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The following is a list of all weapons in TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga.


Icon Name Worth Pow Hit Crt Rng Wt Wlv WHP Notes
TS Short Sword Short Sword 460 3 53 0 1 1 1 46
Scimitar Scimitar 660 7 60 3 1 5 2 33
IronSwordTRS Iron Sword 1000 6 70 0 1 4 3 50
Estoc Estoc 1320 4 90 7 1 2 5 22 Effective against Armoured units
Steel Sword TRS Steel Sword 1500 9 60 0 1 6 4 50
TS thiefsword Thief Sword 2000 5 65 0 1 3 1 8 User can take one of the enemy's items after fighting
TS Iron Blade Iron Blade 2000 12 60 0 1 8 7 50
TS Armor Killer Armorslayer 2200 7 55 0 1 7 8 22 Effective against Armored units
Sword Breaker Sword Breaker 2400 3 50 0 1 1 13 8 Breaks all Swords except ☆ ones
TS Steel Blade Steel Blade 2500 15 55 0 1 10 8 50
TRSRapier Rapier 2500 5 100 3 1 3 25 Runan only, effective against Horseback and Armored units
Main Gauche Main Gauche 2520 2 45 12 1 1 5 14 Raises Avoid by 20
TS shamshir Shamshir 2800 11 75 7 1 7 7 40
TS Kill Blade Kill Blade 2880 7 90 20 1 3 7 24
Silver Sword (TS) Silver Sword 3000 12 80 0 1 4 10 30
Thunder Sword (TS) Thunder Sword 3450 8 65 0 1~2 7 8 23 Deals magical damage
TS holysword Blessed Sword 4800 1 50 4 1 1 14 16 User takes 7 less damage from magic attacks
Luna sword Luna Sword 6000 14 80 7 1 3 7 30 Negates defense, can be used to recover HP
Sol Sword Sol Sword 6000 16 100 7 1 3 7 30 Effective against monsters
Stellar sword Stellar Sword 6000 12 85 7 1 3 7 30 Gain 2x EXP
Shield Sword Shield Sword 6600 7 70 0 1 6 6 29 Raises Defense by 1~20
TS Master Sword Master Sword 7000 10 70 0 1 5 12 70 Allows 2 consecutive hits
Shramm Icon ☆Shramm 10 80 20 1 2 60 Vega only, effective against monsters, receive halved damage from enemy
Dullahan Icon ☆Dullahan 12 50 0 1 10 0 40 Shigen only, revives user when they reach 0 HP
Mainstar Icon ☆Mainstar 12 80 0 1 3 5 55 Effective against monsters, user recovers HP equal to damage done to enemy
Rukuud Icon ☆Rukuud 15 65 80 1 7 15 50 Effective against monsters, receive 7 less damage from magic attacks
Seiken Reeve Icon ☆Seiken Reeve 20 78 15 1 7 Runan only, Breath damage halved, negates effect of Dragon Scale
Seiken Salia Icon ☆Seiken Salia 17 88 20 1 5 Holmes only, Breath damage halved, negates effect of Dragon Scale
Seiken Canaan Icon ☆Seiken Canaan 22 73 0 1 8 Sennet only, Breath damage halved, negates effect of Dragon Scale
Seiken Leda Icon ☆Seiken Leda 17 100 25 1 3 Tia only, Breath damage halved, negates effect of Dragon Scale


Icon Name Worth Pow Hit Crt Rng Wt Wlv WHP Notes
SlimLanceTRS Slim Lance 500 6 80 0 1 4 2 50
TSHand Lance Hand Lance 640 7 60 0 1~2 10 5 32
IronLanceTRS Iron Lance 1200 8 85 0 1 7 4 60
Piluim Piluim 1500 10 68 0 1~2 7 9 30
SteelLanceTRS Steel Lance 1800 11 75 0 1 10 7 60
LanceTRS Lance 1920 15 65 0 1 14 6 48
Needle Spear Needle Spear 3200 10 100 20 1 7 8 32
SilverLanceTRS Silver Lance 3200 14 100 0 1 7 11 32
JavelinTRS Javelin 3600 13 75 7 1~2 9 14 30
Master spear TRS Master Spear 6400 12 80 0 1 8 13 80 Allows 2 consecutive hits
Devil Spear Devil Spear 7300 13 62 0 1 12 1 73 (31 – Luck)% chance of damaging self
TRS DragonSpear Dragon Spear 9000 20 80 0 1 13 15 30 Effective against monsters, can be used to recover HP
Canaan Lance Icon ☆Canaan Lance 15 100 0 1~2 6 10 20 Recover HP equal to damage done to enemy
Salia Lance Icon ☆Salia Lance 18 100 15 1~2 4 11 74 Allows 2 consecutive hits
Leda Lance Icon ☆Leda Lance 17 100 0 1~2 7 8 80 Effective against monsters, receive halved damage from attacks


