vidal then played her next card, saying O'Connor would not go that far out of Westview. O'Connor argued, but Vidal asked where else she had been. This got O'Connor to think.

Vidal tells Agnes O'Connor to stop
Vidal then leaned in and asked O'Connor if she remembered why she hated her. O'Connor realized she did not. Vidal then asked if she hid evidence, which O'Connor also said no to. Vidal simply said she was only lying to herself. Suddenly, O'Connor heard a commotion upstairs and found a Teen breaking and entering. O'Connor snatched him up. Vidal then watched as O'Connor interrogated the Teen, believing they were at the precinct. Vidal had to tell her to calm down before she left herself.[4]
Liberation of Agatha Harkness[]

Vidal reveals Scarlet Witch's spell is broken
- "I am not the only one that wants to see you dead. Wants to see you burn. Or hang or drown."
- âRio Vidal to Agatha Harkness[src]
Vidal met back up with Agnes O'Connor, who was under the impression she was at the mortuary. Vidal watched as O'Connor started putting the pieces together of what Scarlet Witch did to her. At this point, Vidal stopped being subtle and started really speaking. She told O'Connor that the witch was gone as well as all of the copies of the Darkhold. She continued that O'Connor was stuck in a spell and she needed to claw her way out. O'Connor then started to rip away her clothing as she broke away from the spell. She eventually did, returning to Agatha Harkness.

Vidal prepares to fight Agatha Harkness
When Harkness awoke, Vidal slammed through the front door and faced her. She then cast a wind spell before leaping at Harkness with a dagger. Harkness, void of power, blocked the blade. Vidal then talked about their past and Harkness' actions once she got the Darkhold. However, the Darkhold is gone and she was vulnerable. Vidal then pushed the dagger into her throat. However, Harkness was able to break free and the two scuffled.

Vidal furiously attacking Agatha Harkness
Vidal threw her dagger at Harkness, who blocked it with a baking sheet. They then lunged at the dagger, with Harkness grabbing the blade end. As Vidal pulled it away, the dagger sliced Harkness' hand. Harkness then got the upper hand and started choking Vidal, who said she could not kill her. Harkness said the same for her as it was not allowed. Vidal then headbutted Harkness and used her powers to send her flying into the bureau behind.

Vidal licks and heals Agatha Harkness' hand
Vidal agreed that she could not kill her, but said she could make her wish she were dead. Harkness then told her to stop, begging. Harkness said that Vidal should not kill her in a vulnerable state and instead wait until Harkness had her power back. Vidal agreed, but said she was not the only one who wanted to see her dead, and revealed that Salem Seven were coming. Before leaving, Vidal licked Harkness' palm, healing her cut.[4]
Walking the Witches' Road[]
Summoned to the Witches' Road[]

Vidal summoned to walk the Witches' Road
- "Wow. Witches' Road, huh? Okay."
- âRio Vidal[src]
Vidal was summoned to the Witches' Road by Agatha Harkness' coven through an incantation, as their previous green witch had perished in their first trial. Vidal emerged from Sharon Davis' grave grotesquely contorted, and as she straightened herself out the coven watched in horror.

Vidal greeted the coven, and Harkness asked how she was able to get to the Road, so Vidal joked that she was in the neighborhood. Vidal playfully opened her hand to Harkness, revealing a flower, which enraged Harkness, who crumpled up the flower and tried to attack Vidal, only to be held back by her coven. After Harkness stormed off in frustration, Vidal properly introduced herself to Jennifer Kale, Alice Wu-Gulliver, and Lilia Calderu, clarifying to them that she was "the" Green Witch.

Vidal listening to the coven talk about her
Knowing that they had to walk the Road, Vidal headed off after Harkness and Teen, skipping and whistling as she observed her surroundings. As the coven ventured down the Road, Vidal overheard Kale, Wu-Gulliver, and Calderu talking about her, unsure of whether they were worried or enticed by her. Vidal turned around and playfully scared the three before continuing forwards. The coven arrived at the next trial, which took the form of a house that Wu-Gulliver was hesitant to enter, which made Vidal ask if there was a mutiny.[3]
Protection Witch Trial[]

Vidal catching up with Agatha Harkness
- "You're too early."
"It wasn't up to me. Magick, as it does, took the path of least resistance, ferried the closest, most appropriate candidate down. Or up." - âAgatha Harkness and Rio Vidal[src]
Vidal followed the coven inside the Witches' Road Recording Studio, where their clothes were changed to resemble the 1970s. Alice Wu-Gulliver told everyone not to touch anything, making Vidal sense there was a larger story behind that. As they checked themselves in the mirror, Vidal playfully asked what came next, so Lilia Calderu told her a test. The coven members went to look for a clue, leaving Vidal and Harkness. Vidal leaned in close to Harkness, but she sternly rejected her advances and walked off.

