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Ben 10 Wiki
This article belongs to the Classic Continuity

You are a slightly larger speck than the other specks infesting this world. But still, you are beneath my notice.

– Dagon to Way Big.[2]

Dagon (or The Dagon) was an extra-dimensional demonic entity who tried to invade the main dimension with the help of his Lucubra army during Earth's medieval era. He was banished back to his dimension when Sir George defeated him by cutting out his heart with Ascalon, a powerful weapon given to him by Azmuth nearly one thousand years ago.


In the legend of Saint George and the Dragon, Dagon was shown as a large black dragon. Its underbelly, claws and wings were green, and it had narrow red eyes with spirals in them.

When it manifests in the main world, Dagon is revealed to be a massive beast resembling a giant green octopus. Its face is a large mass of tentacles, with either a much larger tentacle or a tail sticking out of its back. It has brown armor on most of its body, with two hooked projections framing its red eyes. In this form, Dagon is extremely large, dwarfing even Ultimate Way Big.

When battling Ultimate Way Big, Dagon adopted a more serpentine form with smaller tentacles on his head and a body formed from three large tentacles on his underside. He also greatly shrunk in size, being only slightly larger than Ultimate Way Big.


Dagon is a very arrogant being and excessively power-hungry.

Due to the fact that he himself is power, Dagon sees himself as a very godlike and invincible being who deserves to rule all with his mind control.

Dagon talks down to all others as if they are merely nuisances or specks (even referring to some as such).[2]

Dagon does have a sense of honor to the strong and a sense of caution in dealing with them. He addressed Sir George as "George the Triumphant", due to his past victory against him. He also seemed to respect Gwen, or at least her power. He sent Vilgax to deal with Sir George and Ben due to the danger that George presented to him.[3]

Dagon has also shown to respect the rules and ways of Magic. As shown when Charmcaster bargained with him, Dagon revived her father at her request when she gave him suitable payment. And later, when Spellbinder chose to willingly return to death, Dagon returned all the souls he received as payment, reviving everyone that Charmcaster had sacrificed as the rules of magic dictated it so.


Ultimate Alien[]

TFKC (114)

Carving of Dagon

In The Flame Keepers' Circle, Dagon was first introduced as a legendary alien god who was believed to have visited Earth many years ago and brought advanced technology to humans in the past. He was also believed to have sworn to come back to Earth to bring the "Golden Age". He claimed he would bring alien technology so that Earth would not have war or disease, just peace. His appearance was revealed in a carving.

In A Knight to Remember, Dagon took control of Gwen and explained to Ben's team that if Vilgax got his heart from the shrine it resided in, he would be able to take control of the entire universe. After Vilgax defeated the Forever Knights and the Esoterica, Dagon took control of Sir Winston and told him that in order to be powerful enough to rule the universe, he must break the seal. However, this was a trick. Once Vilgax broke the seal, Dagon was able to suck him and his heart back to his dimension.

In Solitary Alignment, his shadow was seen in a flashback. Azmuth also noted that Dagon had enslaved 100 dimensions at the time.

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Dagon is contacted by Charmcaster

Dagon's voice was heard in Enemy of My Frenemy, being called by the name Old One, a being who could bring dead people back to life. Charmcaster gave him 600,000 souls (from every living thing in Legerdomain except herself) and in return, asked to bring her father back to life. Spellbinder disapproved of this, saying that his daughter became a worse tyrant than Addwaitya ever was by doing so. Spellbinder said that even though he loved her, he couldn't stay in Legerdomain with her, knowing that his life was bought by the cost of so many others, and decided to return to the dead. Dagon restored all the dead souls, saying that "such is the way of magic".

In The Beginning of the End, Dagon's voice was heard again when Sir George demanded to face him, but Dagon instead summoned his herald, Vilgax.

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Dagon witnesses George's demise

In The Ultimate Enemy: Part 1, Dagon was able to turn every human into an Esoterica except for Ben's team, Julie, and Sir George. Later, he took control of Gwen again and tried to use her to break the seal. Eventually, he broke the seal himself, thus allowing him to enter the main dimension.

TUE2 (239)

Dagon absorbed by Vilgax

In The Ultimate Enemy: Part 2, after Dagon freed himself, Sir George immediately attacked him. Dagon then ordered Vilgax to destroy Sir George, but he was nowhere to be found, and thus Dagon sent his Esoterica to defeat George. While Gwen, Kevin, and George fought a couple of Esoterica, Ben transformed into Way Big and then Ultimate Way Big. Dagon fought Ultimate Way Big and easily defeated him with acid rain, with none of Ultimate Way Big's attacks having an effect on him. He proceeded to fight Sir George and Chromastone. After he defeated Chromastone and killed Sir George, Vilgax and Psyphon returned with their machine. Thinking it was a weapon, Dagon used his laser beams on it; however the machine absorbed powers from other living beings and due to Dagon's essence being only power, he was fully absorbed within the machine. Psyphon fired the machine at Vilgax and he received all of Dagon's power.

