"Saved countless lives during a hospital siege in 2nd Chechen War. Placed on extended psychiatric leave. Accrued several arrest warrants across SE Asia. Called back into service by Cpt Bale to expel Al Qatala from Verdansk."
Maxim Bale joined with his brother Dmitry in the Spetsnaz selection in 2005 and served in the Spetsgruppa A – Alpha Group in counter-terrorism where he achieved the rank of Sergeant.[1]
During the Second Chechen War, Minotaur saved countless lives during the Kurbanov Hospital siege in 2009. He witnessed the wounding of his brother and was falsely informed of his death. Blaming himself for the "death" of his brother, Maxim was discharged for psychological trauma.[1]
Minotaur spent the following 10 years joining different PMC groups operating in Southeast Asia under the name "Sergei Krovopuskov". During that time, he accrued several arrest warrants for felonies in Cambodia, Laos and Thailand.[1]
He was tracked down by his brother in July 2019 and joined the Allegiance in November the same year.[1]
In March 2020, Al-Qatala's new leader Khaled Al-Asad launched a full-scale assault against Verdansk in Kastovia. Operators from Coalition and Allegiance were deployed to Verdansk to stop Al-Qatala as part of the Armistice initiative.
Minotaur's All Business skin heavily resembles Nikolai's campaign outfit.
Minotaur's Poloski skin heavily resembles the outfit of J-12.
Furthermore, the 2 characters share similar Russian-style prison tattoos.
Minotaur's Hidden skin featured in the Guerrilla bundle is a reference to the 1985 action film Commando.
Similar to Otter, Minotaur has a special gesture if his face is covered with a mask. It features him moving his head from his left to his right with no hand gestures.
When equipped any other skin that does not cover his face, Minotaur rubs his nose with his left hand in a quick motion.
In Warzone and Special Ops, Minotaur shares unique dialogues and voicelines with fraternal twin Bale.
Minotaur's Gungnir skin is a reference to Odin, whereas the name of the skin is the name of the Norse god's spear.
Minotaur appears to be wearing an unused skin in his biography image. It resembles the Armored up skin with a sleeveless shirt.