Ben 10 Wiki
Ben 10 Wiki
This article belongs to the Classic Continuity

Okay now, this isn't gonna be pretty.

– Toepick.[1]

Toepick is the Omnitrix's DNA sample of an unknown species from an unknown planet.


Toepick is a greenish yellow-skinned, ogre-like alien with long and misshapen arms that have weed-like spikes coming out of them, pointy fingertips, and a visible belly button. He wears a simple pair of black briefs with a metal dark green waistline with white bolts on it. His eyes are glowing green and can be seen through the bars of a dark green metal cage helmet worn on his head. Inside his helmet is Toepick's terrifying face, which is supposed to resemble an eldritch horror.[DJW 1] He also has a layer of tentacles that covers his true face.[DJW 2]

Toepick's helmet has two horns protruding from the sides of it, and also a crest that resembles a toenail in shape. The cage's door has five bars, three of which are in the center of the door. It opens in two halves, with the lock in the very center of the door, staying on the right half. Connected to this cage is Toepick's armor, which wraps around his shoulders and goes halfway down his chest, and is connected to his briefs by chains.

Toepick's Omnitrix symbol is on the helmet's extension covering his chest, with two green metallic protrusions accompanying the symbol on both sides.

Powers and Abilities[]

Toepick's only known way of defeating his enemies is with his extremely scary face, which taps into the primordial fears locked in all beings' subconscious and primitive brains.[DJW 3] Toepick's face is so hideously horrifying that almost no being in the known universe can look at it without being scared to the point of turning pale white. If someone were to take a photograph of Toepick's face, the picture would come out blurry, but it would still make people uneasy.[DJW 4]

The sight of Toepick's face can cause adverse effects.[DJW 5] The most common of these effects are the inducement of terror and insanity, as a Dwarf Star-powered Psyphon was so terrified by Toepick's face that he begged him to stay away in-between screams of terror.[2]

Toepick's face can also induce sickness and nausea, as shown when Argit vomited several things he had eaten.[1]

Toepick can counteract forces that feed on fear, as Zombozo found it impossible not to be scared of his face.[3]

Other beings such as Ectonurites,[DJW 6] Loboans, Thep Khufans, Transylians, Vladats, Ormerowons,[DJW 7] Appoplexians,[DJW 8] Slime-Biots,[DJW 9] and even a Celestialsapien's personalities[DJW 10] and Ultimate Kevin[DJW 11] can be terrified by Toepick's face. Depending on the time, Maltruant can also be scared by his face.[DJW 12]

Toepick has a type of layered multiphasic eyesight that makes his already mediocre vision even worse when looking at multidimensional or unknowable sights,[DJW 13] meaning that he cannot be frightened by his own face if he were to look into anything reflective.

Toepick is able to bulge his eyes outwards.[DJW 2]

When Toepick's helmet prepares to open, it releases a small amount of green gases as it depressurizes.[DJW 14] It is also incredibly difficult to damage.[DJW 15]

Toepick has a degree of enhanced strength, enough to lift a car.[DJW 16][DJW 17]


Due to him being too heavy, Toepick can easily lose balance.[3]

Blind beings such as Vulpimancers would be immune to Toepick's face.[DJW 18] Similarly, deaf beings would be immune to his sounds.

Despite having a layer of tentacles covering his face, Toepick cannot use his tentacles to attack blind beings.[DJW 19]

Beings that lack sapient emotion or survival instincts, such as drones and robots, would be immune to Toepick's face and sounds as well. However, it would invoke some sort of defensive reaction from them.[MW 1]

Toepick has below-average reflexes, making it possible to sneak up on him and attack before he has time to open his cage.[2]

There are certain beings Toepick is unable to scare, such as Ma Vreedle because "she [has] seen worse"[DJW 20] and Dagon.[DJW 21]

Professor Paradox can see Toepick's face clearly. It is not an unknowable horror to him, therefore he is able to overcome his initial fears.[DJW 22]

As mentioned above, Toepick's vision is considered worse than mediocre, making it difficult for him to see.



