"Tipping Point" is the thirtieth episode of the Disney+ animated series Star Wars: The Bad Batch. It premiered on March 22, 2023 and is the fourteenth episode of the second season.
New information has our heroes taking on a dangerous mission.
Several clones imprisoned for disobedience against the Empire, including Howzer, are rescued by a group of rogue clones led by Echo and Gregor and brought to Coruscant, where Senator Chuchi questions them about their intended fate. With only a few encrypted data scraps recovered in the raid, Echo rejoins the Bad Batch on Pabu. On Mt. Tantiss (the transport's destination), Crosshair is interrogated by Dr. Hemlock about the whereabouts of the Batch, specifically Omega. He escapes in an unattended moment and sends a warning to his former comrades before being recaptured and subjected to more intense torture. After receiving the message and analyzing the data Echo recovered, the Batch learns about the existence of the Empire's secret Advanced Science Division.
- Echo's ship Remora is based off Meson Martinet, the starship of the pirate Sidon Ithano.