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Call of Duty Wiki
Call of Duty Wiki
The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Mobile
For other uses, see Sam.

"Little is known about the pile of flesh known to its masters under the code name "Samael". His body is equipped with a prototype stimulus mechanism that constantly injects an adreno-steroid, thanks to which Samael has inhuman strength and endurance, as well as almost complete immunity to pain. He is an exceptionally efficient death machine."
— In-game biography

Samael is a character featured in Call of Duty: Mobile and was added in the game on October 10, 2022, during Season 8: Train to Nowhere as part of the Life and Death Draw. [1] Later, during Season 9: Zombies Are Back, Samael was introduced in the Comics.


Samael enters a warehouse where Makarov, Sophia and Wraith are in. The trio narrowly escapes from him by climbing to an open section of the roof. Samael finds Cedric Montpierre's body, and reports to control that he has a problem.

He later appears in Ether's office, where the Director is telling her about the necessity of the removal of Atlas Corporation's board, as they have been consumed by greed and will leave behind in the world nothing but ash. Later, multiple explosions go off in New Vision City (set by Makarov's group), rattling the office he is in with them, as the Director states that the coup he is staging has begun.

Later on, when an orbital strike is launched on Atlas' Sky Carrier in the city, the bright light emanated from it forces Samael to shield their eyes from it. Ether slips away in the ensuing confusion, and the Director instructs him to assemble a squad to find her.


