Zabraks are humanoids with horned heads and skin with elaborate markings. The Zabraks come from two different worlds, Iridonia and Dathomir. The Zabraks are one of the most independent species in the galaxy.
Some Zabraks such as Eeth Koth and Agen Kolar are Jedi. The former Sith LordDarth Maul is the best known of this species.
During the Clone Wars, many Nightbrothers were chosen by the assassin Asajj Ventress to pass survival tests to become the servant of Ventress as part of her plot to kill Count Dooku.
Many perished, while the winner was Savage Opress, the lost brother of Maul. When the latter was betrayed by the assassin, he returned to mother Talzin, the leader of the Nightsisters (and his unknown biological mother) to find Darth Maul, who was still alive after being cut in half by Obi-Wan Kenobi.
After the two Zabraks brothers were reunited they became self-proclaimed Lords of the Sith and began a criminal empire as part of their galactic domination plan until their confrontation with Darth Sidious, Maul's former master. Savage lost his life and Maul was imprisoned by Sidious until his escape. After returning to Dathomir, Maul recruit the remaining Nightbrothers in his quest to kill Sidious. The Nightbrother village was discovered by the Separatists and many were killed, though Maul managed to escape yet again.
About seventeen years later. Maul returned to his planet, which had been devastated by the empire with a young Jedi apprentice, Ezra Bridger. Ezra asked Maul where his people were, Maul replied that he is the last survivor, implying that all Nightbrothers were exterminated. When Maul finally died on Tatooine at the hands of Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Nightbrother clan of Zabraks and all Dathomirian Zabraks were finally rendered extinct.
Physical appearance[]
The Iridonian Zabraks are the most widespread race; their skin is generally gray, sometimes possesses long hair and they are more sociable than the Zabraks of Dathomir.
The Zabraks of Dathomir are far less numerous and commonly less sociable. The native Dathomirian Zabraks exist in clans referred to as Nightbrothers. These Zabraks have practically no hair and usually have yellow to red skin. Their origins hail back to when Iridonian Zabraks traveled to Dathomir and then interbred with the indigenous Dathomirian women, female humanoids with gray skin.
Maul is the only known red Zabrak.
With Maul's death, the Dathomirian Zabraks no longer exist and the Zabraks of Iridonia are the only Zabrak of the galaxy.