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Razelia (ラゼリア Razeria) is a location from TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga. It is one of the four dukedoms in Reeve, along with Rivellia, Zemseria, and Nolzeria. It was ruled by Duke Glamdr until his death in the Tragedy of Nolzeria. Like the rest of Reeve, it was invaded by the Zoa Empire. During the game's events, Runan liberates it from the control of the traitorous Duke Dolmu and Rentzenheimer of Zemseria.

Known People from Razelia[]

  • Glamdr - The deceased duke of Razelia.
  • Runan - The heir of Razelia and Glamdr's son.
  • Eugen - A veteran knight serving as Runan's adviser.
  • Kreiss - A knight of Razelia and Rina's older brother.
  • Arkis - A knight of Razelia and Rina's arranged fiancé.
  • Rina - The younger sister of Kreiss and Arkis's betrothed.