Original Series Future[]

  • In Ken 10, Toepick was mentioned by Ben 10,000 as one of Ken's aliens in the latter's Omnitrix. Fortunately for Ken, his father replaced Toepick with Grey Matter in his son's arsenal off-screen.



Season 3[]
Season 5[]
Season 6[]
Season 8[]

Naming and Translations[]

Language Name Origin
Bulgarian Тоупик From the original English name
Chinese 托比 Transcription; pronounced Tuō Bǐ
French Pince-Orteil From pince, claw, and orteil, toe
German Stinkzeh From stinkzeh, stinktoe
Greek Συλλεκτής Νυχιών From συλλέγω, pick, and νύχι, toe
Hungarian Ujjcsákány From ujj, finger, and csákány, pickaxe
Italian Toepick From the original English name
Polish Toepick From the original English name
Portuguese (Br) Frieira
Espantoide (Omniverse)
From frieira, chilblain
From espanto, astonishment. and -oide, "similar to"
Portuguese (Eu) Nojentão From nojentão, disgusting
Romanian Scobitoare de Picioare From scobitoare de picioare, toothpick
Russian Тоепик
From the original English name
From напальчник, fingertip
Spanish (HA) Toepick From the original English name
Spanish (Spain) Hurgapiés From hurga, poke, and piés, feet
Turkish Toepick From the original English name


Toepick Face Model

Toepick's tentacle face

  • Ken finds Toepick's face to be so gross that he did not want to turn into him when he received his own Omnitrix.[4]
  • Toepick is Ben's scariest alien[DJW 24] and his second least favorite alien; his least favorite overall being The Worst.[DJW 25]
  • Toepick was first mentioned in Ken 10; at the time, there were never any plans to design him during the Original Series as characters without screen time would be an undesirable financial expense to the studio.[TP 1]
  • Derrick designed Toepick's tentacle face for Bandai, which was used for his deluxe figure and mini-figure.
  • From Arc 4 of Omniverse onwards, Toepick replaces Way Big in the opening intro of the show, particularly in the part where the latter initially appeared alongside Shocksquatch, Bloxx, and Crashhopper.
  • Toepick's action figure's voice box allows you to hear him say "You can pick your friends, you can pick your toes, but you can't pick your friend's toes." This is a play on the phrase "You can pick your friends, you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your friend's nose".
  • The enhanced version of Ken 10 featured pop-up trivia telling the viewer that they "don't even want to know about Toepick".[pop-up 1][4]
  • Neither Toepick nor his species are from the Anur System.[DJW 29][DJW 30]
  • Benzarro's version of Toepick is not scarier than his other counterparts.[DJW 31]
  • A hypothetical Ultimate version of Toepick would have the power to radiate fear.[DJW 32]
  • Ben 23's transformation of this species, Fright Face,[DJW 33] was revealed by Derrick after the series ended. He declined to specify whether it was conceived during or after production.[DJW 34] Thus, the wiki considers it non-canon and unofficial.
  • When the cage on Toepick's head opens, sounds of terrified screams, agonized wailing, roaring, unholy groans and wails, hissing, and deep demonic laughter can be heard until the cage is once again closed or when Toepick turns into another alien.
    • This power and the execution of it greatly resembles that of Yukk from the 1979 cartoon Mighty Man and Yukk, apart from the noises coming from Toepick and the destructive power of Yukk's face compared to that of Toepick's.
  • Toepick's appearance is similar to Hades from the God of War franchise. Both are tall, have cages on their heads, are fat and have fearful faces, with the only difference being that Hades' face can be seen in God of War III. Hades' is covered with spikes going through him.


