"The Secret Ship" is the second segment of the twenty-eighth episode of Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. It first premiered on August 14, 2024 alongside "A Pirate's Pet" on Disney+ before making its Disney Jr. premiere on August 16, 2024.
The mechanically-minded Princess Inaya takes her friend Nash, RJ-83 and the reluctant butler droid PD-4 on a test flight aboard her secret starship. While flying on a canyon-covered world, the ship's ion compressor breaks down. While obtaining spareparts from a Toong merchant, they discover that a Nautolan tow ship pilot has impounded their starship. While the droids unlock the magclamp, Inaya and Nash attempt to repair the ion compressor but find it is more difficult than expected. After Inaya's ship falls off the tow ship, Inaya manages to repair the ion compressor with the help of PD-4. Returning to her homeworld, Inaya tells her parents about her mechanical interests, which impresses them and PD-4. They then officiate over a library opening ceremony.