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“The wound was terrible indeed, and I thought I was going to die there. But luckily, I must've just passed out. And this man Maerhen is surprisingly devout! He resuscitated me, and he has gone great lengths to ensure my recovery. I've stayed here since then to heal, and he's treated me with nothing but kindness. Even after his pirates were driven from here, he arranged for someone to bring me food.”
—Law, in a conversation with Katri

Law is a non-playable character from TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga. He is a priest from the Kingdom of Marl.


In the forests of Salia, Law encountered Zacharia, who entrusted him with the infant Princess Maria. He gave her the name "Katri" and raised her as his own daughter.

Fifteen years later, Law and Katri decide to travel to the Temple of Mars in order to leave her in the care of Ezenbah. However, their ship is attacked by the Isla Pirates led by Maerhen, which results in their separation. Although Katri believes that Law is killed, he is spared by Maerhen, who treats him well due to his status as a priest. At the end of Map 13, Law meets Katri again with Maerhen's help, and he then returns to Marl to recover further. Later, when Holmes reunites with "Law," it is actually the White Master Morse in disguise, who reveals to him the history of Lieberia and its deities.

In the epilogue, Holmes again meets with the real Law in Marl and mentions their experiences in Granada. However, Law does not understand this, since Holmes is unknowingly talking about Morse's impersonation instead.


  • In the newest fan translation, Law's role in the story was changed: He instead perishes during Maerhen's attack, but his body is afterward possessed by Morse so that he can surreptitiously get close to and assist Holmes later. In the epilogue, Holmes' conversation with the real Law is replaced by one where Holmes guesses correctly that the reanimated Law is not who he seems to be.