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Fire Emblem Wiki

“There's one thing I remember about him. He was hurt badly when he protected me. There was a wound running down his forehead, so deep that I couldn't believe he was still alive...”
—Julia, remembering Garo from her past

Garo is a playable character from TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga. He is a member of the Sea Lion pirate crew who is loyal to Holmes. He is sent with Runan to assist him in Wellt. He is also not used to speaking with women.


Fifteen years prior to the game's events, Garo saved Julia's life when a group of pirates attacked the residents of Il Island. The scars on his head are a memento of that incident.

Some time after Julia joins Runan's army, she approaches Garo and asks him if he knows the man who saved her in the past. Though Garo is silent, it is implied Julia figured out Garo was her rescuer.



Automatically from the start of Map 1.

Base Stats[]

Starting ClassGroup
Pirate PirateTS group pirate Bandit
SkillsWeaponStarting Items
TS Continue Continue

Sea Sea Fighter
TS Life or Death Life or Death (Lv 28)
TS Charge Charge (Lv 29)
TS Awareness Awareness (Lv 30)

TS Blazing WindBlazing Wind (Lv 31)
TS AxeAxeHatchetTRSHatchet
IronAxeTRSIron Axe

Growth Rates[]

HP Str Mag Skl Agl Lck Wlv Def Mov
85% 40% 0% 25% 30% 10% 30% 20% 0%


The support with Julia will appear if the player chooses the right dialogue for Garo after the end of chapter 3.


Secret Book (Artwork)
Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.

The Fire Emblem series has tried their hardest to make a bad Jagen, and here they finally succeeded. Garo fits the typical Jagen archetype with high bases and low growths, but unlike most Jagens, he has horrible mobility. 4 Movement means that he falls behind in every map outside of Map 1. Even other infantry units like Barts and Vega outmove him. Even worse is the fact that he cannot promote, meaning that he is stuck with 4 Movement unless given the movement potion. Moreover, many infantry units are more likely going to outperform him overtime, meaning that Garo is really only good for one map and that is it.


“Sorry, Lord Runan...”
—Garo's death quote on Runan's route
“Captain... I'm sorry...”
—Garo's death quote on Holmes' route

