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“Yeah, almost two years ago now... After the Balt War, Istoria started to attack all its neighbors, including Venette. News hadn't even reached us that Istoria had betrayed us before they invaded... My father was a senator, so our family was targeted by the enemy soldiers. It was my thirteenth birthday when they attacked the capital... They slit my parents' and my three little sisters' throats right in front of me, and then they burned their bodies... I watched it all happen...”
—Yuni, reminiscing about her past

Yuni is a playable character from TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga. She is a fourteen-year-old thief with an energetic and outgoing personality. Although she appears to be carefree, she is deeply troubled by her tragic past. Depending on events triggered during the story, she can become Xeno's love interest.


Yuni is the eldest daughter of a senator of Venette, a kingdom neighboring Istoria. On her thirteenth birthday, she witnessed the deaths of her parents and three younger sisters at the hands of Istorian soldiers, who then burned their corpses. Traumatized by this, she began dressing in masculine clothing and deliberately dirtying her skin so that no one would consider her to be beautiful. Eventually, she joined the Sea Lion after begging Holmes in tears.

Yuni is introduced when she teases Xeno for being kind to Katri upon first meeting her. After Katri flees from the crew due to Holmes' harsh behavior, Yuni and Xeno begin searching for her. During a battle against hundreds of Monsters, the two of them reunite with Katri. They are also reinforced by Runan and his army, who aid them in defeating the monsters. If she is sent with Holmes after the first route split, she meets Lyria and gifts her with the ☆Strength Staff.

After the second route split, Yuni meets a slave trader, who offers milk to her. If she refuses to accept, she leaves, and the slave trader kidnaps Lyria instead. However, if she drinks it, she loses consciousness and falls into the captivity of the trader, who changes her into a Dancer's clothing. After Xeno rescues her, she wakes up and immediately becomes upset upon noticing her outfit, thinking that he is looking at it. Some time later, she realizes that she was mistaken and apologizes to Xeno for her behavior.

In the ending, Yuni begins traveling alone if the aforementioned event between her and Xeno did not occur. If it did occur, she remains at Xeno's side and reveals her past to him. Afterwards, she removes the dirt from her skin and dresses in feminine clothing once again.



Automatically from the start of Map 8.

Base Stats[]

Starting ClassGroup
Thief Mercenary
SkillsWeaponStarting Items

Frontier Fighter (Lv 12)
Continue (Lv 28)

Charisma (Lv 35)
SwordShort Sword
Gold Bag

Growth Rates[]

HP Str Mag Skl Agl Lck Wlv Def Mov
35% 0% 20% 45% 40% 35% 25% 5% 0%



Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.

Yuni is a unit that's primarily used for her lockpick utility, but later on gets outclassed when better alternatives arrive. Steal sounds interesting in theory, being able to take weapons you wouldn't otherwise get like the Blessed Lance, but Yuni's combat is too terrible to make this worthwhile. Moreover, she is outclassed in her utility by Holmes, who has better bases and survivability. Frontier Fighter is also nice, but it's generally better to just teach her the skill when you get to Blaad rather than attempting to train her up to Level 12.

Yuni's main issue is that her utility later gets completely replaced by Sherra/Narcus. In the endgame, Door Keys are buyable, and Sherra can reach most of those spots effortlessly. Yuni can also do this with Warp, but her survivability is so much worse that it's likely better to not deploy her there.


“If I die... Will anyone mourn me...?”
—Yuni's death quote on Runan's route
“I wish I could've stayed... a little longer...”
—Yuni's death quote on Holmes' route


  • Yuni is one of the few non-magic using characters who has a 0% Strength growth.

