"Ruins of War" is the eighteenth episode of the Disney+ animated series Star Wars: The Bad Batch. It premiered on January 4, 2023 and is the second episode of the second season.
The Batch must decide who to trust as they plan their escape.
The cargo container crashes on Serenno's surface. While trying to make their way back to the Marauder, Omega, Tech, and Echo meet Romar Adell, a local who is hiding in the woods, and while conversing with him, the clones get a first impression of what a free life must be like. In an unattended moment, Omega sneaks out to recover more funds from the war chest; Echo and Tech go after her, resulting in a clash with the Imperial search parties, whom the three escape with Romar's help. Hunter and Wrecker fight free of their encirclement and reunite with their friends. With the confirmation of Clone Force 99's survival, Vice Admiral Rampart, fearing punishment for his failure to eliminate them, decides to keep this fact secret from Governor Tarkin.