Vidal tells Agatha Harkness her desire to kill
Vidal found Harkness by herself and told her that she was growing impatient, wanting to cause some damage, but Harkness said she was too early. Vidal enquired about Teen, but Harkness brushed aside the questioning and asked for a truce between them, reflecting on when they used to be together. Vidal then began talking about killing the other witches, which would give her the bodies that she wanted. However, Vidal realized that Harkness turned the speakers on, letting the coven hear their conversation.

Vidal plays the Ballad of the Witches' Road
The trial began when Teen put on a record that played a demonic sound, which Lilia Calderu realized had cursed them all. Vidal was excited by the trial, which confused Jennifer Kale. When Calderu and Kale fell to the ground in pain, Wu-Gulliver borrowed Vidal's dagger to carve a protection circle around her to save them. After Teen was attacked, Vidal asked Harkness what the plan was, so she figured out that they all needed to play Lorna Wu's cover of the Ballad of the Witches' Road, as it was a protection spell against Wu-Gulliver's curse. The coven performed the song, with Vidal on drums, and they were successful at killing the curse, passing the trial.

Vidal has a moment with Agatha Harkness
They returned to the Witches' Road, carrying Teen out, as he had been injured. As the witches tended to him, Harkness looked at Vidal and told her not to do anything. Kale was able to heal Teen, and they all rested by a campfire. When Calderu mentioned the misconceptions about witches, Vidal joked about being covered in nipples. Vidal brought up how Harkness was her scar, alluding to when she took Nicholas Scratch, which she did not want to as it hurt Harkness.[3][9] In private, Vidal and Harkness hugged, but when Harkness tried to kiss Vidal, she stopped it and told her that Teen wasn't her son.[3]
Escaping the Salem Seven[]

The coven escape from the Salem Seven
- "When Agatha murdered her sister witches, she spared their young children."
"Yeah, and then they became a feral, hive-minded coven bent on revenge." - âLilia Calderu and Rio Vidal[src]
The coven were awoken by Lilia Calderu, who sensed that the Salem Seven had followed them on the Witches' Road. They were soon surrounded, so Teen suggested they use a hexenbesen to escape, which Vidal was in support of. Vidal and Agatha Harkness performed the ritual, exchanging brooms with each other, and the coven took to the skies to escape. However, the Road forced them back down, so they headed for the next trial.[11]
Spirit Witch Trial[]

Vidal learns they're in Agatha Harkness' trial
- "A minute ago you were ready to slit her throat."
"Yeah, well, her mother can't have her." - âJennifer Kale and Rio Vidal[src]
The coven entered the Witches' Road Cabin, which Vidal knew was for Agatha Harkness' trial, seeing the blood moon outside. Figuring out they needed to commune with the dead, Teen found a Ouija board and the trial began.

The coven sat around the board and Harkness led the session. Harkness manipulated the board and pretended to be possessed by the spirit of Sharon Davis, but the coven saw through the act, with Vidal revealing that Harkness was just scared of who from her past might speak to them. They then properly used the board, asking who was with them, and it spelt out "Death," making Vidal laugh. The board then stated that it wanted to punish Harkness, who freaked out and let go of the board. The coven began to discuss how to punish Harkness so they could pass the trial, with Vidal suggesting they slit her throat.

Vidal refuses to leave Agatha Harkness
Harkness became possessed and attacked the coven, but she was soon freed. The spirit revealed itself to be Harkness' mother, who scolded the coven for willingly allying with her daughter. She told them that they must complete with Witches' Road without Harkness. Vidal strongly objected, not wishing to leave Harkness with her mother. When Harkness was possessed again, Vidal witnessed as Alice Wu-Gulliver freed her, only to be killed as Harkness stole her Magic.[11]
Taking Alice Wu-Gulliver[]

