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It's not that I gave up, Skywalker, but unlike you, when the time comes, I am prepared to let my student go. Can you say the same?
―Luminara Unduli

Luminara Unduli is a Mirialan Jedi Master and one of the main characters who appeared in the prequel film trilogy of the Star Wars universe.



Luminara is very calm, physically disciplined, level-headed, and patient, as she rarely loses her temper. She is confident in her abilities, however, her confidence eventually increased to the point of arrogance and overconfidence, which resulted in her almost losing her life while fighting Asajj Ventress. Despite of these traits, she shows gratitude to her comrades and allies alike, as seen when Luminara was grateful to Ahsoka Tano for saving her from Asajj, and told Ahsoka she owed her life to her. She was one of the few Jedi to easily connect with her companions, and she complemented them during battle.

Luminara greatly cares for her former apprentice, Barriss Offee, but also maintains a very professional relationship with her. Keeping in mind the Jedi sense of detachment, Luminara was prepared to let go of Barriss in the event of her possible death.

As a Jedi, Luminara is highly intelligent and wise. Despite her serious demeanor, she has a sense of humor, as she stifled a snort of laughter at Anakin Skywalker's "simple logic", during the Second Battle of Geonosis.

Physical appearance[]

Luminara has a slim, petite body with olive green skin, cobalt blue eyes, small eyebrows, and black fingernails and lips (lighter on the upper lip). She also has traditional Mirialan diamond tattoos on her chin and purple diamond tattoos on knuckles. Perhaps her most distinctive feature is her large folded headdress which she constantly wears, hiding her grey hair from view.

Her usual garb consist of both a tight-fitting black long-sleeved top and textured skirt with three layers of a horizontal trim near the bottom, a complex two-piece belt above the waist with two round, silver plate-like fasteners, an intricate-patterned belt tabbard, brown trousers and Jedi boots, gauntlets, and shin guards. She wears a green, brown and black patterned cloak over her outfit, and beneath it is an under vest held on with a silver decorative broach.

Powers and abilities[]


  • The Force: Luminara has an extremely strong connection to the Force.
    • Telekinesis: Luminara can telekinetically move objects or other individuals without physically touching them, and she utilizes it for offensive or defensive purposes.
      • Force Push: can telekinetically send his opponents flying through the air, causing serious injury or temporarily incapacitating/knocking them unconscious, depending on how much power is unleashed.
      • Force Pull: Luminara can telekinetically pull his opponents or objects towards him.
      • Mind Probe: Luminara can telepathically sense and sift through the thoughts and memories of a sentient being. Her mental powers allowed her to scan the mind of Nute Gunray to discover his fear of his masters in the Separatist Alliance, and potential knowledge of Separatist bases other information of strategic value to the Republic.
    • Force Sense: Luminara can sense another sentient being's emotions, the future, ripples in the Force caused by momentous or traumatic events, impending danger, and the presence of other light or dark side Force-users.
    • Force Jump: Luminara can jump or leap at great distances.
    • Force Dash: Luminara can move at amazing speeds.


  • Master Lightsaber Duelist: Luminara is a highly skilled lightsaber duelist.
    • Form III: Luminara is a master of Soresu.
    • Form V: Luminara haa some skills in Shien/Djem So.
  • Advanced Hand-To-Hand Combatant: Luminara is a very skilled hand-to-hand combatant.
  • High-Level Intellect/Master Tactician/Leader: Luminara is highly intelligent. As a Jedi General, Luminara is a highly skilled tactician and a very capable leader.

Weapons and equipment[]


Luminara's valued weapon and possession is her green-bladed lightsaber.

  • Lightsaber: Luminara had built a green-bladed lightsaber which she used throughout her Jedi career and the entirety of the Clone Wars. It would remain in Luminara's possession until her death, but it is unknown what happened to it after Luminara's death.


The Clone Wars[]

Luminara atteneded a meeting between Chancellor Palpatine and the Jedi Council with her Padawan, Barriss Offee, to discuss the growing influence of the Separatists and the threat of war between them and the Galactic Republic.

Later, Luminara arrived with Mace Windu's strike team to Geonosis in an attempt to rescue Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Padmé Amidala. Eventually they were all surrounded, but were saved thanks to Yoda and the Clone Army. She was made a senior general in the Clone Wars due to her wisdom, range of abilities, her political and tactical knowledge, and leadership experience.[1]


Luminara was rumored to have still been alive as it was announced that she was being held prisoner by the Empire. The crew of the Ghost mounted a rescue mission to free the captive Jedi Master. However, Luminara is revealed to have been killed by the Grand Inquisitor and long dead and her corpse had been used as a lure. With no other choice, the crew escaped the Grand Inquisitor and left behind Luminara's body.


External links[]


  1. Star Wars: Attack of the Clone

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See Also
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