Ben 10 Wiki
Ben 10 Wiki
Characters and/or events depicted in this article are slightly retconned from the Classic Continuity.
The pre-retcon version, presented in this article, belongs to the Original Series Future Timeline.
link={{{main}}} This article is about the canon version of Snakepit. You might have been looking for Thomas Perkins' version of Snakepit.

Snakepit is the Omnitrix's DNA sample of an unknown species from an unknown planet. He is a future alien exclusive to Ben 10,000 and Ken.


Naming and Translations[]

Language Name Origin
French Cobra From cobra
German Schlangenhöhle From Schlange, snake and Höhle, cave/den/hole
Italian Snakepit From the original English name
Polish Snakepit From the original English name
Portuguese (Br) Cobra From cobra
Russian Змея From змея, snake
Spanish (HA) Snakepit From the original English name
Turkish Snakepit From the original English name


  • Ken was greatly disappointed when he heard he had Snakepit in his Omnitrix.[1]
  • Thomas N. Perkins IV designed his own version of Snakepit in 2020 from concept ideas he had during the show's run.[TP 1] He does not know if the writers came up with any idea what the unseen future aliens would do, as all they had at the time were the names of the aliens.[TP 2]
  • Unlike with Toepick and Atomix, the crew did not consider incorporating Snakepit into Omniverse.[MW 1][DJW 3] Had he made it into the show, he would have likely not been much different from Thomas' design.[DJW 4]
  • There were no plans to expand on Snakepit in the reboot, but it is possible the crew will expand on him in the future.[DR 1]


Crew Statements[]

Derrick J. Wyatt[]

Thomas N. Perkins IV[]

Matt Wayne[]

Duncan Rouleau[]

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Introduced in Alien Force Alien XBig ChillBrainstormChromastoneEcho EchoGoopHumungousaurJetrayLodestarNanomechRathSpidermonkeySwampfire
Introduced in Ultimate Alien AmpfibianArmodrilloChamalienClockworkEatleFasttrackJuryriggNRGShocksquatchTerraspinWaterhazard
Introduced in Omniverse AstrodactylAtomixBall WeevilBloxxBullfragCrashhopperFeedbackGravattackGutrotKickin' HawkMole-StachePesky DustThe WorstToepickWalkatroutWhampire
Future Aliens SandboxShellheadSnakepit
Ultimate Aliens AlbedoArctiguanaBenBig ChillCannonboltEcho EchoGravattackHumungousaurRathSpidermonkeySwampfireWay BigWildmutt
Fusion Aliens Atomic-XBig ChuckCrashockerDiamond MatterFourmungousaurHeat JawsHumungoopsaurStink ArmsUprigg
Concept Fusion Aliens GravadactylXLRG
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MAD ChromastoneFour ArmsHumungousaurJetrayNRGSwampfire
Total Access AntigraviteslaBob the BlobPlantapocalypse
Ben 10: Science Hero CaetSektoid TransformationShafarnianSteeler
Tim 10 BloxxFour ArmsHeatblastSkateasaurusUpchuckXLR8
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