Death arrives to collect Alice Wu-Gulliver
- "That's all the time I get?"
"If I had a nickel..." - âAlice Wu-Gulliver and Death[src]
As the coven returned to the Witches' Road, Death stayed in the cabin. Once Alice Wu-Gulliver awoke in the afterlife, Death told her it was time to go, revealing that she had died. Wu-Gulliver was disappointed with not having more time, which made Death chuckle, having heard that a lot. Death comforted Wu-Gulliver by telling her that as a Protection Witch, she died protecting someone. Wu-Gulliver then went with Death.[8]
Revealing Herself[]

Vidal is revealed to Lilia Calderu as Death
- "Who is that?"
"Don't you recognize me, Lilia?" - âLilia Calderu and Death[src]
Vidal later found Lilia Calderu and Jennifer Kale underground after being thrown off the Witches' Road. Calderu asked who Vidal was, so she revealed herself, now in her form as Death, telling her that all roads led to her. Calderu realized Vidal was Death, who revealed herself to Calderu knowing that she would die in the next trial.[1]
Making a Deal[]

Death figures out Billy Maximoff's identity
- "His brother isn't out there. Not yet, anyway."
"What do you mean?"
"The son of the Scarlet Witch stole a second life. I can't let him do the same for his twin. I have to take him." - âDeath and Agatha Harkness[src]
Death found Agatha Harkness on the Witches' Road and commented on how many members of her coven had died, as well as the Salem Seven. Death admitted that she doubted Harkness on being able to deliver her bodies, suspecting that there would be a twist. Death revealed that she was right about the twist, as Harkness was trying to distract her from Billy Maximoff.

Death confronts Agatha Harkness's actions
Death told Harkness that Maximoff was an abomination, as his existence disrupted the sacred balance. Death then brought up that she knew how Harkness felt about him, seeing Maximoff like her son that she was now walking the Road with. Death stated that no one else had ever received special treatment like Harkness, who only saw what Death did as giving her nothing. Harkness tried to walk away, but Death stopped her, asking why she let people believe the rumors about her trading Scratch for the Darkhold. Harkness answered Death by saying that it was because the truth was too awful.

Death sadly accepts Agatha Harkness' deal
Death stated that Maximoff's quest to find his brother was a violation. Knowing that Maximoff could bring his brother back to life, Death made it clear that she had to stop him. Harkness told Death to take Maximoff, only to discover that Death required Maximoff to surrender himself to her, as he could just reincarnate if he died again. Harkness decided to deliver Maximoff to Death in exchange for Death leaving her alone forever. Death was heartbroken by this, but ultimately agreed to the deal.[8]
Duel for Billy Maximoff[]

Death comes to collect Agatha Harkness
- "Looks like you two are finally on the same page. So I'll let you decide. One of you stays with me. The other walks free."
- âDeath to Agatha Harkness and Billy Maximoff[src]
Death exited the Witches' Road and sat on the roof of Agatha Harkness' house. When Harkness made it off the Road, Death maniacally cackled as she congratulated her for completing the Road. When Harkness discovered that her powers were still gone, she shouted about wanting her prize, which Death also expressed wanting what was owed to her.

Death violently attacking Agatha Harkness
Harkness claimed that she held up her end of the deal, as she got Billy Maximoff out of the Road, but Death pointed out that he did not surrender himself, therefore she would be taking Harkness instead. Death chose to do so by giving Harkness death by a thousand cuts, and she used her powers to break the windows so that shards of glass would cut her skin. Harkness tried to create a protection circle, referring to Death as evil as she did, but Death took offence at this, and destroyed the circle.

Death prepares to kill Agatha Harkness
Death then called Harkness a coward and threw a sink at her, which she dodged. Death angrily asked Harkness why she did not want her before cutting her ankle, causing her to fall. As Death descended to the ground, she restrained Harkness with vines, stopping her from healing herself. Death approached the helpless Harkness, drawing her dagger, preparing to finally kill her. However, she was stopped with the arrival of Wiccan, who knocked Death away and gave Harkness her power back.

Death battles against Agatha Harkness
Getting back up, Death acknowledged Harkness and Wiccan now working together, leading to her giving them the choice as to which one of them surrenders to her, allowing the other to walk free. However, neither agreed to Death's deal, so she attacked Wiccan, launching him backwards into the greenhouse. As Harkness conjured her magic, Death hurled a blast at her, which Harkness was able to block. The two then proceeded to battle, with Death remarking on how power looked good on Harkness, which she replied that everything looked good on her. Death noted that Harkness seemed like she was having fun, before blasting her, causing her to fall down.

