"Devil's Deal" is the eleventh episode of the Disney+ animated series Star Wars: The Bad Batch. It premiered on July 9, 2021.
As the seeds of rebellion foment on an outer rim [sic] world, the Empire schemes to squash it.
When Senator Orn Free Taa announces a new Imperial refinery on Ryloth and encourages Twi'lek freedom fighters to disarm, resistance leader Cham Syndulla publicly supports the Empire. His lieutenant Gobi Glie takes Cham's daughter, Hera on a secret mission to retrieve new weapons that are delivered by the Bad Batch, during which Hera befriends Omega. Crosshair tracks them, and the Empire arrests Glie and Hera for treason. Cham attacks the Imperial convoy to rescue them with his wife, Eleni and other freedom fighters, but Crosshair shoots Orn Free Taa, which enables Rampart to frame Cham for Taa's attempted assassination. Cham, Eleni, and Glie are arrested, while Hera escapes.