Icon Name Worth Pow Hit Crt Rng Wt Wlv WHP Notes
IronAxeTRS Iron Axe 880 9 60 0 1 9 3 88
HandAxeTRS Hand Axe 1200 6 38 0 1~2 6 1 60
HammerTRS Hammer 1200 12 37 0 1 14 5 60 Effective against Armored units
SteelAxeTRS Steel Axe 1560 14 50 0 1 13 4 52
Scissor Axe Scissor Axe 2000 12 87 20 1 10 9 40
PoleaxeTRS Pole Axe 2200 10 63 0 1 15 8 45 Effective against Horseback units
HatchetTRS Hatchet 2560 10 54 7 1~2 7 10 32
ShieldAxeTRS Shield Axe 2800 13 37 0 1 17 12 28 Raises Defense by 10
SilverAxeTRS Silver Axe 4000 18 77 0 1 8 11 40
MasterAxeTRS Master Axe 4500 12 70 0 1 11 14 90 Allows 2 consecutive hits
DragonaxeTRS Dragon Axe 8000 20 78 0 1 15 15 40 Effective against monsters, can be used to recover HP
Dolharken Icon ☆Dolharken 20 64 0 1 20 13 94 Receive halved damage from attacks
Devil Hand ★Devil Hand 7 60 0 1 0 0 Enemy only
Devil Claw ★Devil Claw 3 65 7 1 0 0 Enemy only
Opus ★Opus 10 50 0 1 0 0 Enemy only


Icon Name Worth Pow Hit Crt Rng Wt Wlv WHP Notes
Hand Bow Hand Bow 500 3 65 0 2 1 2 50
IronBowTRS Iron Bow 1200 6 70 0 2 5 6 40
BowgunTRS Bowgun 1320 8 90 0 2 10 3 44
RepeaterBowTRS Repeater Bow 1600 6 80 0 2 15 7 40 Allows 2 consecutive hits
SteelBowTRS Steel Bow 2000 10 65 0 2 8 8 40
SpinningBowTRS Spinning Bow 2300 7 100 20 2 14 9 23
SilverBowTRS Silver Bow 2800 13 80 0 2 6 11 28
StonehedgeTRS Stonehenge 3000 20 55 0 3~7 20 5 15 Cannot move or be countered
GatlingBowTRS Gatling Bow 3600 5 65 0 2 20 10 60 Allows 4 consecutive hits
ArvanrestTRS Arvanrest 4400 7 60 0 2~4 20 15 22
QuickRainTRS Quick Rain 4400 15 70 0 3~7 20 4 22 Cannot move or be countered
MasterBowTRS Master Bow 4800 10 70 0 2 8 12 60 Allows 2 consecutive hits
LongBowTRS Long Bow 4800 6 65 0 2~3 10 10 40
DragonArrowTRS Dragon Arrow 17 80 7 2~3 10 14 30 Effective against monsters, can be used to recover HP
Harpy Rod ★Harpy Rod 7 50 3 2 3 1 40 Enemy only



Icon Name Worth Pow Hit Crt Rng Wt Wlv WHP Notes
Fire (TS) Fire 2400 8 60 0 1~2 6 3 30
Hell Fire Hell Fire 3000 11 54 0 1~2 10 6 25
Bolganone Icon (TS) Bolganone 3240 15 65 0 1~2 14 12 18
TSMeteor Meteor 3300 9 48 0 2~5 15 13 15 Cannot be countered
Ifrid Ifrid 2400 8 55 0 2~3 18 15 12 Deals damage to a 3 x 3 square area, can be used only on even-numbered turns
Sunflame ☆Sunflame 15 100 0 1~3 10 70 Rishel only, effective against monsters, raises Defense by 10


Icon Name Worth Pow Hit Crt Rng Wt Wlv WHP Notes
Thunder (TS) Thunder 2400 6 84 0 1~2 5 4 30
Lightning (TS Icon) Lightning 3000 9 90 0 1~2 7 8 25
God Hand God Hand 6000 16 88 7 1~2 12 12 20
Evil Thunder Evil Thunder 4200 7 70 0 2~3 18 15 14 Deals damage to a 3 x 3 square area, can be used only on even-numbered turns
Brenthunder ☆Brenthunder 12 95 7 1~2 4 62 Alicia only, allows 2 consecutive hits