Death kisses Agatha Harkness to death
Wiccan returned and saved Harkness by pushing Death into the house. Death returned to the fight, but Wiccan declared that he would sacrifice himself to her to spare Harkness. Death then witnessed as Harkness complied with Wiccan offering himself up, honoring their original deal. Harkness began to walk away, asking Death to fix her house when she was finished. However, Harkness turned around, approached Death, and began to passionately kiss her, choosing to sacrifice herself by absorbing Death's power.

Death tells Wiccan he is allowed to leave
Death fully embraced Harkness as they kissed, finally getting to bring her end and have Harkness be hers forever. She then watched as Harkness briefly levitated, only to fall backwards on the ground. Once Harkness died, her body immediately decayed before then blending into the ground, sprouting mushrooms and other plants. Death stood over where her lover's body once was before turning to Wiccan and telling him he was free to leave. With balance achieved, Death then walked away.[8]
- "You're calling me 'evil'? I am the natural order of all things, baby."
- âDeath to Agatha Harkness[src]
Death is driven by intense emotions, particularly her desire for revenge against Agatha Harkness, which has deeply corrupted her heart. While she recognizes her capacity for emotion, it is clear that this thirst for vengeance has tainted her, making her unpredictable, violent, and dangerous. This is evident when she immediately attacks Harkness following her release from Scarlet Witch's spell, showcasing her impulsive aggression and lack of restraint.
Her ruthless nature is further underscored by her manipulative tendencies. Death is highly calculated, skillfully embedding herself into Harknessâs mind and pulling the necessary strings to manipulate her, with the ultimate goal of freeing her former lover from the spell. Although she acknowledges her feelings for Harkness and agrees to distance herself due to Harkness' vulnerability, her actions suggest otherwise. Her true intent becomes clear when she sends the Salem Seven, a powerful coven, after Harkness. Death remains fearless and composed, even in perilous situations. When summoned to the Witches' Road, a dimension full of trials, she walks it without any sign of fear or hesitation, unfazed by the dangers around her.
Death's violent tendencies are apparent in her interactions with Harkness, particularly when she expresses growing impatience. She candidly admits to Agatha that she felt like hurting her coven, revealing her aggressive nature. This statement, delivered with a smile, suggests she takes some pleasure in the chaos violence brings. Her reaction to being called psychotic by Jennifer Kale further emphasizes her volatile disposition. Rather than taking offense, Death seems to accept the label, indicating a willingness to embrace her darker impulses.
Despite her deep grudge and desire for vengeance against Harkness, Death's emotions remain complex. She displays a sense of remorse for seemingly hurting Harkness in the past, suggesting that underneath her quest for retribution, lingering feelings of affection persist. This emotional conflict shows that even in her pursuit of revenge, her past connection and relationship with Harkness still holds significance. Death believes her role is justified and sees herself as a vital pillar in the universal balance. She was frustrated with the resurrections of previously deceased individuals such Billy Maximoff. This offended Death to the point that she set out to take Maximoff's soul to make amends.
Powers and Abilities[]
- Cosmic Entity Physiology: Death is a cosmic entity who has existed since the dawn of time, alongside other cosmic beings such as Eternity and Infinity. She is the embodiment of death in the universe.
- Superhuman Strength: Death has been shown to hold a superhuman amount of physical strength, allowing her to throw people of equal height to her with a single hand.
- Superhuman Durability: Death is unable to be harmed. Death was able to sustain multiple attacks without any bleeding or injuries.
- Superhuman Agility: In tandem with her air manipulation, Death can move at incredible speeds and is capable of jumping off of walls.
- Immortality: As the embodiment of death, Death cannot die or be destroyed.
- Levitation: Upon being knocked to the ground, Death was able to lift herself back up to her feet without pushing herself up with her hands. She was also able to fly down from Harknessâs roof during their duel.
- Nigh-Omnipotence: As the embodiment of death, Death has near-unlimited power over her aspect of existence.
- Shapeshifting: Death can effortlessly change between her true cosmic entity form, and her human form Rio Vidal. She is also capable of unnaturally contorting her body, as shown when she entered the Witches' Road.
- Afterlife Transport: As the cosmic embodiment of death, she has the duty of guiding souls from the physical plane to the afterlife. She took Nicholas Scratch to the afterlife upon his death, and she also took Alice Wu-Gulliver to the afterlife after the latter was killed by Harkness.
