Fire Emblem Wiki
Fire Emblem Wiki

“The highest tier of dark magic. Attacks the entire battlefield, except fliers.”
—In-game description, Three Houses

Quake Σ is a Reason Magic spell introduced to the Fire Emblem Series in Fire Emblem: Three Houses.

Before debuting in the Fire Emblem Series, Quake Σ appeared under the name Earthquake as a Dark magic spell in TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga.


In its appearance in TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga, Earthquake is a potent spell with unlimited range. It has the ability to afflict every single enemy unit, causing them to sustain a fairly large amount of damage, but also has significant drawbacks: it may only be used during turns divisible by 5, it's the heaviest spell in the game, and does not damage any Flying Units at all.

To obtain the Earthquake spell for oneself, it must be stolen from enemy units.

In Fire Emblem: Three Houses the spell is known as Quake Σ and is a enemy exclusive Reason Magic spell used exclusively by Thales, retaining its map-wide range and inability to damage fliers. Unlike its incarnation as Earthquake, Quake Σ has even worse durability, having only one magic charge.

Weapon Stats[]

TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga[]

Name Type

Earthquake Earthquake

TS Dark Magic Dark

WLv WHp Power Hit Crt Rng Wt Worth
15 10 1 50% 0% All 20 -

Can only be used after turns divisible by 5; Ineffective against Flying Units.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses[]

Name Type

FE16 dark magic icon Quake Σ

FE16 reason icon Reason

Rank Uses Mt Hit Crt Rng WEx Wt Worth
B 1 8 50% 0 All - 20 -

Damages all units except Flying; cannot trigger follow-up attacks.

Item Locations[]

Fire Emblem: Three Houses[]

Method Location
Unobtainable Enemy only.



  • Upheaval, introduced in Fire Emblem Gaiden, could be considered this spell's predecessor. Like Quake Σ, it is an unobtainable map-wide dark magic attack used by antagonists that hits every playable unit on it and share nigh identical Japanese names. However, the differences between the two Mega Quakes lies in Upheaval having one of its katakana acting like a sokuon (specifically the E katakana in "Quake"), and Upheaval hitting all units, fliers included.