"Terror of Tenoo" is the first segment of the thirtieth episode of Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. It first premiered on August 14, 2024 alongside "The Prince of Masks" on Disney+ before making its Disney Jr. premiere on August 30, 2024.
While returning to Tenoo the Jedi younglings, Nash and RJ-83 discover a derelict pirate cruiser on an asteroid known as the Terror of Tenoo, the starship of the infamous pirate Captain Blackbolt. While exploring the ship, they accidentally reactivate Blackbolt, who is revealed to be an armored droid. They also discover Blackbolt's stolen treasure including Kaliah Kublop's staff. Following a skirmish, they manage to escape Blackbolt by causing the Terror to jump into hyperspace. The youngligns manage to detach the Firehawk from the pirate ship before the jump. RJ-83 also retrieves the stolen staff. Nash is welcomed back as a hero by the residents of Kublop Springs.