- Soul Manipulation: Death can manipulate souls and can return beings from the dead. However, she rarely performs the latter as it would disturb the natural order she oversees.
- Portal Creation: Death's dagger can cut through space, creating portals through which she can travel. Death created a portal out of the Witches' Road by cutting through the fabric of reality with her dagger.
- Telepathy: Death has the ability to mentally interact with others, Death can read minds, communicate telepathically and experience the memories and thoughts of others. As Rio Vidal, Death was able to enter into Agatha Harkness and interact with the Scarlet Witch's spell. After her duel with Harkness, Death telepathically told Billy Maximoff he could go.
- Telekinesis: Death has the ability to move, levitate, and otherwise manipulate objects using her mind. Death was able to shatter windows and telekinetically throw a sink at Agatha Harkness during their duel. She was also able to launch Maximoff into a greenhouse.
- Power Absorption Immunity: Death, as a cosmic entity and the embodiment of mortality, possesses powers that are inherently unabsorbable. Any attempt to absorb them results in the instant death of the individual, as these powers are inseparable from Death's essence.
- Healing: At the end of her fight with Agatha Harkness, Death licked the witch's hand where it had been cut, healing the wound.
- Magic: As a cosmic entity, Death wields immense magical power, drawing from the mystical forces of the universe to achieve extraordinary feats.
- Witchcraft: Death could perform a specific type of magic exclusive to witches known as witchcraft, allowing her to cast spells in the form of hand gestures or incantations.
- Magical Energy Manipulation: Death can manifest and control raw magical energy from her body, which appears as green light.
- Energy Projection: Death was able to blast Harkness with magical green energy during their duel at the latter's house.
- Spell Casting: Death has the power to cause change to her surroundings by reciting incantations. She performed a ritual to create a broomstick, giving it the ability to fly.
- Earth Magic: Death, as the original Green Witch, was the first user of Earth Magic.
- Elemental Manipulation: Death can command the elements of earth, air, fire, and water.
- Air Manipulation: Death can manipulate the currents of air around her and concentrate them into a focused blast. She was able to create powerful blasts of wind in her fight with Agatha to blow down her door and push her across the room.
- Fire Manipulation: Death can create, shape and manipulate the element of fire. When taking Nicholas Scratch's soul to the afterlife, Death lit a torch with green fire so that she would be visible to him.
- Plant Manipulation: Death can create vines to attack and trap her enemies, as she did to Agatha Harkness in their final battle.
- Weather Manipulation: Death can create and control powerful storms, with the storm clouds tinted green.
- Death Inducement: Death can instantly kill any living being through varying means. Death was able to instantly kill Agatha Harkness just by kissing her.
- Decomposition Manipulation: Death can accelerate the decomposition of organic matter, as she did with the body of Agatha Harkness.
- Elemental Manipulation: Death can command the elements of earth, air, fire, and water.
- Magical Energy Manipulation: Death can manifest and control raw magical energy from her body, which appears as green light.
- Witchcraft: Death could perform a specific type of magic exclusive to witches known as witchcraft, allowing her to cast spells in the form of hand gestures or incantations.
- Master Sorceress: Death is a powerful witch, and she sports an arsenal of spells and magical abilities. In her vulnerable state, Agatha Harkness showed fear of Death, implying that Death may be just as skilled in the art of witchcraft as Harkness.
- Master Combatant: Death is a warrior witch, making her a formidable fighter. She was able to jump from walls in her fight with Harkness and almost killed her in the process with her dagger.
- Expert Tactician: During the last few days of Harknessâ mental entrapment, Death was able to seamlessly weave her way into her former lover's mind, taking on the role of her fantasy rival and pulling at the right strings in tandem with Billy Maximoffâs spell in order to help Harkness break free.
- Marksman: Death can effectively and accurately throw projectiles at her targets. She very nearly hit Harkness with her dagger, but Harkness dodged it in the nick of time.
- Bilingualism: Death is fluent in English and Latin; she uses the latter of the two to cast spells.
- Magic Dagger: Death is armed with a small curved bladed dagger which she frequently uses throughout her combat under the guise of Rio Vidal.
Family[]Allies[] |
Appearances for Death |
In chronological order:
