Coruscant is a prominent planet in the Star Wars universe. It first appeared onscreen in the 1997 Special Edition of Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, but was first mentioned in Timothy Zahn's 1991 novel Heir to the Empire. A city occupying an entire planet, it is also known as the Imperial Center during the reign of the Galactic Empire (as depicted in the original films). The adjective form of the planet name is Coruscanti. The majority of the prequel trilogy takes place on Coruscant.
Coruscant is the capital of both the Old Republic and the First Galactic Empire. Not only is Coruscant central to both of these governing bodies, it is the navigational center of the galaxy, given that its hyperspace coordinates are (0,0,0). Due to its location and large population, the galaxy's main trade routes - Perlemian Trade Route, Hydian Way, Corellian Run, and Corellian Trade Spine - go through Coruscant, making it the richest and most influential world in the Star Wars galaxy.
Galactic City: The dense ecumenopolis that covers the surface levels of the planet Coruscant. Areas of the city including the Senate District, the Works, and CoCo Town. Built over thousands of years, Galactic City is homed to over a trillion individuals.
Senate Building: The center of the Senate District which served as the seat of the Galactic Senate in the Old Republic, and the early years of the Imperial Senate.
Senate Office Building: A large domed administration building that also functioned as a spaceport in the Galactic City's Senate District.
Coruscant Jedi Temple: The Coruscant Jedi Temple is the headquarters of the Jedi Order, located near the senate district. The Coruscant Jedi Temple's archives contains records of the history of the Jedi Order, every planet that the members of the Jedi Order have ever visited or discovered, the location of every Jedi Temple ever built throughout the galaxy, etc.
Coruscant was originally confused with Hosnian Prime when it was destroyed. This was later debunked in supplementary materials.