At the end of the battle, Ben used Ascalon to defeat Vilgax by absorbing Dagon into it.

Powers and Abilities[]

Dagon was an extra-dimensional "demon". As such, he neither aged nor could he be killed by conventional means. His heart alone was said to have the power to rule the universe,[4] and he claimed that "his substance is power".[2]

Dagon was extremely strong, as he was able to lift Ultimate Way Big with his tentacles even after shifting into a relatively smaller form. He was also extremely durable, taking multiple hits from Ascalon, Ultimate Way Big and Chromastone's attacks without any significant damage.[2]

Dagon was able to float freely in his "natural form" and could teleport anywhere he wanted.[2]

Like the Lucubra, Dagon could control minds, but to a much greater degree. He could also transform other beings into Esoterica, as he was able to convert nearly every human on Earth into Esoterica in a matter of seconds while still being partially trapped by the seal.[3]

Dagon possessed great knowledge of magic and had the ability to revive the dead, such as when he brought Spellbinder back to life.[5]

Dagon could give a portion of his power to other beings, as he transformed Vilgax into Ultimate Vilgax.[6]

Dagon could fire powerful laser beams from his eyes and control the weather, being able to summon rain, specifically a red acid rain, and red lightning.[2]

Dagon could freely reshape his own body into a variety of forms and change his size at will.[2] In addition to his "natural" and serpentine forms, it was said that he adopted the form of a dragon during his first battle with Sir George.[4] He could also shapeshift into a more humanoid form if desired.[DR 1]

Dagon could rapidly heal from seemingly any injury. Ascalon's energy waves left slashes on his face that quickly sealed, and his tentacles severed by Ultimate Way Big's cosmic disks regrew themselves in seconds.[2]

Dagon could see beings that were very small compared to him.[2]

Dagon was mentioned to have a powerful fire breath, at least in his dragon form.[4]

Dagon was immune to being either controlled by a Vladat via their Corrupturas[DJW 1] or possessed by an Ectonurite.[DJW 2]

Dagon was not afraid of Toepick's species.[DJW 3]


Dagon's very essence was made up of power, thus making him vulnerable to having both his abilities and his being absorbed by another.[2]

Dagon's mind control could be blocked by protecting the head with certain metals. His mind control was also ineffective against anyone who wielded Ascalon.[2]

Despite being resistant to damage from conventional weapons and powers, Dagon was very vulnerable to Ascalon.[4]

Due to his vast power, he easily underestimated his foes. This was even noted by Azmuth as being the reason he first lost to Sir George.[1] This weakness was exploited by Vilgax.[2]

Dagon was bound by the rules of magic, as seen when he returned a payment from a refused bargain.[5]

Known Mind Controlled Victims[]


Ultimate Alien[]

Season 3[]


Dagon is named after the mythological Dagon, a supernatural being from H.P. Lovecraft's short stories who has taken many identities such as the Semitic grain and fish god and a major member of the Philistine pantheon.


Ascalon pan

Dagon's heart

RMP (226)

Kuphulu's temple to Dagon on Anur Transyl

  • Dagon mentioned that his essence is power, which implies that he is technically an energy being.
  • In addition to his H.P. Lovecraft namesake, Dagon shares many similarities with Cthulhu, as both of them are extra-dimensional octopus-like creatures with mind-controlling powers and attributes of a dragon.
  • Dagon having no heart is similar to Davy Jones character from the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise.
    • Also to note of Davy Jones, particularly his head, also resembles an octopus.
  • Dagon shares many similarities with the Evil Entity in Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorported.
    • Both have been imprisoned for millennia and corrupted others to free them.
    • Both have absorbed or been absorbed by their servants. Dagon was absorbed to the point that Vilgax took over his body. The Evil Entity, however, was only taken over for a moment before he regained his body but had a different form.
    • One major difference is that the Evil Entity was part of the Anunnaki who were sincerely helping the humans, whereas Dagon merely pretended to help them.
  • Kuphulu is the leader of a Dagon worshipping cult. This is why he wears clothes similar to Esoterica, and why his temple contains small statues of Dagon[7] and murals of green tentacles on the walls.[DJW 4]
  • In some instances, Dagon's name was misspelled as "Diagon".
    • The name Diagon is used in several dubs as Dagon's name, such as Brazilian, Latin American, Italian, etc.
  • According to Duncan Rouleau, the Omnitrix can contain Dagon's form.[DR 1] However, according to Derrick J. Wyatt, the Omnitrix can't contain it because Dagon is beyond the scope or understanding of the DNA-based Omnitrix and as unknowable as magic.[DJW 5]



Crew Statements[]

Derrick J. Wyatt[]

Duncan Rouleau[]