- In the comics, Death is the personification of mortality with powers over death and the afterlife. Death appears in many forms, but most often a woman or a skeleton. Thanos is in "love" with Death, and during The Infinity Gauntlet storyline, he killed half of the universe to win her affection despite Death's disinterest in him. Also, Death has shown to actively have a romantic interest for Deadpool, which caused Thanos to put a curse on him, so that Deadpool cannot die.
- Rio Vidal roughly translates to "river of life".
Behind the Scenes[]
- Death was initially meant to feature as Thanos' motivation for the Snap in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In addition to being mentioned in The Avengers, Josh Brolin revealed following the release of Guardians of the Galaxy that Thanos' relationship with Death would be explored and that she would be portrayed as a woman in the MCU. In the interview, Brolin stated "His relationship with Death, who is actually the woman, I love that. You can take Sin City and pump it full of steroids, and then you have Thanos. I like that he's motivated by that â not just motivated by destruction or death or this or that. He's motivated by a very identifiable, human trait."[12]
- However, Death ended up being removed by Joe and Anthony Russo, directors of Avengers: Infinity War, with Joe Russo explaining that they felt the time needed to introduce the character would be better spent focusing on just Thanos and the film's already large cast, stating "It's our responsibility to carry forward the story as it's been set out. You're spending two-and-a-half hours with this many characters, so then adding in some character that the audience has no relationship to, having to explain the backstory of that character, making you care about that character, making Thanos care about that character, making that character interesting to the other characters."[13]
- Joss Whedon has stated that when he featured Thanos at the end of The Avengers, he didn't know what to do with him and "kind of hung [Thanos] out to dry," adding that "I love Thanos. I love his apocalyptic vision, his love affair with Death. I love his power. But, I don't really understand it," confirming that his tease was ambiguous when it was made and that the Death storyline was "not a concept that will necessarily translate". Despite Avengers: Infinity War ultimately diverting from Thanos' set-up in The Avengers, Whedon enjoyed the new approach the Russo Brothers took as they gave Thanos "an actual perspective and [making] him feel righteous to himself".[14]
- Commenting on Death's inclusion in Agatha All Along and whether or not she is connected to Thanos in any way, Jac Schaeffer stated: "Thanos is not in my show, so I can't speak to any Thanos connections. Thanos stans out there, I have no answers for you."[15]
- Aubrey Plaza's role as Rio Vidal in Agatha All Along overlapped with her role of Wow Platinum in Megalopolis during the show's last two weeks of filming. However, as both projects were shot in the same lot, Plaza was able to do both without many difficulties: "I would literally go from one to the other and would put my Wow wig on and my Wow costume on. And then the next day, I would go to the Agatha set and Iâd be dressed as a warrior witch with a dagger and stuff. At one point, when I was dressed in the Marvel character, I snuck onto the Megalopolis set and I started harassing Giancarlo Esposito and Adam and everyone. It was absolutely insane behavior".[16]
- The dynamic between Death and Lilia Calderu was developed organically on set by actors Aubrey Plaza and Patti LuPone.[17]
- Hive, a powerful Inhuman whom HYDRA revered, was referred to as "Death" due to its fearsome nature and reputation.
- Sarah Irwin and Stephanie Baur were stunt doubles for Aubrey Plaza in the role of Death.
External Links[]
Death on Marvel Database
Death on Wikipedia
- â 1.0 1.1 Agatha All Along: 1.07: Death's Hand in Mine
- â Marvel Studios on X - November 3, 2024
- â 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Agatha All Along: 1.04: If I Can't Reach You / Let My Song Teach You
- â 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Agatha All Along: 1.01: Seekest Thou the Road
- â 5.0 5.1 The Art of Guardians of the Galaxy
- â Guardians of the Galaxy
- â Thor: Love and Thunder
- â 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 Agatha All Along: 1.08: Follow Me My Friend / To Glory at the End
- â 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 Agatha All Along: 1.09: Maiden Mother Crone
- â The Avengers
- â 11.0 11.1 Agatha All Along: 1.05: Darkest Hour / Wake Thy Power
- â Josh Brolin Talks Future Thanos Appearances and âDeathâ Relationship
- â 'Avengers: Infinity War' changes up the bizarre reason Thanos wants the Infinity stones in the comics â here's why
- â Agatha All Along Showrunner Shuts Down A Huge Thanos Theory
- â Cannes Cover Story: Aubrey Plaza Says Francis Coppola âDoesnât Need My Defenseâ, Reveals The âCollaboration And Experimentationâ Of âMegalopolisâ
- â The Making of Agatha All Along