Icon Name Worth Pow Hit Crt Rng Wt Wlv WHP Notes
Wind Icon (TS) Wind 2640 5 73 0 1~2 3 5 44
Blizzard Icon (TS) Blizzard 3000 7 64 0 1~2 8 7 30 Cannot be countered
Tornado Icon (TS) Tornado 3600 10 70 0 2 15 14 12 Deals damage to 5 squares in a + shape, can be used only on even-numbered turns
Wundergust ☆Wundergust 10 100 20 1~2 5 58 Maruju only
Sylpheed ☆Sylpheed 18 92 0 1~2 6 7 47 Cannot be countered


Icon Name Worth Pow Hit Crt Rng Wt Wlv WHP Notes
Moonlight TS Moonlight 5400 12 93 0 1~2 7 7 18 Recover HP equal to damage done to enemy
Starlight ☆Starlight 20 97 0 1~2 12 50 Meriah only, raises Avoid by 30
Prelude ☆Prelude 10 100 0 1~2 8 10 40 Cannot be countered
Aura Rain ☆Aura Rain 7 74 0 All 15 7 Meriah only, targets all enemies, can be used only on turns divisible by 5


Icon Name Worth Pow Hit Crt Rng Wt Wlv WHP Notes
Evil Worm Evil Worm 2600 8 60 0 1~3 12 4 26
Death (TS) Death 2700 7 70 20 1~2 13 10 18
Tomaharn Tomaharn 2800 18 100 0 1~3 10 15 40 Cannot be countered
Janura Janura 3000 10 84 0 1~2 8 7 30 Recovers HP equal to damage done to enemy
Black Hole Black Hole 3000 4 90 0 2~3 15 14 12 Deals damage to 5 squares in a + shape, can be used only on even-numbered turns
Land Burst Land Burst 3600 6 82 0 2~3 18 14 12 Deals damage to a 3 x 3 square area, can be used only on even-numbered turns
Bau Crash Bau Crash 3840 5 74 0 2~5 15 13 12 Deals damage to 5 squares in a + shape, can be used only on even-numbered turns
Earthquake Earthquake 4000 1 50 0 All 20 15 10 Targets all enemies, can be used only on turns divisible by 5
Zahhak ★Zahhak 12 68 0 1~2 20 68 Enemy only, seals enemy's attacks
Black Rain ★Black Rain 20 120 100 All 20 Enemy only, KOs all enemies


Icon Name Worth Pow Hit Crt Rng Wt Wlv WHP Notes
Breath Icon ☆S Breath 1 80 0 1~2 10 1 Negates Defense
Breath Icon ☆L Breath 20 50 0 1~2 20 1 Deals damage to a 3 x 3 square area, negates Defense
Dark Breath ★Dark Breath 20 50 0 1~3 15 30 Deals damage to a 3 x 3 square area, negates Defense


Icon Name Worth Pow Hit Crt Rng Wt Wlv WHP Notes
Staff1 Healing Staff 2200 0 0 0 1 0 1 22 Restores an ally's HP by user's Magic +10
Far-Healing Staff Far-Healing Staff 4500 0 0 0 All 0 6 15 Restores an ally's HP by user's Magic +10
Zombie Staff Zombie Staff 3600 0 0 0 1 0 3 12 Summon NPC Zombies and Glace Mummies
Ogre Staff Ogre Staff 4200 0 0 0 1 0 5 12 Summons NPC Ogres and Arch Ogres
Skeleton Staff Skeleton Staff 4200 0 0 0 1 0 9 12 Summons NPC Skeletons and Mail Skeletons
Harpy Staff Harpy Staff 4800 0 0 0 1 0 12 12 Summons NPC Harpies
Gargoyle Staff Gargoyle Staff 4800 0 0 0 1 0 15 12 Summons NPC Gargoyles
Golem Staff Golem Staff 6000 0 0 0 1 0 8 12 Summons NPC Golems and Stone Golems
Save Staff ☆Memory Staff 0 0 0 All 0 2 18 Can be used to Save the game in the middle of a battle
Power Staff ☆Strength Staff 0 0 0 1 0 14 Lyria only, raises ally's Power by 10 for one chapter
TS Silence ☆Silence Staff 0 0 0 All 0 9 Leteena only, stops all enemy units from casting magic for 1 turn
☆Warp Staff (TS) ☆Warp 0 0 0 1 0 15 Renee only, teleports an ally to a traversable square
Anti-Evil Staff ☆Anti-Evil Staff 0 0 0 All 0 0 7 Removes monster units equal to user's Magic
Defence Staff ☆Defence Staff 0 0 0 1 0 18 Plum only, halves the damage an ally receives for one chapter
☆Magic Staff (Icon) ☆Magic Staff 0 0 0 1 0 10 Mel only, raises any ally's Magic by 7 for one chapter
☆Repair Staff (Icon) ☆Repair Staff 0 0 0 1 0 14 3 Restores a weapon or staff to full uses