Prime Timeline
Vilgax BioidCrewmanMechadroidSquid MonsterUltimate Vilgax
Dr. Animo Mutant FrogMutant HamsterMutant ParrotLiving MammothLiving TyrannosaurusHeatbatMutant SeagullMutant Sea MonsterMutant Lepidopterran/Splixson HybridMutant BatMutant Prairie DogMutant HymenopteranPterodactylPterodactyl LeaderMutant KangarooMutant SnailMutant AntMutant MosquitoMutant GiraffeTechnobugChupacabraFrankencryptidMutant Squirrel
Bounty Hunters SixSixSevenSevenEightEightSynthroidSunderKraabVulkanus
Zombozo Acid BreathFrightwigThumbskullZombie Clowns
Rojo's Gang RojoAzulAmarillo
Magic AddwaityaCharmcasterDarkstarPallorfangScrutin
Forever Knights Sir DriscollEnochPatrickUrienSir CyrusJoseph ChadwickSir ConnorSir DagonetDr. JekyllSir MelSir MortonSir ReginaldTwin KnightsSquireCoach FinnMech DragonRed KnightSquires
Great One Enforcer AlienInterpreter AlienLeader Alien
Zs'Skayr CrüjoKuphuluLord TransylMummyDr. ViktorWerewolfAnur-Mirrored BenAnur-Mirrored CharmcasterAnur-Mirrored HobbleAnur-Mirrored RookMagical Pumpkin
Vengers Billy BillionsCaptain NemesisKangaroo KommandoMazumaSimonsWill Harangue
Lenopan Mr. MannMrs. MannCamille's Ex-BoyfriendMann Family's Bodyguard
Road Crew Baron HighwayTurbineRoad Rage
Evil Bens EonAlbedoBad BenBenzarroEon's Minions (Ben 10,000 Returns)Mad BenNega Ben
Highbreed Highbreed Earth CommanderFailsafeMini-FailsafesDNAlienEdnaMoeShemMizaruXenocite
Incursean Empire MilleousEmpress AtteaCommander RaffMajor GlorffLt. RanaCommander SangfroidWay Bads
Vreedles MaPaOctagonRhomboidParallelogramIsosceles Right TriangleDodecahedronPretty Boy
Hive Elena ValadisMicrochipDecoy QueenLiving BuildingShip-It Employee
Aggregor AggrebotsUltimate Aggregor
Dagon LucubraConduit EdwardsRichEsoterica
Faction Dr. PsychobosKhyberKhyber's PanuncianMalware
Psyphon Bug-LiteBouncerBubble HelmetLiamGorvanPsyphon's MinionNightmarish Alien ThugPiscciss Volann ThugPickaxe AliensSweet-Eels SparklefunkHooded AlienThunderpigTummyhead
Fistrick CorvoHoodlumFistrick's Thug
Rooters ServantisPhil BillingsRagnarokSwiftLeander
Robots B.L.R.R.T.S.A.M.Slix VigmaSlix Vigma's BodyguardsRed RobotComputronComputron's MinionsEon's Minions (Omniverse)OttoTechadon RobotsMechaneerNaljian DestructorR.E.D.sMouse MinionsStalkerRemoteJungle Guardians
Others AntonioBenevelonBlue LeaderBuzzCharles ZenithClancyCodon Stream MonsterConvictMayor ColemanCollectimusLord DoomicusDuaneEon's Minions (Race Against Time)FrankFungal ForceGiant Sea Squid/ArachnidGyula XarionHammerHowell WainwrightHulex ColonelHulex WorkersInspector 13JackKing JarretJonah MelvilleKolarCaptain KorkKrakkenKundoLepidopterran PrisonerMaltruantMino-TogaMissyMorggMutant SeagullsMyceliumNightmarish Alien PrisonerNutcrackersNyancy ChanPinkyPiscciss Volann PrisonerPlant AlienPlant ClonesPoltroonPrisoner 775Red LeaderSeebikSimianSolid PluggSsserpentSubliminoSuemungousaurSunnySurgeonTetramand PrisonerTrash MonsterTrombipulorViolet OffendersKing XarionYetta
Alternate Dimensions/Timelines
Original Series Future Timeline Dr. AnimoExo-SkullKevin LevinMot SnikrepSplootVilgaxVulkanus
Omniverse Future Timeline Dr. AnimoExo-SkullSubdora
Dimension 23 Carrot MonsterOrange Offenders
Mad Ben's Dimension Mad Pakmar
Aborted Timelines
Time Heals Timeline CharmcasterHex
Gwen 10 (What-If?) Vilgax
Goodbye and Good Riddance (What-If?) VilgaxBird Villains
Books AnimusAztakCaptain CaeciliaChallengerDJ ZenutDr. DoomFrostbyteGontuGroombahInfinite MonkeyLouie the HairdresserMermaidParasiteScornSeñor ChaosSlezakCollector (Collectible Heroes)Collector (Powerless)Trash Monster (Down in the Dumps)Triple Trouble
Games Crystal ClawsFeralineForever NinjaFusion BenGiant Vilgax DestroyerMacerootRemoteSnakeflySnap DragonTerracotta DragonTerracotta GeneralTerracotta WarriorsThornhoundVulpin Serpent
Non-Ben 10
Generator Rex AlphaBlack KnightBiowulfI-BolSkalamander
The Secret Saturdays V.V. ArgostMunya