"Chapter 13: The Jedi" is the fifth episode of the second season of the Disney+ streaming television series, The Mandalorian and the thirteenth episode of the series overall. It aired on November 27, 2020. It was written and directed by Dave Filoni.
The Mandalorian journeys to a world ruled by a cruel magistrate who has made a powerful enemy.
- Pedro Pascal as the Mandalorian
- "The Child"
- Michael Biehn as Captain Lang
- Rosario Dawson as Ahsoka Tano
- Diana Lee Inosanto as The Magistrate
- This episode marks the live-action debut of Ahsoka Tano, with Rosario Dawson taking over the role, from Ashley Eckstein, the voice.
- In this episode, the Child's name is revealed to be "Grogu".