  1. Despite first appearing in Special Delivery, Toepick was never locked in the Omnitrix.[DJW 23] This is supported by Ben already knowing how to utilize Toepick's abilities.[2]


Crew Statements[]

Matt Wayne[]

Derrick J. Wyatt[]

  1. File:Toepick's Face Eldritch Horror.PNG
  2. 2.0 2.1 File:Toepick Face Tentacles.png
  3. File:Toepick's Face Primordial Fears.PNG
  4. File:Toepick's face in a photograph.png
  5. File:Toepick Adverse Effects.png
  6. File:Toepick Can Scare Ectonurites.png
  7. File:Toepick Can Scare Anur System Aliens.png
  8. File:Toepick Can Scare Appoplexians.png
  9. File:Skurd Can Be Scared by Toepick.png
  10. File:Toepick Can Scare Celestialsapien Personalities.png
  11. File:Toepick Can Scare Ultimate Kevin.png
  12. File:Toepick Can Scare Maltruant.png
  13. File:Toepick Cannot Frighten Himself.png
  14. File:Toepick's helmet depressurizes.png
  15. File:Toepick's Helmet.PNG
  16. File:Toepick Enhanced Strength.PNG
  17. File:Toepick Can Lift a Car.PNG
  18. File:Toepick Cannot Scare Vulpimancers.png
  19. File:Toepick Cannot Use Face Tentacles.png
  20. File:Ma Vreedle Not Scared of Toepick.PNG
  21. File:Toepick Cannot Scare Dagon.png
  22. File:Paradox Can See Toepick's Face.PNG
  23. File:New Aliens in OV Weren't Locked.png
  24. File:Toepick is Ben's Scariest Alien.png
  25. File:Ben's Least Favorite Aliens.png
  26. File:DJW Thought of Atomix and Toepick.PNG
  27. File:Toepick Artpiece Inspiration.png
  28. File:Toepick Inspiration.PNG
  29. File:DJW Wished to Explore More Lore.png
  30. File:Toepick's Species Not From Anur System.PNG
  31. File:Benzarro Toepick.png
  32. File:Ultimate Toepick Power.png
  33. 33.0 33.1 File:Fright Face Proof.png
  34. File:Ben 23 Alien Names Revealed After Production.png
  35. File:Ben 23 Doesn't Use Toepick.png

Thomas N. Perkins IV[]

Pop-Up Trivia[]

Introduced in Ben 10 ArctiguanaBlitzwolferBuzzshockCannonboltDiamondheadDittoEvil Way BigEye GuyFour ArmsFrankenstrikeGhostfreakGrey MatterHeatblastRipjawsSnare-OhSpitterStinkflyUpchuckUpgradeWay BigWildmuttWildvineXLR8
Introduced in Alien Force Alien XBig ChillBrainstormChromastoneEcho EchoGoopHumungousaurJetrayLodestarNanomechRathSpidermonkeySwampfire
Introduced in Ultimate Alien AmpfibianArmodrilloChamalienClockworkEatleFasttrackJuryriggNRGShocksquatchTerraspinWaterhazard
Introduced in Omniverse AstrodactylAtomixBall WeevilBloxxBullfragCrashhopperFeedbackGravattackGutrotKickin' HawkMole-StachePesky DustThe WorstToepickWalkatroutWhampire
Future Aliens SandboxShellheadSnakepit
Ultimate Aliens AlbedoArctiguanaBenBig ChillCannonboltEcho EchoGravattackHumungousaurRathSpidermonkeySwampfireWay BigWildmutt
Fusion Aliens Atomic-XBig ChuckCrashockerDiamond MatterFourmungousaurHeat JawsHumungoopsaurStink ArmsUprigg
Concept Fusion Aliens GravadactylXLRG
Competition Winners Alien Maker Contest WinnerMoyoInvinciblePortalerShadowmanStretcheleo
MAD ChromastoneFour ArmsHumungousaurJetrayNRGSwampfire
Total Access AntigraviteslaBob the BlobPlantapocalypse
Ben 10: Science Hero CaetSektoid TransformationShafarnianSteeler
Tim 10 BloxxFour ArmsHeatblastSkateasaurusUpchuckXLR8
Other Cartoon Network AlienEon (retconned)Evil Way Big (Cosmic Destruction)Fuel Run AlienGrendene AlienK-Zone AlienRobot AlienRocksSquidstrictor