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“I can't believe an airhead like you is serving under that calm and collected Lord Runan. Why do you want to know my name? If that was a pickup line, then I'm afraid I've heard far better.”
—Estelle, in a conversation with Arkis

Estelle is a playable character from TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga. She is the daughter of Count Merlon of Verge and the adoptive sister of Raffin. Despite her father's opposition, she became a knight in order to be helpful to him.


Estelle is introduced when she offers to accompany Raffin to thank Runan and his knights for rescuing Sasha. In her first scene, she teases Raffin by claiming that he has romantic feelings for Sasha. She is soon scolded and reminded that she should be training instead of discussing trivial matters. When Runan arrives in Verge seeking aid from Merlon, she and Raffin decide to help him by joining his army. Early in the game, she meets Arkis and immediately turns down his offer to become her bodyguard. Due to his flirtatious behavior, she has a low opinion of him and initially refuses to introduce herself. However, once Arkis reveals that he honors all of his comrades by memorizing their names, Estelle gives him her name, but says that she does not ask for him to remember it.

If Raffin accepted the Dragon Flute from Sharon, he and Estelle part ways in the ending, as he returns to Barge with Sharon. When she reunites with Merlon, he reminds her that she is now his only successor and therefore has more responsibilities. However, if Raffin refused to accept the flute, he and Estelle return to Verge together.


Estelle has a serious and harsh personality, although she can occasionally be playful. She is pampered as a result of her noble upbringing, and Arkis assumes that she expects others to look after all of her personal needs. She harbors a tendency to lash out at others, even over trivial matters. She fears that Raffin will eventually leave her behind for Barge without a second thought and accuses him of not caring about her. Despite being aware of her inexperience on the battlefield, she refuses to have a bodyguard. She also thinks that Rina is old enough to be considered a lady and tells Arkis that he should see her as one rather than a child.



Automatically from the start of Map 2.

Base Stats[]

Starting ClassGroup
RookKnight FRook KnightTS group horse Horseback
SkillsWeaponStarting Items
City City Fighter

TS Life or Death Life or Death (Lv 14)
TS Elite Elite (Lv 20)

TS Gale Gale (Lv 28)
TS SwordSword
TS LanceLance
SlimLanceTRSSlim Lance
TS Short SwordShort Sword

Growth Rates[]

HP Str Mag Skl Agl Lck Wlv Def Mov
50% 30% 15% 30% 35% 45% 25% 18% 0%



Item Required Promoted Class
Ts-knight-proof Knight Proof Paladin Paladin
+3 +3 +0 +4 +4 +3 +3 +1


Secret Book (Artwork)
Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.

Estelle is a rather curious unit, as she can either range from being surprisingly competent to merely being a utility bot.

To start off, she comes with poor bases, with her 3 Mastery causing a lot of problems for her in the earlygame. While she can use the Chapter 1 Mastery Potion, her low base power means that she is going to struggle 2HKOing much early on. She also learns Elite far too late, meaning that training her up will prove to be more challenging early on in contrast to Narron. Still, the game gives her several opportunities to get experience so that she can reach promotion.

Estelle, however, has some of the better promotion gains amongst the earlygame cavaliers. While her stats after promotion are likely not as good as Narron's, they are definitely better than the Christmas Cavs. After promotion, she is only a few Mastery points away from wielding Pilum outdoors and has much better mobility. However, the gains aren't quite enough to fill earlygame Narron's shoes has during the first Route Split, as enemies are bulkier and faster that she still has the same issues even after promotion. She is also penalized severly indoors, and unlike Arkis and Kriess, she cannot wield Lances there.

Her biggest issue however, isn't even her competition with Narron, it's with Roger. Since training her before the first route split is likely going to be more of a hassle than it's worth, most people send her to Holmes Route for extra training. The only problem is that Roger is also in Holmes' party (Mel and Roger have to be in the same camp or else they will both be in Runan's Party by default), meaning that he basically does anything a promoted Estelle would do, but without training. This isn't to say she isn't worth using, as she can still be helpful against the Map 22 boss if Roger didn't get the stats to defeat him, but outside of that there isn't much of a reason to use her over Roger.

Overall, Estelle isn't a terrible unit, but she is extremely outclassed. Her best use case is supporting Raffin early on and afterwards she is likely benched alongside your other earlygame units.


—Estelle's death quote on Runan's route
“No... Raffin, save me...!”
—Estelle's death quote on Holmes' route


Estelle is a French feminine name that was derived from the Latin word stella, meaning "star". Her name in fan translations, Esther, is feminine given name that also means "star". In the Bible, Esther was the eponymous heroine of the seventeenth book of the Old Testament and a Jewish woman who became the queen of Persia.

